Bayern v Man Utd | Post Match

I hope we play better vs Leicester. Because that was grim.
there seems to be a lot of back and forth between those who recognise how poor we've played since Christmas and those who think Jose is still the man

i'd love to know what those who believe in Jose think is going to happen this season....what is he going to do to improve the way we play?

or is it Woody's fault? It's not like Jose has had 2 years and 350 million to spend previously
Buckoo, if you were not aware there has been a push for Mourinho to manage United for at least five years here on the site, people have been arguing about him (with me!) for his suitability for the club for years.

When someone has such strong impressions of a character it is really hard to change them. People would rather bury their heads in the sand.
Are you being pedantic?

Woodward or one of his staff do the negotiating but Mourinho decides who the club try to buy. We are being linked primarily to centrebacks and have been all summer. When we desperately need winger/s and a left back.

Who decided that was our transfer strategy then? Woodward or Mourinho?

If the answer is Mourinho then as i said, Jose buy some fecking wingers.

Mourinho wants Perisic who is winger, he cant physically go and buy the fecking players that is Woodwards job. Wtf is wrong with you?
I hope we play better vs Leicester. Because that was grim.

Jose will use the negativity to motivate the team, and we will have a similar start to last season.
Then we will get trashed by Spurs and struggle from there and on. Similar to last season, but with less points and potentially not qualify for CL.
Park the bus and hope for the best?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy good defensive football, Athletico Madrid was a joy to watch at times, insane pressing, insane defending, insane counter attacking. Utd have none of that.

Whatever this 'style' we're meant to enjoy, it's not good to watch on a defensive stand point, non existant creative attacking and non existant counter attacking.

The second half of last season was a complete drag, with the odd highlight.

Was the style in all it's glory vs Sevilla?
We just have to believe in his methods even if it makes us look shit. If we are going to play shit football, we'd better do it a convincing way. For us fans, we just have to have faith.

Otherwise, how will you stay sane?
I'm done with Mourinho. This is going to be an awful season in terms of play style and then to add salt to the wound Mourinho is going to be whiny all year in pressers.

I'll say it: I can't wait until he's gone.
We just have to believe in his methods even if it makes us look shit. If we are going to play shit football, we'd better do it a convincing way. For us fans, we just have to have faith.

Otherwise, how will you stay sane?

Assume you mean pragmatic football. Shite football isn't ever going to be convincing, even when we win.
Gutless and so poor. It’s been too long since we had played good attacking football continuously. Forget about the players; the system, mentality, team work and confidence were all lacking. It’s really time for a new manager. There I said it. Just can’t take it any more. Piss poor negative defensive football. Our players are of high enough standard, not to have played like this. Every teams will just have to press us up high. And we have absolutely no idea how to get out of defense except kicking long balls. Can’t imagine any other top managers who would have set up our team this way. Shit football we are playing.
Jeez I know I'm negative but hell, that's a terrible post.

Many of the players IMO aren't good enough to be first teamers , certainly good enough to beat Stanley on Sea's under 12s though.

I doubt it.....
And let’s be honest - these are professional players who learnt the basics of football under previous managers.

If Herrera, Mata, Rashford, etc can’t retain the ball in the opposition half then something beyond Jose Mourinho could be the issue.

Maybe, just maybe many of these players are overrated on here. If Moyes manages the City team, I can assure you they will still retain the ball & pass the ball with a decent accuracy.
So, Pogba is still crucial to how we play. Hopefully with time Fred and Pereira and Herrera will become adept at influencing play. Our midfield was not good today.

Please be better when the season starts!
This might be the worst pre season weve ever had tbh. It's been a mess from start to finish. Will be shocked if the season comes and we are all of a sudden firing on all cylinders, given that we've been trash.
It’s not bonkers, it’s what it is. United only have a very strong starting XI, beyond that the players are very average. Once you don’t have the right combination of players on the pitch, the gaping hole in the fabric of the team begins to expand.

Mata is finished at top level.
Rashford is not a centre forward.

I'm not even sure what he is.
Said as much pre match, if that's the line up against Leicester we're in trouble.
Disgusting that a team of the stature of Manchester United should be reduced to being a defensive unit(bad one at that). The blame for me comes from a mixture of above and below. The Glazers are in it for the money and not the titles, add to that the fact that our manager is a pussy, and the guy responsible for signing new players is crap at that(maybe on purpose) do not expect much change during the coming years. To challenge for the title? do not make me laugh.
there seems to be a lot of back and forth between those who recognise how poor we've played since Christmas and those who think Jose is still the man

i'd love to know what those who believe in Jose think is going to happen this season....what is he going to do to improve the way we play?

or is it Woody's fault? It's not like Jose has had 2 years and 350 million to spend previously

£350m is shit these days to be honest. It’s the equivalent of 1 Neymar + 1 Coutinho. Considering the squad Jose inherited was so hapless, it’s ridiculous to think £350m would be enough to make the jump from 5th to league champions.
Going into each of the passed seasons, there was at least something to hold on to, either we had a good attack, or our defense was solid, we had great depth in the squad...but I look at us going into the season and I'm struggling to see what is our standout thing that will be the foundation we build on for the season.

Its just so hard to see us right now challenge on all 4 fronts, and I know its pessimistic and we can only judge once the season actually starts, but I can only look at what's right in front of me and I'm not really buzzing at what I'm seeing.
Do you guys realise a good coach having this United team won't even need to sign further players this Summer?
Nothing but a good reminder that beating Champions League teams will require some real effort if we want go through anywhere 1/8 final.
Is it fair to say that generally we have been hit worse by players missing from late world cup or injury than out rivals ? So saying we are behind them in preparation could be explained by this ? May be people should have taken Jose not being happy a few weeks ago more seriously if they were expecting us to be well prepared

Maybe, it's certainly not been ideal for us. I have sympathy for the view that Jose's incessant grumbling about "it's not my squad" should have been heeded as a genuine warning we were heading for a rushed start to the season.

However Spurs have had it pretty bad too, and other teams have had WC players and injuries slotting in to tours as and when they could, but it is Jose who has complained morning noon and night about our situation. I think at least to an extent he's excusing the fact we've played very little good football this summer and more pressingly that he doesn't feel he is being backed in the transfer market. He wants two players but may at best end up with one (possibly not a first choice pick to boot) if rumours of us linked with the likes of Mina and Boateng are in any way credible and that is not where Jose wants to be.

I certainly accept it's unhealthy to read too strongly either way into anything that has gone on this summer but I can't see how anyone can look at it objectively and see a team and manager hitting the straps less than a week before curtain-up. The exact causes of certain issues aren't clear and are open to debate but we look on the back foot in my opinion.
Jose wants people to think that way so no one knows our new way and tricks for the new season.

I think people need to see a bigger picture here. He is a world class manager and THE master at playing mind games.

Except we were doing this during last season too.

I mean I can just about deal with negative or anti football tactics if they work or produce results, but there is literally no benefit to doing this at all. It amounts to nothing more than deliberately not wanting to have the ball.

I don't get the point in paying £50m for players or paying silly wages to the likes of Sanchez, in order to deploy tactics that are befitting of a relegation team that has already given up.
It's the lack of creativity and chances which is killing me, it's not good enough for a United side. In fact it's pathetic and quite frankly embarrassing. It has been evident for a few years now that our football is basically shite. I can't believe anyone can defend our current style of play right's aimless and route one.
£350m is shit these days to be honest. It’s the equivalent of 1 Neymar + 1 Coutinho. Considering the squad Jose inherited was so hapless, it’s ridiculous to think £350m would be enough to make the jump from 5th to league champions.

With all due respect, but that has to be the weakest argument I have ever seen. How about this: 350million is one Alex Sandro, Harry Maguire, who is being chased by us right now (and was bought for 12 million from Hull, but since we are talking here about how the money was spent across the years during Mourinho's tenure), Riyad Mahrez and plethora of other players that certainly would boost our squad. I do believe that there is a something fundamentally wrong at the scouting level, because paying some exorbitant prices for a defender that had a decent run in the WC is totally ridiculous. Nonetheless, the sum that was spent by Mourinho could be presented in numerous variations, so it is a moot point.
All the good teams (Barca, Real, Bayern, Juve) play the high press and do it well. Jose set up this team to invite pressure and go on the counter; is the style of football simply behind the times?
I have lost all hopes for this season. I have this grim feeling that we will slip out of the top 4. I do not want to waste my time this year watching my beloved team playing such dire football.
I'm not sure where the Man Utd part came in? This was a Bayern Munich training session against a random bunch of lads that were there to represent a bottom half Bundesliga team
All the good teams (Barca, Real, Bayern, Juve) play the high press and do it well. Jose set up this team to invite pressure and go on the counter; is the style of football simply behind the times?

You forgot Liverpool there :nervous: