Club Sale | It’s done!

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Incorrectly predicted ten Hag’s departure
Dec 27, 2021
Everyone wanting the Qataris should read this post. Credit to aditya9031 on the red devils subreddit.

“Posted this on another thread, but I think it’s valuable highlighting here why Ratcliffe and the Qataris are not the same. Some skeletons are in the closet are worse.

As someone born and raised for 17 yrs in the Persian gulf (Abu Dhabi) let me shed some light on how the GCC countries treat immigrants (South Asians, East Asians from poorer countries like the Philippines, and Africans). The kafala system where their passports are taken away in exchange for employment still exists. My father fortunately was educated and worked in a decently high ranking finance position at a services company and witnessed a lot of this. His company (amongst many, many, many others) housed immigrant labor in camps. Those camps were in far off remote locations with up to 8 adult men sharing a 2 bedroom apartment and sleeping on bunk beds. Their pay was accessible monthly (primarily to send money to their families abroad) and they were provided with food and other amenities so that they wouldn’t have a reason to access their income. These immigrants need permission and a compelling reason to leave the camp. They can only leave camps via a daily bus taking them to the city.

These people now don’t have access to their hard earned money, need permission to go anywhere, have bog-standard accommodations, have their passports taken away and need to give a 3 month notice to fly back home (which they could only do once every 5 years because of how expensive it was).

This is the systemic abuse they suffer. The non-systemic abuse includes severe racial discrimination including being spat on, beaten, raped by the rich and powerful local Emiratis (Qataris in Qatar), and all of this is fully ignored by the legal system there. By law, immigrant works basically have no rights at all.

On top of that, they have no voting rights, their religious beliefs are suppressed, they have no rights to protest, and you’ve all heard the stories of being forced to work in inhumane heat during summer and other ungoverned workplace conditions. As mentioned previously, this continues there to this day.

Now you tell me, is an unethical billionaire like Jim Ratcliffe who’s probably fecked over 100s of people and probably made them lose their livelihoods, better or worse than a Qatari owner?

As a south Asian who’s fortunate to live in the free world but grew up seeing this shit happen to my people, feck the Qataris. I will stop following Man United and will remove this huge, huge part of my life. I’ve been a fan since I was 9 and United is a love of mine. I will discard this love of mine if the Qataris take over.”
Interesting post but as stated many times Qatar state is distancing themselves from this bid and it is said to be a wealthy private investment consortium.


what would Souness do?
Apr 1, 2013
You don't have to have Qataris or Saudis to compete with City. Why do people keep saying this like it's fact? We have spent as much as they have in the last decade.

Don't mix up them being ran better than we are with them having more money. It's not come down to transfer funds. They have made better decisions than we have sadly.

We could easily compete with City with any of the 5 interested parties so long as they made good decisions.


Full Member
Aug 17, 2009
New York City
Who are private rich Qataris? All I could find is Janet Jackson's ex-husband, a Wissam AL Mana. And even then the independence of it all is questionable.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
You were quite clearly suggesting that INEOS has 60 billion to spend or something. A company can generate 5 trillion, it doesn't really matter if their expenses are equal to that number. What matters here is profit which is why Apple is the richest company in the world and not Walmart
No I quite clearly wasn't mate. I didn't say they make 60 billions a year or they earn 60 billion in profit did I?

Do you understand what the word generates means in the context of a companies annual revenue?
Last edited:


Full Member
May 26, 2010
You don't have to have Qataris or Saudis to compete with City. Why do people keep saying this like it's fact? We have spent as much as they have in the last decade.

Don't mix up them being ran better than we are with them having more money. It's not come down to transfer funds. They have made better decisions than we have sadly.

We could easily compete with City with any of the 5 interested parties so long as they made good decisions.
We haven’t spent as much because they were able to have their transfer spend and do up the Etihad and build a new training ground on top of that
I could go out on mad holidays at home if I ignored bills I had to pay at home and you’d think I was doing well for myself


Full Member
Aug 17, 2009
New York City
No I quite clearly wasn't mate. I didn't say they make 60 billions a year or they they earn 60 billion in profit did I?

Do you understand what the word generates means in the context of a companies annual revenue?
In finance, when talking about prospects of mergers & acquisitions, the verb 'generate' would most commonly be associated with Free Cash Flow.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Interesting post but as stated many times Qatar state is distancing themselves from this bid and it is said to be a wealthy private investment consortium.
Ah yeah, source "trust me bro". It's of course entirely possible that this is the case, but the odds of it are so slim that it's safe to assume it's not the case. Of course, proving it enough to buy the club is different than knowing deep down what the case is. Same how we all know City feck around with their financials and invent sponsorships to raise artificial income, but it's much harder to prove it. Same how Newcastles owners had to prove it was not going to be state owned, even though we all know they are.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
We haven’t spent as much because they were able to have their transfer spend and do up the Etihad and build a new training ground on top of that
I could go out on mad holidays at home if I ignored bills I had to pay at home and you’d think I was doing well for myself
The amount of money we've wasted on interest payments and dividends would pretty much make up for that. Picture an extra £1 billion over the past 10-15 years purely invested into the infrastructure of the club, instead of lost due to the honor of having the Glazers as owners.


Owns the moral low ground
May 15, 2013
It's not irrelevant. They're interested but they will have to prove it is not related.

And the point is that I hope we don't get middle east owners anyway. We dont need them. Ideally an owner comes in, clears the debt from the club, invests to renovate the stadium due to the condition it's left in and has the team run in a self sustainable way otherwise.
Only way that’s happening in any sort of quick timeline is ME. The only ones who will commit that sort of money quickly into the club after making such a massive purchase. On paper it’ll be very easy for them to say it isn’t linked. Of course it will be but it’s not really about that as shown with Newcastle.


Full Member
Dec 2, 2021
Unless there is legally binding guarantees that Club will not be used as collateral, club earnings will not be used as interests payments for the debt taken for buyout and some sort of investment guarantee, any bid will be a risk. Hope these conditions are also part of bidding process. Most likely it wont be but would be great if we know whether these conditions are being met by the potential owners before the deal is finalised.

Think only Qatar consortium, have publicly announced ( through media outlets not officially) that they will put money in infrastructure development and squad. Nothing about how they plan to raise money. As far as I know, nothing has been mentioned for Jim Ratcliffe plans. Without knowing that, its actually stupid to have any preference for the owner.
Agreed, we have no idea at this point how any of the bidders will fund their bid, what they will do with the debt nor how much they will invest.

My concern is that Gary Neville has been one of the most vocal people in publicising his belief that football needs an independent regulator. Its not something hes said on a whim - its clearly something hes held deep discussions about and I believe he’s using his position in the media as a mouthpiece to garner support for the idea amongst football fans.

He’s also been pretty clear that he doesnt believe the existing FFP model is fair and that it only benefits the existing hierarchy of football clubs. Hes made it clear that he believes in owner funding beyond a clubs “natural” means as long as the owner isnt using debt and can provide funds up front. It would not surprise me if the people hes acting as a mouthpiece for about regulation share his views on this too.

My concern therefore, is how will Manchester United compete with the spending power of clubs owned by a country if we dont have similar backing of our own?

I think Jim Ratcliffe would be a fine owner under the current paradigm, but with City, Newcastle and potentially Liverpool and Spurs looking at state ownership models - if the rule’s suddenly change we could find ourselves very quickly outgunned in terms of spending power.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
What? Because United aren't the ones looking to buy a 6-10 billion pound entity!!!! We too would run into losses and liquidity problems for the foreseeable future if we did.
Nobodies buying United for £10B either mate.

My point is a company the size of INEOS would be able to take on United's debt without it affecting them too much. This Ratcliffe guy you would assume is a decent businessman. I doubt he would risk his company to buy a football team.


Owns the moral low ground
May 15, 2013
You don't have to have Qataris or Saudis to compete with City. Why do people keep saying this like it's fact? We have spent as much as they have in the last decade.

Don't mix up them being ran better than we are with them having more money. It's not come down to transfer funds. They have made better decisions than we have sadly.

We could easily compete with City with any of the 5 interested parties so long as they made good decisions.
It isn’t just going to be City. We are going to have Newcastle and the mental fecker at Chelsea to deal with. Try and look ahead and see the bigger picture. Yes we’ve spent big money but a hell of a lot more is needed now more than ever. There’s no way the club can compete financially in the inflated market on its own as well as trying to do a renovation and training ground.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Yeah because it’s a different country, very obviously.
So is this the response people will say if we get taken over by the Qatari's? That we can't prove beyond reasonable doubt that they are related to the state?

Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. The speed at which people will jump to the defence of some people just because they're tied to the club is fecking mad. Sportswashing 101.


what would Souness do?
Apr 1, 2013
We haven’t spent as much because they were able to have their transfer spend and do up the Etihad and build a new training ground on top of that
I could go out on mad holidays at home if I ignored bills I had to pay at home and you’d think I was doing well for myself
So it's the deepest pockets for you and nothing else comes into it?

Do you not care at all about all the bad PR associated with Qatar? All those people who died building an illegal world cup? Being gay is a crime etc.

Is it really worth it just so we might win a few more trophies?

Ultimately none of us get a say but the more I think about being a sports washing enterprise for Qatar the more I don't like the idea.

Especially not when it's very viable of being successful without it. We could have even done it under the parasites with better men running the show.


Master of Hindsight
Oct 22, 2012
Looks like Liverpool are just sat back waiting for leftovers.


Full Member
Mar 9, 2018
Everybody sing with me:

"Give me oil in my club, keep us burning,
Give me oil in my club I pray,
Give me oil in my club keep us burning,
Get us winning til the end of days"
Memories of those school assemblies with those other classics like Shine Jesus Shine,Autumn Days,The Ink is Black and many more


Full Member
Dec 27, 2013
So is this the response people will say if we get taken over by the Qatari's? That we can't prove beyond reasonable doubt that they are related to the state?

Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. The speed at which people will jump to the defence of some people just because they're tied to the club is fecking mad. Sportswashing 101.
So the default position is that every Qatari and Saudi billionaire has ties to the regime of that country? Pretty dumb.


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
Ratcliffe/Ineos or anyone else buying United using borrowed money is only an issue if that debt is loaded on to the club's balance sheet.

Clearlake Capital have borrowed £800m to finance the spending spree at Chelsea - it's not a problem for Chelsea because Chelsea are not responsible for the interest or the capital repayments. Clearlake can comfortably support the repayments, without needing to withdraw funds from Chelsea to do so.

Ineos are substantially more wealthy than Manchester United - they make more money in an average five day period than United do in an entire year - they are perfectly capable of making an acquisition of this size. They too can comfortably cover the capital repayments on the bonds without recourse to United. The benefit to United in those circumstances is obvious - the club would finally be rid of the debt that has been a millstone around our neck for 18 years.

We currently don't know enough detail about the potential bidders to make any kind of informed decision about our preferences, but once we do, fans will be free to decide what they prefer. If you don't want Ratcliffe/Ineos, that's fine, but don't make that decision based on complete misunderstanding of the mechanics of the prospective deal. United under Ratcliffe/Ineos would likely be debt free, with no interest or dividends to pay, and free to use the club's operational cashflow for investment into football and infrastructure.

Let's wait for the detail from all the contenders.


Full Member
May 18, 2022
Everyone wanting the Qataris should read this post. Credit to aditya9031 on the red devils subreddit.

“Posted this on another thread, but I think it’s valuable highlighting here why Ratcliffe and the Qataris are not the same. Some skeletons are in the closet are worse.

As someone born and raised for 17 yrs in the Persian gulf (Abu Dhabi) let me shed some light on how the GCC countries treat immigrants (South Asians, East Asians from poorer countries like the Philippines, and Africans). The kafala system where their passports are taken away in exchange for employment still exists. My father fortunately was educated and worked in a decently high ranking finance position at a services company and witnessed a lot of this. His company (amongst many, many, many others) housed immigrant labor in camps. Those camps were in far off remote locations with up to 8 adult men sharing a 2 bedroom apartment and sleeping on bunk beds. Their pay was accessible monthly (primarily to send money to their families abroad) and they were provided with food and other amenities so that they wouldn’t have a reason to access their income. These immigrants need permission and a compelling reason to leave the camp. They can only leave camps via a daily bus taking them to the city.

These people now don’t have access to their hard earned money, need permission to go anywhere, have bog-standard accommodations, have their passports taken away and need to give a 3 month notice to fly back home (which they could only do once every 5 years because of how expensive it was).

This is the systemic abuse they suffer. The non-systemic abuse includes severe racial discrimination including being spat on, beaten, raped by the rich and powerful local Emiratis (Qataris in Qatar), and all of this is fully ignored by the legal system there. By law, immigrant works basically have no rights at all.

On top of that, they have no voting rights, their religious beliefs are suppressed, they have no rights to protest, and you’ve all heard the stories of being forced to work in inhumane heat during summer and other ungoverned workplace conditions. As mentioned previously, this continues there to this day.

Now you tell me, is an unethical billionaire like Jim Ratcliffe who’s probably fecked over 100s of people and probably made them lose their livelihoods, better or worse than a Qatari owner?

As a south Asian who’s fortunate to live in the free world but grew up seeing this shit happen to my people, feck the Qataris. I will stop following Man United and will remove this huge, huge part of my life. I’ve been a fan since I was 9 and United is a love of mine. I will discard this love of mine if the Qataris take over.”
Interesting, and extremely depressing. I think most people knew this sort of practice went on (it was fairly well reported in the run up to the Qatar, though people still tried to argue it away) but it's not something fans should ignore. We absolutely cannot allow our club to be aligned with this sort of abhorrent regime.


what would Souness do?
Apr 1, 2013
So is this the response people will say if we get taken over by the Qatari's? That we can't prove beyond reasonable doubt that they are related to the state?

Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. The speed at which people will jump to the defence of some people just because they're tied to the club is fecking mad. Sportswashing 101.
It's rather sad isn't it? The Feck human rights we are getting Mbappe brigade is everything I despise about modern day elite football.

What a way to live eh? I could sort of understand if it was the only way but Arsenal look like they might win the league this year. Where is their ME owner? Liverpool have done very well of late too. Again not a sports washing club.

Lots of people on here need to think about what they are saying.


Full Member
Oct 12, 2013
Goldman Sachs does not jail people for being gay, nor does they jail girls for being raped. IIRC Goldman Sachs has never killed a journalist, but so has the Saudi regime done.

Btw, Goldman Sachs will not own the club. Ratcliffe and INEOS would be the owners.
So you can't apply the logic you've used there for private investors from Qatar?


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Only way that’s happening in any sort of quick timeline is ME. The only ones who will commit that sort of money quickly into the club after making such a massive purchase. On paper it’ll be very easy for them to say it isn’t linked. Of course it will be but it’s not really about that as shown with Newcastle.
It doesn't need to be a quick timeline. Why the rush? The debt would be cleared with the takeover if this is to be believed, and then the promise of redevelopment of the grounds and facilities over a span of years is pretty normal. I am ok with an owner coming in and reinvesting the clubs own money into the facilities. That's how it should be. Ours have been neglected too much so of course we need to play catch up, but that sort of thing shouldn't be gifted generally. That's a pipe dream.

Under no circumstance do I want ME ownership. Ignoring the fecked up morals, it's not needed with United. We can be successful without it, and get much more pride than essentially unlocking cheat mode with infinite funds. When you add in the moral view... Yeah, feck that.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
In finance, when talking about prospects of mergers & acquisitions, the verb 'generate' would most commonly be associated with Free Cash Flow.
Are there many companies on the planet, especially chemical companies that make £60b profit annually?

I was talking about revenue.


New Member
Aug 29, 2021
I have no idea what point you are trying to make either? Ratcliffe isn't trying to buy the club to pinch a bit of the profits from the club to his own company or pay off his own debts. Makes no sense. He's buying it to own as an asset.

Our debt is increasing as we are poorly run, spend far too much money on transfers and wages and don't earn enough to cover that. Mainly down to existing debt payments really. How we have been run previously is irrelevant to this discussion, as the goal will be to have an owner who runs us well (which nobody has the slightest clue with until it is in action). All we can hope for is an owner who will clear the debt (check for SJR if this is to be believed), and not be a play thing for an oil state (another win for SJR). We need a lot of renovations, yes, and while it would be grand to have an owner gift us a full renovation of Old Trafford too, I highly doubt that happens. And I'm ok with that. Generally speaking, football clubs should be self sustaining. They should spend within their means, take profits and reinvest into their infrastructure. Owners shouldn't be pumping money into clubs past cleaning up the mess left behind by previous owners.
You sound like you know Sir Jim personally. Can you tell us about his plans for the club?

As for your second part of the post, yes we're poorly run, but also we've been accruing debt because we otherwise can't compete with the likes of City or Chelsea or the PL as a whole without spending a shitton. Liverpool are a supposedly well run club, people were praising FSG to the high heavens just a year ago and look at them now? Money talks at the end of the day. City are not a well run club because they employed magical people to run them, City are a well run club because they're loaded to the bonkers and can employ the best people, get the best infrastructure, introduce the best scouting system and best manager and offer everything to the players.

So Qatar having deeper pockets is everything to you as well?

Don't you feel uneasy about it all given their history with migrant workers, women and gay people?

Or is it just Mbappe thoughts clouding your judgement?

You have to remember that post Fergie we have spent enough money to win the PL and CL. We've spent as much as City have. We didn't need Qataris to do it either.

Ratcliffe is much richer than the Glazers and has a huge huge business backing him too. And he's a Utd fan.
No, I don't legitimately care about any of that because there's nothing I can do about it, nor the club can do about it. Whether they own United or not nothing is going to change. In fact, I'd argue it's more beneficial to integrate them in the Western sphere than simply isolate them because isolations and 'you're bad' almost never seem to work. These Gulf states are slowly changing, but it's a very long and difficult social-economic and culture process that you can't just flip the switch on.

As far as my opinion on oil clubs, I'd rather United share its entire wealth over to smaller clubs in a fair league of which everyone has a chance of winning the title, big or small like the NFL, than having advantage of an oil club, but that's just a pipe dream unfortunately. The system is rigged and IMO, it's better for us to be part of that system than to be left behind. Qataris don't buy us. Cool. They'll just go buy Liverpool. Then some sheikh is gonna buy Arsenal and then Tottenham and where does that leave us and what's the point of this moral crusade? You're changing nothing at the end of the day and it isn't going to go away because you closed your eyes. This is why I was a proponent of the Super League, because I knew what football was becoming, but all of you laughed and thought it was dumb.

It's an investment. Nobody buys a football Club as a short term investment. We were valued at 500m 20 years ago, now it's 5 billion if not more. So yes, if they buy the club and take on the debt, it's because they expect the club to be worth far more than what they buy it at in time. You don't invest in something to get yearly payments. You invest in it to have your money sitting in something that gains in value over time. 10, 20, 30, 50 years from now, however long they want to own us, and at that point when they sell the club they will make far more than what they put into the club. Which is the point of an investment.
No. Before the Glazers purchase we were valued around 1,3 billion. The Rock of Gibraltar and the fiasco surrounding it basically purchased it for lower. Now close to 20 years later the club is valued at 4,6 billion with a buttload of internal problems. Does that seem like a good investment to you? Maybe for small timers like the Glazers are who couldn't even buy the club with their own money, but for huge companies (like INEOS) this would be a terrible investment, especially given that they would have to put a lot of money into the club to get it competitive again because inevitably that's what drives profits and value. For INEOS this is a huge investment with zero gain to be had aside from the sentimental value of Ratcliffe. For Qatar, this isn't even a drop in the bucket and their use of the club is prestige and influence, not money.

No I quite clearly wasn't mate. I didn't say they make 60 billions a year or they they earn 60 billion in profit did I?

Do you understand what the word generates means in the context of a companies annual revenue?
So let's go with your "generating". What if they generate 60 billion? What of it?


New Member
Oct 29, 2020
The biggest issue I can see happening with the Qataris owning both PSG + United is......who get priority over top signings?

I understand one group can't own two clubs in the same competition (Champions League) so the work around is one is owned by "Private investors". The reality is the Qatari royals will indirectly own both clubs and have final say over any spending.

Now imagine a top player goes up for sale, Bellingham for example, do they then have the power to say United won't be bidding to helps PSGs chances? The clash of interests worries me.
A club and league people care about vs…

I think we’d be ok.


Full Member
Mar 9, 2018
Part of me kind of hopes the Glazers don't get the money they want, and they somehow still get what they truly deserve by hanging onto us out of pure greed, a nice government forced sale would be lovely, with lots of caveats, all in our favour, I'd happily wait a few more years to see that.

It just seems so unjust, and leaving the debt behind which could well potentially burden us forever more is digusting.

They could so easily pay it off, and go with some sort of parting shot that doesn't leave a such bad taste, whilst sitll making far too much money.
Speak for yourself on them hanging on


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
It's rather sad isn't it? The Feck human rights we are getting Mbappe brigade is everything I despise about modern day elite football.

What a way to live eh? I could sort of understand if it was the only way but Arsenal look like they might win the league this year. Where is their ME owner? Liverpool have done very well of late too. Again not a sports washing club.

Lots of people on here need to think about what they are saying.
I hope it doesn't come to it but I fear that it's inevitable. A huge sense of pride will definitely be lost from football though if it does. The revisionism we see already from people here is gross. Even ignoring moral aspects - I don't want a sugar daddy owner. Let the club success while being run self sustainably.


Full Member
Mar 9, 2018
I mean, we are already one of the top spenders in football, this will just give us that extra push if we got a wealthy owner. United is already cheat mode compared to most clubs. And it's not like having infinite money is a guarantee of winning the Cl or whatever, look at city and psg.
Yeah you still have to win games,just look how much City were pushed by scousers I those last few seasons


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Ratcliffe/Ineos or anyone else buying United using borrowed money is only an issue if that debt is loaded on to the club's balance sheet.

Clearlake Capital have borrowed £800m to finance the spending spree at Chelsea - it's not a problem for Chelsea because Chelsea are not responsible for the interest or the capital repayments. Clearlake can comfortably support the repayments, without needing to withdraw funds from Chelsea to do so.

Ineos are substantially more wealthy than Manchester United - they make more money in an average five day period than United do in an entire year - they are perfectly capable of making an acquisition of this size. They too can comfortably cover the capital repayments on the bonds without recourse to United. The benefit to United in those circumstances is obvious - the club would finally be rid of the debt that has been a millstone around our neck for 18 years.

We currently don't know enough detail about the potential bidders to make any kind of informed decision about our preferences, but once we do, fans will be free to decide what they prefer. If you don't want Ratcliffe/Ineos, that's fine, but don't make that decision based on complete misunderstanding of the mechanics of the prospective deal. United under Ratcliffe/Ineos would likely be debt free, with no interest or dividends to pay, and free to use the club's operational cashflow for investment into football and infrastructure.

Let's wait for the detail from all the contenders.
Do yourself a favour mate and specify if you mean Gross sales, Net sales, Gross profit, EBIT or Net profit before you get half a dozen replies telling you what you actually mean.


Owns the moral low ground
May 15, 2013
It doesn't need to be a quick timeline. Why the rush? The debt would be cleared with the takeover if this is to be believed, and then the promise of redevelopment of the grounds and facilities over a span of years is pretty normal. I am ok with an owner coming in and reinvesting the clubs own money into the facilities. That's how it should be. Ours have been neglected too much so of course we need to play catch up, but that sort of thing shouldn't be gifted generally. That's a pipe dream.

Under no circumstance do I want ME ownership. Ignoring the fecked up morals, it's not needed with United. We can be successful without it, and get much more pride than essentially unlocking cheat mode with infinite funds. When you add in the moral view... Yeah, feck that.
Because the sooner the better. Life is short. I want these things to happen asap. I watch sport because I want to see my teams/favourite sports people winning. Of course that will be called spoiled etc etc but I don’t really care. I was fortunate to grow up in a family that supported Utd and have seen us so successful. I want that to continue.


Full Member
Feb 4, 2013
Anyone that is Glazers out but doesn't want Qatar you shouldn't want Ratcliffe/Ineos with Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan backing

Goldman Sachs

It’s been less than seven months since the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi — but for Goldman Sachs, it’s business as usual when it comes to Saudi Arabia. Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon — who in October said the Persian Gulf kingdom had to “answer questions” about Khashoggi’s grisly death, even as it boycotted its “Davos in the Desert” conference there — appeared satisfied about the Saudi situation in an interview Monday. “We have long-standing client relationships there and will continue to have long-standing client relationships there,” Solomon told The Post on the sidelines of the Milken Institute Global Conference here.

and JP Morgan is the company that did the leveraged buyout for the Glazers, it's literally where Ed Woodward came from.


Full Member
Aug 17, 2009
New York City
It's rather sad isn't it? The Feck human rights we are getting Mbappe brigade is everything I despise about modern day elite football.

What a way to live eh? I could sort of understand if it was the only way but Arsenal look like they might win the league this year. Where is their ME owner? Liverpool have done very well of late too. Again not a sports washing club.

Lots of people on here need to think about what they are saying.
I hope it doesn't come to it but I fear that it's inevitable. A huge sense of pride will definitely be lost from football though if it does. The revisionism we see already from people here is gross. Even ignoring moral aspects - I don't want a sugar daddy owner. Let the club success while being run self sustainably.
I'm just going to drop football and United as a passion if it gets bought by a petro-state or associated entity. Being owned by an investor still saw the club operated within it's own logic, success had to come from it's own decisions. Success while funded and used for sportswashing by states trying to buy clout in the world makes the success meaningless and even undesirable to me.


New Member
Aug 29, 2021
I don't want a sugar daddy owner. Let the club success while being run self sustainably.
I don't want either but this is the situation because the British government and the FA allowed it. They stopped the Murdoch acquisition of United because fear of Bayern-ing United in the league, but they allowed people like Abramovich and Mansour to just buy whatever they liked which created this fecked up situation. Now every club either jumps on board or gets left for dead.There is no third option.


Full Member
May 26, 2010
So it's the deepest pockets for you and nothing else comes into it?

Do you not care at all about all the bad PR associated with Qatar? All those people who died building an illegal world cup? Being gay is a crime etc.

Is it really worth it just so we might win a few more trophies?

Ultimately none of us get a say but the more I think about being a sports washing enterprise for Qatar the more I don't like the idea.

Especially not when it's very viable of being successful without it. We could have even done it under the parasites with better men running the show.
I’ve said before, I don’t want Qatar owners but English football has fecked us so bad that I’m starting to look past it.
It’s only now they’re worried about our potential owners while our current owners let us rot from the inside out for the last 15 years. Everybody bar United supporters laughed at us as Ronaldo said we had the same pool as we did 20 years ago. They laughed at us as Brentford won 4-0. They laughed at our leaking roof all the while Chelsea came up for sale and the new owners weren’t allowed to use a leveraged takeover even though it wasnt against the rules because of..reasons? Not only that but were allowed to wipe out 1.5b debt that should have showed up on the accounts to feck them over in tax and ffp and be registered as a gift but..nothing. That allowed them to spent 600m on players but nobody seemed to care. Bohley must have a plan, it’s UEFA who must be in the wrong.
There’s no other way to fix up OT and keep the training ground up to date than ME money, I’ve done a complete 180 in 48 hours and I couldn’t give a feck what it makes us looks like when our demise was met with so much glee. If we dropped down to a relegation battle it would be seen as the clubs fault and be laughed at a we fell down to the championship.


New Member
Jan 28, 2015
The amount of people willing to betray common decency for the sake of a few extra (completely soulless) points on a table is pathetic. I hope you are younger members, and your views change as you grow up and get some perspective.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
So let's go with your "generating". What if they generate 60 billion? What of it?
Well United ''generate'' £500m+ per year with £600m debt and we're not going out of business or anything.

So a company with an annual revenue (FYI just to be clear not profit) in the tens of billions should be alright.
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