Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th


Full Member
Nov 20, 2017
Hong Kong
And this is the important point, the potential waste of resources that are needed elsewhere. From a personal perspective, I normally ride on the road 100 odd miles a week. Now, under our current rules I can still do that however, I don’t, I sit on my patio on a turbo trainer instead. I hate it but I do it, not because of fear of catching CV19 but because if I am out on the road and have an accident that requires an ambulance, A&E etc etc I am using resources up on something that I did that wasn’t essential, those same resources could be ensuring someone else gets their husband/wife/child/parent back home.
The message you delivered is so important. In Hong Kong, most of us (especially the younger ones) are not fear to catch the coronavirus either. However, we are not sure whether we are asymptomatic carriers so that we all wear surgical masks at all times to cut the chain of transmission. We only worry about transmitting COVID-19 to the weak elderly at home, that's why we stay hypervigilant and maintain personal hygiene. It would be a huge misconception if you consider not catching the disease yourself as a victory.


Full Member
Nov 20, 2017
Hong Kong
I do not think businessmen running football in Germany fully understand the difference between proper testing and rapid testing for Covid-19.

Conventional testing involves molecular diagnostics using what is known as Polymerase Chain Reaction. The testing method is labour-intensive and takes several hours to complete (sometimes up to a day in health-constrained environments). Further, real-time PCR requires different kinds of primers and probe sets that are in short supply all across the globe, including in the UK.

So, as an alternative, different companies have come up with what are known as rapid testing kits. Again, there are different kinds of rapid test kits available in the market that make use of either the antigen (virus protein etc.) or the antibody (human response against the virus particles). These tests have significantly shortened the time required for testing Covid-19, but with a big, big caveat - they are only accurate (sensitivity) anywhere from 34 to 80% of the times, according to the WHO.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the WHO has the following recommendations for rapid tests:
  1. Antigen-based rapid testing: NOT recommended for patient care, although research into their performance and potential diagnostic utility is highly encouraged.
  2. Antibody-based rapid testing: NOT recommended for patient care but encouraged to continue using it to establish their usefulness in disease surveillance and epidemiologic research.
Germany has a much better health infrastructure than the UK. It is extremely likely that they will be the first country in Europe to resume their football behind closed doors, but anyone assuming that government authorities will approve of BCD football in just one month relying on rapid point-of-care testing has no clue about this whole thing. The only way football can get going is when the curve of the epidemic has significantly flattened, which again, is difficult to objectify. We are several months away from real football in the UK.
Glad to meet a fellow professional here.

Theoretically, the spread of the virus is not going to slow down until at least 50-60% of the population have immunity by infection or vaccination, either way I don't see it happen any soon.

If you really want to objectify whether the crisis has past, you'll need a large scale epidemiological surveillance using serological methods testing the presence of antibody in citizens. It wouldn't be safe for recreational events (including football matches) to resume unless antibody is found in 80-90% of the population.


Full Member
Nov 17, 2017
Aston Villa
If there’s mass testing for footballers and people present at these games, while healthcare workers for the most part aren’t getting any tests at all, then there should be rioting. Football is an absolutely frivolity in a time like this and the absolute last thing that resources should be squandered on.
Any sort of football is at least two months away at the earliest. They'll be mass rioting at the government if tests for NHS workers aren't being provided by then. They should all be tested within next two weeks after all.


Full Member
Nov 20, 2017
Hong Kong
Well they won’t be playing 3 games a week or flying, the two reasons she give for immune suppression.

When I see a pro footballer hospitalised, I’ll sit up and take note.
The immune suppression caused by fatigue is long term. It isn't that your immunity drops when you play 3 games a week and it restores when you take a day off. Professional footballers have sustained high intensity matches and trainings throughout their career, which stress out their body as reflected from hematological reports.

Plus, it's almost certain that plenty of matches will be arranged in a short period of time once the pandemic is over. There are plenty of fixtures to be caught up with and I wouldn't be surprised if they actually arrange 3 games a week.

You don't see elite athletes being hospitalized just because UK adopts an unreasonably high threshold in admitting patients. There are plenty of NBA players being hospitalized in the US and Fellaini is also hospitalized in China, although you may argue he is not elite enough using your standard.
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Full Member
Nov 17, 2017
Aston Villa
There's two parts to it, aren't there.

When it's allowed again.
And when you as an individual would choose to be in that situation.

Not sure i'd race to get back into a packed stadium.
It won't be until this time next year, could easily be even longer.

I actually think that's going to have to be a trade off. None of us want to eventually watch top level matches constantly being played in behind closed doors 60 or 70k stadiums but it could very well be a reality.

Now do we only want to see 12 or so rounds of games like that or pretty much whole seasons? I'd rather take the final few games at a sensible date e.g July or August restart.

A whole season behind closed doors as 20-21 could well be wouldn't be good and likes of Wycombe would find it near impossible to survive.

Would rather start next season a little later to give more time (partly also as I suspect the season would have to be stopped in November anyway).


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Has there been any talk from the football league about the possibility of setting up a PPV service for lower division clubs?

When football returns it will almost certainly be with no fans in attendance. So a ppv service where each teams fans can pay for each match or even a season ticket could really help out all the smaller clubs who rely on gate receipts to stay afloat.
Jun 26, 2014
Behind the right goal post as "Whiteside shoots!"
There have been some comments about what would happen regarding players whose contracts end 30/6/2020 IF the season was extended last that date. Think UEFA (or FIFA) suggested some rubbish about the "intention" of the contract meaning a player should stay at their club for a season.

Seems to have already happened in rugby and lawyer suggesting that clubs couldn't stop player playing for their new club once date passed.
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Full Member
Nov 9, 2014
There have been some comments about what would happen regarding players whose contracts end 30/6/2020 IF the season was extended last that date. Think UEFA (or FIFA) suggested some rubbish about the "intention" of the contract meaning a player should stay at their club for a season.

Seems to have already happened in rugby and lawyer suggesting that clubs couldn't stop player playing for their new club once date passed.
Yeah that is bollocks and lawyers have already said so, all that they could do is stop a player from signing for a new club.
Jun 26, 2014
Behind the right goal post as "Whiteside shoots!"
Yeah that is bollocks and lawyers have already said so, all that they could do is stop a player from signing for a new club.
Would have helped if I'd included the link?? Doh. Done now.

Richard Cramer is apparently a very experienced and well thought of sports lawyer. He says you couldn't stop them playing for someone else as that would be restraint of trade.


Full Member
Nov 9, 2014
Would have helped if I'd included the link?? Doh. Done now.

Richard Cramer is apparently a very experienced and well thought of sports lawyer. He says you couldn't stop them playing for someone else as that would be restraint of trade.
Havent seen that one, I know the advice I saw was that they couldnt enforce contracts, but restraint of trade might figure if they refused to process transactions


Full Member
Jan 12, 2013
Nothing is fair when you talk about a pandemic. Clubs will go bankrupt some will be relegated and some will go up. You cant really plan for a pandemic or ww3 can you?

End the season as it is and let that be final. Everybody gets their prize money and parachutes for going down will be in place - the clubs can then atleast plan a bit ahead and hopefully survive.

Lets start the new season when its safe again.

Yes Villa etc will be punished but some clubs will get punished no matter what. Atleast clubs can then start to plan and make ways to still be a club.

Le Red

Full Member
Jul 13, 2017
Sections of the right wing political commentariat don't help matters when they push for the lifting of lockdown due to economics. They suggest that the economic damage done now will result in more deaths due to poverty and mental illness in the future. This theory assumes that austerity will be imposed after this is over. But as we've just seen austerity is a political choice and the govt can intervene to protect people's livelihoods and the economy.
Sure. There's always more money at the magic tree that lies in the land of golden rainbows.


Creator of the Worst Analogy on the Internet.
Sep 20, 2014
I‘m surprised that Bundesliga will try to restart in May. They have some politicians on their side.
Apparently the situation is such that many clubs are in dire need for the tv money. Even huge clubs like Schalke are in danger of facing bankrupcy.
May 22, 2017
Doesn’t have to be footballers.
I’m happy with anything that isn’t snooker or darts.
but with Darts - presumably you could actually do that I’m self isolation? The players don’t have to hit the same dart board do they? I’m not a fan of darts either

Has there been any talk from the football league about the possibility of setting up a PPV service for lower division clubs?

When football returns it will almost certainly be with no fans in attendance. So a ppv service where each teams fans can pay for each match or even a season ticket could really help out all the smaller clubs who rely on gate receipts to stay afloat.
It’s a good idea, but I’m not sure there is the demand, and how much it would help. L1 matches are £20-25 for the cheapest tickets when I’ve been - and I’m happy to pay that to watch the game live at the ground, but it’s the crowd that makes the experience, and the games are often pretty poor.

COVID-19 aside. I wouldn’t pay money to watch L1/L2 on pay per view matches behind closed doors, I think it would be a pretty terrible experience. Some hard core fans would want to, but I think the demand would be small. At least with the PL, even though clearly behind closed doors massively affects the experience, you can rely on better quality of the actual game.

I could be wrong and it might be a silver bullet.

Dick Dastardly

New Member
Sep 10, 2019
Wrexham could get back to playing now. They have enough space in the grandstands to seat everybody 2m apart and they haven’t got any player who are capable of getting within 2m of anybody. .
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Full Member
Nov 9, 2014
Wrexham could get back to playing now. They have enough space in the grandstands to seat everybody 2m apart and they haven’t got any player who are capable of getting within 2m of anybody. .
city could play most of their home games tbf


Full Member
Nov 17, 2017
Aston Villa
Has there been any talk from the football league about the possibility of setting up a PPV service for lower division clubs?

When football returns it will almost certainly be with no fans in attendance. So a ppv service where each teams fans can pay for each match or even a season ticket could really help out all the smaller clubs who rely on gate receipts to stay afloat.
They already have one, I follow.

Fans can already watch midweek away games so imagine it will be scaled up, lifting the 3pm black out period indicates this.


New Member
Dec 12, 2017
Man City
There's a lot of talk about playing/finishing the season behind closed doors, I think this is a non-starter myself. LFC for example have a number of away games, they're going to be setting unbreakable records whilst playing their tougher away games with no disadvantage of away support. How can a season where LFC played their rivals with support at home but not away?


New Member
Mar 26, 2018
Do they teach maths to Liverpool fans? You may be ‘nailed on’ to win the league...but you haven’t. If the season continues, ok. But they can feck off being given a sympathy trophy.
If the league resumes they will win it and if not this will be remembered for decades as the most unlucky league campaign ever. So yes they will be given the sympathy trophy by objective people of course ... not that it's a great consolation prize anyway.


Harbinger of new information
Nov 4, 2009
I‘m surprised that Bundesliga will try to restart in May. They have some politicians on their side.
Apparently the situation is such that many clubs are in dire need for the tv money. Even huge clubs like Schalke are in danger of facing bankrupcy.
They have a much better health system because they have so many private hospitals.

The public health system uses these private hospitals when a crisis comes along.

Labour and Tony Blair stopped tax relief on health insurance in 97. So fewer private hospitals about in the UK. Labour need as many people depending on the state as possible to win elections.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
They have a much better health system because they have so many private hospitals.

The public health system uses these private hospitals when a crisis comes along.

Labour and Tony Blair stopped tax relief on health insurance in 97. So fewer private hospitals about in the UK. Labour need as many people depending on the state as possible to win elections.
Yes. The NHS struggling right now is obviously a result of Labour's actions in 97. They're the party to blame for this.


Love Island obsessive
Nov 3, 2016
They have a much better health system because they have so many private hospitals.

The public health system uses these private hospitals when a crisis comes along.

Labour and Tony Blair stopped tax relief on health insurance in 97. So fewer private hospitals about in the UK. Labour need as many people depending on the state as possible to win elections.
I'm pretty sure it's the fault of the Whig's in 1833 when they destabilised healthcare reform. Definitely them. Definitely.


New Member
Jul 11, 2015
If you get to 30 deaths a day (which is still tragic of course) then allow people to attend large events like football then it will quickly shoot up again to current numbers, surely?
The football might be back but there is no way in hell there will be fans at the stadium. It will be behind closed doors. Both fans and players need to accept it will be behind closed doors if it does come back.
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Jun 26, 2014
Behind the right goal post as "Whiteside shoots!"
Wrexham could get back to playing now. They have enough space in the grandstands to seat everybody 2m apart and they haven’t got any player who are capable of getting within 2m of anybody. .
Bit harsh. Got over 4,000 game just after NY and max attendance less than 11,000.

the players bit is probably right though :)


Full Member
Mar 17, 2013
The football might be back but there is no way in hell there will be fans at the stadium. It will be behind closed doors. Both fans and players need to accept it will be behind closed doors if it does come back.
That makes sense.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
It’s a good idea, but I’m not sure there is the demand, and how much it would help. L1 matches are £20-25 for the cheapest tickets when I’ve been - and I’m happy to pay that to watch the game live at the ground, but it’s the crowd that makes the experience, and the games are often pretty poor.

COVID-19 aside. I wouldn’t pay money to watch L1/L2 on pay per view matches behind closed doors, I think it would be a pretty terrible experience. Some hard core fans would want to, but I think the demand would be small. At least with the PL, even though clearly behind closed doors massively affects the experience, you can rely on better quality of the actual game.

I could be wrong and it might be a silver bullet.
Well yeah in a normal situation the demand wouldn't be there and it would be too pricey to be viable. But i was thinking if the games are BCD and its the only way to watch then hardcore regulars would pay to see their team and in doing so help them out financially. If a significant part of next year is played without fans a lot of clubs will be in trouble.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
They already have one, I follow.

Fans can already watch midweek away games so imagine it will be scaled up, lifting the 3pm black out period indicates this.
Is this the ifollow service?

Yeah that could be used to sell tickets for individual games or even blocks of games or season tickets to help clubs out financially if next season has to be BCD.


New Member
Feb 9, 2007
In a world of my own. People know me here.
There's a lot of talk about playing/finishing the season behind closed doors, I think this is a non-starter myself. LFC for example have a number of away games, they're going to be setting unbreakable records whilst playing their tougher away games with no disadvantage of away support. How can a season where LFC played their rivals with support at home but not away?
Eh :confused:

What about our remaining home matches where we'd have the disadvantage of not having our own fans cheering us on ? Doesn't that kinda balance it out ? & could you really see your own fans turning out in their droves playing against the side are going to win the league regardless of what happens at The Etihad ?


New Member
Jul 11, 2015
There's a lot of talk about playing/finishing the season behind closed doors, I think this is a non-starter myself. LFC for example have a number of away games, they're going to be setting unbreakable records whilst playing their tougher away games with no disadvantage of away support. How can a season where LFC played their rivals with support at home but not away?
Well sorry but the players have to accept it. It's a pandemic after all. Fairer outcome than declaring the season null and void and using last season's positions in the table. Also as someone mentioned all teams have home games too so it balances it out.


Full Member
Nov 17, 2017
Aston Villa
Majority of next season will likely be BCD aswell.

Nobody wants it but ultimately going to have to accept it.


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
There's a lot of talk about playing/finishing the season behind closed doors, I think this is a non-starter myself. LFC for example have a number of away games, they're going to be setting unbreakable records whilst playing their tougher away games with no disadvantage of away support. How can a season where LFC played their rivals with support at home but not away?
Anything they achieve this year will certainly have an asterix against it.
Which is harsh after ripping the league up


Full Member
Nov 17, 2017
Aston Villa
Can't see that happening. But then noone saw most of this mess happening!
Will be carnage in the lower leagues for sure, they desperately need gate money.

Can see another lockdown in November-December so that would be the end of 20-21 season, if it actually has started by then.

Pep's Suit

New Member
Jul 7, 2013
Yeah, I'd expect bcd games until October / November at least and then it could depend on whether there's another wave.


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
Yeah, I'd expect bcd games until October / November at least and then it could depend on whether there's another wave.
I wonder how they'd deal with season ticket sales.
Sell them as normal and refund any bcd games. Or only issue any when certain a game will have a crowd?