Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
Why do you not think he's on the same level as Guardiola? If Klopp had an unlimited budget I think he'd do just as well as Guardiola. On the flip side if Guardiola managed Liverpool I don't think he'd be doing any better than Klopp.
Because Guardiola never had such a system problem in his game for such a long period of time. You can say he fixed it with money, but Klopp had also chance to do that, only he either choose to ignore it (buying the likes of Oxlade) or try to fix it (VVD), but the problem still remains. It's not only down to money when you have the same problem for 3 years.

He's a good manager, but definitely, a tier below Pep and Jose.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2000
Rehovot, Israel
He's a good manager, but I just wonder how long before he gets the scrutiny that Wenger and Mou get.
Never probably, unless Liverpool spend big on more players. Or unless they have the sort of breakdown he had in his last season with Dortmund.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2014
Well that's partly my point. Pep is praised as a genius but if Klopp or Wenger had his resources they'd be doing a lot better too and the flaws in their tactical approaches wouldn't be as exposed. Every manager has weaknesses but if the team has sufficient quality it papers over the cracks. I don't think Liverpool's attackers are anywhere near as great as they're made out to be, and likewise their defenders aren't as poor. The team's setup is just heavily slanted away from defending towards trying to outscore the opposition.

If Klopp had the team play more organized and give more defensive responsibility to the midfield and attack (and not just in pressing) they'd probably concede fewer, but score less as well. But that wouldn't be playing to Klopp's tactical strengths, and would garner him less credit with the fans and media.
I doubt Klopp’s style of mad dash football can work with quality players. That is perfect for the Ji-sung Park’s of this world. There’s a reason he chose the Liverpool job and not United.


boob novice
Jul 20, 2016
Real Madrid
He's a good manager, but I just wonder how long before he gets the scrutiny that Wenger and Mou get.
False equivalent. Wenger and Mourinho work at bigger clubs, with more money and resources at their disposal. It's only natural that they are held to greater scrutiny


New Member
Jul 6, 2017
Chennai, India
False equivalent. Wenger and Mourinho work at bigger clubs, with more money and resources at their disposal. It's only natural that they are held to greater scrutiny
Leaving aside the fact that Klopp is not completely left to fend for himself by FSG without funds - buying Salah, VVD and now Keita certainly shows he gets money - He could have won the league cup and FA cup at the least by now. That has nothing to do with funds since even the smaller clubs win it.

The fact is, Klopp hasn't been very good in the cups during his time at Liverpool. If you want to commend him for reaching 2 finals in his first season on "meagre resources" and "Rodgers' players", then it is incumbent on him to finish the job - he's made it that far, so losing the final takes away the sheen of reaching it in the first place. Then in the subsequent season, he had a fair crack at the domestic cups and failed again. Now, third time a failure.


incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
False equivalent. Wenger and Mourinho work at bigger clubs, with more money and resources at their disposal. It's only natural that they are held to greater scrutiny
Liverpool spend way more than Arsenal.


boob novice
Jul 20, 2016
Real Madrid
Liverpool spend way more than Arsenal.
By choice. Doesn't mean they have more money. And Klopp's not above scrutiny, but it's stupid that people would expect him be held to the same standard and scrutiny of Mourinho, who's in charge at literally the richest club in the world

Finishing 4th in the league and winning nothing for United is a sub-par season. For liverpool, it's a good season

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
By choice. Doesn't mean they have more money. And Klopp's not above scrutiny, but it's stupid that people would expect him be held to the same standard and scrutiny of Mourinho, who's in charge at literally the richest club in the world

Finishing 4th in the league and winning nothing for United is a sub-par season. For liverpool, it's a good season
It's only acceptable and for certain period of time to be precise. Finish 4th, win nothing and after few seasons you will be sacked and considered as a failure. So, expectations are still higher than that every season.


boob novice
Jul 20, 2016
Real Madrid
It's only acceptable and for certain period of time to be precise. Finish 4th, win nothing and after few seasons you will be sacked and considered as a failure. So, expectations are still higher than that every season.
No they're not. Liverpool's expectations for this season were cementing top 4 for example. If they do, maybe next season will be higher. Either way, they're a world apart from city and united, who are expected to challenge for the league every season


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
Finishing 4th in the league and winning nothing for United is a sub-par season. For liverpool, it's a good season
This is true. Liverpool are a smaller club with low expectations.
That's why they chose Klopp who has won very few trophies, while MUFC chose Jose - a serial trophy winner.

Alabaster Codify7

New Member
Mar 11, 2015
Haha, loving it. Complete arse of a bloke who continues to get a free pass from the media.

Another trophyless season - how much longer can he keep pulling the wool over the eyes of the Scousers?

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
No they're not. Liverpool's expectations for this season were cementing top 4 for example. If they do, maybe next season will be higher. Either way, they're a world apart from city and united, who are expected to challenge for the league every season
So, we're talking mostly in the context of this season or on the basis of one season expectations. Then I agree. But, in a longer run, that won't be enough in a club like Liverpool. For example, Klopp will feel a serious heat for the first time when he goes in the next season because they will expect from him to get them on another level (winning a trophy or make some kind of league challenge).

If we're honest, he is not under heavy fire only because his team shown some great performances on the pitch during a substantial period of time and in certain big games. Which if you ask me is fine because from there you get the feeling if the manager can take you further. Not by some fluke 4th place finish. In any case, next season will be a big one for him.

As for expectations in United/City - Liverpool, that part I didn't even comment because it goes without saying. But, only if you're looking at it from the outside, mind you. A big part of the problem in Liverpool is that most of their fanbase doesn't see it that way. They see themselves as contenders at the start of every season.


"Did you see Fabinho against Red Star & Cardiff?"
Dec 15, 2015
Victoria, BC
As for expectations in United/City - Liverpool, that part I didn't even comment because it goes without saying. But, only if you're looking at it from the outside, mind you. A big part of the problem in Liverpool is that most of their fanbase doesn't see it that way. They see themselves as contenders at the start of every season.
I really think this is untrue. A large majority of Liverpool fans don’t expect us to win the league every season. I’ve never actually heard a Liverpool fan say “next year is our year”.

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
I really think this is untrue. A large majority of Liverpool fans don’t expect us to win the league every season. I’ve never actually heard a Liverpool fan say “next year is our year”.
A large majority of your fanbase expect you to finally win the league. Then they would probably sign to not win it for another 15 years and would be happy with it. More in that sense.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
I think Klopp will be fine as long as Liverpool are finishing top 4. Benitez and Rogers were sacked for dropping out.


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
I really think this is untrue. A large majority of Liverpool fans don’t expect us to win the league every season. I’ve never actually heard a Liverpool fan say “next year is our year”.
There's definitely a noticeable, vocal portion of your fanbase that with every remotely promising performance comes out with "build on this and we'll win the title/win the treble/go invincible next year" or other such nonsense, often multiple times a season.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
I genuinely think he’s a very good manager. He’s not in the same league as Guardiola, Mourinho etc but is capable of building very good sides.

I think he needs to develop a better understanding of how to protect his defence using his midfield, because it’s far too focused on the attacking side at the moment. The back four itself has its bad moments but isn’t terrible, it’s just very easy for sides to bypass the midfield that should be protecting it. He’s also guilty of keeping faith with average players like Henderson and Milner. Players like that shouldn’t be starting for a side that wants to try and start winning trophies again. The idea that we struggle against sides that park the bus is overstated as well. Swansea was the first time in ages I’d seen us genuinely struggle to create anything meaningful.

On the trophy subject, that’s incredibly disappointing for a manager with his reputation. He was brought in to get us winning things again and so far he hasn’t done that. I still wouldn’t want him sacked though, even if we miss out on top four. We wouldn’t be able to get anyone better and it’s pointless going through yet another rebuilding cycle.

It’s amazing how many have popped up in here for the first time in weeks declaring him a fraud, terrible manager etc. It’s incredibly knee jerk, just like the posts a few weeks ago from some of your own supporters declaring him a better manager than Mourinho. If we beat Huddersfield and United lose at Spurs it’ll get turned on it’s head again, such is the nature of this thread.

I actually think United fans in this thread talk him up more than we do.
I mostly agree with what you say. I used to enjoy watching Dortmund play when he was manager, but I never listened to any of his press conferences at the time. However, the Dortmund fans I got to know would love him. Having seen some of his pressers now that he is your manager, I find him somewhat “light”.

I don’t entirely agree that he was brought in to get you winning things again. It’s more like he was brought in to produce attractive football and entertainment. Otherwise, the club wouldn’t have sold Coutinho from under him mid-season.


"Did you see Fabinho against Red Star & Cardiff?"
Dec 15, 2015
Victoria, BC
There's definitely a noticeable, vocal portion of your fanbase that with every remotely promising performance comes out with "build on this and we'll win the title/win the treble/go invincible next year" or other such nonsense, often multiple times a season.
I just don’t think that’s true, at least not to that extent. You get the odd one who might pipe up and suggest we’re about to become great again but I just don’t see it that often outside of RAWK.

There’s definitely a bit of hype after we get a good result like beating City but none of that was met with suggestions that we could win the league next year or anything like that.


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
I just don’t think that’s true, at least not to that extent. You get the odd one who might pipe up and suggest we’re about to become great again but I just don’t see it that often outside of RAWK.

There’s definitely a bit of hype after we get a good result like beating City but none of that was met with suggestions that we could win the league next year or anything like that.
I've encountered more than my fair share who are exactly as I described. You might not have, and that's fair enough.


New Member
May 3, 2013
What's he building? The fecking Great Wall of China?

Hes had plenty of money and owns the most expensive defender in history. People need to stop making excuses. He's been at the club long enough now.
This is his second full season and he's just gotten the most expensive defender in history a few weeks ago. Keita hasn't even set foot in the city and he's just lost the clubs best player. He didn't take over at club that's used to winning with loads of quality.


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
He'll get them top 4 but that's about it.
I think the same will be next season too.
We have yet to see if he can't get them in a title fight like Brendan did.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
UTD owe over 400 million in debt, due to leverage debt. I might be wrong, you’d know more than me to be fair.
I'm confused, are you saying this is an advantage?
I think he's wrongly assuming we used leveraged money to fund transfers – I've seen misguided Scousers try to argue the same in the past. I don't actually blame them for thinking that to be honest given how poorly the media and some of our own fans have covered our financial situation over the years. Imagine you're an opposition fan and you've spent the last 13 years hearing about how United are on the brink of disaster due to our crippling debt and then seeing us repeatedly break domestic and world transfer records anyway, even as we were slipping further and further down the table.


"Where's Lingard?"
Oct 13, 2017
He'll get them top 4 but that's about it.
I think the same will be next season too.
We have yet to see if he can't get them in a title fight like Brendan did.
What makes you so sure that helped will get them top four??
If so, who is the team missing out of Chelsea and Spurs for the other spot??


Liverpool's Secret Weapon.
Feb 26, 2001
From here to there
A few weeks ago Klopp was ahead of Rodgers. This stat only pops up when Klopp falls behind.
Even so, the fact he's not really doing any better is there for all to see.

You'll likely claim some subjective quality improvement in the way the team plays. I'd argue that the side under Rogers in that near miss season was the best Liverpool side I've seen in years. The style of attack was even better than the current one IMO and the defence and midfield was a bit better.


New Member
Apr 5, 2017
Green green grass of home
Even so, the fact he's not really doing any better is there for all to see.

You'll likely claim some subjective quality improvement in the way the team plays. I'd argue that the side under Rogers in that near miss season was the best Liverpool side I've seen in years. The style of attack was even better than the current one IMO and the defence and midfield was a bit better.
If Klopp was the manager then Liverpool would have won their 1st PL.


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
Even so, the fact he's not really doing any better is there for all to see.

You'll likely claim some subjective quality improvement in the way the team plays. I'd argue that the side under Rogers in that near miss season was the best Liverpool side I've seen in years. The style of attack was even better than the current one IMO and the defence and midfield was a bit better.
Rodgers did have the benefit of the emergence of world class Suarez, in all fairness.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
Reckon Rodgers has more losses and apart from a single season,
Weren't in top 4.