Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
Yes, his team has a knack for conceding stupid goals but he ain't a fraud. Calling him a fraud and saying Liverpool won't get anywhere with him is straight up stupid.
He's an excellent manager and wants his team to play a certain way. When it clicks, it's absolutely lethal football.
He has to change the mentality at Liverpool same way Jose has to after years of football with a fear of conceding stupid goals. Our issues are a lot easier to fix than theirs simply because we have still been better than them and our slump in mentality is relatively smaller.
I would be very happy to see him leave Liverpool simply because I don't want him to make Liverpool the machine that he's capable of.
How can people still believe this tripe after watching him not win anything for 6 years?

He's been a manager for 17 years now, and has won trophies in precisely two seasons, which happened to be back to back, 6 years ago.

The one successful project he had ended up falling off a cliff before he jumped ship immediately afterwards.


Full Member
Aug 2, 2017
Surely, they have to start questioning Klopp now or is it because he's not a British manager? If Brendan Rogers had this level of performances, there would already be calls to sack him. Klopp's only achievement has been top 4 so far and beating Man City this season. And what difference does it make if you beat a top 4 team and then lose against the relegation level teams. You're still at the same place where you started. From what I see, they need to improve their goalkeeper, defense, midfield(Henderson and Can) not good enough to win trophies, and have another striker and they also need to replace Coutinho.

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
He said titles, not the league. Titles in Germany, and on the Continent mean trophies. Still no trophie either way, so feel free to gloat.
Might be wrong, but I honestly don't think he meant Carabao Cup (even FA Cup) when he said that seating in his first press conference in "one of the biggest clubs in the world" by his opinion. You also certainly didn't have those trophies in mind when he said it, but now the words have been twisted and funny thing is, it just make you look worse.

Also from the same one: "I've been given the opportunity to help in this situation, but it's not so difficult as some people in this room think."

Yep, not at all Jurgen. 3 years and rolling.


New Member
Apr 13, 2017
How can people still believe this tripe after watching him not win anything for 6 years?

He's been a manager for 17 years now, and has won trophies in precisely two seasons, which happened to be back to back, 6 years ago.

The one successful project he had ended up falling off a cliff before he jumped ship immediately afterwards.
They were level with us in the league table just a couple of weeks ago and could still finish on same points easily.
His problem has been losing to bottom of the table teams which I hope he doesn't address in the summer but he surely will somewhat through obvious reinforcements.
He isn't a bad manager. It's easy to remind everyone his horrible end at Dortmund but he took a 13th placed team. One of his league wins was the highest points tally in Bundesliga history.
He's an excellent manager trying to apply a formula that he knows works but it will take time. He's clearly not a short term thinker. I would love to eat my words and hope he keeps it as it is at Liverpool.
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Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
They were level with us in the league table just a couple of weeks ago and could still finish on same points easily.
His problem has been losing to bottom of the table teams which I hope he doesn't address in the summer but he surely will somewhat through obvious reinforcements.
He isn't a bad manager. It's easy to remind everyone his horrible end at Dortmund but he took a 13th placed team. One of his league wins was the highest points tally in Bundesliga history.
He's an excellent manager trying to apply a formula that he knows works but it will take time. He's clearly not a short term thinker. I would love to eat my words and hope he keeps it as it is at Liverpool.
He's a good manager that found a formula that worked very well for a short period of time, but ever since it stopped working as well, has failed to adapt it, and with every passing year, it seems increasingly more certain that he hasn't the foggiest how to adapt it.

There is no winning formula in football because it's always changing. What worked 6 years ago is almost certainly not going to work now, and that's what we've seen with Klopp. He's hanging onto what worked in the past and failing to address the glaring problems with that formula in today's game.


Full Member
Oct 21, 2017
listen to the thick scouse accent, definitely not a cockney wanker. ,
How dare you! Liverpool fans are all born in (or conceived in) Stanley Park. This man is an imposter, making all honest, hard-working thieving scousers looking bad.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
just for info, Klopp's pre-match interview that I heard on the radio seemed to be all about trying to build up the great atmosphere there was likely to be at an Anfield night game


Full Member
Oct 21, 2017
just for info, Klopp's pre-match interview that I heard on the radio seemed to be all about trying to build up the great atmosphere there was likely to be at an Anfield night game
To be honest, they're quite good at creating an intimidating atmosphere once or twice during the season. The other weeks the media does the job for them without them having to open their mouths.


Supports Liverpool, Not Accrington Stanley
Jan 15, 2014
South Liverpool.
Accrington Stanley.
They get of of Klopp they are f*cked. It's not wise. And besides we like how they play... continental football. He just needs money to make life easier.

But getting of Klopp would be a disaster move. Who else would they get? It would probably be another step backwards to near relegation again. Boards can do stupid things aswell. Another manager comes in, lower league manager, the play style completely changes, then you end up 17th. You don't want to end up with Mark Hughes or somebody.
Near relegation ? Liverpool ? When ?


Full Member
Apr 17, 2017
Man City
Liverpool will keep Klopp so long as they finish in the top 4. Liverpool are not expected to challenge every season; they don't have the money or scouting network like City, Chelsea and United to push for the league consistently.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
Liverpool will keep Klopp so long as they finish in the top 4. Liverpool are not expected to challenge every season; they don't have the money or scouting network like City, Chelsea and United to push for the league consistently.
They have certainly spent more than enough to do better than one trophy in 12 years though.


Supports Liverpool, Not Accrington Stanley
Jan 15, 2014
South Liverpool.
Accrington Stanley.
How dare you! Liverpool fans are all born in (or conceived in) Stanley Park. This man is an imposter, making all honest, hard-working scousers looking bad.
Do you support United ? If so.



Full Member
Apr 17, 2017
Man City
They have certainly spent more than enough to do better than one trophy in 12 years though.
Of course; Wenger is supposed to be a dinosaur, yet he has won 2 FA cups since Klopp came with similar spending.

However, my comment was in relation to their owners. I think they will be content with top 4 and a decent run in the CL.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
Yes, his team has a knack for conceding stupid goals but he ain't a fraud. Calling him a fraud and saying Liverpool won't get anywhere with him is straight up stupid.
He's an excellent manager and wants his team to play a certain way. When it clicks, it's absolutely lethal football.
He has to change the mentality at Liverpool same way Jose has to after years of football with a fear of conceding stupid goals. Our issues are a lot easier to fix than theirs simply because we have still been better than them and our slump in mentality is relatively smaller.
I would be very happy to see him leave Liverpool simply because I don't want him to make Liverpool title contenders ever, he's capable of that.
I hope everybody take this stance. It will be good for the rest of us.

Seven Seas Sardines

Full Member
May 24, 2015
Bolivia til 2024
Of course; Wenger is supposed to be a dinosaur, yet he has won 2 FA cups since Klopp came with similar spending.

However, my comment was in relation to their owners. I think they will be content with top 4 and a decent run in the CL.
Which other big buys have Arsenal made except for Lacazette since Klopp came? :confused: Klopp's spent at least £230m at Liverpool, Arsenal come nowhere near that kind of spending..


Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
Of course; Wenger is supposed to be a dinosaur, yet he has won 2 FA cups since Klopp came with similar spending.

However, my comment was in relation to their owners. I think they will be content with top 4 and a decent run in the CL.
Yeah I agree.

I don't think their owners are that bothered about trophies.


Can never have too many Eevees
Jul 14, 2008
AKA: Slapanut Goat Smuggla
He said titles, not the league. Titles in Germany, and on the Continent mean trophies. Still no trophie either way, so feel free to gloat.

It’s been great watching Liverpool play this season, but it doesn’t take much for it all to unravel. Losing Coutinho, and choosing not to even look to replace him in January is nothing short of neglect. Spending a net of 20 million per TFR window over the last 3 years hasn’t helped either, whereas UTD, City continue to roll out the big readies over and over again, be it, their budgets are unlimited.

I’m not sure we’ve progressed hugely in the 2.5 seasons since Klopp arrived. Yes, we are great to watch most of the time, and we’re better off points wise this season, that at any other time since he has arrived. Likewise, however we got to the Europa final 2 years ago, and also the League Cup final. We’re on course to match goals conceded similar to the last 2 years, and our keeper situation seems to be worse than ever, as do the options such thing behind Firmino.

Again, UTD, CIty etc have stupid money to spend, and we can’t compete with that, and if fellow Reds think that Van Dijks signing wasn’t driven from the Coutinho money, I think they’re being naive. Either way, it doesn’t detract from the need to strengthen this month, if we don’t, top 4 looks to be a big challenge than it should have been 2 weeks ago.
You’re not competing against City/United in those finals you lost, so what’s the excuse there?


New Member
Sep 22, 2014
Klopp's Fa Cup record is appalling :lol:

First season beat Exeter after a replay in round 3, knocked out by West Ham round 4.

Second season beat Plymouth after a replay in round 3, knocked out at home by Wolves in round 4.

Third season beat Everton in round 3, knocked out by West Brom at home in round 4.
Mustn't like the letter 'W'.


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Their keeper situation is a giant black mark against him.

One, he hasn't addressed it and two, of the pair of clowns he has, he hasn't a clue which one to settle on. It changes week to week seemingly.

Two and a half years now and it's still a huge weakness.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
He’s a good manager with limitations that will hold him back.
What do you really think about him? Your statement sounds like a statement from a politician, or perhaps you are not even sure about him yourself and are making excuses for him in your mind. I can tell you, I was sure about Moyes almost from day one, he was completely useless for us. LVG took me a bit more time to digest that he was terrible for our club. I think it’s harder to make up your mind about a coach when they seem to deliver in some areas but are sorely lacking in other areas. You may think the manager just needs more time.


Full Member
May 11, 2016
What do you really think about him? Your statement sounds like a statement from a politician, or perhaps you are not even sure about him yourself and are making excuses for him in your mind. I can tell you, I was sure about Moyes almost from day one, he was completely useless for us. LVG took me a bit more time to digest that he was terrible for our club. I think it’s harder to make up your mind about a coach when they seem to deliver in some areas but are sorely lacking in other areas. You may think the manager just needs more time.

Just afraid to admit it he is a spoofer. Anyone else would be thirsty for blood and I never heard so much shite being spun by a lot of fans about “entertainment”. Hope you enjoyed your entertainment tonight folks hahah.
Awful, one dimensional, deluded manager. Perfect for a club like Liverpool who think they are still a big club.


New Member
Feb 24, 2012
The fickleness of football fans is frustrating. It's gone from two weeks ago Klopp being the messiah, to outlandish criticisms about his time at the club (talking mainly about LFC fans).

However, I despair at the sale of Coutinho in mid-season and can't believe we're not getting someone in this window. It's awful stuff from the club and FSG in particular. We're either skint or mad.

Their keeper situation is a giant black mark against him.

One, he hasn't addressed it and two, of the pair of clowns he has, he hasn't a clue which one to settle on. It changes week to week seemingly.

Two and a half years now and it's still a huge weakness.
3 shots on target today and 3 conceded. It's an absolute shitshow in goal.


likes: servals, breasts, rylan clark and zooey
Aug 11, 2010
I really was gobsmacked when he extended/renewed Mignolet’s contract, hes fecking useless, why cant he see it :lol:


Can never have too many Eevees
Jul 14, 2008
AKA: Slapanut Goat Smuggla
Didn't City beat us in one ?
So what about Sevilla?

Bonkers that you're all pointing to the fact that Liverpool can't compete with the Manchester clubs when the likes of Leicester and WBA are kicking you out of the cups.

For the amount that you're spending, it's hilarious that the defense and goalkeeping is still a major issue.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
Liverpool need to start being more realistic. They should be happy with a top 4 finish every season. Winning any trophy should be a bonus. Have they won anything in the last 10 years apart from one solitary league cup? No. Then why do the media and their fans expect them to win the league and domestic cups every season? They need to move forward and adjust their expectations to suit the level of their club in the present scenario. As far as Klopp is concerned, they should keep him as long as he keeps finishing in the top 4.

Seven Seas Sardines

Full Member
May 24, 2015
Bolivia til 2024
I really was gobsmacked when he extended/renewed Mignolet’s contract, hes fecking useless, why cant he see it :lol:
Both of them with 3,5 years left on their contracts. :lol:

Don't forget another important part of Klopp's defensive backbone also has 3,5 years left on his contract - the Croatian Cannavaro on £100,000pw.