Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

Inspired by Redman being a Picard look a like I thought the below crew list would be appropriate as Liverpool try and navigate through a meteor shower to capture the PL trophy.

@redman5 - Captain Picard
@B20 - Picard stunt double
@Klopper76 - Data
@Finn MacCool - Spock
@Megadrive Man - Worf
@RobinLFC - Sulu
@Liver_bird - Uhura
You want to say that they are greatest crew ever (more or less)? You are generous guy, my friend.
I would go with Wesley and his mom, Kira, Michael and characters like them.
"My stance"? I'm talking for a contract law POV and not from a football POV, which I've abundantly made clear by now that I don't care anymore that it gets resumed or not since the title has already lost all meaning and glamour. I'm talking facts - if the PL cancels the season and doesn't have the legal backing from a force majeure clause, they're gonna get sued and they're gonna lose.

So yes let's just see how the lawsuit goes. Neither you nor I have any impact on how it will go, but if they have legal ground to sue, then they'll win, no matter how repulsive or immoral you think it is.

I know different legal systems will have a different meaning. The Force majeure clause in this country refers to a suspension of 30-90 days, which we are getting close to. Yes, I get that it depends on the PL contract what specific points are written to be part of force majeure i.e act of god, act of govt, pandemic etc...

We are only speculating.

However; I am sure within the contracts there will be clauses about players health and cramming games in 3 weeks might jeopardise that.

It is about to get all messy I think.

We're seeing this played out in public, some might be concerned an extended period might mean cancellation of the contract. I'm assuming that is what the PL/FA refer to when they're talking about longer effects?

I'm not a lawyer/barrister it'll be interesting if there are views about...
Just in case anyone needed reminding how up their own arse scousers are right now. It’s like they’re too thick to realise it’s comments like this that are the reason no one likes them, not because of ‘how good they are’.

"Forget the Super Cup, the Club World Cup".

The question is, who remembers them?
1400 players out of contract on L1 and L2.

If anyone wants to read about the real impact of not playing football is on the lower leagues then have a quick read of the article.

ive been banging on about how unimportant Liverpool or any of the PL teams are in all this. Every premiership club and player will survive - how many lower league clubs will come out of this, and how many of the 1400 players who don’t have a contract in 6 weeks?
I agree in the case of Liverpool but CL places? there is a very good chance that Manutd can catch Chelsea or even Leicester for the CL places, or even SU and Arsenal?

We still have a good part of 9 games to go. It is going to be a sticky one.

Unfortunately the impetus that was driving our team, at the time the league was stopped, is now lost for us and we have to dig deep to try and capture that same form.
On the other hand Spurs were depleted by injuries and that would have helped us win the next game but now.............who knows?

@redman5 - Captain Picard
@B20 - Picard stunt double
@Klopper76 - Data
@Finn MacCool - Spock
@Megadrive Man - Worf
@RobinLFC - Sulu
@Liver_bird - Uhura

You forgot the Dumb Star.
Unfortunately i can't find an appropriate emoji for these- what a list?! :p:p:p
I can confirm that crew listing is logical.

You want to say that they are greatest crew ever (more or less)? You are generous guy, my friend.
I would go with Wesley and his mom, Kira, Michael and characters like them.

I'm not sure they are the best crew ever? High praise indeed!

The United fans on here would obviously be the Klingons who'd be doing their best to stop us :D

Well yes you do need a mortal enemy. Who's the opposing crew?

You forgot the Dumb Star.
Unfortunately i can't find an appropriate emoji for these- what a list?! :p:p:p

@Dumbstar - La Forge (blind as a bat)
Well, it’s done and dusted now. The government’s handling of this pandemic has ensured sport won’t be returning anytime soon. Today’s photos of packed trains and only a tiny minority of those travelling on them wearing face masks have put a lid on it. And I’m not even sure if this is Boris Johnson’s final form. I mean, if he had his way we’d all be pouring into Wembley to watch an England friendly this evening.
Did he not say don't use public transport? I get you don't like Johnson/the Tories, that much is clear, but to put this on him is just wrong.
Government has given the green light to restarting football from June 1st. Down to clubs and PL to sort out everything now.

Bit misleading. They have said that's the aim for phase two providing the R rate stays down and phase one is a success. Obviously it's a target but not a automatic restart date.
Bit misleading. They have said that's the aim for phase two providing the R rate stays down and phase one is a success. Obviously it's a target but not a automatic restart date.

Responded already that the article I read in the Independent decided to omit the further details of the document and duped people like me who saw it pop up.

This is the same democracy that willingly threw away our automatic right to live and work in 26 other countries and thought it was a good idea to make Boris PM in the first place.

Out of all the measures that can be used to define whether football (or anything for that matter) can return asking the public should be the very last thing on the menu.
A combination of the government announcing that behind closed doors football can begin in June and that sporting merit will be used to decide the table if they are unable to finish the league.

Its the only 2 options that have been on the table for weeks, but its finally been confirmed today.
They haven't said that though, have they? They said there would be none before 1 June at the earliest.
They haven't said that though, have they? They said there would be none before 1 June at the earliest.

Which means it's possible from June the 1st everything being perfect.

Now is obvious everything won't be perfect, but football can be played behind closed doors from then, pending no pushbacks due to spikes.

It's then on the footballing World to get things in order for when they want to restart.

I’d rather them have asked would you support the return of football games. I wouldn’t read too much into the survey given its framing, but it does reflect my own sentiment and quite a few others who agreed with me when I posted about it a few days ago.
Which means it's possible from June the 1st everything being perfect.

Now is obvious everything won't be perfect, but football can be played behind closed doors from then, pending no pushbacks due to spikes.

It's then on the footballing World to get things in order for when they want to restart.

It's already not enough time though given they aren't even training yet? It's mid May now.
“Run out of money”

Only because it’s the Tories do I consider that. Anyone else would borrow what they need. The US are talking about borrowing trillions ffs
Those Tories you seem to hate so much are pouring billions into the country and have extended furlough until October at least.

How dare they, those uncaring scum?
Is it harsh? I think it's fair, it is based on theirs and their competitor's performance. Wasn't ideal but hardly not fair.

Just like PPG will correctly relegate norwich, and gets Liverpool their title. More right than wrong PPG

The biggest thing wrong with PPG is its simulating games to decide a competitive sport. Once you realize that it should out weigh any positive that can be found.

It shouldn't be considered to decide league seasons and who wins/qualifies/survives/goes down.
Those Tories you seem to hate so much are pouring billions into the country and have extended furlough until October at least.

How dare they, those uncaring scum?

It's almost like they knew they'd squeezed the middle so much that most people can't survive without income for even a few months.

They do not deserve credit for the actions they had to take. They deserve plenty of criticism for being slow and vague in the response.
The biggest thing wrong with PPG is its simulating games to decide a competitive sport. Once you realize that it should out weigh any positive that can be found.

It shouldn't be considered to decide league seasons and who wins/qualifies/survives/goes down.

At least it's based on actual performance being simulated.

Let's face it, anything beyond this point is equally farcical, if we must choose either PPG is the fairest out of all options.
The amount of absolute idiots on Twitter who immediately start bashing their keyboards after reading that tackling will be banned without reading that it clearly says “in training”. It’s still stupid but hardly the same as having matches with no fecking tacking.
The amount of absolute idiots on Twitter who immediately start bashing their keyboards after reading that tackling will be banned without reading that it clearly says “in training”. It’s still stupid but hardly the same as having matches with no fecking tacking.
Calling other idiots because of natural reaction to rules isn't that nice. They have right in matter of the wierd rules TheFA are trying to impose. What is difference in training and matches in terms of tackling? Why would it be ok in matches and not in training looking at social distancing?
How can you ban tackles in training, but have them during the game? And where is the blanket ban on footballers spitting on the ground, You just need to swallow 'em
The no tackling in training thing is a fair thing to criticise. It may as well not be played if the sport has to change at a fundamental level like that even in practice but you know, money and stuff.