Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Baelish will get found out this season and meet a grisly end. I'm going to guess at a timeline.

First couple of episodes: As we've seen in the trailer, Jon and Baelish have a conversation in the crypt - probably about Jon's heritage or that he's not a "proper king" - remember that it was Baelish who told Sansa the story about Rhaegar and Lyanna in season 5. The conversation leads to Jon becoming a bit wound up and pushing Baelish up against the wall, mirroring Ned's first meeting with him in season one outside the King's Landing brothel. Littlefinger will use this chat as an opportunity to get the measure of Jon, to see how easily he can be wound up, and will begin to plant the idea in Sansa's head that she's a more worthy ruler because her temper is cooler and she's a better strategist - "Jon can't be trusted, that's why you didn't tell him about the Knights of the Vale" he'll say to her. Sansa will begin to doubt Jon, and if she's got even the slightest inkling that he's a Targaryen there could be more trouble in the works.

Mid-season: Jon has left Winterfell to go north beyond the Wall, leaving Sansa in charge. Baelish takes this opportunity to show Sansa she can manage the politics of the North by herself, that she could easily step in and do the job if Jon were to die beyond the Wall. Arya and Bran have both arrived back at Winterfell, but the reunion doesn't last long as Baelish immediately sets about causing a rift between the Stark children, playing on the fact that Arya and Sansa never got on in the first place. Cracks begin to appear in the relationship between the Stark children.

Final two/three episodes: Something happens to make Sansa reconsider things. Maybe Brienne says a few wise words. This, I imagine, is where the "The lone wolf dies but the pack survives" speech will come into it, that Sansa, Jon, Arya and Bran need to stick together when the full force of winter arrives. Maybe the show will make it really convenient and wrap it up easily, with Bran looking into the past and seeing that Baelish betrayed Ned, murdered Jon Arryn and that his feelings for Sansa are a mixture of necrophiliac lust for Catelyn and his own desire to take the Iron Throne. He's betrayed a Stark to get what he wants before, and he'll betray a Stark to get what he wants again. With everything out in the wash, Sansa sentences Baelish to death and Arya carries out the deed with his own dagger. Everyone goes home happy.
Remarkable foresight.

You quite clearly have read summaries of leaked episodes, because that's far too detailed a "guess" at a timeline prior to a single episode being aired. This thread takes itself a bit too seriously, and I don't particularly care on a personal level (so long as it's all enclosed in spoiler tags, I won't read it anyway) but you should really admit it at this stage if others are calling you out on it.
Remarkable foresight.

You quite clearly have read summaries of leaked episodes, because that's far too detailed a "guess" at a timeline prior to a single episode being aired. This thread takes itself a bit too seriously, and I don't particularly care on a personal level (so long as it's all enclosed in spoiler tags, I won't read it anyway) but you should really admit it at this stage if others are calling you out on it.

:lol: That was before an episode had aired?
ah balls now t.v. won't be making this available till 3.30. I thought the feckers broadcasted it live .
Cant wait.

But its also a season finale meaning a long wait until the next (and final) season :(
Just got visited by the prophet of GoT and I came up with a prediction for the finale and I want it here on record before it actually happens and I'm crowned the Lord Of Predictions:

Arya uses Neds face to kill Little Finger
Just got visited by the prophet of GoT and I came up with a prediction for the finale and I want it here on record before it actually happens and I'm crowned the Lord Of Predictions:

Arya uses Neds face to kill Little Finger
How would she get it? To get that she'd have to go to KL which she hasn't.
Now TV is bullshit was advertised as streaming the finale live. that was the whole appeal and now gotta wait an extra hour and a half.
Little Finger personally delivered the body and head to Catelyn, for it to be placed in the crypt at Winterfell with all the other Starks.
Oh really, I didn't know, yeah that'd be pretty great then haha.
Has this been the biggest gathering of main characters in one place since season 1?