Club Sale | It’s done!

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A worryingly high amount of our fans seem to have zero understanding of the club's history.

People seem to think a Sheikh buying us is better than the Treble. Again, back to my previous post about obsession with transfers.

The poster seems to think we won the league in 92.

Thick cnuts celebrating the rape of our cultural heritage.
Question regarding our existing debt. We know that if there’s a full buy out there’s a clause that means the existing finance has to be repaid immediately. If the Glazers are kept on in a minority way, I wonder if the existing debt will be allowed to remain.
It has to be paid, but it will be put back again on the club if the Glazers stick around, as not them neither the other 31% NYSE holders will get a free ride. They will not accept their shares diluted either as this can cause massive problems.
This takeover will be really important for the future of the club, but just as you explained, most people have a distorted view on what the difference between Qatar and Ineos would be.
In your opinion. I guess time will tell but then we will never know how the loser’s ownership would have gone whichever that may be.
Any news on how long this is going to take? Got a feeling this is what’s delaying the early transfers.
A lot of fans cannot see beyond buying Mbappe.

I really believe that's the case. The people who want Qatar are dreaming that we will start next season with Mbappe,Neymar and god knows who else.
I really believe that's the case. The people who want Qatar are dreaming that we will start next season with Mbappe,Neymar and god knows who else.

Like to think I am more realistic,do believe Neymar on loan with a Hojlund/Kolo-Muani is possible though. I won't say Kane because still to be convinced he would push Levy to accept offer
In your opinion. I guess time will tell but then we will never know how the loser’s ownership would have gone whichever that may be.

Well, we may do if they buy another PL club…!

For instance, if the Glazers were to decide to go with Ratcliffe and remain at the club, and Jassim went and bought, say, Spurs or Liverpool and in 3 years had them running wonderfully with a series of great signings and decisions, it’d be fairly clear that he would’ve done a decent job at Utd.

Likewise, if Jassim buys Utd, but Ratcliffe then goes and buys another PL club (and this time actually manages to purchase it), how he runs that club will certainly be a strong indicator as to how he would’ve done at Utd.
Even if you were to do technical analysis on the charts etc? Are you a believer in Market Structure/Price Action.
Technical analysis is besides the point I am trying to make. I frequently see people looking at the day to day swings and trying to draw something substantial from that in terms of whether we are more likely to get the Sheikh or Ratcliffe. I have not seen anything to suggest the market knows what's going on as far as the outcome is concerned, beyond speculating based on rumblings in the press. We already have enough to deal with during this saga thanks to the press and social media. Let's not add the constant refreshing of a stock quote and trying to infer conclusions to that list. :lol:
I really believe that's the case. The people who want Qatar are dreaming that we will start next season with Mbappe,Neymar and god knows who else.
Such a simplified response. It’s a bit like the ‘everyone who voted for Brexit was racist and hates foreigners’ argument. People want SJ over SJR for a whole variety of reasons. They have all been discussed to death so I won’t go through them all again. Personally I want the glazers completely gone. I can’t accept anything that involves them staying in any capacity. I also like that SJ has put his plans out there and is willing to be judged on them and held to account by fans if he wins. SJR has been slippery by no noise whatsoever coming out on any plans. I don’t trust him. As for neymar I don’t particularly want him unless the boss does.
Such a simplified response. It’s a bit like the ‘everyone who voted for Brexit was racist and hates foreigners’ argument. People want SJ over SJR for a whole variety of reasons. They have all been discussed to death so I won’t go through them all again. Personally I want the glazers completely gone. I can’t accept anything that involves them staying in any capacity. I also like that SJ has put his plans out there and is willing to be judged on them and held to account by fans if he wins. SJR has been slippery by no noise whatsoever coming out on any plans. I don’t trust him. As for neymar I don’t particularly want him unless the boss does.

Oh yeah obviously would only want him if Erik does,however think despite his off pitch persona he works his arse off on it
I really believe that's the case. The people who want Qatar are dreaming that we will start next season with Mbappe,Neymar and god knows who else.

That's a lie... I havent seen many on here who favour Jassim think we will sign Mbappe or Neymar, yes there is always the few in every fan base who think that.

Its actually more than the players we will buy.. alot to do with the club actually.

Jassim has said there will be investment in the stadium, infrastructure and clearance of debt.

What difference will SJR make if he is going to take a loan on his company to purchase 60% leaving the Glazers at the club.... 20% of Glazers shares are more powerful than the 60% shares SJR is buying. He will not clear the debt and wants to bring Manchester back to Manchester.. whatever that means.
It might be a bit rushed, but there's no reason why regardless of how late it would be that the Qatar ownership wouldnt be able to get some big deals done. People need to remember the Glazers are a special case. They are a regime who took a full summer to sign Fellaini when he had a release clause (that they missed.) competent get things done regardless of the time.
I really believe that's the case. The people who want Qatar are dreaming that we will start next season with Mbappe,Neymar and god knows who else.
Some fans think by being owned by a Qatari it will mean our new stadium will be built by illegal migrants and will ban LGBT from Old Trafford.
I really believe that's the case. The people who want Qatar are dreaming that we will start next season with Mbappe,Neymar and god knows who else.
If you honestly think that's how everyone who prefers Qatar thinks, you're delusional.
That is right, however they marketed the Class A holding as representing 10% of the club when they were initially floated.

In the meantime, the shares appear to have just been hanging around for a sale, they appear to hold no other value.

Also if your sell something as holding a particular value ie 10%, etc. why would that value decline compared to other shares which hold no other quality than they held in 2012 when the shares were floated?

The only conclusion I can make is that they were never worth 10% of the firm when they were sold. The actual value should have been much less, misrepresentation?

The only time you profit on those shares is on a sale and here the class A owners are being denied a profit because the majoiry shareholder and the same bunch that control the board are choosing what is better for them? Seems to be no clear division between their duty as board members and their own interest as shareholders.

These dual share class thing seems to be a New York thing - don't think you get away with that in London

Even more dodgy when the company is registered in the Cayman Islands so who knows what the regulatory framework is
I dont care who owns the club. I just want a competent board like City making quick and sensible decisions so that we have a proper structure, a playing style and are competitive . My kid is 2, I cannot risk introducing him to football and him supporting City.
It might be a bit rushed, but there's no reason why regardless of how late it would be that the Qatar ownership wouldnt be able to get some big deals done. People need to remember the Glazers are a special case. They are a regime who took a full summer to sign Fellaini when he had a release clause (that they missed.) competent get things done regardless of the time.
Well for one, transfer window deadline means deadline. Hopefully they’ll get it. You can’t submit 2 bids after the deadline.
Well for one, transfer window deadline means deadline. Hopefully they’ll get it. You can’t submit 2 bids after the deadline.
Cheers Captain Obvious, I know subtly and nuance isnt very popular on here, but it sort of went without saying I'm talking about before the deadline.
I just want a competent board like City
115 charges, 15 years to win a champions league. Still nobody cares about them. They're pretty shit in the grand scheme of things. They've cheated and its still taken them over a decade.
Stock is still tanking. Thought it might spike based on the press reporting optimism on the Qatar side
It's down 3c on the day. Hardly tanking.

If there's significant news, it'll move double digits either way imho. Until then, we wait and curse the vampire cnuts.
Cheers Captain Obvious, I know subtly and nuance isnt very popular on here, but it sort of went without saying I'm talking about before the deadline.
Well I also didn’t think Qatar would be submitting offers to buy us after the deadline but here we are, so who knows.
It might be a bit rushed, but there's no reason why regardless of how late it would be that the Qatar ownership wouldnt be able to get some big deals done.

Well there's at least one reason: the window closing on us. At this point it wouldn't be terribly outlandish if this shit dragged on until then.
115 charges, 15 years to win a champions league. Still nobody cares about them. They're pretty shit in the grand scheme of things. They've cheated and its still taken them over a decade.
Yeah, when Liverpool win things it annoys me no end. I am very chilled about City and their treble. Just not bothered about anything they do now.
I really believe that's the case. The people who want Qatar are dreaming that we will start next season with Mbappe,Neymar and god knows who else.
It's like you folk keep repeating the same nonsense thinking eventually some folk will believe you are right. I'm a Qatar in, anyone one in other than Glazers I have no interest in shirt sale signings that was Woodward's way but lets pin this on Qatar. Do you know what i want the fecking debt paid and infrastructure sorted, I will repeat what i said before , all this is on the Glazers if they hadn't ran the debt up and fixed nothing other than using other people money on tick we may have a few others on the bidding room. I'm guilt free I can sleep like a log if Qatar gets it , do you know why ? cause I can't change a thing. I can't change the Glazers ran the debt up , spent nothing on stadium/ training facitlies, Not my fault they sent $$$$$ to other clubs for poor players and certainly I ain't in the auction room where " Hey, let it go to Bid 3 he seems a nice bloke with the the best values of the club at heart. So no, and I couldn't give a toss about Mbappe, Neymar or god knows who else.
If you honestly think that's how everyone who prefers Qatar thinks, you're delusional.
A lot of the Rat Pack use sanctimony as their go-to, and sometimes, there are valid points presented. When you see some resorting straight to those kinds of fallacies, you get the feeling a lot of them have painted ridiculous pictures of any fan who is pro-Qatari in the context of this ownership saga.
115 charges, 15 years to win a champions league. Still nobody cares about them. They're pretty shit in the grand scheme of things. They've cheated and its still taken them over a decade.

You still cannot ignore the fact that after the initial days ( where I believe most of those charges stem from ), specially the Pep era they have going , they are extremely well run. They get the players they want early, dont reward mediocrity, are not afraid to let players go, actually make a profit selling players etc etc
I really believe that's the case. The people who want Qatar are dreaming that we will start next season with Mbappe,Neymar and god knows who else.

I can only speak for myself but this is just wrong. I, like the majority of fans i believe, want a debt free club and a board that puts football and success on the pitch in first place. If that means getting Mbappe or someone lesser known player doesn’t really matter. I believe we have a better chance of achieving things on and off the pitch if the Qataris get the club.
Some fans think by being owned by a Qatari it will mean our new stadium will be built by illegal migrants and will ban LGBT from Old Trafford.
they dont at all. Its just where the money comes from is a place where this is common place. My eldest child would not be welcome in Qatar.
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