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2023-24 Performances

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4.9 Season Average Rating
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For him to be that slow/not be able to do 1 sprint means he is either carrying an injury or as a lot of us suspect his legs have gone. Cannot be with us next season.
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure he signed a 4 year contract back in 2022 so 2 years left this summmer.

It's one of these options jobs. 2026 but with an option to 2027!
Hopefully we hold the option decision!
If he starts in the cup final then we'll lose. Well, we'll definitely lose.
If I was Ten Hag I wouldn’t want to give him another minute after that penalty, it proved exactly what I’ve suspected for months - he either doesn’t give a shit, or worse is a saboteur.

His awful passing in games is easily written off as a player who is past it and struggling but no professional footballer suddenly forgets how to take a penalty.

Problem is we’ve no alternatives at either centre back or midfield so there’s no chance of that happening.

Hopefully by the time of the final we’ll have enough players back to drop him.
This is why you don’t play huge money and massive contracts to players coming towards the of there career. It never ends well.
Yup many of us said so at the time but it was frowned upon because we were apparently in no position to turn down the “best DM in the world”.

As I’ve said before, if you are a long term project like us, you should be signing young players who you can still be useful by the time the project (and they) mature. The exceptions to that rule must be cheap / freebies. That’s one issue with us - always looking for shortcuts. Arsenal’s strategy of buying younger players and accepting their predicament is what we need.

It’s also usually the technically brilliant midfielders who age well - Pirlo, Scholes, Modric etc To add to that our buildup was poor so it didn’t make sense to add a limited DM anyway. But ETH sadly was never interested in truly dominating games.
To be honest, I don't think this level of decline could've been expected. I think the fact he mentally checked out of this sesson/team is a bigger factor than his decline. Plus, on many occasions he was left in midfield with too much to do on his own.
Man Utd 4:2 Sheffield Utd
He seemed to perform much better in the CB role I think, bring calmness to the defence, maybe this is how we should use him the future.

He reminds me of Blanc.
Thought he was fantastic today, read the game superbly and didn't get caught out at all.
Did well and can be an option for us in the future (if he has one here) but against better teams, will need a proper sitting midfielder (nothing new there) in front of him or it could be another Coventry 2nd half with our crap tactics.
Passes the ball better as a CB than he has at DM all season, far more control and fewer of the heaves over the top.
I have been told to be more positive, so he was decent today. Hopefully we have suitors at the end of the season
Probably his best match of the season (but the bar is extremely low). Not sure that he's suited to that position against any decent opposition though.
It's hard to judge cos we played the bottom team in the league
But he was better here than vs the championship team on the weekend.

If we were a possession hogging team him as cb would work, but we're gonna face better teams and ideally we need varane/Martinez back and having some game time before we have the fa cup final match to stand a bit of a chance
Offers little especially considering his wages and physical decline. Another great (dare I say even legendary) player we sign too late in his career.

I fully expect him to not be part of the team next season.
Man Utd 1:1 Burnley
What the feck was that header. This team is collectively so stupid.
On borrowed time.

We’d be fools to keep him beyond this season as he’s a liability these days.
Jogging in midfield on the 90th minute and letting players walk past, he’s completely checked out, just collecting pay checks and can’t wait for summer to travel. A shocking transfer all round.
Casemiro and Rashford having their own competition of who is the most important to get rid of in the summer.

Braindead player
I feel we got the Casemiro from Wish. Would struggle to play for a championship team.
Even last season we saw shades of this. It was probably out of pure determination and mental strength that he still managed to pull off some world class one man show performances. Absolutely insanity giving him a 5 year contract, unless we're moving him to the coachign staff.
I understand that his legs are gone. I understand that pinpoint passing was never his specialty. I can accept those shortcomings. But for an experienced player like him to make that kind of mistake, it's unacceptable. And after that stinker of a penalty in the FA cup too. He has lost that desire we saw last season.
Legs are gone, a great pro and I’m sure he’s gutted things are going how they’re, but it is what it is. Time to move on.
Did a fine job covering as a CB. Him and Maguire were OK. Not much protection in front of them.
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