Ravel Morrison

Has there been any indication that he's done something wrong, or been acting up at West Ham? Or is he on loan to a good championship side because he's 19, and won't get enough games in a premier league side struggling for survival?

I suspect the latter, but yeah. fecking gangster bellend
So was Danny Welbeck.

Wes and Reece Brown as well.

The areas of Manchester are nothing compared to some of the places South American footballers come from. Vidic grew up during the Bosnian war.

Lets face it, if your have the right attitude you can escapre you surroundings. Unfourtunatly Ravel never has. If giving up the chance to play for one of the biggest teams in the world, and earn millions, is not motivation to get away from some of the people and the areas he was hanging out with, then nothing would.
im shocked at some of the ill will people wish on him.

Maybe if he didn't bound about like he owned places with his little crew before he actually achieved anything...

As he is a cock in love with himself...and he's not a red anymore...I just don't give a feck.
Has there been any indication that he's done something wrong, or been acting up at West Ham? Or is he on loan to a good championship side because he's 19, and won't get enough games in a premier league side struggling for survival?

I suspect the latter, but yeah. fecking gangster bellend

There were rumours on saturday that he'd had a fall out with Allardyce in training. I didnt think anything of it until i seen this story so it would appear there may be some truth in it.
There were rumours on saturday that he'd had a fall out with Allardyce in training. I didnt think anything of it until i seen this story so it would appear there may be some truth in it.

I haven't seen that but I suppose it's not hard to believe. Still think the actual loan itself makes sense, and if he was still here and we loaned him out to Birmingham, we'd all be quite happy to see him playing.

It's fun to call him a massive twat, (he clearly is) but I'd still rather see him get it together and achieve something
Well considering West Ham got him in January and he made 1 appearance for them all season shows he hasn't exactly impressed for them in training has he? For a player of his talent he should be starting in this West Ham team, or on the bench at the very least. Not being loaned out to a championship team.

Think the difference is the size of the club - being loaned out by Utd is a reflection of the quality and number of first team players. But with the supposed potential of Morrison he should have been pushing for playing time at a club the size of West Ham, not being loaned out to the Championship.

Regardless of potential, Sam Allardyce has never been the type of manager to throw untested young players into a relegation scrap, which is what West Ham will be in next season. Surely it's better for Morrison's development that he goes on loan to one of the better Championship sides where he would see more of the ball in a side that will clearly do a lot more attacking?
I think there was some indication when he was at United that Morrison wasn't satisfied with the prospect of going on loan to the Championship.
Wes and Reece Brown as well.

The areas of Manchester are nothing compared to some of the places South American footballers come from. Vidic grew up during the Bosnian war.

Lets face it, if your have the right attitude you can escapre you surroundings. Unfourtunatly Ravel never has. If giving up the chance to play for one of the biggest teams in the world, and earn millions, is not motivation to get away from some of the people and the areas he was hanging out with, then nothing would.

Exactly. He is just too thick to realise that. Unlike many other kids, he had the chance to get out of a shitty background.
Wes and Reece had a dad who was active in getting local lads to play football and off the streets.

Welbeck, who's also been mentioned, had parents who were social workers and if Danny hadn't made it as a player he'd have probably gone to Uni like his brothers.

Kids can and do break out of bad situations, and being poor or living in a poor area isn't necessarily a bad situation, but it isn't easy, even for the ones who've got a special talent. Morrison couldn't ditch his mates (or even from the sounds of it some of his family) and it seems like he couldn't get his head round the idea of sacrificing something now to get something later. Well, you know what, a lot of people can't. Even people brought up in better environments than him.

Anyway, if he makes it at Birmingham, and beyond, good luck to him. If he doesn't, maybe it'll help some other kids to see that talent is nothing, without the effort to back it up.
I can't understand people trying to defend him - the man is a cock. He had a future at United and blew it. feck him and feck his career.

He hasn't murdered anyone. People are wishing well a guy who made a terrible career move whose priorities/decision making abilities as a teenager seemed messed up. I understand many people being indifferent towards him but I don't see anything wrong with others who want him to get his act sorted either.
I think its sad because its not entirely his fault that he is in the position he is in right now. He was a product of one of the worst areas in all of England arife with gang violence and drug use. Alot of people might say "oh, he had a chance to play for Manchester United so he should leave that all behind" but its never that easy is it?

That's a load of bullshit, for the reasons other people already mentioned. Loads of young people get out of these areas and make a good life for themselves. Ravel had all the help he could ever want - other players at United helping him, staff helping him. If he bothered he could potentially have a very good career at one of the world's biggest clubs. It's all about mentality, and sadly Ravel's suck.
Maybe if he didn't bound about like he owned places with his little crew before he actually achieved anything...

As he is a cock in love with himself...and he's not a red anymore...I just don't give a feck.

Not giving a feck and wishing ill will are two very different things.

I can't understand people trying to defend him - the man is a cock. He had a future at United and blew it. feck him and feck his career.

He's not even a man. The kid is 19.
I don't know whether to laugh or shake my head at all the 'feck him' and 'I hope his career goes down the pan' posts. Embarrassing.

Talking Vulture especially, for shame
I don't wish him ill will. He's a really messed up "young man" who needs to understand he has two paths ahead of him. He's not a kid. He's at an age where he can vote, drive, marry, fight in Afghanistan and bum Elton John. He was at a club that, by all accounts, treat all their young players like family with a leader who becomes like a surrogate father. He blew that chance to make things better and happen in his life. I hope he, at least, attempts to take this second chance by the scruff of the next and make a decent life for himself.

Having said all that, he is no longer a united player and was hardly in the first team, so I won't be wasting a lot of head space with worry about him now.
from Daily Fail said:
Ravel Morrison’s career has taken another twist after it emerged he was sent home from West Ham’s pre-season tour to have seven teeth removed.
Morrison, who joined Championship side Birmingham on loan yesterday, shocked Hammers staff when he complained of toothache in Germany last week.
Club officials were initially preparing to fine the former Manchester United midfielder for failing to turn up for training when they made the gruesome discovery.
He was flown back to England for emergency treatment and told his teeth are in such poor condition that up to seven will have to be extracted.

New boy: Ravel Morrison has joined Birmingham on a season-long loan

Morrison, who has failed to make an impact at Upton Park since he moved from United last season, has been advised to have dental implants, costing around £28,000.
He will initially wear temporary moulds while the implants are being made.
Morrison leads a chaotic lifestyle and surprised Hammers staff on their pre- season tour with his increasingly bizarre behaviour.
The midfielder refused to drink anything other than official ‘West Ham bottled water’ during their short stay in Germany.
Morrison, who made his senior United debut in the Carling Cup against Wolves in 2010, has struggled to convince West Ham boss Sam Allardyce he is ready for regular first-team action.
Although there is no doubt he has the ability to be a top player, he lacks maturity.
Birmingham manager Lee Clark will take the 19-year-old on loan this week, but it represents another huge gamble for the cash-strapped Championship side.

Why doesn't it surprise me at all.
I doubt I'll recover from that tbh

FWIW, Ravel had a really good chance of making it big at United - great talent - but he decided to go against the greatest manager in the history of the game because he wasn't getting enough money/game time.

If Fergie can't get the best out of him, what chance does fat head Allardyce have and that cnut at Birmingham? Ravel is a lost cause - but I don't feel sorry for him because he basically stuck 2 fingers up at United.
Lets see how Lee Clarke handles him

Clarke was at one point one of the Geordie golden boys with a lot of expectation on his shoulders, perhaps he may relate to him better
Anyone who loves gansta rap should learn these two lessons taught to us by Dr. Dre.

1) "The sun went down when I hit Slausson, on my way to the strip, now I'm just flossin'."

2) "Just chill, listen to the beats I spill, I use Crest, so ain't no cavity creeps in my grill."

Seriously though, floss. Where your teeth touch there is too much pressure for a toothbrush to clean in between, if you don't floss your teeth will fall out before you're 30.
I don't get what the big issue is with him wanting to only drink the 'West Ham bottled water', if there's any truth in it..... What is wrong with somebody wanting to drink water?!

At the end of the day, there are bucketloads of players around these days with bad attitudes, but I think this whole 'feck Ravel Morrison & his career' mentality people have is down to the lack of respect he showed the club above all else.

As somebody said earlier, it is one thing wishing bad on somebody and another to not give a feck anymore. I can't remember somebody at any club whose career has had so much interest from a number of circles despite not having played more than a handful of first team games. He really is not worth the hassle!
Holy shit I fear for my teeth as well I have to say. Haven't seen a dentist in like 15 years but never had any tooth pain during that time either but who the hell knows what's brewing up under the surface. Damn that makes want to see the dentist even less.
FWIW, Ravel had a really good chance of making it big at United - great talent - but he decided to go against the greatest manager in the history of the game because he wasn't getting enough money/game time.

Sure, let's rewrite history a bit. While we're at it, Ravel had a goat farm in the basement at Carrington and when the light went off he liked to experiment.
The kid's messed up, it's a shame such fantastic talent is being wasted.

Sorry how is he messed up? I don't get this sympathy vote he gets?

He's a perfectly healthy young lad who had the Chance to play for United, yet he couldn't put down his pride and insisted on 'rolling with the boys' and playin big dick throughout Manchester. He's not messed up he's just a little tosser...
Most people don't understand the influence of friends during the teenage years, especially if you are from a rough background. It certainly isn't easy and the influence is really massive, even if you want to drop your friends for greatness it isn't that easy. Sure, he could have been playing for one of the greatest clubs ever but its easy when you say it like that, you have to be in his shoes to understand how hard it really is. It is pointless saying how he wasted it etc etc, it isn't easy. We all just wish it could have been different.
I'm not sure how a lad who needed emergency dental surgery can be criticised for only drinking West Ham bottled water. His teeth hurt - it was probably the least painful thing to drink.

What does it say about Morrison? We can go all psychoanalytical on him at this point and claim he doesn't know what's good for him or how to ask for help when he needs it. On the other hand, maybe he's just scared of dentists and tried to put the visit off as long as possible. He won't be the first person to do it.

For his sake, I hope the doctors/physios at Birmingham take note.
7 fecking teeth.
No wonder he is not considered a nice lad.
Tooth ace is worst of all pain, it hits straight to your brain.
He must have been very irritated all these while.
Apparently he's been very impressive for Birmingham in his first 2 games, he was man of the match and scored against Antwerp and was very good against Barnet last night. Hes also wearing Ravel on the back of his shirt instead of Morrison