Club Sale | It’s done!

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When I was young I remember that women couldn't get into the stadium. It was mostly influenced by the culture rather than the religion. However, Saudi led by MBS did the opposite and encouraged these women to come to any stadium and cheer on their team. Now we have a women league where they can represent them selves as players and we're looking forward to improve on that. It's the same at Qatar as in any Arabian Gulf country. We value our women.

Stop judging us based on stereotypes you were led to believe in from the past.

Saudi aren't buying United. They're irrelvant in this discussion.

Qatar possibly are. How's the women's game in Qatar going?
That is a straight not answer. Is the UK a murdering nation like you have accused Qatar of being murderers for being negligent and mistreating migrant workers?

No political posturing.

The guys first word in response to your question was "yes." How can he be any clearer?

Is the UK government buying United?

Straight answer please. No political posturing.
Can we update the thread title please?

Something like “you won’t find any information about the latest position on the sale in here”.
Right. That’ll be me done. A poster who last year was calling Middle Eastern ownership the most disgusting thing imaginable and saying they were murderous now claiming that I’m a hypocrite after he’s completely changed his stance once it benefits his team.

Have a great time everyone. I actually am off in an hour for a week or so.Some of the justifications in this thread will tickle me for the next few days.

my FAVOURITE argument of all is “your day to day life has to have some Qatar investment so you’re a hypocrite” as if I can just … not live?

edit: @Sultan I’ve said yes so many times now.
How many times have you said you're retiring from the thread? :lol:
So, any hint at all where the two anonymous bids are coming from? Surely there must be some rumors floating around?
At the risk of going out of subject is there any update about United’s sale?
So, any hint at all where the two anonymous bids are coming from? Surely there must be some rumors floating around?

Rumours say that it could be Stephen pagliuca, ares (similar to Elliott) or liberty media
So, any hint at all where the two anonymous bids are coming from? Surely there must be some rumors floating around?
This is all we've got from Bloomberg:

The bids from Qatari Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad al-Thani and British billionaire Jim Ratcliffe to acquire Manchester United are not high enough for the Glazer family to sell the club, the Financial Times reports, citing a person close to the situation.

The Glazers also got a number of proposals from other potential suitors. They include several minority investment proposals that would allow them to raise capital at a more attractive price and retain control of the club, the Financial Times said, citing the person. None have come forward publicly.

Bidders had agreed to non-disclosure agreements, the media outlet said, citing three people with knowledge of the situation.

Other bids are probably minority investment.
I need to stop getting dragged into this thread but this is so important.

is this you as a poster or you as a staff member saying this?

Is the position of the site team that we can’t call a regime murderous, we have to say that the country instead just has laws where hundreds if not thousands of innocent people have died due to lacking health and safety policies?
Stop getting dragged in?

This latest round started with you posting a Delaney article about something he has already written previously. This sparks pages and pages of the same opinions by the same people, in both entrenched camps, as the previous weeks/months. I’m sure the time and passion could be used in more healthy productive way over things we can positively effect.

This thread isn’t a discussion, it’s just going around in circles, nobody is going to significantly change enough peoples minds either way and even if they do nobody on a football forum has any power or influence to change how this sale process will end. It’s just people with binary opinions on a situation that is very much none binary. We can’t unanimously agree if a players best position let alone something as wide reaching as this.

I do understand how this all must be making you and others feel, it is hard in life to have no control or influence over something that you feel passionately about and the frustration and anxiety that comes as byproduct of that.
Saudi aren't buying United. They're irrelvant in this discussion.

Qatar possibly are. How's the women's game in Qatar going?

The guys first word in response to your question was "yes." How can he be any clearer?

Is the UK government buying United?

Straight answer please. No political posturing.

He kept blaming the Tories and Boris for the deaths.

Can you please point me to any evidence that it's not a Qatari investor? That is being claimed by the bidder so until we have evidence to the contrary I will have to believe this to be the case instead of assumptions.
My previous posts about "murderous regimes" were ill informed and ignorant, much like yours are also. Since all this takeover talk began and we've been linked to many Middle Eastern state's I've taken it upon myself to learn more about the culture and what they actually believe instead of listening to whatever xenophobic medium was desperate to have me believe. Despite what people may think, the Qatar WC was a success and personally I think it was good for the Western world to see a major sporting event in the Middle East.

I'm not for one second advocating for state ownership, I would prefer not but if it happens, it happens, I have no say in the matter. I would rather not have an instant hatred for our potential new owners should they become our new owners so I'm trying to see the positives in every potential new owner.

There's varying levels of hypocrisy in your posts, which various people have pulled you up on but you skim over the facts like it's not relevant or you digress by pulling up other people's posts and asking them to explain themselves so you don't have to. You, like everyone else, fund Middle Eastern ventures on a daily basis, you're entitled to voice your opinion against a state owning United but you surely must be aware that all of us, including you, have allowed this to happen.
I can’t help thinking that a lot of the sentiment of anti-state ownership is fuelled by a degree of Islamophobia, even if this is subconscious in many cases. I doubt there would be this much outrage if it was a Western state behind the bid (if it is indeed a State bid rather than very wealthy individuals from that State).
I find it self absorbing and hypocritical to be critical against the Qataris while living in a society that was built on the back of slaves.

Just recently the British government was asked to repatriate arts worth a fortune stolen from Nigeria during the slave trade and they have blatantly refused despite admitting that this is indeed property of the Nigerian people.

And for dear of being misquoted or misunderstood I am not making excuses for the Qatar government. All I am saying is most nations have blood on their hands.
There is very little I as a football fan can do about issues like these other than to continue to support my team.
For many of us football is an escape root from our daily hustles and we would appreciate it if we just enjoy our time watching our favorite team without being burdened by all the political rhetorics.
I can’t help thinking that a lot of the sentiment of anti-state ownership is fuelled by a degree of Islamophobia, even if this is subconscious in many cases. I doubt there would be this much outrage if it was a Western state behind the bid (if it is indeed a State bid rather than very wealthy individuals from that State).
I do agree with that statement. I found myself having that stance for years before the WC in Qatar actually when I was forced to face my beliefs on the Middle East, coupled with a few other things like friends going on holiday there, my brothers dad moving out there for work, having a layover there during a flight to Asia etc.

I will admit that the culture is something I've never experienced before, it made me uncomfortable at first but I quickly realised that everything I'd 'known' about Middle Eastern culture were extremisms projected by Western media. Of course all this is amplified by war in the Middle East involving the West also.

This is prevalent in the way the media currently report the Qatar bid vs the Ratcliff bid.
I can’t help thinking that a lot of the sentiment of anti-state ownership is fuelled by a degree of Islamophobia, even if this is subconscious in many cases. I doubt there would be this much outrage if it was a Western state behind the bid (if it is indeed a State bid rather than very wealthy individuals from that State).
That's partly true, no doubt. But on the sporting side of things all of football see City, PSG etc.. as cheats.
That was from the 25th of February so some of them probably weren't 'serious' bids and got dropped.

Possibly. They could have merged in one bid as well. Else they might not exist at all
I find it self absorbing and hypocritical to be critical against the Qataris while living in a society that was built on the back of slaves.

Just recently the British government was asked to repatriate arts worth a fortune stolen from Nigeria during the slave trade and they have blatantly refused despite admitting that this is indeed property of the Nigerian people.

And for dear of being misquoted or misunderstood I am not making excuses for the Qatar government. All I am saying is most nations have blood on their hands.
There is very little I as a football fan can do about issues like these other than to continue to support my team.
For many of us football is an escape root from our daily hustles and we would appreciate it if we just enjoy our time watching our favorite team without being burdened by all the political rhetorics.

Very sensible post
That's correct and we're looking at moving towards a finacially doped United.
I keep seeing this but can we? In all seriousness look at Newcastle, they haven't because of the spending regulations now from multiple governing bodies. United have a huge revenue anyway in comparison with most clubs so we wouldn't have to cheat or dope anything to stay competitive, and I'm not even sure we'd be allowed to get away with it.
That's partly true, no doubt. But on the sporting side of things all of football see City, PSG etc.. as cheats.
Yes, but they were both clearly being bankrolled football wise by their owners, beyond the means of the clubs. We just need new owners that allow the funds that we generate ourselves be reinvested into the team, whilst the owners invest in the infrastructure such as the stadium, as any responsible owner would. The rest of the football world will be hoping that we don’t achieve this aim.
There’s an argument that we are already financially constrained by the glazers but through taking out of money, surely
Obviously, it's one extreme to the other. Looking forward, there's a big difference between buying a trophy and winning/earning one.
I can’t help thinking that a lot of the sentiment of anti-state ownership is fuelled by a degree of Islamophobia, even if this is subconscious in many cases. I doubt there would be this much outrage if it was a Western state behind the bid (if it is indeed a State bid rather than very wealthy individuals from that State).

Oh bore off man, the same daft argument pops up on every other page, and every time those against state ownership fire back to say they’d be equally against Norway or the US trying to own the club. It’s anti competitive bullshit, everything about goes against what “sport” is supposed to be. As @Mockney so beautifully put it, when any club overspends, they should have no choice but to loan a Weghorst in January, any state ownership makes a mockery of that.

We’re the same fans that protested against Murdoch’s bid to buy the club for the same reason so stop talking out of your arse to make a nonsensical point. Or were we also Murdoch against due to Islamophobia eh Sparky?
That's partly true, no doubt. But on the sporting side of things all of football see City, PSG etc.. as cheats.
Newcastle and City fans love their owners. United are universally disliked regardless of who our owners might be by opposition fans anyway.
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Yeah? I don't really expect completely clean morals from owners, I just don't think a football club should be owned by a country to then be used for political power. It also makes a mockery of the game when we have some clubs with unlimited budgets competing against the rest, but that's a completely different issue that it seems most still left posting in this thread don't really care about.

It seems it's more important to protect Qatar from criticism, than it is to actually think whether this is a good thing for football.
I’m not protecting Qatar from criticism - I’m asking a genuine question as to who should own football clubs. We’re allowing foreign investment to buy up all our assets so why are football clubs where we draw the line? Should the west stop trading with such countries altogether? Or are we saying we will trade and take their gas and investments in everything except football? If so what makes football clubs unique? Because they aren’t businesses but are actually community assets? Petrochemical companies who have their own dubious political reasons for purchasing clubs don’t strike me as the natural gatekeepers to community assets either. Very few of the owners in the EPL do. So who should own community assets? As for the “unlimited budgets” argument - Chelsea have spent 600m in 6 months owned by an equity firm - extreme funding isn’t limited to state funded clubs - and if fairness is the argument then how does Manchester United having 4 times the revenues of over half the league work? You can argue that foreign investment has led to the EPL becoming the biggest, richest and strongest league on the planet - without the rise of Chelsea and then City would that still be the case? Isn’t Newcastle joining the party ultimately good for the league? Would it not have been Manchester United vs Arsenal vs Liverpool every year for the majority of the last 20 years without this foreign investment? Football is more popular than ever with the game continually growing - so how has it been bad for football? What measures are we using to determine that? What does good for football even mean? What should football be trying to achieve? To me this whole thing is difficult and I don’t have the answers to any of it. I am also of the belief that states shouldn’t own football clubs but I understand there’s nuanced debate to be had about it. All I know is it’s all different shades of shite and people patronisingly judging others for what they believe when there are so many grey areas across so many different subjects such as geopolitics, trade, universality of human rights, diversification of economies, foreign investment, football governance, sporting competition and what Manchester United actually is seems a bit ridiculous.
Yes, but they were both clearly being bankrolled football wise by their owners, beyond the means of the clubs. We just need new owners that allow the funds that we generate ourselves be reinvested into the team, whilst the owners invest in the infrastructure such as the stadium, as any responsible owner would. The rest of the football world will be hoping that we don’t achieve this aim.
I understand your point of view and can only really say that I disagree, although for very subjective reasons. Only time will tell whether the potential investment is shady or not but I don't relish the prospect of our name being dragged through the mud/courts in 10 years time. I accept the possibility that I'm wrong, but if I'm not I wouldn't expect us to get off as lightly as Chelsea did with Abramovic or City will in a few months time. It's worrying to say the least.
That's partly true, no doubt. But on the sporting side of things all of football see City, PSG etc.. as cheats.

Not sure about that, the media showers City and even Newcastle with praise all the time. Their rivals seeing them as cheats are probably considered jealous by many.
Oh bore off man, the same daft argument pops up on every other page, and every time those against state ownership fire back to say they’d be equally against Norway or the US trying to own the club. It’s anti competitive bullshit, everything about goes against what “sport” is supposed to be. As @Mockney so beautifully put it, when any club overspends, they should have no choice but to loan a Weghorst in January, any state ownership makes a mockery of that.

We’re the same fans that protested against Murdoch’s bid to buy the club for the same reason so stop talking out of your arse to make a nonsensical point. Or were we also Murdoch against due to Islamophobia eh Sparky?

Ah yes we also protested against the current owners who are of Jewish heritage does this make us anti-semites as well don't forget
I find it self absorbing and hypocritical to be critical against the Qataris while living in a society that was built on the back of slaves.

Just recently the British government was asked to repatriate arts worth a fortune stolen from Nigeria during the slave trade and they have blatantly refused despite admitting that this is indeed property of the Nigerian people.

And for dear of being misquoted or misunderstood I am not making excuses for the Qatar government. All I am saying is most nations have blood on their hands.
There is very little I as a football fan can do about issues like these other than to continue to support my team.
For many of us football is an escape root from our daily hustles and we would appreciate it if we just enjoy our time watching our favorite team without being burdened by all the political rhetorics.

All of this is fine but isn't this exactly why people don't want state ownership? Be it Qatar, UK, US or whoever.
Oh bore off man, the same daft argument pops up on every other page, and every time those against state ownership fire back to say they’d be equally against Norway or the US trying to own the club. It’s anti competitive bullshit, everything about goes against what “sport” is supposed to be. As Mockney so beautifully put it, when any club overspends, they should have no choice but to loan a Weghorst in January, any state ownership makes a mockery of that.

We’re the same fans that protested against Murdoch’s bid to buy the club for the same reason so stop talking out of your arse to make a nonsensical point. Or were we also Murdoch against due to Islamophobia eh Sparky?
Don’t use the argument I don’t like? Ok then.

It’s obvious and very clear that despite what people say some people do not want a Qatari person owning United because they don’t understand or know much about their culture and would rather have a local British owner or the like. Whether that applies to you or not isn’t relevant, it’s still an opinion some people hold.

There are so many arguments in this thread about Qataris laws and how they run and operate their country.

Not many have actually read that Sheik Jassim does not run the country nor does he make the rules, he simply lives in Qatar and has previous connections to the royal family.

It’s essentially like Prince Harry owning us.
For many of us football is an escape root from our daily hustles and we would appreciate it if we just enjoy our time watching our favorite team without being burdened by all the political rhetorics.

yes, that’s exactly what we want, for our beloved club not to became what City, PSG & Newcastle have become man :lol:
Oh bore off man, the same daft argument pops up on every other page, and every time those against state ownership fire back to say they’d be equally against Norway or the US trying to own the club. It’s anti competitive bullshit, everything about goes against what “sport” is supposed to be. As @Mockney so beautifully put it, when any club overspends, they should have no choice but to loan a Weghorst in January, any state ownership makes a mockery of that.

We’re the same fans that protested against Murdoch’s bid to buy the club for the same reason so stop talking out of your arse to make a nonsensical point. Or were we also Murdoch against due to Islamophobia eh Sparky?
Yes but Murdoch was a crook, I’m not aware that Sheikh Jassim is?
Don’t use the argument I don’t like? Ok then.

It’s obvious and very clear that despite what people say some people do not want a Qatari person owning United because they don’t understand or know much about their culture and would rather have a local British owner or the like. Whether that applies to you or not isn’t relevant, it’s still an opinion some people hold.

There are so many arguments in this thread about Qataris laws and how they run and operate their country.

Not many have actually read that Sheik Jassim does not run the country nor does he make the rules, he simply lives in Qatar and has previous connections to the royal family.

It’s essentially like Prince Harry owning us.

Oh, now we’re back to pretending some Sheikh Jizzoff is buying us and not the state.

I can’t keep up.
Yes but Murdoch was a crook, I’m not aware that Sheikh Jassim is?

Do you know anything about Jassim? Do you even for a second believe he’s the one buying United?

And if United fans were against Murdoch because he was a “crook” as you put it, (although that throws up as many “phobia” questions regarding yourself), isn’t that more proof that United fans against these ownership models simply have a higher moral compass? And proof it doesn’t matter to them how rich someone is, or if they are Australian or Middle Eastern, they will simply stand up for what the believe the club for stand for:confused:

Aren’t you hereby disproving your own nonsensical “Islamophobia” rhetoric?
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