Raiola: "I can say that it's over for Pogba at United"

The biggest problem I have with this is that this depresses Pogba’s value on the market.

Then again that’s Ed’s problem.

Im glad this whole Pogba experiment is coming to an end and we can build a team for real.
Imagine how good it will feel next summer when these two are gone. Or do we have another player with this cnut as an agent? I know Lingaard, but he will most surely be gone alongside Pogba.

Lingard already dropped him last month. At the time it was said Lingard signed with him to secure a move away from Utd and dumped him when it failed to happen.


As for Pogba, bench him, drop him whatever. Let him sit out the rest of December and throw him out the door in January. Is he a good player? Sure, but he has not lived up to his price tag or reputation, has caused nothing but problems and every time his agent speaks it proves Jose 100% right.

The fact this comes out as Utd prepper for a massive game that can make or break the season in terms of Europe? A 'well timed' comment by the fat bugger designed to cause issues.
Good. Sick of hearing this shite every season, the sooner this circus comes to an end the better. He’s hardly lit the place up either, can be unplayable on his day but those days are few and far between. Sell him for a decent fee while we still can and reinvest the money on someone that actually wants to be at the club.
Has any of his current or former clients/players ever talked about his methods?

I know that many will suggest that he is the best agent a player could ever want, because he earns them a ton of money. And they are probably right in thinking so, but I just can’t believe that players are content with the sort of attitude and method he time and time again uses. I bet there are cases where he rightly so has called out a club after recieving a laughable offer for one of his clients. But that can’t be the scenario all the time.

I would be extremely embarressed and angry if I was Pogba. Raiola is doing everything he can to destroy the relationship with the club and fanbase. A relationship he at least have appeared to be interested in building up, with him talking about United as his home.

The only narrative Raiola tends to nurture is that players only are interested in money and big moves. Nothing else. But maybe that is the truth, and I just don’t want to realize it.
He'll be another Lukaku. Good player in an easier league. Failed at the top in the Premier League.
Lingard already dropped him last month. At the time it was said Lingard signed with him to secure a move away from Utd and dumped him when it failed to happen.


As for Pogba, bench him, drop him whatever. Let him sit out the rest of December and throw him out the door in January. Is he a good player? Sure, but he has not lived up to his price tag or reputation, has caused nothing but problems and every time his agent speaks it proves Jose 100% right.

The fact this comes out as Utd prepper for a massive game that can make or break the season in terms of Europe? A 'well timed' comment by the fat bugger designed to cause issues.

Oh, didn't know about Lingard. Good for him, i tought those two would fit perfectly together.

Yep, i am long over Paul Pogba. Only under Ole as interim manager did he perform like he should. Ever since he has caused nothing but problems.
My concern is that the Glazers will not let us use the money to replace him. If we can somehow sneak 70-80mill and reinvest all of it, thats a great result
Who in their right mind would give us 70-80 mil for pogba in this market and after his piss poor performances of late, I think we'll be lucky to get player plus cash out of Juventus or maybe similar sort of deal out of Real Madrid but even then doubt the total sum will be in the region of 70-80.
The biggest problem I have with this is that this depresses Pogba’s value on the market.

I think his performances & Ole have already done that.
I still think there’s a truly great player in there and hope he heads back to Juve, has never seemed to fully find his position here as he did in that Juve midfield.
If pogba doesn't issue a full rebuttal before the game he needs to be removed from the squad and kept out of it until he does so.

In the past 12 months we've shown that we are a much better side without him in it and the grandiose ideas of his pigfaced agent are fckin laughable. He thinks he's got it rough here? I hope he gets his Madrid move because that fanbase will eat him alive for the shit he's produced here, if he's got any sense he'll find his way to PSG where half arsed performances are good enough to win 90% of their games

If Paul wants to leave that's fine and I'm sure the club will be happy to negotiate accordingly so this utter disrespect time and again is completely unnecessary and only goes to show the contempt he holds us in. No coincidence that ahead of a make or break game this slug has crawled out of his pit to spout his bile, its a total lack of respect to his teammates and Paul should be ashamed
Sell him to psg for 89 million plus and we have a deal. Im tired of the circus around him. Not even sad if he leaves which says a lot. He flopped here.

We’ll always have those two months. You massive great throbber.
Who in their right mind would give us 70-80 mil for pogba in this market and after his piss poor performances of late, I think we'll be lucky to get player plus cash out of Juventus or maybe similar sort of deal out of Real Madrid but even then doubt the total sum will be in the region of 70-80.
Griezmann recently went for 100+ mill. Lukaku shipped 74 mill despite having a woeful season with us. Luckily most clubs don't make the assessment of value based off 10 games or Grealish would be the GOAT.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was tied into OGS, regardless of what you feel about Ole here, in or out, it's likely that if we are to ever achieve anything significant with Ole, it's going to take quite a bit of time, if ever, and Pogba is 27, I don't think he's fully committed to this project and wants instant results, or what he deems he should be getting for the calibre of player he thinks he is. Still, there was absolutely no reason to put this out there in the public, especially now, why not at least wait until the end of the season? Raiola is just ab absolute joke

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was tied into OGS, regardless of what you feel about Ole here, in or out, it's likely that if we are to ever achieve anything significant with Ole, it's going to take quite a bit of time, if ever, and Pogba is 27, I don't think he's fully committed to this project and wants instant results, or what he deems he should be getting for the calibre of player he thinks he is. Still, there was absolutely no reason to put this out there in the public, especially now, why not at least wait until the end of the season? Raiola is just ab absolute joke

Are you going to blame Ole for the other years that Pogba didn't perform for us, too?
All we've done since Pogba joined is bend over backwards to keep him happy. Huge wages, numerous different positions, endless combinations with different players, we've tried everything to get the best out of him......and this is the thanks we get. An announcement from his weasel agent that he will be leaving, the day before a huge Champions League game.

I'd keep him out of the squad and transfer him out the first chance we get. F** him.

We will take a hit on his transfer fee but sometimes you have to draw a line for the better of the team.
Are you going to blame Ole for the other years that Pogba didn't perform for us, too?

What? Where in my post am i blaming Ole for this situation? All i'm saying is Pogba is not possibly committed to this project with Ole, which if it does go on, could go on for a few years yet, which isn't Ole's fault, but its possible Pogba is probably not interested in being along for the ride considering his age and what he would consider his talents, even though he hasn't shown any no matter the manager.

Stop getting defensive over nothing just because I mentioned his name
Its deliberate. He is trying to cause upset as united getting g knocked out will only increase the chances of a sale in january meaning more money for pasta belly.

We should never ever ever deal with that fat fcuk again.
If we’re at the point where a few sentences from a players agent destabilises the team from this weeks task then we’ve far deeper issues than said agent.

Speaking of agents hasn’t DVdB’s agent been vocal since he joined. . .
The lack of respect they have for the club is truly shocking...on the eve of our biggest game of the year, obviously by design.

Unless there’s a distancing from Pogba, I don’t see how you could even give him a spot on the bench. Get him out ASAP, draw a line through the circus and condemn Pogba to the footnotes of our history, which is what he is.
The ball is at Woodward feet again. Raiola pretty cornered us in term of negotiation strength. We can't extract the best value for Pogba.

Let's hope Woodward wouldn't drag our feet by playing stupid game with Raiola. Let's end this circus.
What? Where in my post am i blaming Ole for this situation? All i'm saying is Pogba is not possibly committed to this project with Ole, which if it does go on, could go on for a few years yet, which isn't Ole's fault, but its possible Pogba is probably not interested in being along for the ride considering his age and what he would consider his talents, even though he hasn't shown any no matter the manager.

Stop getting defensive over nothing just because I mentioned his name

Nar I don’t buy that, why then was he happy in April?
Seems pretty clear to me that the club and Pogba were close on a new deal, but Covid somehow changed that. United either took back the offer for the time being or attempted to offer worse terms.

What was destroyed? February to April we played the best football we have since Fergie left. Why would he be reconsidering during this time, but not August to September when were awful. Honestly, I am really doubting Romano, he seems to just say whatever gets clicks.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was tied into OGS, regardless of what you feel about Ole here, in or out, it's likely that if we are to ever achieve anything significant with Ole, it's going to take quite a bit of time, if ever, and Pogba is 27, I don't think he's fully committed to this project and wants instant results, or what he deems he should be getting for the calibre of player he thinks he is. Still, there was absolutely no reason to put this out there in the public, especially now, why not at least wait until the end of the season? Raiola is just ab absolute joke

Bruno arrived in Feb. Raiola now says he cant express himself as he wants. Looks like Bruno stole his thunder as the talisman
What was destroyed? February to April we played the best football we have since Fergie left. Why would he be reconsidering during this time, but not August to September when were awful. Honestly, I am really doubting Romano, he seems to just say whatever gets clicks.
Covid happened between Feb and April. They were negotiating for a pay rise and then the world economy went to shit. No more pay rise unfortunately for Paul and the fatman.
People acting like it's all Raiola. He wouldn't be at this shit without Pogba's say so.
I think a lot of people forget the purpose of agents - speaking and acting on behalf of their clients. Raiola wouldn’t be saying this if Pogba didn’t want him to.
What? Where in my post am i blaming Ole for this situation? All i'm saying is Pogba is not possibly committed to this project with Ole, which if it does go on, could go on for a few years yet, which isn't Ole's fault, but its possible Pogba is probably not interested in being along for the ride considering his age and what he would consider his talents, even though he hasn't shown any no matter the manager.

Stop getting defensive over nothing just because I mentioned his name

This part right here:

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was tied into OGS

It kind of taints the rest of what you say seeing as it's the very first thing in your post.
Pogba can put in sh*t performances & so can OgS; if Pogba shoulders the blame for his dire performances [which he should] then other members of the club hold their own candle too.

But does he? No, Pogba is never to blame. There's always an excuse with him.

Ole, from what I recall, recently came out and said that a recent bad performance was on him.
Hes a bit slow the catch on this Raiola bloke isn't he. Most of us have known Pogbas time was up with United since the first time he went away on international duty and said he dreams of playing for Real. As long as he gets us a good price I'll be happy. Raiola the fat cnut can feckin do one with him. The ultimate virus this lad.
tell us what you really think .please. 100% agree with you
First I have to highlight that, you described the only possible and universal scenario it can't be made known before it's even made and it wasn't going to be made known at the moment he made his decision.:)

As for the rest both situations are unrelated and nothing alike. Today Pogba isn't an ideal fit for United and United aren't an ideal fit for Pogba and Raiola suggesting that Pogba and United could part ways is the opposite of Pogba not telling United that he is leaving when United wanted to keep him. Also one thing that you could consider is that maybe United are the ones who told Pogba that he was expendable.
You don't need to have two identical situations though - both situations show bad character from Pogba. Ferguson gave his opinion on the matter back when he was a youth player and that's made known. As for today, it's irrelevant why he wants to go (i.e. the fit not being right and all this) - what is more relevant is that he has allowed his spokesperson to disrespect the club time and time again. We can't apply the 18 year old excuse anymore, he knows better than to allow his agent to chronically talk shite on his behalf.

If he had an iota of professionalism or care for the club he'd actually quash the Raiola rubbish so that the dressing room, managers and media focus can return to being on the biggest game of our season so far. But I guarantee you he won't - because engineering a move away is his priority.
Raiola isn't some back street Micky Mouse agent, he represents some of the biggest names in world football.

For anyone defending Pogba or suggesting this is just the agent talking, ANYTHING Raiola says regarding Pogba's Man Utd future is thought out and has been given the nod by Pogba himself before it comes out.

For years all we've got from Pogba is whining and indirect threats he will leave. All this while he's consistently inconsistent. Get rid of him Jan 1st and let's move on.
Must be quiet on the interest front.

Trying to get a club interested.

Wouldnt actually mind if this is a trade for Ronaldo.