Music Revival - Eminem Album | Also Kamikaze

I Loved his music from his first LP Album in 99 to probably his Encore Album in 04

that’s his prime

He was king, his rap style fitted the musicality of beats, his lyrics were untouchable and genius like, and his music in general back then during that period was actually awesome and to this day still is

since then he’s only had several decent hits in my book, his recovery Album had some decent tunes on it....”some” general it wasn’t ont like his best

done a couple of ok collaborations, But on the whole much of his recent tunes are more miss that hit for me
still lyrically streets ahead of the trash today, but his voice, rap style etc just doesn’t seem to gel with his songs/music anymore imo

I couldn’t care less about him being offensive, that doesn’t bother me

still love him though, just not so much his newer stuff

I'm not a big fan of his modern wordplay-over-flow slightly awkward style, but Godzilla is straight 00s Eminem :drool:
Stan was released in 2000. Stan's brother Matthew was 6 years old at the time:
Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance
I ain't mad, I just think it's fecked up you don't answer fans
If you didn't wanna talk to me outside your concert
You didn't have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew
That's my little brother man, he's only six years old
We waited in the blistering cold for you
For four hours and you just said, "No."
That's pretty shitty man, you're like his feckin' idol
He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do

Bad Guy was released a few years back. In that song Matthew broke into Eminem's house to avenge his dead brother:
I've been driving around your side of the town
Like nine frickin' hours and forty five minutes now
Finally I found your new address, park in your drive
Feel like I been waiting on this moment all of my life
And it's now arrived, and my mouth is full of saliva
My knife is out and I'm ducking on the side of your house
See, it's sad it came to this point
Such a disappointment I had to make this appointment to come and see ya
But ain't here for ya empathy, I don't need your apology
Or your friendship of sympathy, it's revenge that I seek
So I sneak vengefully and treat your bedroom window
Like I reach my full potential, I peeked
Continue to peep, still bent low
Keep tapping the glass lightly then start to crescendo
Sneak all the way 'round to the back porch
Man, door handles unlocked, shouldn't be that easy to do this
You don't plan for intruders before hand?

20 years later, 26 year old Matthew broke into Eminem's house:
Stan was released in 2000. Stan's brother Matthew was 6 years old at the time:

Bad Guy was released a few years back. In that song Matthew broke into Eminem's house to avenge his dead brother:

20 years later, 26 year old Matthew broke into Eminem's house:
Stan was released in 2000. Stan's brother Matthew was 6 years old at the time:

Bad Guy was released a few years back. In that song Matthew broke into Eminem's house to avenge his dead brother:

20 years later, 26 year old Matthew broke into Eminem's house:

Could have been a great music video, Bad Guy was a missed opportunity.

I must be living under a rock, completely missed this. Can't wait to give it a listen!

I must be living under a rock, completely missed this. Can't wait to give it a listen!

It's just a testament to Em's abilities that he keeps producing such amazing albums. Zeus, Book of Rhymes (WE NEED MORE PREEMO COLLABS!!!) and Gnat are absolute bangers on a first listen, Discombobulated is a blast from the past and the rest are great as well.

Em seems to be learning from the criticism for his hooks, White Gold was amazing on Zeus, dude is just a natural at it! Honestly, the Zeus track is phenomenal overall.

By the way, for anyone who is interested in analysing the bars and schemes as deep as possible, I'd recommend YouTube reactors like Knox Hill, Stevie Knight and ScriptWork. Seeing their interpretations and being able to catch as many bars as possible, it gives and even more amazing outlook to Em's genius mind! :drool:
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He’s so big he doesn’t even need to announce anything. He’ll just release it and the fans will do the work to tell everyone. THE Goat.
Dissing Snoop now because Snoop said he didn't think Em was one of the greatest rappers.

Apparently Snoop isn't allowed an opinion
Dissing Snoop now because Snoop said he didn't think Em was one of the greatest rappers.

Apparently Snoop isn't allowed an opinion
Diss? That was just a light tap. The whole scheme was self-explanatory, if you didn't get it, you ain't ever getting it.
He's not allowed a wrong opinion, is all.
Also, why when it comes to Eminem, everyone can have an opinion about him, but when he answers back and gives his thoughts, it's a problem?

Em always keeps it hip hop, you don't see him running his mouth about other people on interviews, he puts it in a track and addresses it all on the mic, like it used to be in the 90s and 00s.
Excellent once again. Gnat & Book of Rhymes are my favourite after the first listen.
Dissing Snoop now because Snoop said he didn't think Em was one of the greatest rappers.

Apparently Snoop isn't allowed an opinion

Wasn’t it because snoop said he doesn’t listen to Eminem because snoop is too ‘gangsta’ for that.

Rappers are sensitive beings and any slight issue on them is taken badly. Nothing new.
Outside of Zeus, book of rhymes and Gnat, I’m not overly feeling it.
What is up with these people using his skin color as an argument as to why he apparently can't be one of the best rappers?

White rappers had zero respect in rap, let’s keep that one thow wow. None. He [Dre] has probably put Eminem in the position to where he could be like labeled as one of Top 10 rappers ever.

Imagine someone saying: "Black actors had zero respect in Hollywood, let’s keep that one thow wow. None. He [*insert some white director's name] has probably put Denzel Washington in the position to where he could be like labeled as one of the top actors." :wenger:
Wasn’t it because snoop said he doesn’t listen to Eminem because snoop is too ‘gangsta’ for that.

Rappers are sensitive beings and any slight issue on them is taken badly. Nothing new.

Yeah i think he has always been consistent in that he personally doesnt rate Eminem which is fair enough. It's his opinion and he can like or dislike who he wants,it's not a wrong opinion it is his.

Eminem maybe too sensitive here but regardless the Music to be Murdered album is in my opinion best album by some some distance in years. Looking forward to hearing the new songs
Yeah i think he has always been consistent in that he personally doesnt rate Eminem which is fair enough. It's his opinion and he can like or dislike who he wants,it's not a wrong opinion it is his.

Eminem maybe too sensitive here but regardless the Music to be Murdered album is in my opinion best album by some some distance in years. Looking forward to hearing the new songs

Yeah but its Hip Hop. Saying you don't rate someone usually ends up with a diss track reply. I like it personally.
Dissing Snoop now because Snoop said he didn't think Em was one of the greatest rappers.

Apparently Snoop isn't allowed an opinion

If you havent, go check what Snoop said exactly and how he said it, it has nothing to do with stupid top 5 or 10 or 50 list. There is this push of narative that its about top list, which is nonsense.
Dissing Snoop now because Snoop said he didn't think Em was one of the greatest rappers.

Apparently Snoop isn't allowed an opinion

Eminem has said it wasn’t because of that recently. Said it’s because Snoop bigs him up in person but trashed him in interviews.

Not surprising though, Snoop rarely says anything true these days and if he does he will contradict himself a week later.
Eminem has said it wasn’t because of that recently. Said it’s because Snoop bigs him up in person but trashed him in interviews.

Not surprising though, Snoop rarely says anything true these days and if he does he will contradict himself a week later.
Exactly. Em said they saw each other just before the Breakfast Club interview. He had no problem with Snoop not putting him in a top 10 or saying the 80s and 90s legends are above him. It was mainly the dismissive tone and the end of the conversation, where Snoop straight up said he can live without Em's music easily.

Considering they keep in close contact, that was a low blow. Snoop knows damn well how the media will spin this shit, because Eminem generates interest all around the world, guys like Charlamagne can't wait to find a stick to beat the guy with. Em has always paid so much respect to Snoop and the OGs of the game, his recent Apple podcast interview was another testament to it. One of the best students of the game, his hip hop knowledge is amazing and the love for the culture is always publicly present. I doubt there is another mainstream artist that gives shoutouts to the forefathers of hip hop, it's great for the music as it could spur fans, who never went back to study how it all began, to go and listen to people that gave the genre its' identity and style.

The disrespect to Eminem has gotten so big, that in a 2020 list for top 10 MCs, he wasn't there, but guys like Lil Baby are. :wenger: It's an absolute disgrace and puts a shame to lyricism in hip hop. MTBMB is a project with almost 30 tracks overall, incredible set of guests and great production. I don't even have to go into the content and masterful show of skill by Em, as usual.
Eminem has said it wasn’t because of that recently. Said it’s because Snoop bigs him up in person but trashed him in interviews.

Not surprising though, Snoop rarely says anything true these days and if he does he will contradict himself a week later.

tacos in the chateaux
Eminem has said it wasn’t because of that recently. Said it’s because Snoop bigs him up in person but trashed him in interviews.

Not surprising though, Snoop rarely says anything true these days and if he does he will contradict himself a week later.
Snoop has always been a big liar.
I can't take anything Snoop Dogg says seriously. He made a name for himself acting like a Don and saying things like "gangsta sheet" and now he's posing on Katy Perry videos and rapping about fast food delivery services :lol:
I can't take anything Snoop Dogg says seriously. He made a name for himself acting like a Don and saying things like "gangsta sheet" and now he's posing on Katy Perry videos and rapping about fast food delivery services :lol:
I could easily live without those Just-Eat adverts.