Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
It's about right for Network Rail but they are a quasi governmental appointed entity that manage the rail infrastructure. The profiteers are in the rail operators but as Sun Tzu says, even they are regulated.

Network Rail do a solid job on a piss poor budget so their much needed upgrading of the Victorian Rail network is "getting there" but still at the sort of pace BR manage. Lest we forget, the precursor to Network Rail was the fully private Rail Track and I would have praised them for making similar much needed if slow progress on an impossible task with a ludicrously small budget yet they were allowed to go bankrupt as the government continued to stael back their budget with fines for delays that were beyond their control.

It doesn't matter if it's privatised, semi private or nationalised. When we refuse to spend the amount needed to even maintain the status quo on our dilapidated infrastructure how can we be surprised that the service gets progressively worse.
Crikey I remember that. It was listed the government took it private if I remember it right. I got the scoop on Fidelity leading a shareholder action group about it and they ended up taking down Stephen Byers - must have been 2000/2001.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Why is this numpty suddenly everywhere. He's a cretinous thick bastard who I wouldn't trust as far as I can throw. An unscrupulous careerist politician who has zero substance and will say anything to get a vote.
Yeah he's a Tory.


Full Member
Jun 19, 2010
Borussia Dortmund
You think they want to back out of Brexit entirely? That would be quite a spectacular U-turn and maybe political suicide. I take it more as a call to Brexiters not to be satisfied with May's deal. Perhaps even an attempt to lure moderates or remainers into rebellion.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
He's bad, even for a Tory. The fact he is that fecking dumb he didn't realise a frictionless border at Dover is important for trade, even as Brexit minister, is all the more galling.
No doubt, i used to think while the Tory party was generally a den of pricks a few of them were surely half sensible and competent. But the last two years has changed that thinking.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
You think they want to back out of Brexit entirely? That would be quite a spectacular U-turn and maybe political suicide. I take it more as a call to Brexiters not to be satisfied with May's deal. Perhaps even an attempt to lure moderates or remainers into rebellion.
No, they do not want out of brexit. Only describing how much they hate the deal. The funny thing is their arguments for hating the deal, contradict their arguments for wanting out in the first place.


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
The Times and Fraser Nelson in The Telegraph both report this morning that the Tory Brexiteers now have their arms fully wrapped around a "managed" no deal plan (as floated by Leadsom a few weeks ago).

May will be ousted by one of the 'pizza plotters' as soon as her deal is rejected by Parliament - they'll then take control and steer us off the cliff edge.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Yeah, we want good old British food like pizza and Peking Duck!

Honest John

Full Member
Dec 15, 2002
The Times and Fraser Nelson in The Telegraph both report this morning that the Tory Brexiteers now have their arms fully wrapped around a "managed" no deal plan (as floated by Leadsom a few weeks ago).

May will be ousted by one of the 'pizza plotters' as soon as her deal is rejected by Parliament - they'll then take control and steer us off the cliff edge.
May has taken over because she is desperately trying to avoid that.

She appointed DD to do the negotiating in good faith and to balance out the fact that as PM she was a remainer.

DD superciliously went over there and basically opened with 'give us everything we want and more - or we'll jump off the cliff'

What do you expect the EU to say other than 'ok jump off the cliff then'

Does anyone really think that £39b means that much to them?

DD didn't even have briefing notes if you recall - why? Because jumping off the cliff is exactly what he and all the others want.

I reckon candid phone calls from the EU woke TM up to that reality and the last thing she wants is for something like that to happen on her watch.

Tbf I do believe that she has got the good of the country and democracy at heart (however deluded that may be) and is not cynically trying to cling to power. She's a servant not a leader.

So if by some chance she can get this deal through, and at the end of the transition we have a comprehensive FTA with a solution for NI then she could claim a degree of success.

If she loses then I think she would need to resign. If the party then elects a Brexiteer for PM then no-deal will be also voted down and we will be in a constitutional crisis.

Labour will then (rightly) push for a no-confidence in the government motion and we will get a GE.

Lines would then need to be redrawn on what the parties are going to campaign on with regards to Brexit.

Several parties will probably have a 2nd referendum with remain as an option in their manifestos

Who would win? I don't know....

Extremely hacked off leavers on the one hand vs relieved remainers on the other.

This could go on for years.

Don't forget while all this is happening we would have probably slipped into a recession.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Tories/UKIP would win that's who. I think a GE will happen despite it being improbable and Labour will get demolished by pushing for a second referendum.

Remain Tories will not vote Labour whilst the Labour leavers will rush to UKIP.

The only hope is that the usual non-voters turn out but I'm not sure they'll necessarily vote remain anyway.

Maybe the remainers in parliament could push through lowering the voting age to try and make it a stitch up


The Caf's Roy Keane.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
It's almost like these people deserve the chaos of no deal.

Can't sensible people stay in Europe, or something?

I reckon she goes on holiday to Spain, anyway.
Yeah but she'll on buy British food and British drink when she's there so she's not a hypocrite.


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
Tories/UKIP would win that's who. I think a GE will happen despite it being improbable and Labour will get demolished by pushing for a second referendum.

Remain Tories will not vote Labour whilst the Labour leavers will rush to UKIP.

The only hope is that the usual non-voters turn out but I'm not sure they'll necessarily vote remain anyway.

Maybe the remainers in parliament could push through lowering the voting age to try and make it a stitch up
Some defo will. Avoiding Brexit is way more important than Labour getting in for one term, even if it is under Corbyn's leadership.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Some defo will. Avoiding Brexit is way more important than Labour getting in for one term, even if it is under Corbyn's leadership.
Indeed. You're evidence of that - and 2017 showed there were plenty of liberal Tories in London as an example willing to move away from the party due to their stance on Brexit.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2012
Tories/UKIP would win that's who. I think a GE will happen despite it being improbable and Labour will get demolished by pushing for a second referendum.

Remain Tories will not vote Labour whilst the Labour leavers will rush to UKIP.

The only hope is that the usual non-voters turn out but I'm not sure they'll necessarily vote remain anyway.

Maybe the remainers in parliament could push through lowering the voting age to try and make it a stitch up
Why would they get demolished for pushing for a 2nd referendum? Is that not what the people want?


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
Hmm, be careful what you wish for.
Not sure even Corbyn and McDonnell can be as ruinous long-term as Brexit. Hopefully parliament wouldn't pass their more extreme policies.
Indeed. You're evidence of that - and 2017 showed there were plenty of liberal Tories in London as an example willing to move away from the party due to their stance on Brexit.
Yep the lurch to the right has lost many voters, eg my wife and I, plus I am fortunate enough to have a genuinely good MP in Andy Slaughter, so I can focus on his local work, not the thought of voting for Corbyn.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Not sure even Corbyn and McDonnell can be as ruinous long-term as Brexit. Hopefully parliament wouldn't pass their more extreme policies.

Yep the lurch to the right has lost many voters, eg my wife and I, plus I am fortunate enough to have a genuinely good MP in Andy Slaughter, so I can focus on his local work, not the thought of voting for Corbyn.
Pfftt, give it a year or two and you'll be shouting at your Lenin poster about how Labour haven't gone far enough to the left.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2012
He doesn't know anything. Nobody does. It's all hot air.

May was supposed to destroy Corbyn last time out.
Either way it seems like all we would be voting for is what's the best worst policy. Now we're in turmoil It seems many politicians are finally realising Brexit is probably not quite worth all the trouble they've caused.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
and a 9 year old who baked her a cup cake... avoid questions as much as possible - they should have got paxman or similar to do this
The questioner going on about male politicians resigning, what the hell was that about... she's had plenty of female politicians resigning too. Bizarre. :lol:


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Some defo will. Avoiding Brexit is way more important than Labour getting in for one term, even if it is under Corbyn's leadership.
Yeah my statement was a bit absolute, what i meant was that i think more voters will leave Labour for UKIP than they'll gain elsewhere.

The SNP would likely gain seats from the Tories but unfortunately the Lib Dems or Greens aren't in a position to be much of an alternative to Corbyn.

A couple of months ago YouGov were showing Labour would be around 10% behind if they blocked Brexit. I'm sure that's reduced as people have changed their minds but you'd still need an historic swing to Labour to pull it off.

Maybe enough Tories will hate Boris and Mogg who knows


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
She inadvertedly admitted that remaining was the better option.
She looked pretty annoyed about it too when the camera zoomed out. :lol:

I didn't catch the first half of the interview, did anyone ask her about the story of the army having to issue out medicine? Granted, I think that its based more on one of the Government (can't remember her name) miscommunication but it's still a pretty wild story.