Protests following the killing of George Floyd


It is 2 pics stuck together. Maybe more.

had a mare here, turns out it was legit. Turns out I know feckal about imagery amongst other things.
Im glad antihenry has continued to show exactly why I didn't bother to reply to them.

In between shooting up some other blacks and fathering lots of kids, Malcom Jenkins has this incredibly powerful response to Brees' stupid comments.

choked me up that.

As time goes on without any leadership from the top, and police exacerbate already fractured relations with the people they’re there to serve and protect, I just can’t see where it goes from here. What becomes the new normal.

As someone mentioned ( @sammsky1 maybe?) If this is what they’re willing to do to their own people, just imagine what places they’ve occupied across the world suffered.
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I just got off the phone with one of my co-workers, she's the only African American in the whole office of 50+ people.
Anyway, she'd had reached out to our group and linked this article. She was crying as we were talking. Poor girl is very upset at these recent events.
For some perspective she's originally from Mississippi so I'm sure she's experienced her fair share of racism, though tbh that's pure speculation by me....
As someone mentioned ( @sammsky1 maybe?) If this is what they’re willing to do to their own people, just imagine what places they’ve occupied across the world suffered.
We don't need to imagine though do we? We've been sharing images and stories on media between family and friends for almost 20 years now, but the reply always tended to be that there was a valid reason to act that way against the natives because the natives should have accepted their position of being guilty by association.
We don't need to imagine though do we? We've been sharing images and stories on media between family and friends for almost 20 years now, but the reply always tended to be that there was a valid reason to act that way against the natives because the natives should have accepted their position of being guilty by association.
'we have' been sharing but no-one listened or cared. Some Americans even took pleasure from it.

Chickens have rudely come home to roost and with a vengeance.
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I just got off the phone with one of my co-workers, she's the only African American in the whole office of 50+ people.
Anyway, she'd had reached out to our group and linked this article. She was crying as we were talking. Poor girl is very upset at these recent events.
For some perspective she's originally from Mississippi so I'm sure she's experienced her fair share of racism, though tbh that's pure speculation by me....

Nah, mate not speculative at all. Mississippi is one of the worst states in the Union for racism.
Are there going to be any charges against the cop doc who concluded that Floyd died due to underlying health conditions? He is definitely part of the problem and needs to be part of the investigation.
We don't need to imagine though do we? We've been sharing images and stories on media between family and friends for almost 20 years now, but the reply always tended to be that there was a valid reason to act that way against the natives because the natives should have accepted their position of being guilty by association.

Exactly. But I guess empathy is hard struck with people continents away with an alien language and culture.

'we have' been sharing but no-one listened or cared. Some Americans even took pleasure from it.

Chickens have rudely come home to roost and with a vengeance.

Indeed, indeed they have.
Are there going to be any charges against the cop doc who concluded that Floyd died due to underlying health conditions? He is definitely part of the problem and needs to be part of the investigation.

Unless I missed something the final and official report concluded that it was an homicide, the previously leaked unofficial report was only that unofficial and incomplete, they were waiting for final results from labs.
Unless I missed something the final and official report concluded that it was an homicide, the previously leaked unofficial report was only that unofficial and incomplete, they were waiting for final results from labs.
I wonder who leaked it.
I wonder who leaked it.

I didn't really understood that one, it created confusion and I don't know if it was from journalists or the medical examiner himself. The only thing that is sure is that both autopsies from independent and the county concluded that it was an homicide, the main difference between the two is that the independent report says that he died from asphyxiation while the county medical examiner concluded that he died from cardiopulmonary arrest caused by the nature of the arrest.
feck this. I can't stand that. Whatever his reasoning is, no need to danger a kid facing those polices (in this current climate). Just fecking poor parenting.
Hasan Minhaj has spoken.
All people with desi heritage should watch this.
Stop hiding behind your own racism and ignorance.

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Hasan Minhaj has spoken

I've been trying to listen to all of his videos recently. The Big Philanthropy one made me fall off my chair. I knew something was up but to paint it so clearly is crazy. I'll watch this one next.

There’s a lot of videos like this doing the rounds. It does seem as though anarchist/antifa/middle-class white kids who want to watch the world burn are pissing off a lot of the people they’re supposed to be supporting.

But I thought that it’s the blacks rioting & looting :rolleyes:

So pleasing to see videos like these are getting out there in volume this time.
I worked out why there was a comment about intoxicants, despite no mention of any tox screen (@Wolverine @Carolina Red ) The NYT did a detailed breakdown of events on the day and the kids from the cornershop that called the cops described him as “awfully drunk” and “not in control of himself” which the pathologist will have been told about (and/or smelt alcohol off him)

Have you read the autopsy? Its all here, released by the medical examiner and family

Some pertinent points
- cause of death: cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression
- multiple facial area muco-cutaneous injuries with contusions and abrasions around head and neck area suggestive of blunt force injuries
- cardiomegaly with severe biventricular dilated heart - probably undiagnosed heart failure I think +/- sequelae of uncontrolled hypertension
- severe multifocal atherosclerosis - probably never had a coronary angiogram before to treat, but 75% blockages in LAD,
- sickle cell trait (38% HbS)
- tox screen via blood and urine found fentanyl, THC, methamphatemine, cannabinoids, nicotine, morphine, caffeine along with their metabolites but no alcohol
- PCR positive via nasal swab for covid 19 - autopsy says asymptomatic and conjectures that possibly resolved infection and detected RNA was remnant of previous disease - no areas of infection in lungs but there was pulmonary congestion
- incidental finding of left pelvic mass which was a possible neuroendocrine tumour from histology

There’s a lot of videos like this doing the rounds. It does seem as though anarchist/antifa/middle-class white kids who want to watch the world burn are pissing off a lot of the people they’re supposed to be supporting.

Every word she said was on the money. More power to her and I hope her message gets through. You don't shit in your own bed.
Have you read the autopsy? Its all here, released by the medical examiner and family

Some pertinent points
- cause of death: cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression
- multiple facial area muco-cutaneous injuries with contusions and abrasions around head and neck area suggestive of blunt force injuries
- cardiomegaly with severe biventricular dilated heart - probably undiagnosed heart failure I think +/- sequelae of uncontrolled hypertension
- severe multifocal atherosclerosis - probably never had a coronary angiogram before to treat, but 75% blockages in LAD,
- they mentioned a known clinical history of hypertension - might account for the heart failure - probably poorly controlled to get that level of cardiomegaly
- sickle cell trait (38% HbS)
- tox screen via blood and urine found fentanyl, THC, methamphatemine, cannabinoids, nicotine, morphine, caffeine along with their metabolites but no alcohol
- PCR positive via nasal swab for covid 19 - autopsy says asymptomatic and conjectures that possibly resolved infection and detected RNA was remnant of previous disease - no areas of infection in lungs but there was pulmonary congestion
- incidental finding of left pelvic mass which was a possible neuroendocrine tumour from histology

Jaysus. For a relatively young man that’s a lot of pathology. Poor bloke. Looks like the initial snippets we heard are consistent with the full report. I’m glad they attribute his death to the restraint anyway. As it obviously wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

There’s a lot of videos like this doing the rounds. It does seem as though anarchist/antifa/middle-class white kids who want to watch the world burn are pissing off a lot of the people they’re supposed to be supporting.

That’s some of the most powerful shit I’ve ever seen..

There’s a lot of videos like this doing the rounds. It does seem as though anarchist/antifa/middle-class white kids who want to watch the world burn are pissing off a lot of the people they’re supposed to be supporting.

There is plenty of anecdotal and some actual evidence of the far right creating chaos in order to undercut legitimate protests. Placing the blame for it on people like anarchists or Antifa is a Trump/Barr talking point that I would not espouse.

There’s a lot of videos like this doing the rounds. It does seem as though anarchist/antifa/middle-class white kids who want to watch the world burn are pissing off a lot of the people they’re supposed to be supporting.

From the reports I've read a lot of the 'antifa' things have been linked back to right wing groups trying to stir trouble. Not saying these reports are true but I'd be wary of labelling something either way. A little bit of a Reichstag fire feeling to it, especially since we've all been privy to the lies that these groups have pedalled over the last years. Now I ain't trying to absolve the groups you've mentioned in your post but it feels like right wing views would benefit most from inciting violence and encouraging 'bad press' against these protests. If you can convince people that the protestors are criminals then Trump is the one on the right side of the debate. The likely hood is that the right wing groups are involved as are the demographics you've mentioned too.

Here is one such article. The response to these necessary protests have led me to believe that America has become facist and if history tells us anything then fascists will use these type of misdirection tactics to direct anger in the wrong directions and to blame their enemies.

Regardless of what groups are responsible for the 'looting' though, that lady and the others who have opposed them are incredible and its heartbreaking to see them have to battle against people who are intentionally or unintentionally giving a bad name to their protests in some people's eyes.
Why the hell are they firing rubber bullets like that at peoples heads? They are quite clearly lethal or prone to do serious damage ffs.

They just seem completely mad, almost like if they scare the protesters enough they might just give up and go home
It's convenient to shoot someone with a rubber bullet. If anything serious happens it was just accident, unfortunate etc.
If you’re shooting a rubber bullet it should be between the neck and the torso..
There is plenty of anecdotal and some actual evidence of the far right creating chaos in order to undercut legitimate protests. Placing the blame for it on people like anarchists or Antifa is a Trump/Barr talking point that I would not espouse.

Fair enough. I actually think people just want to blame the opposite end of the political spectrum to their own when there’s bound to be a mix of people responsible. Plus a shit-load of bored youngsters, stir-crazy after lockdown, who get carried away by the chance to get out and cause some havoc. Without any kind of meaningful political motivation.

I’m much older than anyone in that video but can still remember how much fun it is to smash shit up.