Television Matthew Perry - Dead at 54


Full Member
Sep 16, 2012
Sad news. Grew up with Friends as the main show. RIP.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Tragic news. His constant battles with addiction were very sad to see.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Drowned in his jacuzzi, possibly because of a heart attack, after a morning playing pickleball..


Good post resistant
Jan 27, 2013

his last insta post 6 days ago
It's eerie seeing this and knowing it was his last post after hearing that he drowned

I had a look through his instagram after you posted this and it seemed like batman was a big part of his life. That's where the whole "mattman" name came from


Honest worker, never posts
Jun 14, 2014
One of my fav characters growing up. Seems like Matthew battled a lot with his demons during life. I hope he finally left with some peace on his heart. Rip


Full Member
May 13, 2013
That’s so heartbreaking, I thought he’d turned things around after he looked really sick in that special

RIP Matt

Gandalf Greyhame

If in doubt, follow your nose!
Dec 7, 2013
Red Card for Casemiro!
Heartbroken. I've been trying to reach out to friends and family to share this, didn't realize I would be so shaken up by this news.

Chandler was a huge part of how I dealt with depression and panic attacks, the loss feels very personal. RIP Matthew.


Full Member
Dec 15, 2013
Heartbreaking. Always had a feeling he would be the first to go, but not this soon.



Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
I don't really get sad about celeb deaths as I never knew them but this one has made me quite sad. Like many he was someone I grew up watching. Friends was also mine and my wife's favourite TV show and the first thing we bonded over, and Chandler was also both our favourite character

When Matthew Perry did Cameo for a week or so in 2020 I made sure I was one of the suckers that got one from him to do for my wife. He was clearly still recovering as it was a bit slurred but it was still good. He actually did 2, first one he said my wife's name wrong so asked if he could do another (expected no) but to my surprise he did and it was actually even better

His book last year was a sad read (or listen in my case). It seemed so hopeful at the end that he finally kicked his habit or was on the right track finally. The minimum I can say is that I am glad that there was seemingly no drugs found when he died

It sounds pathetic that I am upset by a celebrity death, but like I said, he has been a weirdly important person/character for me in my life as far as people I have never met will go. I am pretty sure I won't be the only fan who feels this

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
Heartbroken. I've been trying to reach out to friends and family to share this, didn't realize I would be so shaken up by this news.

Chandler was a huge part of how I dealt with depression and panic attacks, the loss feels very personal. RIP Matthew.
Hope you’re doing ok. Really sad, Chandler was a wonderful character. RIP Matthew


Full Member
Feb 5, 2014
That's ashame. Chandler was definitely my favorite character and a lot more relatable than the other characters.

Sad to hear of his death. His body has been through a lot. RIP.


Full Member
Nov 27, 2020
I don't really get sad about celeb deaths as I never knew them but this one has made me quite sad. Like many he was someone I grew up watching. Friends was also mine and my wife's favourite TV show and the first thing we bonded over, and Chandler was also both our favourite character

When Matthew Perry did Cameo for a week or so in 2020 I made sure I was one of the suckers that got one from him to do for my wife. He was clearly still recovering as it was a bit slurred but it was still good. He actually did 2, first one he said my wife's name wrong so asked if he could do another (expected no) but to my surprise he did and it was actually even better

His book last year was a sad read (or listen in my case). It seemed so hopeful at the end that he finally kicked his habit or was on the right track finally. The minimum I can say is that I am glad that there was seemingly no drugs found when he died

It sounds pathetic that I am upset by a celebrity death, but like I said, he has been a weirdly important person/character for me in my life as far as people I have never met will go. I am pretty sure I won't be the only fan who feels this
I'm the same in that I am not usually fussed about celebrities but this one I feel.

Friends was a show that meant a lot to me as a kid, it was one of the first "grown up shows" I was allowed to stay up late to watch with my parents when the show was new, and we watched it together until it ended, and later I would binge watch box sets with my first girlfriend. The show gets ridiculed by the younger generation but there was something about it that was so of it's time.

I always got the impression that Matthew Perry was very similar to Chandler, and that a lot of Chandler's jokes were adlibbed by Perry. I feel as though I know him so well, even though I obviously don't.


Full Member
Mar 19, 2009
This one has hit hard too. Some great memories as a kid growing up watching Friends on a friday night with my mum and siblings.
Rest in Peace.

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
His book last year was a sad read (or listen in my case). It seemed so hopeful at the end that he finally kicked his habit or was on the right track finally. The minimum I can say is that I am glad that there was seemingly no drugs found when he died
Yeah I read it at the start of this year and it’s brilliant. Very honest, funny and open book.

Really sad news about his death.


Enjoys watching fox porn
May 17, 2012
My daughter was born on his 50th birthday and I am currently 3/4 of the way through his autobiography, which is my current read

Last googled him 2 days ago. I was particularly invested in his welbeing



Oppressed White Male
Aug 25, 2008
damn what a shame. I loved him as Chandler,


Murder on Zidanes Floor

You'd better not kill Giroud
Jun 11, 2015
Friends was the show that helped me so much through my childhood and teen years.

It's ability to transport me to a place I never thought I'd go (New York) and envision a kind, warm, fun adulthood in comparison to a rough time I was having was priceless.

It taught me so much tbh, children should not have to rely on sitcoms from the states tbh. It made me obsessed with the State's and NYC and the importance of cultivating friendships, which I benefit from to this day.

It was an escape and a much needed one.

I remember never believing I could ever visit NYC, child to a single mum with no money, so when I did manage to scrap together some funds my early twenties, I took a few hours out and went to go see the eponymous friends apartment building. Was like visiting Mecca. I remember just staring at it, with a coffee for half an hour, replaying episodes and quotes in my head and smiling. Honestly, I actually cried a bit. Because that show and that apartment symbolised something to me, to the childhood me, that was so important and supportive, that it felt like a unrealistic, unachievable dream come true.

Chandler was always my favourite and I started to understand comedy in a way I didn't from other UK shows like Bottom or Blackadder etc.

I think like most fans, you become of the situation around Matt's struggles with addiction, especially as I got older and would have the show on as a comfort, it was clear he was struggling.

As he said in that interview, while he didn't think so, I imagine most people could tell what issues he was having given the changes to his physique and face during the ten years of the show, the tell tale signs of coming off of and back onto drugs.

It was clear the guy was struggling and fame wasn't helping, as were the expectations of comedy and celebrity.

But the joy he gave this young boy from the UK, along with the rest of the cast was magical and I really wish I could have told him this, face to face. Albeit, likely in a very awkward way, awkward in how oversharing childhood trauma and emotions via a paradoxical relationship to a strange is awkward, even more as as a nearly forty year old man.

It's super sad, god bless you Matthew Perry.*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto