Club Sale | It’s done!

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Right, as if we had 10 options to choose from... As far as I am aware, we have 2. Out of those 2 I maybe favour Qatar because
a) they are obviously coming to the league and I would rather it's us than for example Liverpool. To me seeing City, Liverpool and possibly Newcastle winning everything (as if they don't win enough already) would be much worse than being owned by Qatar.
b) I think it would be better for the club and possibly the entire area surrounding OT

But it doesn't mean I am "switching sides". My "support" for them is not like "oh I can't wait for Jassim or whatever his name is to buy us", and no, I am not planning buying a robe, not planing to defend any sheikh from Qatar or how they run their country.

If it makes me less superior than someone else (obviously does), it's fine. It's just tiring seeing same people constantly come here desperately looking to force their views upon others (like dictators).

Just to be clear - you’re annoyed at me forcing my views on others but not the pro Qatar people with literally hundreds more posts?

Also to be clear - you disagree with how the Qataris run their country? You think the deaths of migrants is wrong?
How will we know though? We have been one of the biggest spenders in the world despite the Glazers. I expect it to stay at a pretty similar level. Can't see us doing what Chelsea are doing.

They will invest in the infrastructure and take the debt away. That's literally all the club needs to be pretty self-sufficient.

We get to judge it for ourselves. In the end its all we can do.
It's what I'd hope, but I'm not sure it would be the case.
I might be naive but I think the Liverpool owners staying supports this.

Why? Because I think they always believed FFP would allow them to eventually level the field against City.

With the new more stringent FFP rules coming in, this should restrict the spending power of rich clubs to a more palatable level.

And I just cannot understand how people can watch City winning league after league and accept it's OK to just be close to winning or actually win one every 10 years. City can still win three in a row this year and 5 out of the last 6. And even if they don't, they'll probably win it next year.

This is without mentioning Chelsea who had massive financial doping for years and once Roman had to go, their debt got wiped, so they're getting their second treatment.

You either accept being a bigger Leicester or go big and accept reality, meaning we need money to compete.

If the authorities decide to get their heads out of their collective arses and force the sale of these clubs (or enforce some kind real FFP rules), then we can revisit the topic. Until then, I'm on the 'join them' approach.
That post by Mockney which is getting quoted a lot, was really good. Especially the analogy involving Weghorst. So good it actually made me rethink this. I kinda wanted Qatar because I thought it would improve the situation in the country and it would be the only way we could compete going forward of those options presented to us (not helped by Ratcliffe's bad PR and possible financing parties after he came in as a knight in a shining armor last year).

It's easy to accuse rival fans of just wanting to wind other fans up with the moral arguments but being state-owned with unlimited resources will indeed feel hollow. Can understand younger fans not feeling the same because they have grown up with that being a part of football, but I personally genuinely doesn't care if City or Chelsea win anything. Would probably do when it comes to Liverpool even if they were state-owned, but still.

The Glazers have fecked us over so badly that it's easy to feel the need to contemplate getting sovereign wealth fund rich owners to balance it out again. Just hope if SJR wins the bid that he actually will deliver better than his PR has done.

I do wish the Western reporting on the GCC countries would improve. At best it's incredibly lazy and counteracting.
Without that kind of money how would we invest in the infrastructure of the club? Not even talking about players and transfers. That's a couple of billion on its own most probably. That's before you even get into the sale price.

There are very limited people who can or would be able to purchase us.
Spurs aren’t state owned. They have arguably the best stadium in the country. Arsenal aren’t state owned (yes I know they are sponsored by Emirates, but the stadium wasn’t solely funded this way) and have a newer stadium than OT. Even relative minnows like Brentford can build new grounds. There are ways and means.
We already more than hold our own in the TM, it’s how it’s spent that needs to improve not how much.
And the cost of being in debt cannot be overstated. Just clearing the cost of having the Glazers as owners will free up much more cash flow. We don’t need state money.
That post by Mockney which is getting quoted a lot, was really good. Especially the analogy involving Weghorst. So good it actually made me rethink this. I kinda wanted Qatar because I thought it would improve the situation in the country and it would be the only way we could compete going forward of those options presented to us (not helped by Ratcliffe's bad PR and possible financing parties after he came in as a knight in a shining armor last year).

It's easy to accuse rival fans of just wanting to wind other fans up with the moral arguments but being state-owned with unlimited resources will indeed feel hollow. Can understand younger fans not feeling the same because they have grown up with that being a part of football, but I personally genuinely doesn't care if City or Chelsea win anything. Would probably do when it comes to Liverpool even if they were state-owned, but still.

The Glazers have fecked us over so badly that it's easy to feel the need to contemplate getting sovereign wealth fund rich owners to balance it out again. Just hope if SJR wins the bid that he actually will deliver better than his PR has done.

I do wish the Western reporting on the GCC countries would improve. At best it's incredibly lazy and counteracting.

It’s brilliant to see that people are open to changing their mind. I think it’s hard not to when you see the posts across the last few pages.
I might be naive but I think the Liverpool owners staying supports this.

Why? Because I think they always believed FFP would allow them to eventually level the field against City.

With the new more stringent FFP rules coming in, this should restrict the spending power of rich clubs to a more palatable level.

And I just cannot understand how people can watch City winning league after league and accept it's OK to just be close to winning or actually win one every 10 years. City can still win three in a row this year and 5 out of the last 6. And even if they don't, they'll probably win it next year.

This is without mentioning Chelsea who had massive financial doping for years and once Roman had to go, their debt got wiped, so they're getting their second treatment.

You either accept being a bigger Leicester or go big and accept reality, meaning we need money to compete.

If the authorities decide to get their heads out of their collective arses and force the sale of these clubs (or enforce some kind real FFP rules), then we can revisit the topic. Until then, I'm on the 'join them' approach.

I don't think that unshackled from the disaster of the Glazers we need outside money to compete on a sustained basis. We can succeed just on what we can actually make.
Spend £150m on Antony probably
What does that even mean? How is the Man City situation even remotely comparable to ours? United is an actual money-making machine. City wasn't so they have to inflate and cheat. I don;t really see why anyone would think that we would suddenly start 'cheating' or financially doping.
Do you think that given the financial/debt problems United has just gone through over the past 18 years of the Glazers, that the fanbase have a right to know whether this is a thinly veiled Qatari state bid ? Nearly all money anyone from the royal family has is originally sourced from the Qatari state - so why not simply admit that it is, deal with the issue transparently so that all parties are aware this is not a private individual, but rather a tacit Qatari state actor attempting to buy United.

Sure it would great to know more details about all the bids but the reality is that we aren't going to
What does that even mean? How is the Man City situation even remotely comparable to ours? United is an actual money-making machine. City wasn't so they have to inflate and cheat. I don;t really see why anyone would think that we would suddenly start 'cheating' or financially doping.
State money is a cheat code. Pure and simple.
You tell yourself that. There will be no difference in the eyes of many, however you spin it - myself potentially included. No club should be backed by a fecking State, or never have to feasibly watch their finances. Even the biggest clubs in the World should have to loan a Wout Weghorst in the winter if they’ve spent too much in the summer. Otherwise what’s the point in sport? Just fodder for teenage tweeters and FIFA shut ins? United have always had the moral high ground in these arguments. We’ve always been a ‘proper club’ …but so many are happy to piss it all away for a sugar daddy. When as you say, we don’t actually even need it!

Deep down that’s why a lot of fans are desperate to make these little get out clause excuses or play on the technicalities… because reminding them of how others will consider it all completely hollow does rankle - even if it’s just a little. And so it should. And If all naysayers like me can do is remind them of that, then fine.. I’ll take what I can get at this point.

‘Cos I want rid of the Glazers too, I have no power or influence on anything and I am completely resigned to this happening… but I’ll be fecked if I’m lifting up my legs and lubing your collective conscience as well. I’d rather be a party pooper than a hypocrite.
100 % agree.
You tell yourself that. There will be no difference in the eyes of many, however you spin it - myself potentially included. No club should be backed by a fecking State, or never have to feasibly watch their finances. Even the biggest clubs in the World should have to loan a Wout Weghorst in the winter if they’ve spent too much in the summer. Otherwise what’s the point in sport? Just fodder for teenage tweeters and FIFA shut ins? United have always had the moral high ground in these arguments. We’ve always been a ‘proper club’ …but so many are happy to piss it all away for a sugar daddy. When as you say, we don’t actually even need it!

Deep down that’s why a lot of fans are desperate to make these little get out clause excuses or play on the technicalities… because reminding them of how others will consider it all completely hollow does rankle - even if it’s just a little. And so it should. And If all naysayers like me can do is remind them of that, then fine.. I’ll take what I can get at this point.

‘Cos I want rid of the Glazers too, I have no power or influence on anything and I am completely resigned to this happening… but I’ll be fecked if I’m lifting up my legs and lubing your collective conscience as well. I’d rather be a party pooper than a hypocrite.

Nicely put, sir. It also saves me a mouth-marbling attempt to voice my own feelings.
That's just stupid.
So’s your face! Yeah that’s roght
I’m 12 big whoop, wanna fight about it?!!

But seriously. I’ve been quite clear dude, Manchester United don’t need state funding. We are big enough to stand on our own. Transfers, infrastructure, the whole shebang. We can do it all, once we are freed from the shackles of Glazer ownership.
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Honestly these idiotic Qatar bum boys trying to wind up other fans coupled with 7 year old journalists is actually making me not want Sheikh Jassim as an owner.

Moral issues aside, its just clearly attracting so many idiots
Honestly these idiotic Qatar bum boys trying to wind up other fans coupled with 7 year old journalists is actually making me not want Sheikh Jassim as an owner.

Moral issues aside, its just clearly attracting so many idiots
What do you think that phrase means?
Next up: Sheikh Jassim is going to use his B&Q card to obtain the paint to sort the seats at OT.
Honestly these idiotic Qatar bum boys trying to wind up other fans coupled with 7 year old journalists is actually making me not want Sheikh Jassim as an owner.

Moral issues aside, its just clearly attracting so many idiots

Josh Lyman voice: “This ‘Qatar bum boys’ comment could just mushroom cloud in so many ways…”
Josh Lyman voice: “This ‘Qatar bum boys’ comment could just mushroom cloud in so many ways…”
Excellent west wing reference aside, I just thought of that Bayern banner against Ozil in my head when typing the post and I couldn't help it :lol:
So’s your face! Yeah that’s roght
I’m 12 big whoop, wanna fight about it?!!

But seriously. I’ve been quite clear dude, Manchester United don’t need state funding. We are big enough to stand on our own. Transfers, infrastructure, the whole shebang. We can do it all, once we are freed from the shackles of Glazer ownership.
I'm not particularly advocating for state funding. I'm simply saying that anyone that has the means to buy the club is going to need a large amount of money (obviously) to make the required investments.

For the level of investment needed state ownership is probably the best option for the actual club because for them I think it's simply not about making money. I don't think I can say the same for INEOS.
Just to be clear - you’re annoyed at me forcing my views on others but not the pro Qatar people with literally hundreds more posts?

Also to be clear - you disagree with how the Qataris run their country? You think the deaths of migrants is wrong?
I guess more with the way you do it. Condescending, guilt tripping and many posts are along the lines of “if you are OK with Qatar, you don’t care about human rights” which is just a very lazy pov. The “I am better fan than you and my opinion is better than yours” just reeks from basically every post :lol:

As for 2nd part, I think it’s needless to say that deaths of migrants is always wrong and that they quite clearly have to do better in a lot of things related to human rights.
Excellent west wing reference aside, I just thought of that Bayern banner against Ozil in my head when typing the post and I couldn't help it :lol:

You have 15 pages of posts in this thread supporting Qatar ownership before making a homophobic comment. I just hope this doesn’t become more frequent as we move forward under their ownership.
You have 15 pages of posts in this thread supporting Qatar ownership before making a homophobic comment. I just hope this doesn’t become more frequent as we move forward under their ownership.
I thought you were leaving the Caf if it happened
You have 15 pages of posts in this thread supporting Qatar ownership before making a homophobic comment. I just hope this doesn’t become more frequent as we move forward under their ownership.
I didn't mean it in a homophobic way
I guess more with the way you do it. Condescending, guilt tripping and many posts are along the lines of “if you are OK with Qatar, you don’t care about human rights” which is just a very lazy pov. The “I am better fan than you and my opinion is better than yours” just reeks from basically every post :lol:

As for 2nd part, I think it’s needless to say that deaths of migrants is always wrong and that they quite clearly have to do better in a lot of things related to human rights.

I think the guilt tripping comes from maybe… you feeling guilty?
How will we know though? We have been one of the biggest spenders in the world despite the Glazers. I expect it to stay at a pretty similar level. Can't see us doing what Chelsea are doing.

They will invest in the infrastructure and take the debt away. That's literally all the club needs to be pretty self-sufficient.

You could hardly call Manchester United self-sufficient if billions are being pumped in on the stadium, training ground etc from outside.
You could hardly call Manchester United self-sufficient if billions are being pumped in on the stadium, training ground etc from outside.

Berbaclass before the bid come in was a different person tbf.
It will be very hard admittedly whether I'll be able to do it is a different question. I love the club it's been part of my life since I was born. I've given City and more recently Newcastle lots of shit over the years and I'd feel like a massive hypocrite if I suddenly was okay with us being taken over by a sport washing machine.
I don't like to sit in judgment of the morality of other parts of the world, hard as that may be. Particularly when parts of the world we live in were built on the suffering of others, that has it's own hypocrisy in it.

That isn't to say I'm comfortable with the club being bought by them. I'd rather we weren't put in the position at all. There are just too many aspects of them owning us that make me uneasy.

Ideally it wouldn't be Ineos either. I'm not a big fan of Brexit Tories (or any Tories for that matter:)).
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