Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
I'm more interested in the reasons that make you believe such arrogant aggression is justified. Your appalling grammar is tolerable but your unjustified sixth form smugness is unbearable. You have some points to make (your democratic point is shite but makes sense and your point about trade deals is partially correct). Why not try doing so in an articulate manner free from ridiculous resorts to dictionary definitions of words used by the tawdry campaigns of your Etonian elitists and underserved exclamations of superiority?
What you lack in subtlety you more than make up for in zealatory.
Hehe. You’re literally clueless. I’m out.
The Government thought we were discussing trade deals. Hence, the prolonged discussing of a trade deal! Jesus Christ indeed. Have you missed the last 3 years of negotiations and also the leave campaign promises of 2016?

1) Look at the leave campaigns claims over 2016. A no deal Brexit was claimed to be an impossibility.

2)You conveniently missed a key section: "...the Union shall
negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its
withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union."

I wonder if you are naturally obtuse or just pick and choose when to lose your comprehension skills.
Stop biting. It's not worth your time!


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
Pritti Patel makes my blood boil the most.
Ah yes, forgot her. And an honourable mention for the utter buffoon that is Liz Truss. Why are all the high profile Conservative women so detestable? Labour has some solid people with Beckett, Cooper et al


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
Lots of blame to go around but he started this shit show. He shouldn't have been so arrogant as to use a referendum soley for internal political reasons.

Yes I agree but I think it's a cop out to blame one person when you have so many people that deserve blame.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
The fecking arrogance to think the EU would even talk to you after that :lol:
You are fogetting that french farmers and german car manufacturers will demand a quick deal.

Written in 2016


Full Member
Aug 8, 2016
Jesus wept...

If literally spelling it out for you, with the terms direct from the EUs own official site doesn't help you, you are beyond help.
Re read my post and try again.

So far you are proving to be clueless. You can't answer with any detail, or answer at all it seems in most cases.
You're only parroting already disproven ideas.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Let's not rewrite history.

Fox made multiple claims about trade deals ready for when we leave. Davis talked about deals with individual countries in the EU (lolz). Hannan gave assurances that we wouldn't leave the single market, Boris said we'd have single market access. Gove talked of the free trade zone we wouldn't lose access to.

Boris again “There is no plan for no deal because we are going to get a great deal". Doesn't sound like a man who understands that the trade deal is separate to the no deal situation.

The leave campaign
“The OECD states that: ‘trade with the EU and other countries would initially revert to a WTO MFN-basis’. This is a highly flawed assumption that not even the IN campaign seriously contemplates as a realistic possibility. Leading pro-EU campaigners have admitted the UK will strike a free trade agreement if we Vote Leave.”

A leaver coming in here and suddenly using the EU rules and claims from remainers as evidence this was all always clear to brexiteers is ridiculous.


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
Snippet from The Sunday Times

A senior No 10 source told The Sunday Times: “If there isn’t a deal by the 18th we will sabotage the extension.” Another source said Johnson’s team was prepared to “take a chainsaw to anything” standing in its way.

No 10 believes that its approach will guarantee an emergency judicial review by the Supreme Court in the week of October 21, with judges deciding the fate of Brexit and the government.

Johnson’s approach suggests Britain is on course for the worst constitutional smash-up since parliamentary government was properly established in 1688.

After a week of turmoil, The Sunday Times can reveal that Whitehall mandarins have also begun work on a plan B, preparing for the prime minister to announce his resignation. Civil servants are drawing up a blueprint for how the announcement would be made and how Jeremy Corbyn — or a politician enjoying cross-party support — would then be invited to form a government. “It’s a tactical manoeuvre and shows he is prepared to lose the battle to win the war,” a source said.


New Member
Aug 1, 2018
I'm more interested in the reasons that make you believe such arrogant aggression is justified. Your appalling grammar is tolerable but your unjustified sixth form smugness is unbearable. You have some points to make (your democratic point is shite but makes sense and your point about trade deals is partially correct). Why not try doing so in an articulate manner free from ridiculous resorts to dictionary definitions of words used by the tawdry campaigns of your Etonian elitists and underserved exclamations of superiority?
What you lack in subtlety you more than make up for in zealatory.
Is it any more arrogant that the countless number of people in this very thread who have referred to all leave votes as racist, ignorant, idiotic etc?

That's the thing about some remain voters. They will quickly throw around such terms but when they demonstrate a lack of understanding on the subject and are called up on it, all hell breaks loose.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Let's not rewrite history.

Fox made multiple claims about trade deals ready for when we leave. Davis talked about deals with individual countries in the EU (lolz). Hannan gave assurances that we wouldn't leave the single market, Boris said we'd have single market access. Gove talked of the free trade zone we wouldn't lose access to.

Boris again “There is no plan for no deal because we are going to get a great deal". Doesn't sound like a man who understands that the trade deal is separate to the no deal situation.

The leave campaign
“The OECD states that: ‘trade with the EU and other countries would initially revert to a WTO MFN-basis’. This is a highly flawed assumption that not even the IN campaign seriously contemplates as a realistic possibility. Leading pro-EU campaigners have admitted the UK will strike a free trade agreement if we Vote Leave.”

A leaver coming in here and suddenly using the EU rules and claims from remainers as evidence this was all always clear to brexiteers is ridiculous.
It also shows a terrible understanding of the purpose behind the transition period and the withdrawal agreement mentioned in Art.50. The very reason for both of these things is to avoid no deal and create a workable(and timelined) framework that can then be presented to the WTO committee which can allow both trade jurisdictions to act as if they actually have a completed trade/custom agreement.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2014
Is it any more arrogant that the countless number of people in this very thread who have referred to all leave votes as racist, ignorant, idiotic etc?

That's the thing about some remain voters. They will quickly throw around such terms but when they demonstrate a lack of understanding on the subject and are called up on it, all hell breaks loose.
I'm sorry: this justifies your tone how?


New Member
Aug 1, 2018
It also shows a terrible understanding of the purpose behind the transition period and the withdrawal agreement mentioned in Art.50. The very reason for both of these things is to avoid no deal and create a workable(and timelined) framework that can then be presented to the WTO committee which can allow both trade jurisdictions to act as if they actually have a completed trade/custom agreement.
The only lack of understanding comes from those who seem to ignore that the WA was rejected 3 times by the UK parliament and nobody has offered a single alternative option.

If there is no WA, then there is only exiting without a deal.

The EU has agreed to the WA.

If the WA comes back and is voted through on the 4th occasion, then Parliament will not be worthy of praise but questions should be asked about why they felt it necessary to play these games and waste all this time. This applies to leave and remain MPs.

The actual meat of the trade deal comes after, when the previous treaties cease to be and the temporary deals, or WTO rules come into play.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Hang on, there's still people arguing vehemently for no deal Brexit?


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
The only lack of understanding comes from those who seem to ignore that the WA was rejected 3 times by the UK parliament and nobody has offered a single alternative option.

If there is no WA, then there is only exiting without a deal.

The EU has agreed to the WA.

If the WA comes back and is voted through on the 4th occasion, then Parliament will not be worthy of praise but questions should be asked about why they felt it necessary to play these games and waste all this time. This applies to leave and remain MPs.

The actual meat of the trade deal comes after, when the previous treaties cease to be and the temporary deals, or WTO rules come into play.
Which is irrelevant to art.50 and the point that you tried to make.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2012
Is it any more arrogant that the countless number of people in this very thread who have referred to all leave votes as racist, ignorant, idiotic etc?

That's the thing about some remain voters. They will quickly throw around such terms but when they demonstrate a lack of understanding on the subject and are called up on it, all hell breaks loose.
Who has called all leave voters racist?

Anyone who completely supports no deal at all costs is idiotic. That doesn’t cover all leave voters. There’s plenty that just want to leave for whatever reasons, but realise that no deal is not the best way to do it.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
It really isn't.

At this point however I could state that water is wet and some would argue the toss about it.
It really is. The purpose of Art.50 is independant of the UK parliament and their decisions. The fact that they rejected the terms of an agreement has no bearing on the puprose of the agreement itself.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
Pritti Patel makes my blood boil the most.
Patel and and that Chameleon Gove are the the absolute worst. Sajid Javid also comes close. Career politicians with very little regard for the welfare of the country


wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Jul 3, 2012
Patel and and that Chameleon Gove are the the absolute worst. Sajid Javid also comes close. Career piticians with very little regard for the welfare of the country
We all know he's a lizard person. Your subtle implications are unnecessary.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Patel and and that Chameleon Gove are the the absolute worst. Sajid Javid also comes close. Career politicians with very little regard for the welfare of the country
When you build a philosophy based on individualism this is what you get, self service, at any cost. Cabinet meetings supposedly about the public good, but where everyone is working angles and thinking about what they can get out of the situation.

That's where you end up with defence secretaries leaking top secret details of meetings to newspapers, or PMs seriously considering breaking laws to get their plans passed.


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland

We need to leave before we can negotiate that deal.

Another who seems to miss the fact that this withdrawal deal is not the future trade deal...

This is basic stuff FFS.

Please, will some of you get a clue. The fact you have the audacity to criticise elements of the leave vote while being so ill ill informed is staggering.

We are not at the stage of negotiating the trade deals. That can only occur after leaving!
You realize that for other countries the “future trade deals” took YEARS to come to pass? Also who’s to say that we can get good trade deals?? Putting a lot of trust in a bunch of morons! That’s why the WA is crucial. This is basic stuff FFS! Please will you get a clue and stop criticizing members of our forum board!


New Member
Aug 1, 2018
It really is. The purpose of Art.50 is independant of the UK parliament and their decisions. The fact that they rejected the terms of an agreement has no bearing on the puprose of the agreement itself.


Unless the UK parliament passes the WA, then the WA does not come into play. Therefore, short of never ending extensions, we leave without a WA, aka no deal.


New Member
Aug 1, 2018
You realize that for other countries the “future trade deals” took YEARS to come to pass? Also who’s to say that we can get good trade deals?? Putting a lot of trust in a bunch of morons! That’s why the WA is crucial. This is basic stuff FFS! Please will you get a clue and stop criticizing members of our forum board!
Of course we need a WA. I have never claimed otherwise. No deal is a moronic concept.

Sadly our parliament, for whatever reasons they have, disagreed 3 times with that, the EU are unwilling to accept any changes to something they have all agreed to and nobody on the UK side is offering an alternative.

Which leave us with only the nuclear option.

And yes, trade deals will take time. Our only advantage over other third party trading partners is that we have previously had trade with the EU, and have the foundations in place. Which should reduce the time somewhat. It will still take years to conclude.


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
You talk like the UK isn't one of the world's richest nation's, one of the top 4 trading partners of all major EU members, or the financial capital of Europe and the world.

If trade provides benefits even enemies will trade with each other. An the UK and EU would be far from enemies.
So remind me why we’re leaving and wanting to flush it all away?

Sied U2, baby?
Nov 28, 2013
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
Because they call his bluff and then we’re fecked


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
Because there is no better deal to negotiate.

It's basically due to the two main issues: One is about the Irish border and the other is about jurisdictions and EU countries aren't reducing their sovereignty in favor of the UK.


wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Jul 3, 2012
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
Cause neither the UK government nor the EU have any intention of negotiating. Boris is just lying.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
Because the majority in Parliament believe that if EU called his bluff and we had to implement no deal, the impact on UK would be catastrophic. This majority believes that the risk is so severe, it simply cannot be an option.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2014
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
Using threats to get your way tends not to be a great negotiating dynamic for one thing, not unless theres a significant power inbalance in your favour, in which case your not negotiating, your dictating. Its more like threatening to set yourself on fire if they dont give you the house for nothing also. Its a rubbish plan, was a stupid statement the first time and repeating it for 3 years hasn't made it any more sensible


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
It isn't terrible, but Conservative MPs and cabinet members have said that Johnson isn't remotely showing that he's even trying to negotiate a deal.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
Because as Amber Rudd just pointed when resigning, there is zero evidence of them negotiating a deal with the EU.

In other words, no deal is now the plan. Framing it as negotiating leverage is simply a way of avoiding having to admit that this is the case.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
The 'plan' is to blame the EU for...well, the crisis to come. The EU themselves have realised this.


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
It is perfectly simple. It is only a threat to the UK, like cutting your nose off to spite your face.
And anyway. The EU don't believe it.

Sied U2, baby?
Nov 28, 2013
Thanks for the replies. Sounds like a mess - Good luck with that!


Full Member
Aug 10, 2014
It's a simple case of responding in the manner I have been addressed throughout the thread.
Ok. Seems to me the hostility is primarily originating with you but it's your choice. You've dropped into a long standing thread which, clearly, is primarily pro remain and are making arguments that have been discussed extensively in a tone that, and it mat be that you can't perceive this, is aggressively condescending.
If you want to have a debate in those circumstances I'd imagine it'd be wise to take a different tack otherwise the flame war that you're at the heart of will escalate with no progress made. You will be seen as a troll, perhaps with justification.


Jan 27, 2004
Boris' argument that he needs the threat of no deal to negotiate a better deal makes perfect sense to me. Can someone explain to me why it's such a bad idea?

If I wanted to buy a house and the owners knew I had no choice but to buy it, I'm hardly going to be able to negotiate myself a good deal.

Genuine question. I don't get a vote so I don't claim to be the best informed.
It would be if that is what he was doing. He as no plan apart from winding down the clock. EU have moved on .