Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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Full Member
Nov 8, 2005
We all love United
I have a feeling that we will quickly move onto Plan B or C now and leave Barca to deal with this shite with Frenkie alone. I was optimistic until today after seeing those tweets


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
To see if they were comparable. Shearer's the only one who came close to joining before changing mind. He then regret it for the rest of his life.
Gazza quite famously told Fergie he was going to sign for United then signed for Spurs instead


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
The only thing this saga thread hasn't had is posters keep telling us not to worry as there's still xxx days of the window left.


Nov 22, 2006
:lol: im bored to tears with it mate may as well have some fun
That tickled me pal. Tbh though I’m with you. Would love him here of course but if he is still undecided about moving to United then feck him. I want players here who can’t wait to pull our shirt on and run out at Old Trafford. Not uppity fecks looking down at the club.

I guess we don’t know exactly what’s going on but is a strange saga that’s for sure.

Fridge chutney

Do your best.
Sep 11, 2016
Chelsea's new guy is too busy spending time with insufferable clowns. No way will he sign De Jong. An association with Corden alone should put off anyone wanting to join Chelsea.

Plus i genuinely doubt Chelsea are interested.



"Full Member"
Nov 21, 2014
Chelsea and AFC Wimbledon
Chelsea's new guy is too busy spending time with insufferable clowns. No way will he sign De Jong. An association with Corden alone should put off anyone wanting to join Chelsea.

Plus i genuinely doubt Chelsea are interested.

What is it with our owners and being involved in crimes against humanity. Boehly out! What in the actual feck is this? I'm disgusted.

red thru&thru

Full Member
Mar 2, 2004
Quite funny that our own fans are embarrassed about our club in this pursuit, whereas the media, other than the dodgy Sport, actually have been understanding on our position on this. Usually, the media would be battering us on this type of pursuit.


New Member
Jun 24, 2020
Imagine being mates with James Corden. Jesus, Chelsea are doomed.

And I’m here to take in every second of it.:drool:


"do the dead, spread your seed and get out"
Nov 10, 2011
To see if they were comparable. Shearer's the only one who came close to joining before changing mind. He then regret it for the rest of his life.
Are you not getting mixed up with Gascoigne?

Lost bear

New Member
Jul 10, 2019
Quite funny that our own fans are embarrassed about our club in this pursuit, whereas the media, other than the dodgy Sport, actually have been understanding on our position on this. Usually, the media would be battering us on this type of pursuit.
The whole thing has reached the level of the utterly bizzare. Why would ETH be pursuing the guy if he doesn't want to come here? Is Frenkie able to speak? If so, why would he not tell ETH a simple 'No'? Saying now that he wants to go to Chelsea would really be an insult to ETH. A kick in the balls. I don't believe that, and as pointed out in the title, it is a shit source. So, like Elvis before him, he don't want to go to Chelsea...
But what the feck IS going on? And are the CAF muppets beaten?


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
Has anything been posted to confirm the reports from earlier? Or are we still where we were before, with nothing really happening or changing?

Blood Mage

Full Member
Aug 25, 2019
Would love to know why the club wasted time on this if FDJ is adamant about not coming. Or is it a case of the club pretending to be doing something with no real intention of signing any other midfielder apart from Eriksen?


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
The whole thing has reached the level of the utterly bizzare. Why would ETH be pursuing the guy if he doesn't want to come here? Is Frenkie able to speak? If so, why would he not tell ETH a simple 'No'? Saying now that he wants to go to Chelsea would really be an insult to ETH. A kick in the balls. I don't believe that, and as pointed out in the title, it is a shit source. So, like Elvis before him, he don't want to go to Chelsea...
But what the feck IS going on? And are the CAF muppets beaten?
What blasphemy is this?
Beaten? Not a chance. Its not over until our usual mouthpieces say we've moved on or link us to other targets


Full Member
Oct 27, 2015
Would love to know why the club wasted time on this if FDJ is adamant about not coming. Or is it a case of the club pretending to be doing something with no real intention of signing any other midfielder apart from Eriksen?
My guess is that its like this:

FDJ wants to stay at Barca - its his boyhood dream club, they are much better positioned to compete for big trophies than United over the next couple years, his fiancee likes the city, and they just bought a big mansion in town. But he and his agent know that his position is complicated due to the club's finances and that they will likely need to enter into some kind of negotiation about further wage deferrals/cuts. Staying at Barca under acceptable terms is their priority but there is uncertainty about what will happen. In that situation, no decent agent will foreclose the possibility of moving clubs because (a) its always good to have a backup plan and (b) informal talks with other clubs about wages gives you a useful data point and some leverage in your negotiations with Barca. So they tell United something to the effect of "We're delighted to hear you're interested. It could be a good fit under the right circumstances but we'll have to see what happens."

United really want FDJ as ETH sees him as perfect for the project. Up to a point, they are willing to wait for the situation to resolve. There are still five weeks left in the transfer window and this is a long term project. They're not going to bail on the manager's top target until they know for sure its not a possibility. And in the meantime it makes sense to hash out what a potential transfer fee would look like with Barcelona.

Barcelona would prefer to sell FDJ, but also know that they can't fully control the situation and that the player wants to stay. So they apply a little pressure to see if he is willing to move, also knowing that this might help set them up better for eventual negotiations about wage cuts/deferral. And they're happy to negotiate the potential fee with United in the meantime as part of this strategy.

That scenario makes everything up to this point perfectly understandable regarding the actions of all parties. And it means that the situation could still go in any direction, although its probably most likely that FDJ stays after some kind of agreement is reached between his agent and Barcelona.

red thru&thru

Full Member
Mar 2, 2004
The whole thing has reached the level of the utterly bizzare. Why would ETH be pursuing the guy if he doesn't want to come here? Is Frenkie able to speak? If so, why would he not tell ETH a simple 'No'? Saying now that he wants to go to Chelsea would really be an insult to ETH. A kick in the balls. I don't believe that, and as pointed out in the title, it is a shit source. So, like Elvis before him, he don't want to go to Chelsea...
But what the feck IS going on? And are the CAF muppets beaten?
We refuel and move forward. This will happen.


Full Member
Mar 9, 2018
Would love to know why the club wasted time on this if FDJ is adamant about not coming. Or is it a case of the club pretending to be doing something with no real intention of signing any other midfielder apart from Eriksen?
Fear you have nailed it with the latter


Liverpool's Secret Weapon.
Feb 26, 2001
From here to there
Aye they even went to the nth degree sending Murtough and the other fella to Barcelona to pretend to negotiate before heading to Holland to pretend to buy Martinez (note how he hasn’t actually been unveiled yet?)

it’s all one huge conspiracy… even ten Hag is in on it.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
:lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry man - just had to be the harbinger of doom!
I'm 35. I work in what everyone classifies as "IT" despite not working in IT, but my job is so unbelievably boring that it's not worth explaining to folk. I have four kids which means that TV time consists of Moana on repeat and outdoor time involves standing around in a park watching someone go down a slide three million fecking times.

I have to spend most of my day nodding and maintaining a minimal level of attentiveness whenever my missus talks about some mundane shite she had an argument with someone about, and watch drab horror and sci-fi movies just to ensure I can get my hole three times a week and not be forced to sleep on the couch with the dog.

If my life was a colour it would be the most tepid grey you've ever seen. Muppet Transfer Season is all some of us have. Don't be evil. Don't take it away from us.
Last edited:

Yorke to Cole

Full Member
Oct 16, 2020
If Ornstein and the sorts back it all up then there's obviously something to this. Until then it's basically old news with a tiny bit of new info, new info which goes against pretty much every bit of info we've had for the past few months.

Romero says ten Hag and de Jong talk often. If they didn't have a good relationship why would they talk often? If he didn't want to come, why bother talking at all?
I'm afraid your pissing in the wind, with this one.

It should have been dealt with by now.

I am not sure I actually want this player anyway . I am not sure about his attitude and level of fortitude. He has not been that spectacular.

Any he and his agent have been taken for mugs, by that club. So I say them to it and find someone else.


Full Member
May 2, 2010
Manchester, United Kingdom
Aye they even went to the nth degree sending Murtough and the other fella to Barcelona to pretend to negotiate before heading to Holland to pretend to buy Martinez (note how he hasn’t actually been unveiled yet?)

it’s all one huge conspiracy… even ten Hag is in on it.
Some of our supporters :wenger:


Full Member
Nov 25, 2017
Perhaps it’s because that’s what all the tier one journalists are saying?

No one is imagining it. It’s literally what has been briefed for months.
It seems I’m no longer the only one who questions whether ETH is this major attraction for de Jong.



"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
I think it says more about us. If PSG, Chelsea, Bayern etc were chasing, he'd have forced it through I think. He knows as well as we do that the chances of us getting CL again for next season are again slim.
It wouldn't matter who was chasing him. He would be forfeiting the money they owe him if he agreed to leave on their terms. There's no way that wouldn't be part of any deal Barcelona would sanction at this point. If he holds out they basically have to pay him or negotiate with him. Or they can just not pay him which would be a breach of contract and he'dthen be able to take legal action.

And of course he's going to say he's happy to stay as that ramps up the pressure on them and means they can't villainise him....and there are worse fates than being forced to play for Barcelona FC while they are in turn forced to pay you the £13m you're owed .

I'm not exactly saying it means he'll sign for us, but the stupidity is all on the Barcelona side of the fence here as far as I can tell.

The only thing I'd say from our end is that with Ten Hag and Arnold running things there is the hope that we wouldn't be dumb enough to pursue it this far if there wasn't an indication from De Jong that he would actually sign. Woodward would absolutely have wasted the entire summer pursuing it regardless.


Full Member
Sep 12, 2021
It’s another one of those things that simply doesn’t add up. If Barcelona like the Spanish press think the idea of going to United is so ridiculous and that the player has absolutely zero interest, why aren’t they offering him to other clubs a bit cheaper considering the only thing they’re moaning about is the wages.

Why on Earth would they still keep banking on the United deal if his attitude towards it is anything like the reports the Spanish press want us to believe.

There have been a few times that United have sold players, for example Beckham to Madrid despite Barcelona offering more money for him. But when the player made it crystal clear to United that he would not go to Barcelona and would only go to Madrid, they sold him to Madrid. If Barcelona so desperate to get his wages off the books and so certain he doesn’t want to go to United simply drop the price & offer him to clubs he will go to
Because our offer is still on the table and they are forcing him to take the offer.

Unless we walk away or it's nearing the end of the window and he is still not budging on his wages by then will I see them lowering their price to bring in others.
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