Music Radiohead

That pretty much summed up KOL for me. For the most part, it just sounded like some stoned student pissing about in his bedroom.

The critics reviews made me laugh, they have such a reverence for Radiohead that they dared not to give it a poor review, instead they searched for merit where there wasn't any, in fear of being branded with 'not getting it'.

Yeh didn't particularly enjoy KOL to be honest, it was well.....a bit of a fecking bore.

Agree about the critics most of them seem to care more about their own reputations than providing an honest critique....just say what you feel, otherwise it's just worthless.
I think you're going into the territory of stating your opinion as fact. Personally I prefer SIAS to all their other albums and there are others out there who hold the same view. I did enjoy their early stuff, but a lot of it was fairly basic. It was more or less just observational lyrics sang in a Yorkshire accent.

Yeh not meaning to state anything as fact Leroy, just my opinion of course.

There's a lot more depth to Suck It and See and it is completely different to anything they've done before and I've not heard anyone producing similar sounding music (feel free to show me if there is) so they can't be accused of running out of original ideas. Perhaps you're just not too keen on their new ideas. Whilst I agree to an extent SIAS contains "hackneyed melodies" I think it was necessary to show off the whole theme of the album.

Correct but for me that depth isn't exciting in any way whatsoever, there is no real innovation. It sounds basically like a collection of 60's style pop songs with the occassional spattering of quite vibrant guitar riffs that try to preserve some kind of energy throughout the album. Turner completely bores me throughout, there is not enough variation in his delivery....he just drones on in a typically self-indulgent manner. There are some really bad songs in there as well......Black Treacle & Brick by Brick are awful and to make it worse they follow each other. It's different to what they have previously done but that doesn't mean changes in direction should simply warrant extra kudos.

If anything, surely with the release of Humbug and SIAS, with such a shift in tone and tempo what he actually did was risk losing some of his fanbase. Which he did. A lot of people enjoyed the 'laddish' nature of the early material...he's gone from talking about pimps and cnutish bouncers to describing women as being as rare as a 'can of dandelion and burdock'. I don't think you can accuse him of "churning out anything as long as the fan base buys it".

I think you can accuse him of being lazy and mawkish in his approach to the lyrical delivery. All he seems to talk about are fecking girls, there is a new one for each track. Occassionally it's a gas but it soon grates. The guitarist is actually very good but Turner pours cringe all over his good work.

Well that's hardly fair, Noel Gallagher carries with him a legion of Oasis fans, it's not really a bad reflection on the Arctic Monkeys that Suck it and See sold less than Noel's debut offering. On top of that SIAS sold more than Humbug. And further yet, they are never going to match the sales of their first album (which correct me if I'm wrong is still the fastest selling debut album by a band). May I also add that whilst I liked Noel's album it was more or less all the same drivel, it was like the sound of Don't Look in Anger raping Importance of being Idle over and over again.".

Thing is Leroy I believe they have played it way safe with SIAS. They floundered with Humbug because firstly there was no flow to the album, it was a mess, and also because a lot of their fans didn't like the new sound, which was again hackneyed and poached from the various Americanised indie bands of the early 2000's. They received poor record they tried to revert a bit more to type with SIAS and hence the marginal increase in record sales. It's a tad more accessible for your standard indie bum.

You like it though and fair do's man. I've said that I never rated them so I can't really be objective can I?
I want to listen to them and see what all the hype is about. Have only heard few songs of them.

Can anyone tell me their top 10 songs or so?
I want to listen to them and see what all the hype is about. Have only heard few songs of them.

Can anyone tell me their top 10 songs or so?
I can't recommend enough just skipping Pablo Honey (you can come back to it later) & working through the albums chronologically. The Bends is so immediate that it's not an album you have to keep playing for it to grow on you, then you're straight into OK Computer. By the time you've played 20 or so tracks you've heard what for me are two of the best albums of all time & you should have a decent idea if you like the band & want to hear more. If neither album does anything for you, I'd say put on the opener of Kid A as a final act to see if the different sound piques your interest.

Up to you of course, but if you're trying to get into them I think you'll get so much more out of it that way. They're a proper albums band. There's always a chance people will like only a specific sound of theirs, but I think listening to their great songwriting stripped down (The Bends) & then in its most perfect form (OK Computer) is a great introduction. Within that context I think you get much more out of hearing their sound morph & grow as the years go by.

But so as not to be completely unhelpful, if you decide against that, here are 10 of my favourites:
Paranoid Android
Let Down
How To Disappear Completely
Everything In Its Right Place
Pyramid Song
There There
Where I End & You Begin
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Their story is amazing too.

First album is very punk, and was very good.

Then they express themselves a little more with the Bends and blow everyone away with conventional rock with some progressive rock mixed in.

Then they blend conventional rock with some crazy sounds and produce an exceptional album in OK Computer.

They become media darlings and are hailed as the best band around and OK Computer is considered one of the greatest albums of all time.

After all of that, they throw away all their instruments and create 2 albums that mind feck the shit out of the listeners but still has progressive brilliance.

Then they stop making music for their record label, produce their own shit and sell it online for whatever people want to pay and still make 6 million odd dollars.

That's rock and roll.

Yup, that's pretty much it for me in a nutshell.
Average stuff.

I'm not arsed reading through the pages in this thread. I'm too tired, and so forgive me if you were just having a bit of a laugh, but average and radiohead just cannot be put into the same sentence, even if their style isn't to your taste.

If they had existed in and around 1790 and mirrored a style that was fashionable back then, they (or certainly Thom Yorke) would be on the same playing field as Beethoven in terms of writing style and diversity.

Simply incredible band.
If we are going for alt prog sounds then Tool have to be the band leading the way for me. Tool are like Radiohead minus the self conscious hipster wankerness.

fecking love Tool. It's ok to like both bands you know? :) It's fun to like both bands and to take your clothes off and do the helicopter with your willy.
I can't recommend enough just skipping Pablo Honey (you can come back to it later) & working through the albums chronologically. The Bends is so immediate that it's not an album you have to keep playing for it to grow on you, then you're straight into OK Computer. By the time you've played 20 or so tracks you've heard what for me are two of the best albums of all time & you should have a decent idea if you like the band & want to hear more. If neither album does anything for you, I'd say put on the opener of Kid A as a final act to see if the different sound piques your interest.

Up to you of course, but if you're trying to get into them I think you'll get so much more out of it that way. They're a proper albums band. There's always a chance people will like only a specific sound of theirs, but I think listening to their great songwriting stripped down (The Bends) & then in its most perfect form (OK Computer) is a great introduction. Within that context I think you get much more out of hearing their sound morph & grow as the years go by.

But so as not to be completely unhelpful, if you decide against that, here are 10 of my favourites:
Paranoid Android
Let Down
How To Disappear Completely
Everything In Its Right Place
Pyramid Song
There There
Where I End & You Begin
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi

Cheers mate. Will listen to these single numbers first and then start album wise with the Bends.
fecking love Tool. It's ok to like both bands you know? :) It's fun to like both bands and to take your clothes off and do the helicopter with your willy.

I don't mind Radiohead. They have some great tracks, of that there is no question. I have 4 of their albums in my itunes library and I have seen them live. It is just that, for me, they fall someway short of the exalted billing that some of their fans give them.
I'm not arsed reading through the pages in this thread. I'm too tired, and so forgive me if you were just having a bit of a laugh, but average and radiohead just cannot be put into the same sentence, even if their style isn't to your taste.

If they had existed in and around 1790 and mirrored a style that was fashionable back then, they (or certainly Thom Yorke) would be on the same playing field as Beethoven in terms of writing style and diversity.

Simply incredible band.

Granted, I tend to be harsher on them because the hype baffles me but it really does baffle me. I'll probably give them another go just to see whether there's still something there for me but I really don't see anything special about them.
Kinky Melinky;12552643If they had existed in and around 1790 and mirrored a style that was fashionable back then said:
So if they existed in a different time and had a different style they would be worthy of the exalted reverence that they receive from many of their fans?

Hey, if I was around in medieval times I would be a scientific genius!
I can't recommend enough just skipping Pablo Honey (you can come back to it later) & working through the albums chronologically. The Bends is so immediate that it's not an album you have to keep playing for it to grow on you, then you're straight into OK Computer. By the time you've played 20 or so tracks you've heard what for me are two of the best albums of all time & you should have a decent idea if you like the band & want to hear more. If neither album does anything for you, I'd say put on the opener of Kid A as a final act to see if the different sound piques your interest.

Up to you of course, but if you're trying to get into them I think you'll get so much more out of it that way. They're a proper albums band. There's always a chance people will like only a specific sound of theirs, but I think listening to their great songwriting stripped down (The Bends) & then in its most perfect form (OK Computer) is a great introduction. Within that context I think you get much more out of hearing their sound morph & grow as the years go by.

But so as not to be completely unhelpful, if you decide against that, here are 10 of my favourites:
Paranoid Android
Let Down
How To Disappear Completely
Everything In Its Right Place
Pyramid Song
There There
Where I End & You Begin
Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi

Ok, you've convinced me... getting those two albums and will listen to them seriously... will give you a feedback.

I hope you are right, just hope you are feckin' right since I have not listened to something good since ages. ;)
So, LP9 is looking like it could be released... Well, any time really. Anyone been following the teasers/hints?
:drool: Most anticipated album of the year. I heard they were recording with an orchestra so I'm wondering if Spectre was a teaser for what's to come.
Something is happening on their website right now, it may be a countdown to a new single/album today :drool:
The Radiohead website is totally blank now. New design probably coming very soon, just hope there's more to go along with it!
Are they just out whiting the white album?
Radiohead bloke in massive spot on nose furore:

The Caf can hate me all they want, but another great release puts them ahead of Roger's era Pink Floyd for me.

Meddle/DSotM/WYWH/Animals < Bends/OKC/KidA/In Rainbows + LP9

(Although Floyd get some credit for releasing all those albums in just 6 years).
Different is good, especially when the last album was weak.

Can't listen - at work.

Is it good? What kind of style have they gone for?