Film Leonardo DiCaprio - Greatest Actor of All Time?

This whole ‘it always feels like Di Caprio’ argument is a bit weird. Of course it does, he’s infinitely more recognisable because of his fame than DDL. That doesn’t take anything away from his roles. He’s phenomenal. Impossible to call him the best though it’s too subjective.
It does take away from his roles and has nothing to do with him being 'recognizable'. It's just the sort of actor he is. It doesn't feel like he's acting the same way. He actually is acting the similarly. Which is great for a movie star because he's likeable and that attracts people to him. But he also never floors you the way the very best actors do. He's excellent obviously, there's no doubt about that. Just debating greatness here.
I was watching Catch Me If You Can the other day and thinking that DiCaprio is a very good actor. That's despite being in Titanic, I hate that film.
The greatest ever? I don't think so but he's probably done enough good work where you could reasonably argue that he is.
Daniel Radcliffe certainly has to be up there with the GOATs. I’ve never seen a more convincing role than him in the Harry Potter series.
Weird. I think the dinner table scene is probably the best bit of acting he’s done since the early 90s.

Yeah, really good. He also went off script too after cutting his hand.
I'd agree with the comments saying that for as much as he's very good, he's almost always recognisably himself sort of pretending to be someone else. Which is obviously what acting is, to an extent, but I'd say there are a lot of top stars who are generally better at disappearing into their roles than he is. He was good in Django, for example, but you couldn't really help but think you were watching Leo be the hammy bad guy for once, instead of the cool, likable lead.

He's very good at picking his movies, and he's got an undoubted screen presence and charisma, but yeah...can't help feel like there's something missing all the same at times.
Isn't it the opposite? He stayed on-script despite cutting his hand.
Both really. He continued to act out the scene but improvised using the blood as part of it by wiping it all over Kerry Washington.
Is he better than...

Daniel Day Lewis
Anthony Hopkins
Jack Nicholson
Denzel Washington
Marlon Brando
Dustin Hoffman
Tom Hanks
Laurence Olivier
Robert Duvall
Morgan Freeman
Robin Williams
Michael Caine
Al Pacino
Robert De Niro
James Stewart
Spencer Tracy
Sean Penn
He's not even the best actor in Once upon a time in Hollywood, never mind of all time.
He's been in some great movies, that doesn't make him a great actor. He's ok. Got better as he's got older. Nowhere near the best actor of all time.

One day he'll be rewarded for his greatest role ever.
I think there is a lot of people just thinking its not cool to think De Caprio is an excellent actor, he is, the best? No.

For me Day Lewis, Brando and early De Niro are the best. Having said that Nicholson is easily over looked, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was probably the best performance I have seen.
I think there is a lot of people just thinking its not cool to think De Caprio is an excellent actor, he is, the best? No.

For me Day Lewis, Brando and early De Niro are the best. Having said that Nicholson is easily over looked, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was probably the best performance I have seen.
My problem with De Niro is that he s been anything but selective in his roles. He was in a lot of crappy movies - I know he needs to make money and all that buy that takes away from him being a great actor.

For as far as Di Caprio is concerned - I think he can/will go down as one of the greatest actors of all time. As a guy he kinda lost a lot of pts with Titanic (guess that's irrational) and the initial pretty boy image made me not fully appreciate how good of an actor he really is. I'm not comfortable to proclaim anyone as the best but I agree that I. E. DDL is ahead of him. What should be clear though that Brad Pitt isn't even in the same league as Leo in my mind. Yes he s been in some movies he was excellent in like Meet Joe Black, Legend of the Falls, Interview with a Vampire etc - but unlike Leo I feel Brad is far more one dimensional and is often helped by the star power of others in his best movies.
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There will be blood ... unbelievable in that, literally incredible performance.

My Left Foot (hard to watch but a must see)
Last of the Mohicans (a film your wife/gf will love)
In the Name of the Father (hard to watch but a must see)
The Boxer (got slated by reviews but I loved it)

He is just so believable and so different in every film he does.
Almost 70 years since his debut on film and still no one came that's better than him, it's Brando.

I like DiCaprio a lot though from the current crop, still I would take Phoenix over him.
My Left Foot (hard to watch but a must see)
Last of the Mohicans (a film your wife/gf will love)
In the Name of the Father (hard to watch but a must see)
The Boxer (got slated by reviews but I loved it)

He is just so believable and so different in every film he does.

Seen them all and agree. He even makes Gangs of New York watchable
My friend and I were actually having a conversation about this yesterday. Only came up with 5 actors that can really act and have a range of differences in movies they've been in.

Tom Hanks
Daniel day Lewis
Robin Williams
Matthew McConaughey
Name one.
Really? ok

The Terminal
Cloud Atlas (utter fecking wank)

There is most likely more, but I haven't seen all his movies. He's a ridiculously good actor, one of my favourites, but to say he hasn't mad a bad movies is just silly.