Bluemoon goes into Meltdown

Let's get this straight. The UK does not depend on the UAE. In fact, as someone who's lived in the UAE it's quite the opposite. Not just in terms of tourism and money but also military wise and key ally. The UK could tell the UAE we're taking the club of you and forcing you to sell and the UAE wouldn't be able to do a single thing to have any effect other than a minor blip in the grand scheme of the UK economy. That is a myth that needs to die.

The UK government literally took in the Sheikh of Dubai's wife and her children despite outrage from the UAE and the royal family asking for their return. Guess what ? The royal family of Dubai still come to the UK on holiday every summer, including the sheikh himself who was recently pictured here in his mansion.

I think you should be more worried about the government officials, or higher up members of the FA/Manchester council that are trying to save their asses because it will affect their own pockets and their own positions.

All valid points but Man City is owned by the state of Abu Dhabi whose ruler is also the President of the UAE, there's additional pressure with this, we've already seen them successfully escape meaningful sanction from Uefa, despite obvious guilt, why would the PL be different?
Let's get this straight. The UK does not depend on the UAE. In fact, as someone who's lived in the UAE it's quite the opposite. Not just in terms of tourism and money but also military wise and key ally. The UK could tell the UAE we're taking the club of you and forcing you to sell and the UAE wouldn't be able to do a single thing to have any effect other than a minor blip in the grand scheme of the UK economy. That is a myth that needs to die.

The UK government literally took in the Sheikh of Dubai's wife and her children despite outrage from the UAE and the royal family asking for their return. Guess what ? The royal family of Dubai still come to the UK on holiday every summer, including the sheikh himself who was recently pictured here in his mansion.

I think you should be more worried about the government officials, or higher up members of the FA/Manchester council that are trying to save their asses because it will affect their own pockets and their own positions.

Very informative post.
Fully expect him to go on another sabbatical before taking an international job. Our chance to get him was definitely back in late 2012 but Bayern got there first
It would be a massive undertaking to bring Man United back to the top of English football. A dream project for him sor sure but I agree i think our ship for him has sailed already. Anyways I hope we can get someone with great potential. I'm a huge fan of Roberto De Zerbi.
It would be a massive undertaking to bring Man United back to the top of English football. A dream project for him sor sure but I agree i think our ship for him has sailed already. Anyways I hope we can get someone with great potential. I'm a huge fan of Roberto De Zerbi.

Mind you those leeches wouldn't have let him put the Barca backroom lot in place and definitely not given him an open chequebook either
Mind you those leeches wouldn't have let him put the Barca backroom lot in place and definitely not given him an open chequebook either
Going by his latest quote on Berrada seems like he's just a tiny bit rattled too.
on Klopp leaving..

Klopp goes at the end of the season.That gives Roy Hodgson a job after Palace sack him
Has this been announced? That’ll wobble them hopefully.
Don't think this helps us winning the title this year
Just on SSN. Pep's broken him.
Good luck to him, he's a knob but helped push City onto greater heights.

Taking over at Man Ure at end of season.....LOLol
What a stupid thing to say for their club. It’s like the rags under GPC when he originally said it in the early 2000’s.

I’m pleased but that’s very foolish for him.
Great news for us unless they are getting ALONSO from Leverkusen.
Pep has BROKEN Klopp. :-)

Candles being lit all over Norway.
Alonso is nailed on unfortunately
If he does let's see if he can step up to PL football.

It's a bit different from Bundesliga as Sir Harold is currently proving.
Whats betting Liverpool get more and more dodgy decisions before he leaves just so they win the title before he fecks off.
It might motivate them to push for a trophy, but who knows?
It will imbalance them. The players don’t know who they’re playing for next season and Klopp no longer loves the job.
Yeah feck off you scouse twats. Win-Nowts.

Respect to klopp, I think he was actually quite good.
Klopp this summer and Guardiola next summer..

The PL is going to have a wild couple of years coming up!
Who said Pep is leaving next year?
Lu Martin, who via his closeness to Pol Ballus should be considered as reliable as any third party could be.
Of course the hope is Guardiola gets a hunger for another extension, but winning the league by 20+ points next year with Klopp gone isn’t going to help!
Utd will be back next year, with Omar Berrada. Etc etc
to be fair he is a top top manager and if salah leaves too they are in trouble
Xabi alonso nailed on I reckon

He has been amazing for them and the only thing stopping us from totally domination (just standard domination)
He is running out of energy (PEDS)
No way the PL doesn’t want the fairytale ending for him. The league just became many times more difficult.
The refereeing performances in their PL games will be interesting.
Sales of candles will soar.
Echo headline - Klopp beats Guardiola in quitting race.

He's admitted he's burned out & has nothing left in the tank to go again & rebuild.
Nothing left in the tank? they must have a spare asthma inhaler for him?
Anges next move.
I'd love Ange here, he is a winner, very calm, very very good tactician, makes players play his way who he hasn't bought....wins everywhere... Im hoping he's our next manager
They are going to get Alonso and he is going to be Pep levels of brilliant as a manager.
Honestly I think City being there is part of why Klopp has stayed so long. I could be wrong like. Just feel like he's an underdog type of manager and it's why he ended up at us in the first place, loves the challenge.

I do think last season took a lot out of him though, in fact, he said it did. That's the tough part for me.

They're taking it well on squawk.
So basically it’s all our fault?
Some crank on rawk has basically said it's our situation which has made him quit. Pmsl
Liverpool players will have known in November when the club knew his decision. Doubt there will be any more motivation their players need to go for the title
Pellegrini leaving us. GPC leaving the rags initially.

Both teams wobbled.
He's been great for the PL and, without doubt, brought the very best out of Pep Guardiola.
Klopp and Pep have made the PL the best league in the world.
The poor bastard is going to be sat on a beach somewhere, get a glint of sun in his eyes and have trauma flashbacks that Pep's shiny head is nearby.
On way to spurs, listening to talksh*te, it’s comedy gold. Scoucers crying then turning to say we will go for pep
Some scouse lady sobbing live on air, Jesus do they ever stop
Bye Jurgen.
Nice try , commendable but ....
he's having a dental breakdown
off to the rags?
That might happen
Klopps a very good manager though Pep is a better one.

Whilst this is big news is it too much to hope the media keep a sense of perspective and remember not everyone loves “the reds”?
Said before, brilliant manager, but a wanker as a person.

I know it’s a bit ‘de rigueur’ to say “Pep’s broken him” etc, but take a look back at the climax to recent seasons where they’ve pushed us, Pep’s not been far behind being mentally exhausted, they’ve been brilliant, and a nightmare for each other in equal measure.
One of the biggest hypercritics ever to work in English football, a touch line bully with zero class who has continuously undermined our game, it’s competitions and traditions. Four trophies in the last eight years with millions and millions spent and has now finally thrown the towel in.

Shut the door on the way out Jurgen as you won’t be missed and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he rocks up at Old Trafford in a year or so.
Me neither, couple of years break, recharge his batteries, and if that happens, I’ll guarantee Klopp will be ‘walking alone’.
There’s about as much chance of Klopp going to the rags as there is Pep - never going to happen.
This is their Fergie 2013 moment, they’re fecked, he’s a one off, part manager, part dictator, part politician etc. he also has a command of the English language that means he can articulate his agenda better than most. Whoever they get will be a downgrade because the English league is a war of attrition.
He's a fecking muppet who completely bought into the cult. Take your one asterisked premier league trophy and feck off.
Sky sports now he can't spend what city can feckin unbelievable how much was nunez
30 game wake fest ahead it's what they do best!
He's been great for them and I quite like him! his fanbase however will be insufferable so let's do what we do best and ensure they have no prem trophy to display at home to Wolves on the last day of the season .
I thought it was always Pep was leaving, the scousers are going to have to look high and low to find a replacement.

Has anyone seen any ostentatious mourning yet?
Next up the Premier League will charge us with 115 cases of Coaches who quit or were sacked because we are so good.
Klopp to Bayern anyone?
Consistently one of the top half dozen richest clubs in the World - tick.

Consistently complain about not being able to compete - tick.

Match made in heaven.
Wor chests are out this year. Ask the Geordies...
Good riddance you ****.
Always whining like a woman when they lost and taking pot shots at us along the way.
A hypocrite who spent a truck load and got 2 major trophies in 9 years and a lot of silver medals
feck off and don’t even compare the chomper to our serial winning legendary Pep.
We’ve broken the **** and his shit stain club.
Run out of energy more like Salads been assigned his inhaler for the fastest hammy recovery in medical history
Sky must have mistaken the news, giving over next 5 hours to reaction of him going.
He hasn't died, just put his notice in for fuch sake.
Wish we would announce Pep extension right this week. media would hate it so much lolol.

feck off Klopp, really hope we dont let him win the title for a farewell. still angry at season 12/13 where Fergie could have retired with a relatively simple title win.

I want Klopp to go without Carabao, Fa cup, EL or PL trophy this season. empty fecking handed.
come on Chelsea in the Carabao, we need Sterling and Palmer to deliver a blow to him.

hope they dont bring De Zerbi in.
Media darlings all wankin over klopp ,hes bin in peps shadow and failed on every run in against us bar 1 ,in covid year where pep lost his mum,last trophy won was 21/22 season,finnished 6th last season lets not get carried away with what hes done,hes won 4 trophys ,we won 3 last season,not even on same levels,but i guarentee u this,this will get more airtime than when pep leaves,it will actually do us a favour this ,and stop the talkin shite about our club for a bit
Timing is well planned by the Dippers.
If City win the league again then they announced, it would look like we broke him.
Announce now and who knows what helping hands could come to the media's darling quest for glory in the remaining of his last season.
Henry Winter having an emotional meltdown absolutely fecking beautiful
Hopefully motivates our players to win the fecking lot again and leave the Scouse cnuts only celebrating a fizzy drink final appearance.
The fawning from the media is going to be horrendous over the next few months. There’s even a little bit of it on here.
He will be getting no credit from me, he’s a snide **** who’s gone after us on more than one occasion in the press.
Let the tears flow ya scruffy wrong’uns.
hope he found out that the City PL case is all fake charges and we are here to stay lolol.
Apparently the Liverpool players knew in November. That is to tell everyone than they haven't dropped their performance levels. Let's see how they do after the announcement. Remember when Slur Alex and Pellers told us they were off and how results tanked after that. We'll see.
Didn't Slur Alex go on to win the league that season he announced he was leaving?
I’m hoping Pep doesn’t take anything from this, klopp is burnt out for sure. Absolutely dreading the day Pep the goat calls it time on us
So Klippity is Klopping off!! ok
Virtually every decision goes the cnuts way already, so that will continue for sure.
“We’ll never replace Pep” is a mentality to try and bury.

As Klopp started mid-season for Liverpool then he surely had a bit of a break after Dortmund? That is a significant length of time to manage a Premier League club these days.

Screaming about Hillsborough whilst sweeping Heysel under the carpet or wearing t-shirts for Suarez after he’d been banned for racism sums them up.
I am pretty sure he realised this is a PED’s on season and next year is therefore PED’s off, so makes absolute sense to leave at the end of this season. Plus hopefully he’s heard we’ll be exonerated at our hearing and Pep is signing up for FIVE MORE YEARS
City bingo on talksport from some crying scousers. "Took on a nation state". "Competed with massive spenders". "Without Liverpool, city would have ran away with the league every year (we fecking did!).
And the media will be trying to say Kloop was the best (cough Bollocks)
To be fair to Klopp, he has consistently finished 2nd to us on a budget comparable with Leyton Orient.

Tbh managing the dippers with the constant pressure from their totally deluded feckwits would be enough to damage most normal people , but with Klopp seemingly just as emotionally as unstable as their supporters, it seems like the marriage made in hell.

Still he took the money and the " adulation " so ............

and his brand of football is agricultural
I lived there briefly from December 2020 to about June 2021. Wavertree then Anfield. My warmest memory comes within about two hours of being there:

“Dead smart shirt there, lad. Nice one.”
“Thanks.” I smile and raise my glass. I’d gone to a food pub as I had nothing with me. As I walked to the toilet, I heard him say to his mate “Has Bale played for us? I don’t remember that.”

It was a Wales shirt.
Klopp had undoubtedly been a great coach for Liverpool, but unfortunately for him and his club, he served at a time when Pep was the coach at City…and Pep has outclassed him. There is no shame in that, because Pep is the best total football coach in the world.

Sadly, for the rest of the League, we are now going to be on the long march to May with every media outlet fawning over Klopp, Liverpool, and the fairy tale finish that could cement, and even enhance, his legacy with Liverpool. That doesn’t bode well for the rest of the League, especially City.

The backdrop now will become “115 charges City” versus what might have been for Klopp and Liverpool had they been operating on a level playing field with the (alleged, and verified by Ceferin) cheats from the Etihad!

Oh, how tiresome it will quickly become…
Was just enjoying reading some of the posts on Bluemoon, specifically about our new stadium plans. Some people on there are frothing at the mouth about it.

One comment left me aghast. He actually said that WE are copying THEM????

Just to put the record straight. In the nineties, a team of Executives from Barcelona were given exclusive commercial advise from Manchester United.

At the time, Barcelona did not know how to best monetise their club. They did not have a club sponsor, and the Nou Camp was not turning a huge profit from match day revenue. There were no hospitality packages, or even schemes for generating a steady revenue. They sort of had an attitude of "lets see who turns up on the day." Matches were not advertised and there was not really any clamour or demand for tickets. Kit sponsorship deals were not negotiated with the big hitters like Nike or Adidas. Think they had kappa. TV rights were given away and the negotiations were a formality. From a commercial sense, they were in the dark ages.

I listened to a podcast about this. A delegation from Manchester United were hosted as guests of Barcelona to demonstrate certain revenue streams, of how our club was able to turn over such vast sums of money in the UK. TV rights, Shirt deals, Club Sponsors, Match day packages, Executive lounges etc etc.. In essence, what Barcelona did was to take our model, and incorporate it into theirs. They brought in marketing execs, finance experts. Following this shift from mostly being run by football people, Barcelona dramatically changed, and they soon rose in stature, and success on the field followed within a decade.

These are the same people running Manchester City right now. Basically regurgitating the same stuff that we trailblazed in the 90's.

What we do next, will raise the bar to another level, and everybody else will follow like sheep. In truth, City had to fudge their sponsorship deals to make it look like they were successful. Also, they could never build a 90,000 stadium and fill it twice a week. We can and we will.
Dan Ashworth is a one season wonder apparently

BlueMoon said:
They seem to be getting giddy over Dan Ashworth potentially going to them.

He seems to be a bit of a one season wonder both at Brighton and Newcastle.

Brighton have done better since he left and Newcastle can‘t afford to buy anyone now, yet he’s not unearthed any cheap talent from anywhere

Sir Jim is in cahoots with the EPL apparently

BlueMoon said:
Scruffy Jim has taken over United with a 1/4 ownership. :-?

Masters at the PL shared a drink with Jim, congratulated him, and told Jim not to worry, because we’ll get the 115 cheating bastards, and get United back to where they have a divine right be, as PL champions, which is good for you, for United, for United fans, for me, and for the PL.
Reading some of the comments it seems like some of them are worried that now we are have Sir Jim in charge we are going to start challenging again and the era of their own side being able to cheat its way to the title every season is coming to an end.
Reading some of the comments it seems like some of them are worried that now we are have Sir Jim in charge we are going to start challenging again and the era of their own side being able to cheat its way to the title every season is coming to an end.
The enduring hypocrisy of it is nothing if not entertaining. Maybe we should start a rumor SAF is going to be hired by the PL.
It’s funny how by being so obsessed with United they’ve actually built up an excellent knowledge of goings on here. Blue Moon is likely a better source of news on United if you wade through the venting and anger. Imagine spending time discussing the back room staff and recruiting teams of other clubs.
Imagine how sad people like “BlueDave” have to be. Frothing at the mouth about us. Good fecking grief, we don’t want to be like those Berties, we want to be a well run team. Pathetic club with pathetic fans.
"Superior to them, on every level". Before going directly on to illustrate the way in which they aren't - not to us and not to anyone really. The gutter mindset of those twats is beyond belief, and they don't even see it. They think they're entitled to it. And it doesn't seem to be just the odd bad egg either. If I was a City fan, I'd be embarrassed.
This one made me chuckle :lol:

Except for 93:20 that was the most outwardly over the top I've ever celebrated. Was in a pub about 75 to 25 rags to City. I just started punching anyone wearing red.
I live in London and visit family in Manchester when I can. Because of this I have friends and work colleagues (including a Liverpool supporter) who support all sorts of teams in London.

I can honestly say there is nothing worse than a City fan. They are truly delusional, atrocious, and obsessed with United.

Awful fan base.
A lot of desperation and straw clutching in this one

BlueMoon said:
Maybe, just maybe, the rags financial situation is slowly being shown up for what it is.
Maybe questions are going to be asked.
Maybe the questions can't be satisfactorily answered.
Maybe the edifice is about to crumble.
Maybe they will be exposed as the liars and cheats they are.
Supporters of other clubs need to remove their blinkers re the situation at City and ask - "But what about utd?"

Rags - too big to fail?
BlueMoon said:
Walked into M&S for my chocolate fix. Giddy rag says eww I don’t serve you lot. I said good I wouldn’t want to catch something off you and have you got something against serving winners.

While I was paying the cashier who was a fellow blue I said to the funny rag I see Weghorst 2 drew level with Weghorst 1 on goals scored yesterday, that’s 5 each for the season Weghorst 1 plays for Hoffenheim. I even took my mask off to smile and give him a knowing wink.

Have it.

The reply and his response... Christ :lol:

Bitter 2 said:
"You lot" WTF. Sorry mate, you missed an opportunity there, I'd have called for the manager and told him I was being discriminated against because of the football team I watch. Would he say "You Lot" to a gay person, a black person a disabled person, you never know. Anyway it's not the way I would expect to be treated by an employee of M and S. I'd have had the rags job.

Bitter 1 said:
He was the manager.

I put him back in his box at ease with a level one and a smile on my face.

I didn`t have to shout or lose my temper or swear which believe it or not, with the swearing I`m Champions League Final standard.

Everywhere I go I where my City baseball cap as bait. The tone of my response is judged on how they take the bait.
The tone of the rants on their forum reminds of incel rhetoric. Substitute "rags" for "females" and it's the same nastiness
I'm a Champions League Final level swearer.