Andre Onana image 24

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2023-24 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
Clean sheets
Yellow cards
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Dealt with those crosses amicably. That’s the one aspect of DDG’s game that was very poor. I hope he continues this way. Great performance today.
Thought he looked like a competent decent keeper tonight, long may it continue.
Monstrous performance today, made a couple of ludicrously good saves, safe hands with the other shots he faced, quick off his line when sweeping and in 1 on 1s, and didn't react to the taunting from Luiz.
He’s settled down recently. Been good but unfortunately a bad start means the basic ladbible twats will perpetuate a myth.

feck what Ladbible and the likes say, here is just as bad and many can't wait to pounce on any little mistake.

It's embarrassing.
The catch from Cash’s shot was excellent. Most keepers would have pushed it out for a corner at that stage of the game.
feck what Ladbible and the likes say, here is just as bad and many can't wait to pounce on any little mistake.

It's embarrassing.

It’s just more that these terrible ‘banter’ accounts start small and then it spreads to the layman and starts in the stadiums as we saw with Maguire. They jump on any tiny thing so they can get their dogshit ‘content’ out despite him actually playing well.
Great to see him coming out and stopping chances after De Gea.

It takes a lot of understanding and confidence, we expect players to hit the ground running and Onana is a player rebuilding his career.
It’s just more that these terrible ‘banter’ accounts start small and then it spreads to the layman and starts in the stadiums as we saw with Maguire. They jump on any tiny thing so they can get their dogshit ‘content’ out despite him actually playing well.

Yeah, it's fecking weird how many of our fans seem to take joy in turning our own players into memes. There's no hiding from the fact that he had an absolutely shocking CL campaign, but he's almost always been rock solid in the league, and it's like that doesn't count.

There's a bloke on here old enough to be drawing his pension who comes in here after most games and calls him "Onono" or something, ffs.
His best game for us, made some excellent saves and didn't put a foot wrong. I still have my doubts, but if he can kick on from this then great.
Well done André. Great performance today, ball handling much improved.

1 on 1 with Watkins was attacked with conviction.

Needs to build on this to solidify his claim as the next main stay in the sticks
Yeah, the sheer amount of work he goes through is massively overlooked.

Villa had 10 shots on target today. For context, Liverpool only had 8 in the fecking 7-0. Only the keepers for actual relegation teams have had to make more saves:


That many saves while only having the 5th most goals conceded in the league is remarkable. He's had no protection at all, and while he shat the bed in the CL, his performances in the league have been very solid.
Well said. Onana has been an easy target this season. You expect the vultures to be waiting for him in the media but it's a shame when our own fanbase is also buying into it.

He's done okay for us in the league. Hopefully he'll get better as the rest of the team around him improves as well.
He’s looked comfortable and calmer in the last few games. The reset that was the AFCON coinciding with the return of players in front of him has helped massively. Having this kind of presence in the box is key going into the latter part of this season and form and points are now essential. I must add that his positioning for crosses was a refreshing change from watching DeGea being stood still and having to pull off big reflex saves, many of which could of simply been a catch from a cross of a punched clear.
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Well played today, vital saves. Hopefully a turn of from from here on out.
Excellent performance. His best game for us. Made some great saves and he was very proactive. He did kick a couple out of play, but I'd rather he do that than feck about with it.
He’s settled down recently. Been good but unfortunately a bad start means the basic ladbible twats will perpetuate a myth.
Wasn’t even a bad start - he’s been consistently good in the league. It’s just the CL had some howlers so you had people in here genuinely saying he was the worst keeper ever to play for United, worst in the league, every shot is a goal etc. Tiresome posters but with every game they fade away, waiting in the wings for an error so they can come back and tell everyone they were right.
What a freak, and honestly he should stay that way, especially when defense is taking a break from reacting.
First time he has looked like a proper keeper for us. Well done hope we will have many more of those.
First game for us where he's looked like a proper keeper. Long may it continue.
Did you notice that today, he was catching balls? Previously, there were mostly parries. Did he find a way to improve handling?
Did you notice that today, he was catching balls? Previously, there were mostly parries. Did he find a way to improve handling?
Yeah that's honestly what stood out to me the most as well. Like someone suddenly added Velcro to his gloves and the ball. Hope the beginning of redemption.
He's had no protection at all, and while he shat the bed in the CL, his performances in the league have been very solid.
This is exactly it. He had an absolute 0/10 vs Galatasary in particular and it sticks, but he’s been good in the PL.
He's got his confidence back. He was great until the media crucified him over the Wolves incident and he's playing like that again.
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