Protests following the killing of George Floyd

Man of Leisure

Threatened by women who like sex.
Mar 14, 2014
One Big Holiday
Problem is most americans never been outside US. That's their normal
While that's partly true, America is large. Depending where you're at, you can literally drive for days before reaching another country. I think travelling to other countries would be much easier in Europe or even Asia where countries are clustered closer together.

As for that clip with people holding AKs, that's completely nuts. Lived in America all my life and never seen anything like that. But that's the south for ya.


Full Member
Oct 3, 2015
Nope. Just their fair share.
Btw I addressed your earlier post and explained extensively what causes crime in the black community and that there’s actually a lot being done. You haven’t seemed to acknowledge it or maybe you have but you want to continue to die on your racist hill...


New Member
Jun 20, 2019
As one of the comments suggested, imagine the protesters exercised their right to carry such weapons?
It's most probably controversial to say, but I don't think that the American establishment can undergo a change and total reconstruction only by conventional methods. Their roots are firmly at the core of a globalised system, which allows them to always have the power, the resources, the information and the leverages to keep the status quo.

There might be some new political lies, that will be used to calm down the people, but in the end things won't really be that much different.


New Member
Dec 30, 2017
Terminal D
Btw I addressed your earlier post and explained extensively what causes crime in the black community and that there’s actually a lot being done. You haven’t seemed to acknowledge it or maybe you have but you want to continue to die on your racist hill...
Why would he acknowledge something he knows he's wrong about? It's not about a discussion. It's about sounding intelligent while never admitting you're wrong. That's the game him and others like him play.


Sep 12, 2004
Chelsea FC
Btw I addressed your earlier post and explained extensively what causes crime in the black community and that there’s actually a lot being done. You haven’t seemed to acknowledge it or maybe you have but you want to continue to die on your racist hill...
It's great that a lot is being done but clearly that's nowhere near enough. And calling me racist isn't going to change anything.


Full Member
Oct 3, 2015
It's great that a lot is being done but clearly that's nowhere near enough. And calling me racist isn't going to change anything.
Umm have you ever thought that it can never be ‘enough’ because there’s only so much you can do internally when external systemic racism is still a hinderance?


Full Member
Jan 8, 2014
Not a prison expert, but did a quick google search and there's ways of segregating prisoners from the general population. Seems much depends on the type of prison (state or federal), what his charges were and how far the prison he's in is from where he worked.

Looks like there's something called protective custody -

Also, here's some quora links that address the topic:

I'd imagine Chauvin would never be allowed to mix with the general population.
I thought, but may be wrong that police are almost always kept away from general population?


No one is a match for his two masters degrees
May 7, 2012
I don't understand how the American people see this as normal nor do I understand why they won't surrender the second amendment. As you say for a developed country this is unbelievable.
2nd Amendment was ratified 329 years ago at a time when Native Americans could raid up and down the frontier, offenders against people could escape justice for months because Law Enforcement was in an infant state of development and could be hundreds of miles away. Nasty Brits could try and make them pay back taxes.

Things have changed but no-one has told the American people.

Ludens the Red

Full Member
Jul 27, 2009
The tendency to fear and expect bad outcomes from black people when you're walking down the street late at night is down to stereotypes but those stereotypes are rooted in real life experiences. It's laughable to suggest that it's just based on what people see in movies or TV. If you are much more likely to be robbed by a black person than an Asian, for example, why is it racist to feel more worried when you see group of black people somewhere late at night than a group of Asians or whites? It's just common sense and it's the reality we live in.

These protests won't bring any real change because they only concentrate on the faults of the system and how it acts towards black population. They completely ignore the other side of the equation which is black urban community and its failings. Poverty, drug dealing, gang culture and violence are rampant in many neighborhoods where African-Americans are a majority. If black lives matter, why not concentrate on parents staying together and raising children, prioritizing education and trying their best to keep kids at school and off streets. But that's a much harder and longer road with plenty of setbacks and no guaranteed short term success. It's much easier to just point fingers at the system, decry white privilege and demand change from others than look at yourself in a mirror and wonder what you can do to improve situation in your own family, your own community etc. You can't expect the world around you to change and not doing your bit. And I don't mean making selfies with friends at protests while giving a finger to the cops.
Another absolutely garbage post.

First of all who told you people weren’t trying to improve things in their communities? Who told you they’re “ignoring the other side of the equation”. It’s a continuous, rigorous daily cycle, where members of the black community are trying to influence and change the lives of those living in these deprived and crime ridden areas. This is done through education, youth work, community work, stressing the importance of religion and sport amongst other things.
Even if you’re too ignorant to see it on a smaller scale go and look through history, I suppose people like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks didn’t exist? I suppose they just “made selfies”.
Just because you can’t be bothered to educate yourself to see it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
Also, stop acting as if black people are pretending there aren’t problems in black communities. Nobody is saying all black people are innocent and that no black people are criminals. This isn’t about individuals or a select few, or even a small minority it’s about the entire system.

This is a classic tactic used though, attempting to bring things down to a microscopic level to go “I told you so, it’s their fault”. You can see it all on these twitter feeds. Thousands upon thousands of black people protesting peacefully in hyde park yet when seven black people kick off with police, its plastered all over the twitter feeds of the racists and presented as the majority behaviour. This is what black people have had to deal with for years.

I don’t think you understand the gravity of what black America in particular have gone through. Please go and educate yourself, look up mortgage discrimination, look up criminalisation, look up employment discrimination, please I beg you go and educate yourself before you come out with nonsense.

Thirdly, nice try in your attempt to disguise your obvious inner belief that gang culture, poverty, drug dealing and violence is a ‘black thing’.
There’s massive gang cultures, poverty and drug issues all around the world. El Salvador, Argentina, Albania, are places with lots of this, there arent many black people in these countries. These problems are not born out of race. They’re born out of poverty, poor education, and the fact some people regardless of race are just cnuts. If you think tackling generations of crime and poverty in black dominant neighbourhoods can be MAINLY solved by black people telling other black people off for being naughty and by parents raising children together you’re completely delusional.

Imagine me and you wanted to build individual houses. Now imagine you enslaved me to build your house and then once you finished building yours you released me and left me to build mine.
But rather than support me with building mine and allowing me access to things you had access to, instead you purposely and actively sabotage me building it, you stop me from getting the materials needed, you burn it to the ground whilst I’m building it and then you have the audacity to turn around and ask “why haven’t you build your house yet, you should do more”.

See this is why I don't get some people in the CE forum. Disagree with him fine but to just go in and suggest he's a racist is quite crass. Just shutting down any meaningful discussion because people dare suggest something different.
It was an abomination of a post, there was nothing meaningful about it.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014
I don't understand how the American people see this as normal nor do I understand why they won't surrender the second amendment. As you say for a developed country this is unbelievable.
You grow up listening to the society say "Would you rather kill that murdering intruder who is going to enter your house with a sack of guns one day or would you die because you have no guns?"


Nov 22, 2006
You grow up listening to the society say "Would you rather kill that murdering intruder who is going to enter your house with a sack of guns one day or would you die because you have no guns?"
It seems as though society is underpinned by fear and the need to escalate rather than de-escalate. I guess this is reflected by the way they police.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014
It seems as though society is underpinned by fear and the need to escalate rather than de-escalate. I guess this is reflected by the way they police.
And it does help that gun lobby make so much money that own the politician as well as the media and can create very weird laws unheard of anywhere else.

Ludens the Red

Full Member
Jul 27, 2009
But I am an African, with my own culture and memories of my own country. For their faults, I do not fear death at the hands of the British police if I am stopped or pulled over. African-Americans live in a country that has stolen their culture, their history and completely erased it. They live in a country that discriminates against them from the moment they're born and that is the only country, the only culture they know. I can't even begin to understand what that's like. I can't begin to understand the pain of knowing my ancestors were enslaved and parts of the country still glorify that history, with statues, flags and street names.

There's lots of things that need to change for African-American lives to get better, including some things from African-Americans themselves of course.
This. There’s problems here sure but if I was asked 100 times would I rather be black living here or in America, 100 times the answer would be here.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
That's not a fair comment to make, unless you are trying to prove a point that generalisations are a bad thing.
No I'm not, try being gay or black in Russia, not fun . And I tend to not listen to people from that part of the world on race or gay rights. A gangster state if ever there was one.