Club Sale | It’s done!

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Well if you boycott the F1 then you probably should boycott Manchester United too.

Maybe set up some protests outside the gates every matchday.

That'll show em.

But make sure you don't watch or support the team. You don't want to be inadvertently funding a terrorist state now do you?
Hey, you're kinda gross. Just thought you should know.

Apologies if this breaks any forum rules.
I think what a lot of you are missing is that in addition to the state backed/owned thing, the human rights abuses, the links to terrorism, anything we win from this point in the event of the Qataris winning the bid is hollow. The other stuff may go away for a while due to PR and lack of interest from the press, but the cheat code activation taints anything the club does moving forward until they’re gone, just like with City. You may get an Mbappe, but who the feck cares. The more the Qataris cater to your footballing wet dreams the less any wins matter.

The Glazers completely fecked us when they took over, cheating in response will not be the redemption some of you hope it will be. It’s going to feel cheap and empty.
I think what a lot of you are missing is that in addition to the state backed/owned thing, the human rights abuses, the links to terrorism, anything we win from this point in the event of the Qataris winning the bid is hollow. The other stuff may go away for a while due to PR and lack of interest from the press, but the cheat code activation taints anything the club does moving forward until they’re gone, just like with City. You may get an Mbappe, but who the feck cares. The more the Qataris cater to your footballing wet dreams the less any wins matter.

The Glazers completely fecked us when they took over, cheating in response will not be the redemption some of you hope it will be. It’s going to feel cheap and empty.

There has been a range of well written posts in this thread tonight. I’m stuck in babysitting and it’s getting me through. Thank you for that post.
When you log in and see ten pages have been added to the thread:

Heart: oooh maybe there’s some compelling update about the sale…

Head: nahhh!
Like Neville says 'the horse has bolted on state ownership'. That's something that should have been prevented over 10 years ago and wasn't. Football quite frankly isn't the same game a lot of us knew 15/20 years ago and unfortunately, does revolve around money now more than ever.
‘If you can’t beat’em, join ‘em!’ isn’t a good enough argument to justify state ownership. We are Manchester United and we should be better than that. We always have been in the past.
I think what a lot of you are missing is that in addition to the state backed/owned thing, the human rights abuses, the links to terrorism, anything we win from this point in the event of the Qataris winning the bid is hollow. The other stuff may go away for a while due to PR and lack of interest from the press, but the cheat code activation taints anything the club does moving forward until they’re gone, just like with City. You may get an Mbappe, but who the feck cares. The more the Qataris cater to your footballing wet dreams the less any wins matter.

The Glazers completely fecked us when they took over, cheating in response will not be the redemption some of you hope it will be. It’s going to feel cheap and empty.
If arsenal win the league this season it will be an incredibly special moment for them. They will have done it fair and square and nobody can take that away from them

if we go down this route and certainly looks like happening. We will see celebrations when inevitably we win the league again but there will forever be an asterisk. It won’t ever feel like when Fergie won all those titles.

we are on the cusp of greatness as things stand with the manager. State ownership is a a cheat code that we may not even need to see success. It’s just a fast track route and will feel quite hollow in the end
Not only do I know a few Chelsea fans that do feel like that (or at least consider the Vialli era their personal epoch - which may just be late 30s nostalgia tbf) it’s also very different, as Chelsea fans hadn’t spent the preceding decade insisting that their money & success was a product of their history & status, and therefore entirely earned. Something United fans have been doing - justifiably so (or so we thought) - in direct opposition to the Citys, Chelseas & PSGs.

I mean the reason Liverpool’s one meagre title has been celebrated so much (to the point of us ridiculing it) is because they are perceived to have done it properly, against the grain of the sugar daddy clubs, who are frequently complaining that their achievements aren’t being given enough credit (in not just every other Bluemoon post, but every other actual Pep press conference!!)

Fair play if you genuinely don’t mind moving from the former category into the latter, but again, I’m sceptical that as many people are quite as blase as they claim, as otherwise they’d just admit they only want a big sexy sugar daddy state to come in and buy us Mpabbe and make us the only team that wins anything forever… and they wouldn’t bother with all the excuses. Because who cares if it’s actually the state if all you care about is the winning? Just say “So what? Bring on the unfair advantage! …We deserve it for suffering through a ‘banter era’ where we’ve still won more than 90% of football fans can ever dream of”

And genuinely, it’s that hypocrisy that annoys me… I don’t have issue with people who are open about how shit this all is, but willing to embrace it honestly as a compromised but least worst option (I think @Revan made a good post along those lines, which I had no reason to contest)… but the “actually we’re not hypocrites” and the “hooray for the black oil shirts” crowds can swivel.

If Qatar buy United, it won't transform the club into 'sugar daddy' status. They will still spend within our revenues and FFP - I don't think spending patterns will change too much. The big difference will be that they won't be paying out divideds or interest on debt, and they will upgrade our stadium and training facilities to state of the art. They may grow the revenues a bit through business links in the middle east but I don't see the spend going way above what we're already spending relative to other clubs (which is A LOT). The big hope I'd have is that they revamp the football people upstairs in the club with best in class operators (something we should have with any owner but the Glazers were asleep at the wheel here)

Rival fans will say we are being run by a sugar daddy because it'll make them feel better saying it when we're winning. But that wouldn't make it true.
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If arsenal win the league this season it will be an incredibly special moment for them. They will have done it fair and square and nobody can take that away from them

if we go down this route and certainly looks like happening. We will see celebrations when inevitably we win the league again but there will forever be an asterisk. It won’t ever feel like when Fergie won all those titles.

we are on the cusp of greatness as things stand with the manager. State ownership is a a cheat code that we may not even need to see success. It’s just a fast track route and will feel quite hollow in the end
Arsenal have spent an incredible amount of money are on a ffp watchlist?
If Qatar buy United, it won't transform the club into 'sugar daddy' status. They will still spend within our revenues and FFP - I don't think spending patterns will change too much. The big difference will be that they won't be paying out divideds or interest on debt, and they will upgrade our stadium and training facilities to state of the art. They may grow the revenues a bit through business links in the middle east but I don't see the spend going way above what we're already spending relative to other clubs (which is A LOT). The big hope I'd have is that revamp the football people upstairs in the club with best in class operators (something we should have with any owner but the Glazers were asleep at the wheel here)

Rival fans will say we are being run by a sugar daddy because it'll make them feel better saying it when we're winning. But that wouldn't make it true.

But if we are taken over it is true.
Hahahahha a charity advocating for the human rights of the most vulnerable world wide and trying to save lives agree that our current owners are killing thousands hahahahha moral crusaders hahahahha.

The only thing the Glazers are guilty of killing is the soul of every Tampa Bay Fan + the entire NFL for employing Tom Brady.
When you log in and see ten pages have been added to the thread:

Heart: oooh maybe there’s some compelling update about the sale…

Head: nahhh!

It will be at least another week of this Caf shit show before some external news will change the trajectory
If arsenal win the league this season it will be an incredibly special moment for them. They will have done it fair and square and nobody can take that away from them

if we go down this route and certainly looks like happening. We will see celebrations when inevitably we win the league again but there will forever be an asterisk. It won’t ever feel like when Fergie won all those titles.

we are on the cusp of greatness as things stand with the manager. State ownership is a a cheat code that we may not need to see success. It’s just a fast track route and will feel quite hollow in the end
They took ME sponsorship money.
‘If you can’t beat’em, join ‘em!’ isn’t a good enough argument to justify state ownership. We are Manchester United and we should be better than that. We always have been in the past.
100% this. I remember at the start of the thread, it was generally agreed that oil money has never bought a club as big as ours. So how is it the same.

Also, Liverpool did the entire trophy haul without state ownership, Arsenal look mighty close with a much inferior manager. So don't tell us it's necessary, or that's the way of the world. We just need to be better run, and be allowed to spend our own profits. We're already massive, we don't need the extra scrutiny and an asterisk next to everything we achieve.
Yes, you clearly had a disdain for Qatar but when it comes to buying us, you switch sides.
Right, as if we had 10 options to choose from... As far as I am aware, we have 2. Out of those 2 I maybe favour Qatar because
a) they are obviously coming to the league and I would rather it's us than for example Liverpool. To me seeing City, Liverpool and possibly Newcastle winning everything (as if they don't win enough already) would be much worse than being owned by Qatar.
b) I think it would be better for the club and possibly the entire area surrounding OT

But it doesn't mean I am "switching sides". My "support" for them is not like "oh I can't wait for Jassim or whatever his name is to buy us", and no, I am not planning buying a robe, not planing to defend any sheikh from Qatar or how they run their country.

If it makes me less superior than someone else (obviously does), it's fine. It's just tiring seeing same people constantly come here desperately looking to force their views upon others (like dictators).
I said it way before this sky news update. When Qataris want to buy something they're mostly getting it. It's going to be exciting to see what Jassim will do for this great club.

Who wouldn't want Qataris as owners? bar @Wumminator. Liverpool will do anything to get something like that happening to them.

It still hasn't sunk in. I feel like we hit the jack pot.. This is a new era with the Arabs.
You people must be bored
If you are expecting something to happen shortly that you imagine will destroy your passion for a lifelong interest it's not that odd to want to air your thoughts on that.
But if we are taken over it is true.
No it isn't. It means rich people own us, not a sugar daddy. Given the cost of the club, anyone who buys us will effectively have to be capable of being a 'sugar daddy'.

I don't actually see a huge difference between Ratcliffe and Qataris owning us. I think both would convert our stadium and training ground into state of the art (why would you not do this with your newly acquired £6b asset?) and both will stay within FFP and use club revenues for signings etc. The Qataris are obviously much wealthier, but there's only so much money you can actually spend on a football club.
No it isn't. It means rich people own us, not a sugar daddy. Given the cost of the club, anyone who buys us will effectively have to be capable of being a 'sugar daddy'.

I don't actually see a huge difference between Ratcliffe and Qataris owning us. I think both would convert our stadium and training ground into stare of the art (why would you not do this with your newly acquired £6b asset?) and both will stay within FFP and use club revenues for signings etc. The Qataris are obviously much wealthier, but there's only so much money you can actually spend on a football club.
Pretty much
You are clearly being selectively blind to the pages of nonsense that has gone on before and after this post. Be consistent, be better.
What, you want me to judge @Wumminator ? Ok, his posts about being a superior fan were bollocks but I happen to agree with a lot of his points on the hypocrisy of posters lambasting the WC then twerking for Qatari money. I also agree this club should be above state backing and we don’t need that kind of money to thrive once more.
Check my posts, you’ll find i am quite consistent.
I said it way before this sky news update. When Qataris want to buy something they're mostly getting it. It's going to be exciting to see what Jassim will do for this great club.

Who wouldn't want Qataris as owners? bar @Wumminator. Liverpool will do anything to get something like that happening to them.

It still hasn't sunk in. I feel like we hit the jack pot.. This is a new era with the Arabs.
Oh fecking feck me.
This is a Manchester United supporters forum, not Central London Caf or Shardcaf. Keep it relevant.

Your'e the one bringing morals into it it, what's that got to do with Manchester United football team?
What, you want me to judge @Wumminator ? Ok, his posts about being a superior fan were bollocks but I happen to agree with a lot of his points on the hypocrisy of posters lambasting the WC then twerking for Qatari money. I also agree this club should be above state backing and we don’t need that kind of money to thrive once more.
Check my posts, you’ll find i am quite consistent.
Without that kind of money how would we invest in the infrastructure of the club? Not even talking about players and transfers. That's a couple of billion on its own most probably. That's before you even get into the sale price.

There are very limited people who can or would be able to purchase us.
I said it way before this sky news update. When Qataris want to buy something they're mostly getting it. It's going to be exciting to see what Jassim will do for this great club.

Who wouldn't want Qataris as owners? bar @Wumminator. Liverpool will do anything to get something like that happening to them.

It still hasn't sunk in. I feel like we hit the jack pot.. This is a new era with the Arabs.

It genuinely brings me immense pleasure to see posts like this with me tagged in.

I wonder how the rest of you feel.
They took ME sponsorship money.

assuming Man Utd have also had some ME sponsorships too. It’s basically unavoidable in everything we watch, follow and wear. But different to being fully state ran and Funded
I think what a lot of you are missing is that in addition to the state backed/owned thing, the human rights abuses, the links to terrorism, anything we win from this point in the event of the Qataris winning the bid is hollow. The other stuff may go away for a while due to PR and lack of interest from the press, but the cheat code activation taints anything the club does moving forward until they’re gone, just like with City. You may get an Mbappe, but who the feck cares. The more the Qataris cater to your footballing wet dreams the less any wins matter.

The Glazers completely fecked us when they took over, cheating in response will not be the redemption some of you hope it will be. It’s going to feel cheap and empty.

Removing any moral issues for argument sake, it depends on how you look at it. Some will see it as leveling the playing field to city and Chelsea an whoever else comes along. Like saying let all the sprinters just take drugs and then the best will actually win. (Some would also say we have had an unfair advantage financially over the years.)

It does also depend on how exactly any new owner would run the club. If all they did was deal with the issues with the ground and Carrington and just unshackled the football side to live off itself, the question marks over the fairness of any of our wins would be easier to ignore.

Some people would be able to just enjoy the football being played based on that alone. I think I'd personally feel a disconnect if we were just bankrolled by a rich owner.
If Qatar buy United, it won't transform the club into 'sugar daddy' status. They will still spend within our revenues and FFP - I don't think spending patterns will change too much. The big difference will be that they won't be paying out divideds or interest on debt, and they will upgrade our stadium and training facilities to state of the art. They may grow the revenues a bit through business links in the middle east but I don't see the spend going way above what we're already spending relative to other clubs (which is A LOT). The big hope I'd have is that they revamp the football people upstairs in the club with best in class operators (something we should have with any owner but the Glazers were asleep at the wheel here)

Rival fans will say we are being run by a sugar daddy because it'll make them feel better saying it when we're winning. But that wouldn't make it true.
This is what I believe as well. I would not expect you to convince the Redcafe-approved troll though, the guy is not here to discuss but score points.
assuming Man Utd have also had some ME sponsorships too. It’s basically unavoidable in everything we watch, follow and wear. But different to being fully state ran and Funded
Possibly, not sure off the top of my head. Certainly not anywhere near the prominence that Arsenal did. They are not in any position to be held in some moral high regard IMO.
"support" for them is not like "oh I can't wait for Jassim or whatever his name is to buy us", and no, I am not planning buying a robe, not planing to defend any sheikh from Qatar or how they run their country.
:lol: fair enough, you've gone back up a little in my estimation
This is what I believe as well. I would not expect you to convince the Redcafe-approved troll though, the guy is not here to discuss but score points.

It's what I'd hope, but I'm not sure it would be the case.
It's what I'd hope, but I'm not sure it would be the case.
How will we know though? We have been one of the biggest spenders in the world despite the Glazers. I expect it to stay at a pretty similar level. Can't see us doing what Chelsea are doing.

They will invest in the infrastructure and take the debt away. That's literally all the club needs to be pretty self-sufficient.
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