Protests following the killing of George Floyd


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
On public 'apathy'

I was just reading a piece by a teacher who was complaining that pupils are missing out on an all-round, inclusive English Lit education because of the texts recommended by Michael Gove and his government. This near-total exclusion of works written by Black authors and poets in the curriculum surely has, and will continue to have, a negative effect, not only in terms of empathy but also on inspiring non-Black people to support them at times like these in particular; it also means that the march towards progress is deliberately derailed.

The continued emphasis, in the curriculum, is on the small and quaint literary worlds created by Dickens, Eliot, Austen et al. Now, I happen to love many of their books but, in general, their discussion and theme is the smaller stuff of life (love, marriage, family, provincial life etc). While these things are undoubtedly important to an extent, aside from Dickens' consideration of the poor and the very young, these literary worlds are exclusive; I would in fact argue that the novels are chosen not because of the life-lessons they offer but because they oblige their readers to be insular, and to think in an insular manner - like the teaching of British history in our schools, there are vast 'spaces' - the absence of lives unlike our own - wilfully left empty by design. Is it any wonder if older generations, ingrained with much the same teaching (dictated to teachers by politicians' 'recommendations') and with decades of anti-'other' propaganda, aren't inspired to protest? Thankfully, and often courtesy of much-maligned social media, young people today appear to have a social conscience which is exemplary, despite the obstacles placed in their way by those who rule over us.
It’s a great point. And extends into all areas of creative expression.

Racism is a learned and taught behaviour and this it can also be unlearned or taught the opposite.

I’m old enough to have discovered Tracy Chapman when she was launching her career and grew up thinking about her lyrics while listening to them.

Such music artists should somehow be made mandatory listening along with certain movies. And younger people should be asked to analyse and critique.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.

Interesting enough I came across a series few weeks ago talking about a similar situation. In episode 4, most of the subjects (including white, black, Hispanic and Asian) shot at the black guy when he popped up together with the white guy. Yes, even black people shot at the black guy instead of the white. It's the bias deep down in our heart rather than racism which causes us to make that decision.
It's as if you didn't read the post you responded to.


Full Member
Oct 26, 2018
. It's the bias deep down in our heart rather than racism which causes us to make that decision.
No, it isn't. It's the criminal profiling of black people as helped to proliferate by the media. No one is born racist.


Full Member
Jun 10, 2013
It's as if you didn't read the post you responded to.
Look at his grading manager thread, he likes to fancy himself a deep thinker distinguished from the crowd.

‘Even the black guy shot at the black guy’, how fecking dumb must you be to use that. It’s as if society from top to bottom has been conditioned to associate black men with violence and danger, thus triggering alienation, suspicion and violence in response.


Full Member
Jun 1, 2012
Somewhere in Germany
VfB Stuttgart

Abraham Lincoln toured the fecking country and Washington DC army hospitals in the middle of the actual Civil War

Apparebtly the BLM protest “didn’t have a permit” (and yes, a permit from the Gov to protest the Gov is about as dumb as it sounds)
R. Nixon visited at the height of the Vietnam protests and a few days after the Kent State massacre the Lincoln memorial before a massive prostest at The Mall. He talked for a few hours with protesters at the Lincoln Memorial late at night/very early in the morning.
Without saying that he didn't teargas the protester before.
Edit: Nixons visit to the Lincoln Memorial


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010

Twitter said:
This is the crew Trump put together to cross the street today for a photo op to prove he’s not hiding in his bunker. Besides no masks, notice anything peculiar?

Hint: not one person of coluor.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.

Interesting enough I came across a series few weeks ago talking about a similar situation. In episode 4, most of the subjects (including white, black, Hispanic and Asian) shot at the black guy when he popped up together with the white guy. Yes, even black people shot at the black guy instead of the white. It's the bias deep down in our heart rather than racism which causes us to make that decision.
Would George Floyd died if he was white?
Would George Floyd died if Chauvin was black?

Very simple question


Full Member
Aug 2, 2012
The Wall
Man City
The two aren't separated. There is the belief that african american's are more likely to be victim of police brutality due to racism.
I wouldn't use the word 'belief' when it is an incontrovertible fact.

Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.

Interesting enough I came across a series few weeks ago talking about a similar situation. In episode 4, most of the subjects (including white, black, Hispanic and Asian) shot at the black guy when he popped up together with the white guy. Yes, even black people shot at the black guy instead of the white. It's the bias deep down in our heart rather than racism which causes us to make that decision.
Aside from your utterly bizarre line of thinking, what you have just described is racism. The fact people of different demographics are all susceptible to such biases only reflects how endemic and pervasive racism is in pretty much every walk of life, not that people have 'deep bias in their heart' whatever the feck that's supposed to mean. It's like when studies show women also will tend to 'underpay' women workers compared to their male counterparts - that does not mean they have sexism 'deep in the hearts', it means they have been socialised in a deeply sexist society and imbibed many of its values consciously or otherwise.


Full Member
Jul 25, 2000
'tis a silly place
@Gazza how are things in your neighborhood? any of your friends out there protesting tonite? hope they are safe.
Cheers, entropy. I haven't been outside yet today but it seems like no casualties last night. I had friends attending protests and some of the video they took looks appalling, but thankfully no one got seriously hurt, from what I know. Near my office (which is 5 mins walk from the White House), there have been several stores broken into, a CVS, a Panera Bread among others, and my work building has boarded up all the storefronts on the street. Going to go for a walk this afternoon before the curfew begins again. THanks again for the well wishes.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Where is a falling piano when you need one?
It was handcuffed & escorted from the Very White House because of the black and white keys being too close together.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Where's my arc, Paulie?
I keep seeing a video of an incident where a cop(s) will do something absolutely abhorrent then wondering "how is this not the top story in the world right now?" ... only to another clip of another cop(s) doing something equally bad 10 minutes later.
Probably because it would read something along the lines of, war crimes being committed against Americans.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
R. Nixon visited at the height of the Vietnam protests and a few days after the Kent State massacre the Lincoln memorial before a massive prostest at The Mall. He talked for a few hours with protesters at the Lincoln Memorial late at night/very early in the morning.
Without saying that he didn't teargas the protester before.
Edit: Nixons visit to the Lincoln Memorial
Really saying something when you handle shit worse than “Law and Order President” Nixon.

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.


Trigger Happy Priest Killer
Feb 29, 2012
Bob Lucas Stadium
Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.

Interesting enough I came across a series few weeks ago talking about a similar situation. In episode 4, most of the subjects (including white, black, Hispanic and Asian) shot at the black guy when he popped up together with the white guy. Yes, even black people shot at the black guy instead of the white. It's the bias deep down in our heart rather than racism which causes us to make that decision.
Awful post. Truly awful


Full Member
Aug 10, 2014
Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.

Interesting enough I came across a series few weeks ago talking about a similar situation. In episode 4, most of the subjects (including white, black, Hispanic and Asian) shot at the black guy when he popped up together with the white guy. Yes, even black people shot at the black guy instead of the white. It's the bias deep down in our heart rather than racism which causes us to make that decision.
Your missing of the point is more than compensated for by your terrible reasoning and non-analogous analogy.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Derailment rides again.


New Member
Jan 29, 2016
Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.

Interesting enough I came across a series few weeks ago talking about a similar situation. In episode 4, most of the subjects (including white, black, Hispanic and Asian) shot at the black guy when he popped up together with the white guy. Yes, even black people shot at the black guy instead of the white. It's the bias deep down in our heart rather than racism which causes us to make that decision.
A truly, truly awful post.

Educate yourself.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.

Interesting enough I came across a series few weeks ago talking about a similar situation. In episode 4, most of the subjects (including white, black, Hispanic and Asian) shot at the black guy when he popped up together with the white guy. Yes, even black people shot at the black guy instead of the white. It's the bias deep down in our heart rather than racism which causes us to make that decision.
Car crash.


Full Member
Jul 7, 2013
Both police brutality and racism are intolerable, but that doesn't mean we can merge them into one single issue. Similar to murder and rape, you can't call a murderer also a rapist just because the victim happens to be a female, unless the culprit has committed sex crimes before or there's a strong evidence supporting the theory.
Are you all lives matter?


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
In Deadwood, no LAPD cops shot the Black guys; therefore, racism doesn't exist.


Full Member
Nov 20, 2017
Hong Kong
No, it isn't. It's the criminal profiling of black people as helped to proliferate by the media. No one is born racist.
Yes. It is the society (including the media) that creates such a bias. But when an ethnic group holds the same "bias" towards themselves, it's not racism.
Look at his grading manager thread, he likes to fancy himself a deep thinker distinguished from the crowd.

‘Even the black guy shot at the black guy’, how fecking dumb must you be to use that. It’s as if society from top to bottom has been conditioned to associate black men with violence and danger, thus triggering alienation, suspicion and violence in response.
Obviously you haven't watched the episode and you have no idea about the social experiment I'm talking about.
Would George Floyd died if he was white?
Would George Floyd died if Chauvin was black?

Very simple question
There were plenty of white victims subjected to the same treatment (that gone unnoticed). They got lucky that they survived. It's just that police brutality alone didn't arouse any concern, but when the issue's spun to racism, people start to pay attention.



No longer at risk of being mistaken for a Scouser
Oct 2, 2013
Yes. It is the society (including the media) that creates such a bias. But when an ethnic group holds the same "bias" towards themselves, it's not racism
Please stop and educate yourself.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2014
For white people to be effective at changing racism (& general discrimination) long term, it comes in educating other white people, especially friends & family - having uncomfortable conversations and, sacrifice. If you know someone in your life is racist, especially family members, and you continue to engage with them - I don't think you can call yourself an ally, (I'm speaking generally of course) in some situations (such as the workplace) that's not possible, but generally being a true ally means a lot of sacrifice.
If we're going to have a conversation about being part of something because it's trendy, personally I'd say we would have to start there.
Feel utterly enraged about the subject atm so dont think conversations would be that productive with those who would benefit from them. Its not a subject that normally comes up or a conversation i have with any kind of regularity. Yeah ... I've come to realise i do feck all to help with the subject and i should look at that.