Evra accuses Suarez of racist remarks | Suarez guilty of racial abuse

No wonder Gerrard was denied the captaincy. Liverpool and its players have become so divisive I can't imagine a Liverpool player being an England captain for ages.
I won’t be swayed on this one; Suarez is an embarrassment to his club in a pretty despicable kind. But I can clearly see our Pat very subtly drawing his hand back a second before Suarez might or might not have shaken it. Just showed my father in law the clip as well and he says the same.

It was never going to be popular in here to say this, especially to 99.99% of you but f'ck it.
I'm with you. I was disagreeing with you just like everyone else, but once you made it known that your father-in-law agrees with you, well that convinced me.

After all, nothing establishes legitimacy like a reported conversation with a likely fictitious person.
I'm with you. I was disagreeing with you just like everyone else, but once you made it known that your father-in-law agrees with you, well that convinced me.

After all, nothing establishes legitimacy like a reported conversation with a likely fictitious person.

Then my friend, we shall call the tribal net mob, put on our rose tinted glasses and lynch you! Swine!
Erm... Hasnt johnson dropped a bollock in this interview? The comments about the tshirts being the idea of the club and the players just going along with it, wasnt it claimed at the time that it was the players who suggested it as a way of showing support?

Would that mean that the truthful liverpool players have got this mixed up too?

(might be wrong on this though)
I'm not surprised at all that Johnson doesn't think Suarez did it. When you hear about something racist, sexist, homophobic or the like is said, you always hear from 20 people who know the offender who is surprised they would say something like that.

Unless you're a real gem of a human, you don't go around being seriously offensive all the time, your co-workers and acquaintances will be surprised to hear such a thing, and will generally give you the 'Oh but he's such a nice fellow' and 'he never racially abused me!' lines.

And I'm sure they're right. It's just completely irrelevant.
And my estimation of Glen Johnson goes down, and of Liverpool football club, even further.

I have a video response to that:

Why on earth has this been brought up again? To be honest, I don't really mind, as it only puts Liverpool in a worse light, I just cannot fathom why he's chosen to bring something like this up.

By all accounts he was twice the defender you'll ever be.

More like 100. Mc Grath was a Rolls Royce, Johnson a Skoda.
I won’t be swayed on this one; Suarez is an embarrassment to his club in a pretty despicable kind. But I can clearly see our Pat very subtly drawing his hand back a second before Suarez might or might not have shaken it. Just showed my father in law the clip as well and he says the same.

It was never going to be popular in here to say this, especially to 99.99% of you but f'ck it.

He does somewhat draw back his hand, but it is still open, available and ready to shake with Suarez's.

It is only natural that when Suarez turn comes you stand still a bit more, draw the hand a bit and feel uncomfortable/unsure as to whether there will be a handshake or not. Or maybe he was tricking Suarez into fecking up as scousers would put it. We will never know.

We do know this:

The onus was on Suarez to just grab his hand and shake it. He did not. End of.
But Dalglish is determined to keep the player at the club despite interest from super-rich Paris Saint-Germain.

‘Nobody has spoken to us but it wouldn’t make any difference,’ said Dalglish. ‘If they called and reversed the charges, it would not get taken.’

:lol: Tight git. I guess he is sending a warning to skint clubs, not PSG.

"Hello, do you accept a reverse charge call from Carlo Ancelotti?". "No, we are not selling Suarez".

Sure it would be worth the charges to find out if there's an off chance he could get shot of Carroll or Downing? :lol:
Why do people still put their foot in their mouths over this entire incident.

Patrice has 'history'.
Patrice is clearly a cnut anyway. (Yes for being racially abused..)
(two years ago) Patrice is one of the best left backs in the world. Wish we had a player like him. (Today) Total cnut, always hated him. Rubbish player, filthy liar.
Patrice clearly racially abused Suarez first.

Because football fans are very tribal and they normally defend their team/player through anything.

They have been 100% wrong on this issue but they still think they're in the right. It doesn't help when one of their legends peddles the shit that he's spewed since October.
Because football fans are very tribal and they normally defend their team/player through anything.

They have been 100% wrong on this issue but they still think they're in the right. It doesn't help when one of their legends peddles the shit that he's spewed since October.
Not least with Liverpool fans with anything to do with them vs Manchester United.

How Dalglish still has a job regarding this matter defeats me. On reflection, long may the guy reign there...he was a great striker...now he's doing them more harm than good and comes across as a blinkered joke of a manager...to the point where he just sounds stupid. How can his opinion of anything be taken seriously anymore. He's gone way way way beyond the Wenger 'I didn't zee any zing'.

That post game Sky interview summed him up perfectly...full of gusto "Yer Bang out of Order...blah blah blah" and a few days later after big boss kicks his arse, a very limp "errrr sorry". Wanker. On top of that he's a complete liar to claim in that Sky interview he didn't know Suarez had not shaken Patrice Evra's hand...what utter bullshit.

There, phew! rant over :)

I encounter these arguments all the time 'it's over', 'move on champ'. But the people who bring it up constantly always make one glaring mistake about the facts.

There is the ever lingering notion that he still hasn't apologized to Patrice and admitted the ultimate defeat. (Nor is he likely to..)

But if the fans get things wrong by still forming their opinion around Evra being a cnut because he spoke out, having history or the words that transpired because they clearly haven't read the report and basing their opinions on whatever I call them up on it.

So many facebook warriors who don't have a clue it is genuinely baffling. You say 'Read the report' and their response is generally 'I don't want to read that bullshit...'
Dalglish: Regrets over Suarez saga

The Uruguay international was banned for eight matches after being found guilty of racially abusing Manchester United defender Patrice Evra in a match at Anfield in October.

Between the offence being committed and the ban being imposed, Dalglish staunchly defended the striker as the whole club took a hugely defensive stance.

The manager and the players wore T-shirts in support of Suarez at their league match at Wigan in December and even when the punishment was handed out by an independent disciplinary commission the club showed few signs of contrition.

However, Dalglish has now recognised that the case could - and should - have been dealt with differently.

"It would be done completely differently if it ever happened again - and I hope it never does," the Scot told ESPN prior to their 2-1 FA Cup semi-final win over Everton at Wembley on Saturday.

"I wouldn't say publicly what I would do differently, but I know what I would do differently. I would address that.

"If I have done something wrong, I am not shy in saying I have done something wrong.

"If I can do something better, I will try and do it better.

"Everybody can look at themselves, whether they are good, bad or indifferent and say, 'I could do things much better'.

"That is what I will try to do. I would certainly hope not to do things any worse."

Dalglish and Suarez both eventually made public apologies as a result of their behaviour in the match at Manchester United in February.

It was Suarez's first away match following the end of his suspension and despite suggesting he would shake Evra's hand prior to kick-off he did not.

Dalglish then conducted a tetchy post-match television interview which appeared to inflame the situation further and ultimately, following intervention from the club's American owners Fenway Sports Group, led to him and the player saying sorry for their actions.

During Suarez's suspension the team had a run of indifferent results, losing 3-1 at struggling Bolton, and a record of only three league wins to date in 2012 has ended their hopes of Champions League qualification.

"You will never know how much the situation affected us," added Dalglish.

"We will never know whether we would have won the games with Luis in or without him.

"But it happened. We had to deal with it and we did deal with it.

"We have to brush ourselves down, stop feeling sorry for ourselves and get on with it.

"I think Luis is doing that now. Everybody at the football club is doing it - and they have done it.

"We just have to get on with our life and make sure we learn our lessons from the past."

Interesting quotes there from Kenny. First time he's shown any signs of genuine regret.

Doesn't mention any specifics though. He could be thinking "We backed down too easily and I didn't support him enough", although I personally think he realises he could have acted more sanely
Is Kenny ever specific? Just hints at things and gets angry if asked to elaborate. The loon.
Funny it's come up right after the American owners came over to do their sackings. Did they not also meet with Dalgleish on Thursday?
Interesting quotes there from Kenny. First time he's shown any signs of genuine regret.

Doesn't mention any specifics though. He could be thinking "We backed down too easily and I didn't support him enough", although I personally think he realises he could have acted more sanely

He's so fecking evasive isn't he?

Never a straight answer. Does my nut in.
One could easily read those answers the other way. He may wish he had gone even more on the offensive.
Is Kenny ever specific? Just hints at things and gets angry if asked to elaborate. The loon.

It's like he's trying to be enigmatic but comes across as half pissed


"We have to brush ourselves down, stop feeling sorry for ourselves and get on with it."

Somehow I don't think this will ever happen at LFC
Somehow I don't think this will ever happen at LFC

What the feck has he got to feel sorry for themselves for? If they thought they had a rock solid case they would have appealed.

They didn't. So feck off Kenny. He's losing a lot of respect.
Kenny's just trying to make it sound like Liverpool actually had a case to appeal on, to strengthen the delusional beliefs of those fans that didn't realize Suarez was guilty months ago.

Pathetic and disgusting considering he's trying to cover-up racist behavior, basically, to make it look non-racist.
From the Mail


My conscience is clear! Liverpool star Suarez unrepentant over Evra ban
Luis Suarez insists his conscience is clear over his ban for racially abusing Patrica Evra.

The Liverpool striker was suspended for eight games in December for repeatedly calling the Manchester United defender a 'negro' during a Premier League clash at Old Trafford in October.

But Suarez claims 'someone' was out to get Liverpool and that the ban was 'wierd'.

Speaking out: Luis Suarez was talking to the Russian media about Patrice Evra
'My conscience is clear [on Evra], he told Russia Today. 'They convicted me without any proof. [The ban] was weird, unbelievable.'

'They wanted to get rid of a Liverpool player. I'm not interested in the English press.

'They told me the fans would whistle me and jeer me, but they've always done that, so it doesn't affect me.'

Having served his ban, Suarez refused to shake Evra's hand when the two sides met in February.

The Uruguayan eventually apologised but Evra recently admitted the pressure he was under prior to his non-handshake with Suarez was the greatest he had ever felt in his life.

After months of ill-feeling following the racism claims Evra made after the Premier League meeting between Liverpool and Manchester United in October, the France full-back was ready to end the feud ahead of the return encounter at Old Trafford.

Yet Suarez snubbed the United captain, earning himself widespread condemnation and forcing the Liverpool hierarchy to intervene.

'That game was the most pressure I've ever felt in my life - and all to do with shaking his hand,' said Evra.

'It was very difficult to decide what to do before the game.

'Many people would never try to shake his hand. But I tried and he refused.

Ignored: Suarez refused to shake Evra's hand at Old Trafford
'For me, it was like, "What's going on?" You see the first tackle, a tackle on Rio Ferdinand?

'If it was Suarez then I could have had a red card straight away and I'd have been off the pitch.'

It would be fair to stay that the period around those initial racism allegations was hugely traumatic for Evra.

For only a week later came a telephone call that stopped him completely in his tracks, the death of his 42-year-old brother.

'What's happened to me this year, personal things, have been really tough,' said Evra.

What an absolute grade A weapon.
Suarez said:
'They wanted to get rid of a Liverpool player.'

I doubt he even believes that himself (although it's a handy piece of distraction ready-made for those Liverpool fans who desperately want to believe that Suarez is loyal; that he's innocent; and that everyone's against LFC). For everybody else, that quote's a dead giveaway - he might as well have just said "Actually, I'm guilty as f*ck".
He's smart. Playing into the scouse victim mentality. Their fans will love it.

I don't think he can be called smart, that mentality comes to him naturally. I think that sometimes when he throws himself ten feet into the air after an innocuous tackle he genuinely believes he's been greatly wronged.
He spoke to to the Russian media, really? A famously racist country about his racism charge. Well played Mr Suarez.

There isn't much point in saying this as it's been done to death, but the proof was your admission you feckwit.