Club Sale | It’s done!

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1958 - "Due to heavy development along the slope of Mount Olgethrope, the last peak in the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Georgia Appalachian Trail Club moved the Appalachian Trail 23km northeast to Springer Mountain"

wrong page, please amend accordingly

kind regards
I know unfunny jokes repeated as nauseum is kind of the Caf’s thing but this listing of historical facts based on the year which corresponds to the page number might be a new low. Elon Musk level stuff.
List of 1959 Major News Events in History
  • Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba after Revolution.
  • United States Vice President Richard Nixon and the Soviet Union's Premier Nikita Khrushchev engage in an impromptu debate.
  • The Dalai Lama and tens of thousands of Tibetans flee to India after China Invades Tibet.
  • Hawaii becomes the 50th state.
  • NASA launches the Pioneer 4 spacecraft
  • United States - Canada - St. Lawrence Seaway is completed
  • The Antarctic Treaty is signed in Washington It was signed by twelve countries
  • The Luna 2 spacecraft crashes into the Moon
  • The Film Ben-Hur premieres
  • First Pictures Of Earth From Space Taken By Explorer 6
I know unfunny jokes repeated as nauseum is kind of the Caf’s thing but this listing of historical facts based on the year which corresponds to the page number might be a new low. Elon Musk level stuff.
My favourite random caf joke was a matchday thread a while back (Lingard was here so it must have been some time) when everyone just kept posting old religious paintings. I have no idea why or if there was a specific reason but the mods had to stop it it went on so long :lol:
You lot moan about the media posting nothing stories and no one knowing anything then you act like crack addicts without a fix if it's quiet for a couple of days. You'll know when it happens guys, believe me. They're going to sell because they have no other options at this point.
Agreed. People want news every hour and when Nick Speed or The Muppetiers aren't tweeting out regular BS, people lose their minds.

This isn't a player transfer yet some people can't seem to get their head around the fact that a multi-billion pound deal doesn't happen as quickly as they'd like it to.
That’s right, however it is even more one-sided than that.

The Glazers currently hold about 68% of B class shares.

They hold onto those shares because when they sell they can give the buyer full control.

Remember, If they sell any B class shares, other than to another member of the Glazer mob, the shares then become A class shares. So it would be possible for there to be more A class shares, than B class shares, in the future if the Glazers started to sell off more shares.

Here if the Glazers sell all their B class shares to , say Sir Jim, then those 68% B class shares convert to A class shares. Sir Jim will have a majority so he would not be troubled in running the club. He would pay the Glazers a premium for handing over that power/control.

Theoretically the Glazers could sell off most of their B class shares which, would then convert to A class shares, but still retain control with only a handful of B class shares, if they still held 10% of all the shares (A and B).

Because of the way the memo and articles are written they would still have 67% of the vote

So if, let’s say Joel, for some reason decides to stay on, he could in theory hold one solitary B class share in addition to holding about 10% A class shares and still be able to control the company. That’s how perverse it seems to read and how skewed in favour of the Glazer mob the set up currently is.

100%, the Glazers won't put any money into the club.
Every £1 they put in, in theory, increases the value of the club however they give away 31p of that £1 to the A class shareholders.

So unless they see immediate guaranteed bumper profits they will not invest.

They could lend to the club but these guys have never done that and would rather borrow and dump that on the club, but even borrowing will only occur if their is an immediate financial return for them.

When Av and Joel were seeking equity solutions last year it was not for the club, Old Trafford training facilities etc, but only to buy out their siblings.

They actually hold 67.5% of all shares, and basically 99% of the B shares with Woodward holding the rest.

And the B to A shares of sold only requires them to vote so that they can retain their status. The whole Glazers can only have B shares is undermined by the fact Ed Woodward also has some B shares. So we know there is flexibility.

All of this will be part of the sales negotiations and simply require a vote by the directors to change of override. The vote is essentially a formality so it's not something anyone needs to worry about.
Why are people posting ancient years

August 12 2036, the heat death of the universe
That’s right, however it is even more one-sided than that.

The Glazers currently hold about 68% of B class shares.

They hold onto those shares because when they sell they can give the buyer full control.

Remember, If they sell any B class shares, other than to another member of the Glazer mob, the shares then become A class shares. So it would be possible for there to be more A class shares, than B class shares, in the future if the Glazers started to sell off more shares.

Here if the Glazers sell all their B class shares to , say Sir Jim, then those 68% B class shares convert to A class shares. Sir Jim will have a majority so he would not be troubled in running the club. He would pay the Glazers a premium for handing over that power/control.

Theoretically the Glazers could sell off most of their B class shares which, would then convert to A class shares, but still retain control with only a handful of B class shares, if they still held 10% of all the shares (A and B).

Because of the way the memo and articles are written they would still have 67% of the vote

So if, let’s say Joel, for some reason decides to stay on, he could in theory hold one solitary B class share in addition to holding about 10% A class shares and still be able to control the company. That’s how perverse it seems to read and how skewed in favour of the Glazer mob the set up currently is.

100%, the Glazers won't put any money into the club.
Every £1 they put in, in theory, increases the value of the club however they give away 31p of that £1 to the A class shareholders.

So unless they see immediate guaranteed bumper profits they will not invest.

They could lend to the club but these guys have never done that and would rather borrow and dump that on the club, but even borrowing will only occur if their is an immediate financial return for them.

When Av and Joel were seeking equity solutions last year it was not for the club, Old Trafford training facilities etc, but only to buy out their siblings.
The bold bit is where the fun starts with the A class shareholders if they do that.
They actually hold 67.5% of all shares, and basically 99% of the B shares with Woodward holding the rest.

And the B to A shares of sold only requires them to vote so that they can retain their status. The whole Glazers can only have B shares is undermined by the fact Ed Woodward also has some B shares. So we know there is flexibility.

All of this will be part of the sales negotiations and simply require a vote by the directors to change of override. The vote is essentially a formality so it's not something anyone needs to worry about.
Agreed, however a buyer does not necessarily need B class shares.

A buyer needs full control.

Full control means 67% of the vote.

Here it would also need the Glazers to withdraw all their B class holdings, Woodward unless he purchases 10% of the club's shares would not really factor. If the Glazers got rid of all their B class shares then that part of the articles/memorandum becomes redundant.

The reason why the Glazers have retained their 67/8% (of the total shares in the company) B class shares is not because they need it for control, they could theoretically hold a handful of class B shares as long as they held 10% of the shares in the company, because, as it stands, they would still have 67% of the vote, it is because they can sell that stake (which on sale to a non Glazer would then convert to A class shares) but would still provide the buyer 67% of the vote (the real attractiveness of their stake).
Today is possibly the day that something might happen
I think the United social media team is looking at this thread and the Glazers adding another 10 mil to the asking price for every page this thread increases. You can just see them holding on to the sale news until we hit the magic number of 2000 pages.
Why are so many posters now believing that Ratcliffe is now the favourite?
I guess one positive is that if they’re staying in some capacity, they’re gonna have to break out one fecking hell of a transfer to placate fans… Kane in and the Glazers stay is my prediction.
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I guess one positive is that if they’re staying, they’re gonna have to break out one fecking hell of a transfer to placate fans… Kane in and the Glazers stay is my prediction.
They aren’t staying though, and if that was the condition for staying they’d sell their own mother first to get out.
Sale is being, but Glazers also doing the owning, Manchester United in a football kind of way, yes? And then, Ratcliffe's been whispered around the round ball world, speculatively, speculatively. Not forgetting Qatar, over there, looking with eyes, interest-full and mystery-cloaked. But no confirmations, no confirmations, no confirmations. We waiting be, unfold things how seeing, hmm?
You ok? You having a stroke?
They can't stay. They can't afford it
Personally think that’s the case but there’s a chance there’s a board split so it might not be what they can afford but pure stubbornness.
I can’t believe Jim hasn’t come back with a different offer when the offer now means it’s impossible to be successful.
It’s a cluster feck from both Glazers and Jim
Would love a tweet. Suffering withdrawal at this point
I guess one positive is that if they’re staying in some capacity, they’re gonna have to break out one fecking hell of a transfer to placate fans… Kane in and the Glazers stay is my prediction.

Maybe, but it will be more debt on the club.

Whatever they're doing, they only have a few weeks until fans are back in the stadium. Then things could warm up significantly.
That fact that today is a day and things happen on days (in fact, everything that ever happened to any of us happened on a day). :drool:

*Ben Jacobs materialises*

While my sources remain quietly confident that days are what things happen on, it’s equally important to remember that the Gregorian calendar is a human construct, and so to other life forms - like trees, or insects, the concept of a ‘day’ isn’t really a solid notion.

So - yes and no.

*disappears back into the wankersphere with Cheshire Cat like grin*
They can't stay. They can't afford it

I fail to see the appeal moreover. They're active, involved businessmen. I can't see them leaving billions of investable equity on the table in a business they wouldn't have controlling stake in.
I fail to see the appeal moreover. They're active, involved businessmen. I can't see them leaving billions of investable equity on the table in a business they wouldn't have controlling stake in.

They’re also feckwits that have failed to maximise their prize asset to the point where they’re now forced to publicly seek outside investment.

And let’s not forget the minority investor possibility with them staying on…
They’re also feckwits that have failed to maximise their prize asset to the point where they’re now forced to publicly seek outside investment.

And let’s not forget the minority investor possibility with them staying on…

They've put feck all into the club and in 15 years have generated a £6bn profit. This idea they're dumb businessmen is such an ironic argument
*Ben Jacobs materialises*

While my sources remain quietly confident that days are what things happen on, it’s equally important to remember that the Gregorian calendar is a human construct, and so to other life forms - like trees, or insects, the concept of a ‘day’ isn’t really a solid notion.

So - yes and no.

*disappears back into the wankersphere with Cheshire Cat like grin*
:lol: :lol: :lol:
OPEC ( Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ) is formed during meeting in Baghdad, Iraq.
Sportwashing isn't invented for another few decases please bite
They’re also feckwits that have failed to maximise their prize asset to the point where they’re now forced to publicly seek outside investment.

And let’s not forget the minority investor possibility with them staying on…

Now I'll preface this by saying I agree they're incompetent feckwits who've failed to run this club at all well. But on the same token as scummy as it is I think what's happening currently was Daddy Malcolm's plan from the start. Put nothing in, get the club to pay for itself, run it into the ground through neglect while bleeding it dry of every penny possible then sell when that is no longer sustainable for as much as possible.
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