Facundo Pellistri image 28

Facundo Pellistri Uruguay flag

2023-24 Performances

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Galatasaray 3:3 Man Utd
I feel for Pellistri a bit. He tries very hard, but he simply isn't good enough. That was one of the worst sub appearances I've ever seen.
He doesn't belong at this level.

A mid-table La Liga team might be too much for him.
One of the players that we will hang on to for way too long yet it's obvious he isn't good enough
Anybody who even thinks this player has the talent or even anything to justify a place in this squad is insane. The absolutely lack of quality and lack of physicality to be a united player has been apparent for awhile.
He's too selfish and stupid. It's ok if he wants to score to have a chance at a starting position. But not when your team absolutely need a goal there. That's utterly stupid.
Not good enough and too selfish in key moments. Wasted our best chances.

What was Ten Hag thinking taking Garnacho off for him?!
Let's be honest, we should not be relying on him in moments like this but my god that was a horror show.
He was alright. He gave it a go and it didn't work out, but fans want to blame him for not winning :wenger:
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Get ready to learn Chinese buddy
Hopefully the last we see of him, useless

Luckily for him, Onana will take the spotlight away from his cameo of shite
Very poor cameo from him , don't care how tired Garnacho was , we would have had a beteer chance had he stayed on.
Mr Zero G/A continues his amazing stat of doing sweet FA with the ball when it matter. Just send him to RB or something.
If Garnacho stays on we win that game.

Not really, could have lost. He had basically given up tracking back and they were creating chances from that side. He was also tired and losing the ball cheaply.

Pellistri could have done better on some situations, but he was fine.
Greedy player not good enough in decision making won't be a Utd player next year an insult to put him on for garnacho.
I dont get why he had to come off.

He looked gassed when he came off to be fair.

On Pellestri, his lack of quality and technique is clear to see. Should've scored as well, if he was up to the level. Players who are clearly not good enough often don't show the composure that the others have.
Tried to be a hero and f'd up every time. I usually praise Pellistri for his decision making, tonight it was awful. Wanted to be the game winner and screwed up three times. Should have played his usual, unselfish game. Might have actually had the impact he wanted.
You won’t see a cameo of a player proving they don’t belong at this level than that.

Not getting at least a goal or assist with all those opportunities is unforgivable.
He's normally a pass first guy. No idea why he chose to shoot (poorly) three times. The third was a good save tbf
Selfish little shite. Two or three chances to roll a simple ball to a player in a better position and he refused each time.
Shown to have no composure when needed.

I've been wanting for him to get a chance to at least show he's good enough or not. Sadly it's not looking like it.
I feel for him that he hasn't had many chances for us, but at the same time everytime he has I haven't seen anything that has wowed me either. I think selling him this summer is the best for all parties.
Said it for years now, he isn't good enough for this level. Sure, he can play a cameo against Fulham but there's massive issues if you're bringing him on to win a game in the CL
An ok performance, he tried but failed which is alright for an young player like himself.
Yes, he has. He was fine, could have made some better decisions, but he was not the reason we pissed away a 2 goal lead.
How was he fine? He ruined three great chances for us to win the game. It was his fault we didn’t win.
Yes, he has. He was fine, could have made some better decisions, but he was not the reason we pissed away a 2 goal lead.

Didn’t answer my question. I called him no g/a because he’s got no composure and it shows as he always shites him self when it matter. It’s not bad luck he’s just crap.
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