Club Sale | It’s done!

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If the investment is not on Utd’s books, and we are also debt free, we are likely the most self-sufficient club on the planet.

Not if billions are being pumped in to pay for infrastructure that the club itself should be paying for.

I was speaking in terms of buying players etc.

I assumed that's what you meant mate but if someone is paying for a new Stadium etc instead of it being funded from the clubs own profits. Then that isn't the club being self-sufficient in any way, shape or form.
Yeah it’s a massive shame but I think different people will come to different stances.
Definitely, it’s purely because everyone is different by nature. Everyone will live their lives in the best way they think. One can only do that much when trying to persuade the others to join them. If failed, just get along or stay away. So what, right? ;)
but, I still think you can continue to support man utd. Well, I am not trying to persuade you.
Not if billions are being pumped in to pay for infrastructure that the club itself should be paying for.

I assumed that's what you meant mate but if someone is paying for a new Stadium etc instead of it being funded from the clubs own profits. Then that isn't the club being self-sufficient in any way, shape or form.
Okay, I should have said self sufficient in the transfer market then. The Qatari could put nothing into that side of the club and we could still go out and spend 100-200 Million per season. Just like we have done in previous years under the Glazers.
And there’s no Bill Murray to lighten the mood. Reckon some of this lot are secretly in love with each other though. The old treat ‘em mean to keep ‘em keen vibe going on.
Ok I admit, I’ve secretly had a crush on @Berbaclass since last summers Frenkie thread. He broke my heart when he denounced the deal and said he didn’t care anymore!! :lol:
What does that even mean? How is the Man City situation even remotely comparable to ours? United is an actual money-making machine. City wasn't so they have to inflate and cheat. I don;t really see why anyone would think that we would suddenly start 'cheating' or financially doping.

Sorry you're right, I was being quippy. But yeah it hasn't been defined how United would be cheating if the Qatari's take over.
Ok I admit, I’ve secretly had a crush on @Berbaclass since last summers Frenkie thread. He broke my heart when he denounced the deal and said he didn’t care anymore!! :lol:
As @Wumminator will tell you, I often say things which I don't mean.
so you think City and PSG have cheated with inflated sponsors but in some cases the exact same owners won’t do that with us?
Give me a good reason why they would need to?
so you think City and PSG have cheated with inflated sponsors but in some cases the exact same owners won’t do that with us?
Why would they cheat the revenue to compete with the team they cheated the revenue to compete with in the first place?

The reason they’re pumped the numbers for those clubs is because they can’t compete with the likes of United in regards to spend. They wouldn’t have to fake United’s numbers to compete with themselves would they?
Not if billions are being pumped in to pay for infrastructure that the club itself should be paying for.
Them paying off our debt and for our stadium is literally levelling the playing field. If the Glazers hadn't done what no other owner in club football has done by a long, long distance, we wouldn't be in a position to require super wealth just to continue existing in our current guise as a major club.

How this simple fact can be lost on any fan supporting United, let alone someone who is actually very engaged and on this forum is beyond my comprehension.

Shit like this is what I'd expect from Jenas and the other ABUs in the media.
Why would they cheat the revenue to compete with the team they cheated the revenue to compete with in the first place?

The reason they’re pumped the numbers for those clubs is because they can’t compete with the likes of United in regards to spend. They wouldn’t have to fake United’s numbers to compete with themselves would they?
Well our revenue is behind the revenue of City. By about 50 million. Shall we just leave us behind them then?
Them paying off our debt and for our stadium is literally levelling the playing field. If the Glazers hadn't done what no other owner in club football has done by a long, long distance, we wouldn't be in a position to require super wealth just to continue existing in our current guise as a major club.

How this simple fact can be lost on any fan supporting United, let alone someone who is actually very engaged and on this forum is beyond.

Shit like this is what I'd expect from Jenas and the other ABUs in the media.
We gave away £1.5 billion of our own money because of those feckers. All rightfully earned too. If you ask me getting a stadium paid for and wiping the debt is pretty fair, I don't consider it 'cheating' I think it's justice really.
You lot discussing politics and human rights like it fecking matters. Glazers will sell to ISIS if they offered more.
they’re being charged for deals up to 2018. There lastfinances are apparently perfectly legitimate.
Because they stopped providing documentation from that point. You better believe there will be more charges after that date when they finally get their hands on the documentation. There’s nothing legitimate about anything they’ve done.
Okay, I should have said self sufficient in the transfer market then. The Qatari could put nothing into that side of the club and we could still go out and spend 100-200 Million per season. Just like we have done in previous years under the Glazers.

Fair enough yeah and the less the club have to spend on infrastructure the more money there is to spend on players.

So still not self-sufficient.
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It's not genuine mate. Ours is.
but you get my point don’t you?

you’re saying our owners won’t cheat because we don’t need to. Well. We sort of do as we are behind sportswashing teams. And our owners have done this type of cheating at other clubs. Every sportswashing club has.
If Qatari bid is successful, even without injections of massive money to the club, the revenue will likely bump up significantly in a few years, because they plan to transform the tourism and business infrastructure of Manchester and produce the affiliates around world. It will put the club in the pole position financially to compete with the others with sustainable business model.
but you get my point don’t you?

you’re saying our owners won’t cheat because we don’t need to. Well. We sort of do as we are behind sportswashing teams. And our owners have done this type of cheating at other clubs. Every sportswashing club has.
Not really no. We aren't really behind City are we if their numbers are total bullshit. We generate more revenue than PSG so we are not behind them either.
Not really no. We aren't really behind City are we if their numbers are total bullshit. We generate more revenue than PSG so we are not behind them either.
Also, CL money is 50m a year. Football club revenues are quite often a one-zero thing. It's not normal business
Them paying off our debt and for our stadium is literally levelling the playing field. If the Glazers hadn't done what no other owner in club football has done by a long, long distance, we wouldn't be in a position to require super wealth just to continue existing in our current guise as a major club.

How this simple fact can be lost on any fan supporting United, let alone someone who is actually very engaged and on this forum is beyond my comprehension.

Shit like this is what I'd expect from Jenas and the other ABUs in the media.

Oh wait the Glazers took money out of United? Who knew?

I'm obviously well aware what the Glazers have done. But the Qataris or anyone pumping billions into the club isn't levelling the playing field it's financial doping mate.

What the Glazers did to United was scandalous, it cost the club a lot of money and its shit but that's life and shit happens. I personally want United to be truly self-sufficient again and that would mean not having a sugar daddy buy the club a brand new stadium. Or anything for that matter, if the new owners got rid of the Glazers debt and left it at that United would be fine. The club doesn't need a sugar daddy.
Psg and mancity actually are the real examples how their revenue can explosively increase even though they have some degree of inflation as everyone believes. But, the real, not inflated portion must be significant as well by common sense.
Oh wait the Glazers took money out of United? Who knew?

I'm obviously well aware what the Glazers have done. But the Qataris or anyone pumping billions into the club isn't levelling the playing field it's financial doping mate.

What the Glazers did to United was scandalous, it cost the club a lot of money and its shit but that's life and shit happens. I personally want United to be truly self-sufficient again and that would mean not having a sugar daddy buy the club a brand new stadium. Or anything if the new owners got rid of the Glazers debt and left it at that United would be fine. The club doesn't need a sugar daddy.
It's amazing you can read what I wrote and still respond with this. I'll stop here.
I'd just like to bring to your attention the fact you are conversing with someone who claims to care about the human rights of people from Qatar but on the same forum mocked a supporter from the very same country because he was happy his native country was buying Utd. Yes, he did that.

I received a warning for one of my responses...

I have the warning recorded on my profile. I wear it as a badge of honour.

He also promised to step back from the thread but just couldn't help himself and returned in less than 48 hours. It's no surprise the thread has been completely derailed again with his re-appearance.
If Wumminator had responded to said supporter unprovoked then you would've had a valid point.

However that's not what happened. He hadn't been active on the thread and was then tagged (i.e. goaded) by that supporter...leading to the first derailment of the thread which included your warning.

Best to get your facts right first before wearing as a badge on honour.
Oh wait the Glazers took money out of United? Who knew?

I'm obviously well aware what the Glazers have done. But the Qataris or anyone pumping billions into the club isn't levelling the playing field it's financial doping mate.

What the Glazers did to United was scandalous, it cost the club a lot of money and its shit but that's life and shit happens. I personally want United to be truly self-sufficient again and that would mean not having a sugar daddy buy the club a brand new stadium. Or anything for that matter, if the new owners got rid of the Glazers debt and left it at that United would be fine. The club doesn't need a sugar daddy.
What if nobody but a “sugar daddy” has the means to both buy the club and eliminate the debt?
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