Facundo Pellistri image 28

Facundo Pellistri Uruguay flag

2023-24 Performances

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5.0 Season Average Rating
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Couldn't agree more. I don't understand any criticism of him on here last night. Pressured Davies several times and regained possession, neat and tidy. Him and Reguilon were our two best performers last night.

Whenever I see a performance described like you have in bold, it really tells me that the player in question did nothing of note and more likely than not offered little to nothing in overall contribution.

I feel the bizarre emotional attachment a multitude of posters have for Pellistri is making them lower their standards. Would you be accepting of Pellistri's level of performance against Bayern if say Sancho or even Lingard played instead? Forget that he's a younger player with less experience. He's almost 22 and they're examples of younger players showing much more at this level

The slaying of Pellistri here after one start is madness. Maybe in time he will prove that he’s shit, but at least give him a proper chance of 180 minutes.

He's not deserving of many opportunities going by his overall displays since joining the club. I don't think he has a future at the club and in England. He'll likely end up in a mid to lower table club on the continent and be forgotten pretty quickly.
He's not deserving of many opportunities going by his overall displays since joining the club. I don't think he has a future at the club and in England. He'll likely end up in a mid to lower table club on the continent and be forgotten pretty quickly.

"Many opportunities" of course not. A few opportunities, absolutely.

There's no point whatsoever in having a player on the squad if there's no intent to give him at least a few opportunities.
Whenever I see a performance described like you have in bold, it really tells me that the player in question did nothing of note and more likely than not offered little to nothing in overall contribution.

I feel the bizarre emotional attachment a multitude of posters have for Pellistri is making them lower their standards. Would you be accepting of Pellistri's level of performance against Bayern if say Sancho or even Lingard played instead? Forget that he's a younger player with less experience. He's almost 22 and they're examples of younger players showing much more at this level

He's not deserving of many opportunities going by his overall displays since joining the club. I don't think he has a future at the club and in England. He'll likely end up in a mid to lower table club on the continent and be forgotten pretty quickly.
Well there's nothing of note within the whole team at the moment isn't there? And to ask him to come in on his first start and start providing immediately is unfathomable. He's not had many opportunities at all - his minutes have been posted previously in this thread. You seem rather dismissive of him without actually giving him a fair chance.
Personally, I have said this before and pretty early...I dont think pellistri will ever be the our main option winger...not because he isnt a good player...but because he has weaknesses in his game that are a big issue for a club like united.

He doesnt pass well, he has no weak foot and has very little variance in his dribbling. Beyond running really fast on the outside, there is nothing much in his game that is sustainable in the long run. As soon as fullbacks learn his game, he will have worse and worse performances for us. I honestly dont see him being our main option....he can be an option off the bench long term, but never the main starter.

Sancho and Anthony suffer from the exact same issue...this is why fans find them hard to love. They are unable to unlock tight defences or decide games on a consistent basis. They are too one dimensional to be the main option we depend upon. If fans have reached the breaking point with someone like Anthony, pellistri will not survive

We need to go all in for top tier winger like olise....someone with a huge bag of options to beat a man in either direction...can pass, can cross and works hard for the team. Beyond that, if signing fails, then amad is the other option who has less weaknesses than pellistri, anthony and sancho....and this is purely because he has a better weakfoot than all of them and tries to vary his dribbling. The key thing is continuously doing it, game after game...and I dont know if he can do that.
Personally, I have said this before and pretty early...I dont think pellistri will ever be the our main option winger...not because he isnt a good player...but because he has weaknesses in his game that are a big issue for a club like united.

He doesnt pass well, he has no weak foot and has very little variance in his dribbling. Beyond running really fast on the outside, there is nothing much in his game that is sustainable in the long run. As soon as fullbacks learn his game, he will have worse and worse performances for us. I honestly dont see him being our main option....he can be an option off the bench long term, but never the main starter.

Sancho and Anthony suffer from the exact same issue...this is why fans find them hard to love. They are unable to unlock tight defences or decide games on a consistent basis. They are too one dimensional to be the main option we depend upon. If fans have reached the breaking point with someone like Anthony, pellistri will not survive

We need to go all in for top tier winger like olise....someone with a huge bag of options to beat a man in either direction...can pass, can cross and works hard for the team. Beyond that, if signing fails, then amad is the other option who has less weaknesses than pellistri, anthony and sancho....and this is purely because he has a better weakfoot than all of them and tries to vary his dribbling. The key thing is continuously doing it, game after game...and I dont know if he can do that.
Agreed, and Olise would be a great option I think. Though I've kind of lost hope with new signings even maintaining their form coming here, let alone improving.

I'd love to see Amad get a run at it if he gets some luck with injuries. Kids got class.
Whenever I see a performance described like you have in bold, it really tells me that the player in question did nothing of note and more likely than not offered little to nothing in overall contribution.

I feel the bizarre emotional attachment a multitude of posters have for Pellistri is making them lower their standards. Would you be accepting of Pellistri's level of performance against Bayern if say Sancho or even Lingard played instead? Forget that he's a younger player with less experience. He's almost 22 and they're examples of younger players showing much more at this level

He's not deserving of many opportunities going by his overall displays since joining the club. I don't think he has a future at the club and in England. He'll likely end up in a mid to lower table club on the continent and be forgotten pretty quickly.

Going by your standards. None of the players in our team deserver to be in the team. This is the problem with everyone these days. It has to be instant impact otherwise he is only fit to play in the lower leagues of South America. These people would have hated Valencia
Type of player that would fit and do well at Brighton.
Brighton scouted well and bought well. It's not like they just randomly picking young players regardless profile in throwing shite at the wall to see what stick style. Brighton is not shy to fight big clubs for young raw talent. Evan Ferguson, Caicedo are two names that we were also interested but lost out to Brighton. Brighton is neither reluctant to loan players as seen with Ansu Fati. I am not sure Brighton was ever interested in Pellistri in any way. It's very weird to hype up our young players with baseless wishful thinking like this.
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Personally, I have said this before and pretty early...I dont think pellistri will ever be the our main option winger...not because he isnt a good player...but because he has weaknesses in his game that are a big issue for a club like united.
He doesnt pass we he has no weak foot and has very little variance in his dribbling. Beyond running really fast on the outside, there is nothing much in his game that is sustainable in the long run. As soon as fullbacks learn his game, he will have worse and worse performances for us. I honestly dont see him being our main option....he can be an option off the bench long term, but never the main starter.

Sancho and Anthony suffer from the exact same issue...this is why fans find them hard to love. They are unable to unlock tight defences or decide games on a consistent basis. They are too one dimensional to be the main option we depend upon. If fans have reached the breaking point with someone like Anthony, pellistri will not survive

We need to go all in for top tier winger like olise....someone with a huge bag of options to beat a man in either direction...can pass, can cross and works hard for the team. Beyond that, if signing fails, then amad is the other option who has less weaknesses than pellistri, anthony and sancho....and this is purely because he has a better weakfoot than all of them and tries to vary his dribbling. The key thing is continuously doing it, game after game...and I dont know if he can do that.

Classic case of judging someone without seeing too much of them.

None of us can say if Pellistri will do well, until he has a run of games!

Some questionable comments from you:
He doesnt pass well - How do you know this? From the Bayern game? A game we were abysmal in and defended all game, where Pellistri actually done ok?
very little variance in his dribbling - Again, based on what? Nothing
As soon as fullbacks learn his game - Same for every single wide forward in the league. Fullbacks study ALL of they're opponents. Basic point with zero context
If fans have reached the breaking point with someone like Anthony, pellistri will not survive - Fan's arent at breaking point with Anthony - we just want to see better performances. He's becoming a scapegoat cos he cost 80mil and isn't performing like prime Ronaldo
We need to go all in for top tier winger like olise - While I think Olise is a good player, he;s not a top tier winger. Calm down
then amad is the other option who has less weaknesses than pellistri, anthony and sancho. - Another comment based on nothing
The key thing is continuously doing it, game after game...and I dont know if he can do that. - Very few players perform 9/10 every single game consistently. Calm down lad
Classic case of judging someone without seeing too much of them.

None of us can say if Pellistri will do well, until he has a run of games!

Some questionable comments from you:
He doesnt pass well - How do you know this? From the Bayern game? A game we were abysmal in and defended all game, where Pellistri actually done ok?
very little variance in his dribbling - Again, based on what? Nothing
As soon as fullbacks learn his game - Same for every single wide forward in the league. Fullbacks study ALL of they're opponents. Basic point with zero context
If fans have reached the breaking point with someone like Anthony, pellistri will not survive - Fan's arent at breaking point with Anthony - we just want to see better performances. He's becoming a scapegoat cos he cost 80mil and isn't performing like prime Ronaldo
We need to go all in for top tier winger like olise - While I think Olise is a good player, he;s not a top tier winger. Calm down
then amad is the other option who has less weaknesses than pellistri, anthony and sancho. - Another comment based on nothing
The key thing is continuously doing it, game after game...and I dont know if he can do that. - Very few players perform 9/10 every single game consistently. Calm down lad

My guy, if you havent watched pellistri dont blame others who have. If you havent watched olise or amad, dont blame others who have.

When I say he cant pass, I mean there is nothing in his passing game beyond average. A player who actually uses his passing to high effect is rashford or grealish. Go watch pellistris games out on loan or for Uruguay...he never makes any outstanding pass. There is nothing to write home about his passing.

When I say there is no variance in his dribbling...I mean just go watch his dribbling when one on one with a fullback. You do know he has played a ton of games for his country and on loan...he never ever goes on the inside. He always aims to beat his man for pace on the outside and put a cross in. He never uses his left foot(weakfoot) which is why I say its none existent. 90% of the games manutd will play, we will be playing against a low block. In a low block, it's the winger going one on one with the fb. Being able to beat the man either way is super important for a manutd winger. Pellistri can shine in a lower league team where they play most teams on the transition....abit like daniel james...but even that is not a long time advantage because its easy to manage.

Its true that fullbacks study all their opponents...but the key isnt studying them, its figuring them out. They dont figure out all their opponents. Its actually that unpredictability that makes the fullbacks rate certain opponents more than others.
Players like Saka have a strong foot(left foot) but have a great weakfoot too and can beat the fullback either way. Saka can beat his fullback on the outside and put a cross in, or beat him on the inside for the shot or pass...this never ending unpredictability is what makes him absolutely a nightmare to go up against.

The reason I mention Olise is because he has the same exact features in his game...I have very little doubt that Olise will be top tier the moment he gets to a big club. Of course, things like injuries etc can not be predicted but he is an absolute baller.

Amad is the only RW in our squad who tries to have those same features in that he can beat the fullback by going either way...he just hasnt played consistently at this level. Amad is like Hannibal...they are both really good but just need a run of 4 or 5 games to showcase their talent.

Anthony has no weakfoot to speak of...similar to pellistri. When fullbacks learnt that Anthony cant do anything with his right foot, marking him became a case of blocking the inside channel..showing him to the outside and waiting for him to pass the ball back to bruno or awb etc. He bores manutd fans because of this one consistent weakness in his game.

If you cant see these similarities between Anthony and pellistri, you are choosing to blind yourself to the problems in his game. As someone said, there are no new things under the sun, just new people
I hope posters aren't writing off Facundo after two starts. Yes it's true that Pellistri will never be a Messi or even a Figo but he only needs to be better than Antony and Sancho and on the evidence to date, that seems very achievable. But it mat not be achievable for Pellistri, in which case our quest for a proper RW will continue. Maybe Diallo. , although that seems unlikely to be demonstrated this season.
My guy, if you havent watched pellistri dont blame others who have. If you havent watched olise or amad, dont blame others who have.

When I say he cant pass, I mean there is nothing in his passing game beyond average. A player who actually uses his passing to high effect is rashford or grealish. Go watch pellistris games out on loan or for Uruguay...he never makes any outstanding pass. There is nothing to write home about his passing.

When I say there is no variance in his dribbling...I mean just go watch his dribbling when one on one with a fullback. You do know he has played a ton of games for his country and on loan...he never ever goes on the inside. He always aims to beat his man for pace on the outside and put a cross in. He never uses his left foot(weakfoot) which is why I say its none existent. 90% of the games manutd will play, we will be playing against a low block. In a low block, it's the winger going one on one with the fb. Being able to beat the man either way is super important for a manutd winger. Pellistri can shine in a lower league team where they play most teams on the transition....abit like daniel james...but even that is not a long time advantage because its easy to manage.

Its true that fullbacks study all their opponents...but the key isnt studying them, its figuring them out. They dont figure out all their opponents. Its actually that unpredictability that makes the fullbacks rate certain opponents more than others.
Players like Saka have a strong foot(left foot) but have a great weakfoot too and can beat the fullback either way. Saka can beat his fullback on the outside and put a cross in, or beat him on the inside for the shot or pass...this never ending unpredictability is what makes him absolutely a nightmare to go up against.

The reason I mention Olise is because he has the same exact features in his game...I have very little doubt that Olise will be top tier the moment he gets to a big club. Of course, things like injuries etc can not be predicted but he is an absolute baller.

Amad is the only RW in our squad who tries to have those same features in that he can beat the fullback by going either way...he just hasnt played consistently at this level. Amad is like Hannibal...they are both really good but just need a run of 4 or 5 games to showcase their talent.

Anthony has no weakfoot to speak of...similar to pellistri. When fullbacks learnt that Anthony cant do anything with his right foot, marking him became a case of blocking the inside channel..showing him to the outside and waiting for him to pass the ball back to bruno or awb etc. He bores manutd fans because of this one consistent weakness in his game.

If you cant see these similarities between Anthony and pellistri, you are choosing to blind yourself to the problems in his game. As someone said, there are no new things under the sun, just new people

Interesting response.
My guy, if you havent watched pellistri dont blame others who have. If you havent watched olise or amad, dont blame others who have. I have watched them - cheers my guy

A player who actually uses his passing to high effect is rashford or grealish - Mate if you think Rashford has "high passing effect" i suggest you go for an eye test. Rashford cannot pass to save his life man. Rashfords use of the ball is among the worst in the league.

Amad is the only RW in our squad who tries to have those same features in that he can beat the fullback by going either way...he just hasnt played consistently at this level. Amad is like Hannibal...they are both really good but just need a run of 4 or 5 games to showcase their talent. - Mate Amad has had ONE season on loan in the championship and played mostly through the middle. What are you on about? Amad just hasnt played consistently at this level? Neither has Pellistri! The point is, your playing Pellistri's ability down based on nothing, yet praising other players like Amad based on nothing. Makes your whole point pointless.

Pellistri is bad but Amad is good? I'm all for debate and opinions but your basing this on nothing. You've made your mind up about Pellistri without him playing games for us
Thought he really came alive in the last 20. The quality is there, just need to see it across the full game. A different profile of winger to one you normally see these days.
Guy next to me said that if Pellistri shot Tupac then he’d still be alive, but I’m not sure he’d even have been able to pull the trigger.

God bless him. Full of endeavour and hard work, and his teammates are rooting for him. But he just doesn’t have it.
Different league to Sancho and Antony because he actually wants to go forwards.
Simultaneously looks threatening whilst looking like a strong gust of wind will knock him out
Guy next to me said that if Pellistri shot Tupac then he’d still be alive, but I’m not sure he’d even have been able to pull the trigger.

God bless him. Full of endeavour and hard work, and his teammates are rooting for him. But he just doesn’t have it.
I thought he was awful.
I’d suggest ball education.
I thought he did really well against a physical full back, was causing them all sorts of problems when he began to run inside. Shame he didn't score but he's getting the chances, I fully expect the goals to start coming.
Who was it that said he wasn't fast after playing against Davies :lol: Dribbled them inside out in that second half.
Tidy little winger. Wish he could find a bit more of a cutting edge. He really lacks that in his career so far. Can't find much fault in his technique and work rate. Even some clever movements. But at the top level you must score more.
Will give him some time. Can see why he has not started more.
Nice busy player who will have a decent career
Grew into the game and finished strong, but lacks the X-factor to be a top player.
Can't fault his energy and industry. From that end it was a really good performance, but, if we're being critically honest he has to cut out the unforced mistakes which lead to the opposition recovering the ball. He's prone to sloppiness in his play when not pressured and sometimes holds onto the ball 1/2 second too long. If he can just erase those traits then we'll be looking at something serious.
Got involved quite a lot. Some good choices, some not so good. He can develop into a good and useful player. Statistically our best forward tonight in terms of xA and xG, he just needs to finally get some end product and some confidence in his game
I like the lad. He tries to do the right things. Did some nice bits and pieces in the second half.

but he is never a starting attacker for a big club. Too lightweight. Too easily dispossessed. And that was against a place side that didn’t show up.
I don’t think he has the quality to make it here long term but he’s someone can contribute a lot as a squad player for rest of the season. Hopefully he gets more opportunities and can build on performance tonight.
I think he was alright and he certainly adds something with his dribbling, but I am losing a bit of hope that there is something special in there. He is good, no question about it, but there are many good wingers out there. About time that he really does something amazing. Happy we have him, he is good enough to play the RW position once a while.
Guy next to me said that if Pellistri shot Tupac then he’d still be alive, but I’m not sure he’d even have been able to pull the trigger.

God bless him. Full of endeavour and hard work, and his teammates are rooting for him. But he just doesn’t have it.
Bit rich coming from you who can’t see with working pair of eyes the obvious talent the boy has.
Got involved quite a lot. Some good choices, some not so good. He can develop into a good and useful player. Statistically our best forward tonight in terms of xA and xG, he just needs to finally get some end product and some confidence in his game
Not seen the stats, but if so, I can’t believe our xG was much more than 1 this evening.
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