Laurence Fox feat. Elvis

That's what I assumed, but surely that doesn't classify as woke. Though I suppose the new right classifies everyone who doesn't hate all minorities woke.

Boyle is what woke actually is : Kind, caring, compassionate and accepting.

His on stage persona is brash and crass, but he’s not got a history of punching down repeatedly at certain demographics. I’m sure there’s a bunch of shit he’s said that’s dated badly, but he’s not absorbed them into his character and doubled down on them.

He’s also a thoroughly gentle human off stage. He was at a pub I was in once, just a regular dude. As I left I said “Love your work Frankie, have a good one”. He just nodded and said ‘Thanks mate’ in the softest voice. The entire industry seems to love him and doesn’t have a bad word to say about him.

Woke is a meaningless term at this point. It’s been co-opted.
Boyle is what woke actually is : Kind, caring, compassionate and accepting.

His on stage persona is brash and crass, but he’s not got a history of punching down repeatedly at certain demographics. I’m sure there’s a bunch of shit he’s said that’s dated badly, but he’s not absorbed them into his character and doubled down on them.

He’s also a thoroughly gentle human off stage. He was at a pub I was in once, just a regular dude. As I left I said “Love your work Frankie, have a good one”. He just nodded and said ‘Thanks mate’ in the softest voice. The entire industry seems to love him and doesn’t have a bad word to say about him.

Woke is a meaningless term at this point. It’s been co-opted.
Yeah, he comes across as a good guy. I also have this feeling about Jimmy Carr (no idea if that's true,and I think he also evaded taxes). Shock people on stage, left wing off stage.
Fox counter-sued, telling the high court that being accused of racism was a “reputation-destroying allegation” and “career-ending”. His claims were dismissed on Monday.

Oh no it ended his very successful career.
Now that he’s shed all of the unnecessary time drains in his life (career, normal social relationships and his kids) he’s really coming into his own.
I feel sorry for him, he probably didn't know what to tick for gender when the choices were dance dragon and rainbow unicorn.
Those aren't errors. He didn't have the required support in London and apparently made up supporters in other places. Then he claims it's been rejected due to political corruption in tweets which he then deletes. What a clown
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. He knows he has no numbers there supporting him and it'd be another lost deposit, even though we all know it's not even him who's stumping up that cash.
The true heir to Hopkins. Hopefully he also gets massively sued at some point.
For once past me saw a hope realised. I will now hope for lengthy prison time.
Can’t wait till he’s jailed. Fox that is.

Funny how Asians always get the blame for sex crimes yet when Jeffrey Donaldson got charged with being a peado him and his types ignore it
They’re deafeningly silent when there’s white paedos. Of which there are a lot of.