Ole Gunnar Solskjaer | W15 D2 L4

Is Ole a good appointment?

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"nothing wrong with some friendly incest, bro"
Jul 22, 2014
I'd rather have a manager who destroys weaker teams, and lose or draw once in a while against top teams.
Mourinho was pretty much the opposite, he's good at setting his team up against the best teams, but lost too many against teams we should beat with half of our first 11 out.

Give Ole some better defenders, and some better depth, plus a DoF, and i think he'll do well.

Isn't one of the arguments against Poch, and Klopp for that matter, lack of a good plan B?
I don't follow Spurs, but pretty sure i've read it a few times, and i don't think their stats vs the other top teams are very good either.

I was against Ole as caretaker from the start, maybe because as a Norwegian i've been burnt a few times with Norwegian managers in England - the one that fecked up Wimbledon is one example :lol:
But Ole's done really well, and i think he deserves it. That said, too early to decide yet, but people turning against him after losing to one of the best teams in Europe (and therefor also the world), without having had the chance to strenghten the squad, are just being stupid.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
The Ole situation is actually really fecked up. With any permanent manager you'd laugh at the idea of calling him a flop if we lose against top opposition, before he's had a chance to sign a single player. But that's exactly the scenario Ole faces in his audition for the job. Managing with one hand tied behind his back.

Of course, if we do keep getting shown up every time we play a big team from here on in (and, let's be honest, if we played that Spurs fixture five more times, we'd lose four of them) how do we know how much of that is down to inadequacies of the squad that Jose/Woodward created vs Ole not being able to go toe to toe with managers that have a lot more experience at the top level?

In a way, our recent run of good results has done a lot more harm than good. If we'd bumbled along dropping points left right and centre then we could remain 100% focussed on recruiting Poch (or whoever) but now the board have an infinitely more difficult decision to make. Has our "new manager bounce" been primarily down to the feel good factor of Jose leaving? Or the feel good factor of Ole joining? I can't shake a nagging suspicion that the absence of Jose has been a much more important factor, seeing as we've seen the same resurgence at previous clubs (e.g. Di Matteo winning the CL) All of which makes giving Ole the job permanently a potential disaster in waiting. And feck knows, we REALLY don't need another disastrous managerial appointment...

So yeah, it is just one game but one game that raises a lot of difficult, shitty questions about where we go from here. Liverpool, Chelsea and City all coming up soon. We could easily lose all three games. Would that make us any more certain about whether Ole is a good long term appointment or not? I'm not actually sure it would. Which is a dreadful state of affairs, when you think about it.
I think the thing that worries me is the spate of recent contract renewals of players that are fecking shite. Renewing the likes of Jones, Young and (as rumoured) Mata suggests, to me, little appetite to change the underlying culture of mediocrity that exists at the club and is a painful reminder that the man still making the decisions at the club is Woodward. I know we're in a position where a lot of contracts are running down, but there's no reason we couldn't have sorted the DoF appointment more quickly if, as was reported, we had begun looking in the summer and gone from there.

If we're making long term plans already then it suggests that we're not making any changes at the top. If that ends up being the case then the primary reason for our constant missteps is going to be the one still calling the shots in the summer and I can't see how anyone can realistically expect us not to continue making terrible decisions at every level of the club.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
That's incredibly short sighted. Nothing tastes as sweet as a win against the likes of Liverpool or City, but over the course of a season you have to be consistent when facing the smaller teams as well. A win vs Fulham gives the same amount of points as a win vs City.

IIRC Van Gaal had a pretty impressive record against the big teams when he was here and he was hardly a success. Of course doing well vs your rivals is important, but we have to look at the entire picture here
It is short sighted but that's exactly what we are faced with. Either he will be promoted as our manager after this interim spell or not. All that based on half a season so not much to judge him by. Games against crap teams after everyone is in a happy mood because Jose is out will not be enough to judge him. It has to be the big games and how we bounce back after defeats.

El Zoido

Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
It’s pretty grim how many of our fans seem desperate for Ole to fail and for us to lose, just so they can say “told you so”. There was some genuine glee in the post match comments from some people, apparently delighted to point out how rubbish we really are.


Full Member
Aug 27, 2014
Dublin, formerly Manchester
I thought we would be taken apart by a full strength PSG. Their recent injuries made me feel there was a chance of a game.

In the first half we were competing with them without being totally negative. Given the injurues we then suffered I think Ole had restricted options...

We lacked pace and threat upfront but what could Ole do? We should be able to depend on Sanchez or Lukaku but they are busted flushes. If he went with a youth prospect like throwing Greenwood or Chong on he would be massively criticised.

I think a better measure of Ole will be how the team react against Liverpool. I'm not saying he has to win it, just be competitive and positive.

Davie Moyes

Full Member
May 10, 2013
Up North
He isn't a manager for the Elite level - yet. This has been a tactical loss really.

And his football, even in the first half, has looked dated and lacking vision.

Hopefully a wake up call to the board - Ole could be one for the future, but he isn't ready yet.
Serious question would you guys really want Ole now? not even just on this loss but in general. United next appointment is so and I cant emphasize this enough SO important or United risk falling into Liverpool levels of shet and really falling behind the other teams in the League. Ole is a great guy and everyone loves him but is he the right choice ?
I'm convinced 100%. I have been so impressed by this guy, how he carries himself in interviews and in general. I don't think I've come across a manager who communicates so well. He says exactly what we the fans are thinking. He ways replies with honesty, intelligence, insight and simplicity. Even his interview after the PSG game was spot-on by admitting they are better, we are not on their level but that's where we want to be.

Also we've already gone down the hiring the biggest names in Mourinho and LVG but those did not work out because they did not get Utd.

This guy just gets us. It's so obvious that he has studied Fergie's methods and style inside out. At this stage I don't care about trophies , I'm just happy to have our club back, with the team improving and providing enjoyment to us. I'm also loving that he is the anti-Mourinho. Is there a nicer guy in football?
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"nothing wrong with some friendly incest, bro"
Jul 22, 2014
Imagine a scenario where the top 4 teams and United had the same form for the rest of the season, from when Ole took over. Or same amount of points atleast.
Ole would have done just as well since he took over, as the PL winners, but did not get the job because of a gap up to top 4 made by our previous manager.

Mourinho/the board didn't buy better defenders, we all agree our defense is our weak point, but now it's used against Ole, who literally had nothing to do with it.

Some unfair requests from our fans, especially considering we've caught up with top 4, score a lot more goals, and most people i've spoken to (or read on here), now are actually looking forward to watching matches again.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
I don't want Ole to fail - on the contrary, I hope he succeeds as it's refreshing to have a manager who gets the club and its traditions. But what last night does show is that our failings as a team aren't entirely down to the manager and their motivational or tactical style. Some people were quick to put all the blame on Mourinho for the team not performing, and the players got a free pass. What we shouldn't do is now transfer those feelings directly onto the current / next manager; realise that there are deficiencies and go about fixing them. One of those deficiencies was Mourinho himself and we've fixed that, but we're still lacking depth and quality in the squad and it's showing.

For what it's worth, I reckon that the game would have been a lot tighter if Mourinho was in charge. He'd have set us up defensively and we'd have come out of it moaning about a draw or a narrow loss, having played insipid football. At least with this outcome we know that we're not at the same sort of level as the top teams in the CL, and we can start doing something about it.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
It’s pretty grim how many of our fans seem desperate for Ole to fail and for us to lose, just so they can say “told you so”. There was some genuine glee in the post match comments from some people, apparently delighted to point out how rubbish we really are.
Alternatively they're trolls.

Anyone critising Ole for a loss yesterday is bizarre, last season we lost to Sevilla and we had Jose come out with his shit. First loss in what, 2 months? We need a reaction for Liverpool though and given our injuries to Lingard and Martial we might need to change our approach as Sanchez, Mata and Lukaku arent suited to Oles high intensity pressing game.

Losing to the top teams isnt a concern imo. Our squad lacks quality we've all been saying it for years. When we get past this rough patch of games it'll be interesting to see if Ole can get us back on a winning run, if he does that tells me he's the man for the job because whats holding him back is the quality in the squad.

It's an important Summer window though, we need a DoF and we need them to act quickly. I still think we should be appointing the DoF asap to prepare for the Summer.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2014
Imagine a scenario where the top 4 teams and United had the same form for the rest of the season, from when Ole took over. Or same amount of points atleast.
Ole would have done just as well since he took over, as the PL winners, but did not get the job because of a gap up to top 4 made by our previous manager.

Mourinho/the board didn't buy better defenders, we all agree our defense is our weak point, but now it's used against Ole, who literally had nothing to do with it.

Some unfair requests from our fans, especially considering we've caught up with top 4, score a lot more goals, and most people i've spoken to (or read on here), now are actually looking forward to watching matches again.
Yeah, it's funny how some fans suddenly have crazy high expectations that 1 defeat in 12 is somehow not good enough now, even after 5 years of garbage.
Ole is literally the guy responsible for raising their expectation level by doing better than anyone would have predicted, and now they want him gone? Makes no sense to me.


Full Member
Apr 22, 2014
Stand by what I said previously, I don't understand Ole's substitutions at times and also I think he's slow to respond. I don't know what his ceiling is but I believe Poch's will be higher.
Yes. I am sure that key players getting injured was part of his plan
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New Member
Jul 6, 2017
Chennai, India
Yeah, it's funny how some fans suddenly have crazy high expectations that 1 defeat in 12 is somehow not good enough now, even after 5 years of garbage.
Ole is literally the guy responsible for raising their expectation level by doing better than anyone would have predicted, and now they want him gone? Makes no sense to me.
It's not the defeat, but the nature of the defeat. We looked really naive.

There was no back-up plan when Marquinhos became Pogba's shadow, though that should have been expected by our coaches. The subbing on of Mata earlier than Lukaku was also questionable considering Mata would resemble a snail caught in a hare's race. I think this game could have used Fred too, his energy might have offered something different, and we had nothing to lose as we were trailing anyway. And we allowed a half-crocked Verratti to freely take over the midfield without a semblance of a plan.

As others indicated, we showed similar naivete in the second half against Spurs. Poch mixed things up, but Ole was unable to respond and we somehow hung on for 3 points. Basically, Ole is like Klopp-lite, in that he has a Plan A, but we are yet to see Plan B or C when the chips are down.

This isn't some defeat against Burnley or West Ham that we can put down to a bad day at the office, but being outclassed by a manager on the European stage. While this isn't enough to make me think Ole doesn't deserve the job, it raises a lot of serious questions. This job is not a cakewalk and whoever takes it will have to be competent both at beating fodder in the league convincingly with a pleasing playstyle (which Ole has done) and also exhibit a decent bit of tactical acumen in the CL (takes precedence over playstyle, we don't need beautiful football in cup games).

Let's see if Ole has learned from this. He is without some key players and facing huge tests in the form of Chelsea, Liverpool and City. That will tell more about his credentials.

On the plus side, I don't count this defeat as bad as the Sevilla one. Atleast we showed up with a plan and a clear style of play, and the game was still 50/50 in the first half despite the tactical mistakes. Injuries and a cnut of a ref didn't help.


Full Member
May 17, 2018
Really annoys me to hear negative comments about Ole after last night. If we do appoint another manager to take over full time be prepared to wait a while to see the benefits if he brings any at all.

Ole knows the club and the values and quality needed to play for the club. Look at what he has done in short space of time since being here. Let's give him the job and let him get a pre season and transfer window to bring in quality needed. He admitted himself last night the gulf in class was there to see against PSG. He knows what players are needed to get us to that level. He has given some players the chance and some of them are not good enough and I think he has leaned alot the last few weeks about the squad.
Some of the players can't get a game as not good enough to play for a top club.
We all know we need to be more dynamic going forward that's why I think he will address that. Need more control in midfield with quality. I hope Ole gets the job I'm pleased as a fan with what he has done in this short space. I'm sure if he has his way some of them players won't be at the club.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
Some of the criticism is OTT, but we can learn by looking at our mistakes

A lot of bad luck and a good PSG performance in the 2nd, but that does not absolve OGS from blame. Very poor decision to put Mata on in a position he has consistently failed and that was compounded with Sanchez on the other flank that meant we lacked pace. Not a factor that cost us the game, but it could have been significant on another day and a different decision could have clawed us back a goal (e.g. Lukaku played on the right where he has done ok, Dalot used as an emergency winger who can actually take players on)
If you see in the performance threads, Lukaku and Dalot have mostly been criticised for poor performances, for fans to now say that these two would have made the difference is simply being unreasonable.

If we had still lost, the criticisms are going to be that OGS was wrong to put an oaf with a bad first touch (just because we need pace and he’s not even that fast after bulking up) and how foolish is it throw an inexperienced youngster into the deep end in a CL match against one of the top teams on the world.

Because we lost, there is going to be an infinite number of criticisms you can level at anyone in the team or the manager.

Which misses the point really. Quality and luck play a role in sports and sometimes a better team loses. More often than not the better team wins.

And regardless of the results in the last several games, the fact that everyone said PSG would be a big test simply acknowledges that they are supposed to be a team above us (for now). If we were expected to beat them as a matter of fact, they would not be a big test.

It’s a loss. It happens. The manager and the team will learn. We just move on to the next one.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009

This place is become nauseating now. Any manager in the whole world would've struggled after losing two of their attackers in the first half due to injuries.

It's better to lose players through injuries before the match so that you can plan accordingly rather than losing them between in game.

Also this was PSG we are talking about and not fecking Sevilla
It’s ridiculous. There were people saying that PSG were no longer the big test it was because two of their attackers Neymar and Cavani were out and they were massively weakened. But when two of our attackers get injured we are expected to perform better or as well.


New Member
Dec 18, 2018
I love the kind of football Ole want to play. Right now he have a lack of tactic understanding, but he will learn it, and i think he will learn it fast. Its a process every manager will need to go through, you have to know the players, incorporate the intern understanding between the players in every chain. Its not always that easy to just replace a player, and everything will work out.
Ole have the personality to be a excellent manager.

My only concern is, does he have the name to attract the big names to rebuild us.

We definitely need a DoF to help him.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
fecking hell, I bet half of these guys who are critical have had their posts saved in the drafts since January, pathetic bunch.

Phil Osophy

Full Member
May 7, 2015
Very unfair comments going on here. People forget that Solskjaer is playing against teams that have been coached since pre-season by their managers, which includes not only the tactical aspect of the game, but also the physical planning and the transfers. This man came in December and he came for a reason: We were shit. And overall he's playing a good game with the cards that were given to him, without having the privilege to mould the team in any way.

He's playing the right way, which is the exact opposite of what we've been doing before, so there has to be a learning process, not just by the players but also by the coach and the staff, seeing all of them under different situations and assesing what they really have in hands to get the best possible out of them. Considering all this I think this period until now is excellent both in terms of performance and results, because normally it wouldn't be this way with all things considered.

Yesterday was disappointing, but we tried to press and attack from the first minute and all that we saw is all that we have. PSG is better drilled than us, they managed the ball better and look far more solid in defence. Hats off to them, we shake hands and move on to the next challenge. We're just not good for this, but the sooner we start working in the right direction the sooner we'll get there.

So the question we should ask in my opinion is: does he have the tools to develop the team with time, patience, good additions to the squad? Does he have the ambition, the power to convince the players? Because I think he's got it all, and some advantage like being helped by SAF on a second plane and some of his old guard. The current staff is like a mixture of modern, fresh ideas, and at the same time knowledge and experience, with Ole being the axis and connecting everything.

Of course I'm open to other options, especially if we got trashed from on now and everything became a mess. But I really think there's something special in the way if we keep these guys in charge, so I hope we do it well enough in the coming fixtures to make that possible.


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
I wonder if Poch will be asked to beat all the top teams so fans can be satisfied?
Wonder what would happen if Poch would have lousy results 2, 3 months in. Would fans be patient with him.


New Member
Aug 19, 2018
If you see in the performance threads, Lukaku and Dalot have mostly been criticised for poor performances, for fans to now say that these two would have made the difference is simply being unreasonable.
What is unreasonable is playing Mata on the wing and expecting him to perform.

For the criticism that Lukaku and Dalot get, most sane fans would forgive OGS if they failed last night* in that emergency situation. Trying the same thing again and expecting a different result is unforgivable

* we will never know, but there is a good body of evidence that Lukaku is decent out there, while Dalot generally gets praise for his attacking game (While needing to work defensively)


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
I wonder if Poch will be asked to beat all the top teams so fans can be satisfied?
Wonder what would happen if Poch would have lousy results 2, 3 months in. Would fans be patient with him.
He can't do anything wrong though. He could lose the first 5 games against relegation fodder and we'd hear "He needs time to implement his tactics". Ole would have been sacked before he was even hired.

Personally, if we do hire Pochettino, unless he can beat Real Madrid, City, Liverpool and Chelsea in his first 10 weeks as manager (and no transfer window allowed) I'll be calling for his head due to being tactically outclassed and looking out of his depth on the touchline.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
I'm very interested to see how we react to this under Ole. The Chelsea game will be interesting and will give us a better view on things. A bad result was bound to happen sooner rather than later, how we recover is what we find out on Monday and afterwards.
It's going to be a tough game but as long as we don't fold I'll be happy with some fight and spirit. Regardless of the result.


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
He can't do anything wrong though. He could lose the first 5 games against relegation fodder and we'd hear "He needs time to implement his tactics". Ole would have been sacked before he was even hired.

Personally, if we do hire Pochettino, unless he can beat Real Madrid, City, Liverpool and Chelsea in his first 10 weeks as manager (and no transfer window allowed) I'll be calling for his head due to being tactically outclassed and looking out of his depth on the touchline.
Correct me if I'm wrong but his record vs rip sides isn't that great either.


New Member
Jun 11, 2016
It’s pretty grim how many of our fans seem desperate for Ole to fail and for us to lose, just so they can say “told you so”. There was some genuine glee in the post match comments from some people, apparently delighted to point out how rubbish we really are.
It was always going to happen. A lot of knee jerk posters and some Jose cultists still yet to be deprogrammed.

Ole has done a great job at United. He took charge at one of our lowest points and got us playing good football again immediately. Won most of his games including two against top 6 sides. Came unstuck against a PSG side with lots of talent and experience. The injuries in the game didn't help and PSG losing their 2 players probably hurt us in hindsight as we are set up to counter attack and instead PSG focused more on counterattacking too, with the frightening pace of Mbappe (a quicker and more talented Rashford) and a more experienced Di Maria instead of Martial. It was a bit like the Leicester and Burnley games except PSG have much more talent.

One thing that almost nobody mentions is the fact that PSG are simply better trained and more experienced. This isn't Oles fault as he's only been here for 2 months and has already had to completely change the way we played when he joined. We also struggled to play against this sort of team under Fergie too.

I've always said I think Ole would do a good job and I stand by it, but I would also be happy if we got in a different great manager who believed in attacking football. Whoever the new manager is, he needs the funds to build a great squad, we're not winning the PL or CL without it.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2011
Needs to work on his plan B. Still doing an incredible job considering the circumstances. Last night’s results doesn’t change things.

Golden Nugget

Full Member
May 7, 2011
The arguments that Ole was 'tactically outclassed' tonight are, frankly, absurd. The set up was fine, but he was fecked by an unfortunate double injury at half time and PSG took advantage before we'd got to grips with the change. The two options he bought on were, of course, not suited to doing what Lingard (in particular) had done, but he had no other options.

There's simply a gulf in quality between the two sides (even when PSG have two of their key players out injured) and they won the game because of a defensive mistake by us and a moment of quality. Both of those are areas we know we need to improve.
Trying to catch up with this post and I think I’ll stop here with a post I agree on. Ridiculous to blame this on him - we lost both our starting wingers during the game, at once.

Not sure where all these Lukaku claims are coming from - when he plays he’s the worst player in the Premier League - when he doesn’t people wonder why he wasn’t brought on.

In a game where we needed more control as Pogba was marked out of the game, Mata was a good choice. He just didn’t have the quality to execute it today against a good team.


New Member
May 15, 2013
Trying to catch up with this post and I think I’ll stop here with a post I agree on. Ridiculous to blame this on him - we lost both our starting wingers during the game, at once.

Not sure where all these Lukaku claims are coming from - when he plays he’s the worst player in the Premier League - when he doesn’t people wonder why he wasn’t brought on.

In a game where we needed more control as Pogba was marked out of the game, Mata was a good choice. He just didn’t have the quality to execute it today against a good team.
That's the thing, I don't think anyone blames him for a loss. Of course he made mistakes yesterday but every manager does. I think there are just some people including me who still didn't jump on this bandwagon of giving him a permanent job but it doesn't mean I blame Ole for something. He did a great job so far but we need to wait until the end of the season to make a decision on him IMO.

Josh 76

Full Member
Mar 14, 2018
This was the biggest game of Ole's management. He will learn from this, and will make him better.
I presume he worked on a formation all week to Play PSG, but when the two players went off injured, he never realised that formation would not work. Maybe Phelan or Carrick might have helped him out.

It's easy to say after the game, but maybe he should have changed the formation at half time to keep the pace in the team.

Bailey. Linderlof. Jones
Young. Matic. Herrera. Shaw
Rashford. Lukuka

It would have been bold I guess.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
This was the biggest game of Ole's management. He will learn from this, and will make him better.
I presume he worked on a formation all week to Play PSG, but when the two players went off injured, he never realised that formation would not work. Maybe Phelan or Carrick might have helped him out.

It's easy to say after the game, but maybe he should have changed the formation at half time to keep the pace in the team.

Bailey. Linderlof. Jones
Young. Matic. Herrera. Shaw
Rashford. Lukuka

It would have been bold I guess.
We'd already brought on Sanchez before half time though, so with that above formation we'd have used all subs.

I think the error was bringing on both Sanchez and Mata as with that our goal threat became non existent. The clubs will have done their research and know that Mata and Sanchez don't contribute. Took the pressure off them. At least with Lukaku you have some goal threat and granted he's inconsistent and can be a hindrance at times, but he does at least score goals.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
"He HAS to be judged on the games against the top sides"

Some people just love spouting out absolute bollocks. The teams above us have had their managers for several years. They've had time to build their own teams with their own players. To suggest he can only be judged on games against those teams is insanity.

Wake up and see what he has done in two months. Made up 11 points on the top 4, beaten two so called 'top sides' already and he is getting the best out of most of his first choice players. Not to mention the fact that these players have been used to dinosaur tactics for several seasons and quite clearly aren't fit enough for two high intensity games every week. And he didn't get to spend a penny in January.

If he gets top 4 after the doom and gloom in mid December, the job is his. Judge him against top sides next season when he hopefully gets players that are good enough, and has had a whole pre season to work on tactics and fitness.


Full Member
Feb 29, 2012
The minute Lingard and Martial went off whatever chance we had was gone and look at our bench - what was Ole meant to do.

You are a f*cking clown if you blame Ole for yesterday. He's getting the best out of a very average bunch of players.

Despite PSG missing quite a few players - how many of our lot would get in their side?


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
What is unreasonable is playing Mata on the wing and expecting him to perform.

For the criticism that Lukaku and Dalot get, most sane fans would forgive OGS if they failed last night* in that emergency situation. Trying the same thing again and expecting a different result is unforgivable

* we will never know, but there is a good body of evidence that Lukaku is decent out there, while Dalot generally gets praise for his attacking game (While needing to work defensively)
Our options were limited. For what it’s worth, fans were not praising Dalot nor thinking Lukaku was decent in their most recent games so you can be certain that if we had lost the knives would have been out as well.

All ifs and buts. However it is totally understandable and even reasonable to send out Mata and Sanchez, two players with proven quality and experience at CL level.


Feb 1, 2012
Potentially losing both Martial and Lingard for Chelsea and Liverpool certainly won’t help him in the slightest. Things could turn ugly fast, be interesting to see how we respond now.


New Member
Jul 28, 2018
It was a woeful performance, that was the most concerning bit. You can lose to quality sides, even at home, that's fine but this is a side that Liverpool, Lyon and Napoli ripped through time and time and time again in their home games but apparently us not even making their goalie make a save is totally fine, Poch, money, referees bla bla bla.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Its quite amazing. One loss against quality opposition and suddenly there are question marks? 1 game where two injuries virtually crippled us attacking wise and this is the stick to beat him with?
It's fair to say there are question marks. It's been magnificent thus far but it's a very tiny managerial stint at United were judging him by, so there are going to be doubts about his ability.

I personally don't hold this result or performance against Ole. We simply met a better side. But he is being judged in an ongoing basis and that will always be the case. Personally Ive been in wait and watch territory as I feel we should judge the direction we're headed in 2 months from now and then take our call. But I am leaning towards Ole currently.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Potentially losing both Martial and Lingard for Chelsea and Liverpool certainly won’t help him in the slightest. Things could turn ugly fast, be interesting to see how we respond now.
Darn we need Martial back for Liverpool.