Club Sale | It’s done!

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Yep, seems like you guys are probably right (and my previous posts talking about the crown prince are wrong).

Those pro the Qatar bid should be offended though, they didn't even put one of their top guys as the front man! :mad:
But that's the thing. There is a degree of separation and plausible independence from the Qatar state, whose QIA fund owns the fund (QSI) that actually owns PSG.
@stw2022 So, a "sports" journalist did know things?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Swear people slate these journos simply because they report things they don't want to hear :lol:

So many prove time and time again that they are actually clued in and have genuine sources on the matters they report but they're slandered and labelled as BS merchants for simply reporting whatever information they've been told or passed on.
Swear people slate these journos simply because they report things they don't want to hear :lol:

So many prove time and time again that they are actually clued in and have genuine sources on the matters they report but they're slandered and labelled as BS merchants for simply reporting whatever information they've been told or passed on.
To be fair, that guy became the butt of the joke because even back in August when Ratcliffe came out and said he's interested, he stubbornly kept arguing this kind of stuff 'doesn't get done publicly' or something along those lines :lol:.

Even when speculation was confirmed that the Glazers are selling, he still wouldn't relent :lol:
Swear people slate these journos simply because they report things they don't want to hear :lol:

So many prove time and time again that they are actually clued in and have genuine sources on the matters they report but they're slandered and labelled as BS merchants for simply reporting whatever information they've been told or passed on.

Mate, it was embarrassing the slander these journalists got. I kept trying to stick up for them but I was getting the abuse!

This Stw2022 been wrong so many times about this takeover, it's been unreal!
So they are poorer than INEOS
The two are nowhere near the same. I wouldn't be surprised if this 92 foundation got a massive injection from the state because they like their causes so much which helps them build a new stadium or renovate.
Suppose when we are looking at any of the numbers it's a bid of x billion. Plus however hundred million to clear the debt and then many more hundreds of million to rebuild the stadium and training ground

So even a bid of 4 billion is probably closer to 6 all in
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