Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Not impressed with the hate for Mkhitaryan.

Yeah. he's mostly been crap but he played a big part in us winning the Europa League and scored in the final.

Basically the same opinion of him as i had of kagawa. Great on his day, but it’s rarely his day.

Definitely above derision though as he’s a very big reason we’ll be playing cl football next month.
I've been reading some posts and I thought I should clarify this. Alexis Sanchez just turned 29 in December 2017. He is not old. In today's football, he can still play at the highest levels for 5 more seasons.

Messi is 30 and will turn 31 in June. Is he 'old'? Modric is 32. Aguero is 29 and will turn 30 in June. Iniesta is 33. Edinson Cavani is 30 and will turn 31 in February. Robert Lewandowski is 29. Cristiano Rinaldo is 32. Luis Suarez will turn 30 this January. Aubumeyang will turn 29 in June. Jamie Vardy just turned 31.

Thierry Henry joined Barcelona when he was 30 years old and had 3 good seasons with them.

Andrea Pirlo joined Juventus when he was 32 and had 3 trophy winning seasons with them.

Clearly, many of the finest strikers / attacking players in the world today, are in their peaks at the ages listed above and no one talks about them being too 'old'. Anyone who gets them now and can get top football from them for at least 3 more seasons, must pounce because a talented footballer at his peak, can be an incredible asset for any club.
Today has been a slow day. No major news since sky italy saying something.
I've been reading some posts and I thought I should clarify this. Alexis Sanchez just turned 29 in December 2017. He is not old. In today's football, he can still play at the highest levels for 5 more seasons.

Messi is 30 and will turn 31 in June. Is he 'old'? Modric is 32. Aguero is 29 and will turn 30 in June. Iniesta is 33. Edinson Cavani is 30 and will turn 31 in February. Robert Lewandowski is 29. Cristiano Rinaldo is 32. Luis Suarez will turn 30 this January. Aubumeyang will turn 29 in June. Jamie Vardy just turned 31.

Thierry Henry joined Barcelona when he was 30 years old and had 3 good seasons with them.

Andrea Pirlo joined Juventus when he was 32 and had 3 trophy winning seasons with them.

Clearly, many of the finest strikers / attacking players in the world today, are in their peaks at the ages listed above and no one talks about them being too 'old'. Anyone who gets them now and can get top football from them for at least 3 more seasons, must pounce because a talented footballer at his peak, can be an incredible asset for any club.

He's old for footballer standard, but at 30m he's still a bargain in these times of market
Imagine if Miki goes on to be an Arsenal legend!

My fear is that he was a great player in Germany, could he find that form at Arsenal?

Even if he does, it makes little difference. He's not going to hit those heights here under our current management.

If he does well for Arsenal consistently then so be it. The environment, set up, playing style and manager might suit him.

Either way we are getting a player, of the same age, who should be a significant upgrade to what we have.
Anyone find it suspicious that everytime Gary opens his mouth on sky he manages to find a way to doubt Martial and always has something megative to say and yet in his tweet he s mentioning him as one of our top players along with De Gea and Pogba?
Not impressed with the hate for Mkhitaryan.

Yeah. he's mostly been crap but he played a big part in us winning the Europa League and scored in the final.
Well that's the thing with football fans right. If the player is someone they do not rate anymore, they're desperate to discard him and won't bat an eyelid about anything regarding said player's circumstances or future.
Now it's mostly "quick Mkhi, you have 48 hours to decide whether you want to feck off to Arsenal and do us a great favor! You better say yes and fast!" as opposed to the comments just two summers ago when he just signed as our new shiny toy.

That's why I feel it's ridiculous when football fans (yes, that includes caf posters) attack or mock the players they DO want to keep when said star players want to leave the club. Then it's all this white knight stuff like "it's not right, whatever happened to the good old dayz when contracts actually meant something" type of crap.
Anyone find it suspicious that everytime Gary opens his mouth on sky he manages to find a way to doubt Martial and always has something megative to say and yet in his tweet he s mentioning him as one of our top players along with De Gea and Pogba?
there's not much wrong with what he said on MNF last said. He said he's an amazing talent but he needs to give that extra 5%/10% to become a great player. Seems fair to me.
Isn't it time for a bit of public shaming in this thread by showing who has posted the most?

That will pass the time until Sanchez signs. I'd do it myself but I can't remember how to get those stats :D

Edit: I figured it out and it's not looking good for @MaxiPaxi
Always amazes me how obsessed transfer threads are with money :annoyed:

Firstly, it's not your money & it doesn't effect your life in any way. Stop acting like it's coming out of your debit account. Addendum to that, it hasn't effected ticket prices, which have been frozen for... how long is it now? The best part of a decade? Maybe longer? So you can drop that argument before it even starts.

Secondly, despite wages spiraling upward, it hasn't effected the club in any way. We continue to shop at the top end, we continue to balance the books well, and we can continue paying big new contracts.

Thirdly, I could understand some concern if our wage bill was dwarfing our income, but it's actually a very healthy fraction. Ed's noodle partners and tractor suppliers ensure that. Not to mention that Zlatan will be going soon, which is a big chunk of Sanchez's wages covered, plus the possible sale of Micky, who is on the best part of £150-200k a week.

Fourthly, the Glazers spent years bleeding us dry, losing millions in interest payments, and failing to back Fergie with funds. If you're seriously worrying now about making those yank goblins put money back into the squad, you've got your priorities all backwards.

Finally, our club is basically run by accountants. If you're actually suggesting these eggheads don't have a grasp on our finances and can project whether a signing like Sanchez is budgetable or not, you're seriously underestimating just how many of these finance nerds are in charge.

In conclusion, spend a little less time worrying about "value" and a little more time enjoying the beautiful game :cool:

Saw some 'experts' discussing this in depth last night, one bellend (wish I could remember his name) made the comment
"If Sanchez goes to United, this will be bad news for Rashford, Martial and Lingard, as their development will be stunted"

.......the very same bloke then went on to say "Would be so great for City's younger players such as Sane and Sterling to have the influence of Sanchez to learn from"

Bitterness seeping out of every pore...!!! :lol::lol:
Saw some 'experts' discussing this in depth last night, one bellend (wish I could remember his name) made the comment
"If Sanchez goes to United, this will be bad news for Rashford, Martial and Lingard, as their development will be stunted"

.......the very same bloke then went on to say "Would be so great for City's younger players such as Sane and Sterling to have the influence of Sanchez to learn from"

Bitterness seeping out of every pore...!!! :lol::lol:
:lol: ffs!
Ornstein: Mkhitaryan key to the Sanchez transfer
Great, messing up our moves on the pitch and now also off it, squirrel spined twat.
So this is actually an exchange? Why can't we buy Sanchez for whatever they want and then the Mkhi deal can go through later.
Because Mkhi could tell them to feck off and Arse would be left without a replacement for Sanchez. I really do hope it is a straight swap however as Mkhi is easily worth £30m despite his form recently.
Folks, why the hate on Mkhi?

He's played a bit crap but not shown disloyalty or disrespect to Utd

Totally agree, come on lads, poor bloke probably doesn't even want to leave. I for one would prefer to keep him and for him to smash it for us along side Sanchez but you can't have it all I guess!
Id prefer to keep Miki and buy Sanchez. If Arsenal won't sell without Miki going the other way we should just pull the plug and let them lose Sanchez for nothing in the summer.

They will have to keep an unhappy player for the rest of the season and lose out on a pay day.

feck them.
We need Arsenal to buy Aubameyang.

Signing a striker that good who linked up so well with Mkhitaryan at Dortmund would maybe entice him to make the move.

Sounds like this will run for quite a while yet.

It appears it all now hinges on Arsenal securing a replacement (which was also what scuppered the move to City last summer).

Let's hope they can get it done in the two weeks remaining - they are not exactly known for their efficiency in the market.
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