Suarez bites | "sorry for falling into him and biting him and that"


New Member
Apr 25, 2010
My national team (co)manager recons this is no worse than headbutting or aggressively tackling and he should not be punished.


Full Member
Jul 27, 2013
Were this the first time Suarez put the bite on someone I'd be inclined to agree. As this instance is the thrid time, it's virtually equal to that kung-fu kick.
Repetition certainly makes it really bad, but I think all this situation would be worse if Suárez had attacked someone in the crowd yesterday.

Red Rebel

New Member
Jan 2, 2014
Biting is the ultimate tactic to rile an opponent to try get them sent off.

It's very hard to detect - all three incidents were missed by referees.
It will anger the prey immeasurably.
There is no elbow swing, headbut just a quick flash of his teeth and its done.

Suarez is a football innovator.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
I disagree that Suarez has a psychological disorder (although he should get help), me personally, I think all of his actions so far that have been deliberate and controlled. He knows exactly what he's doing - it always happens when either his team's in trouble, or when he's being snuffed out of the game by a good defender. Each time he's been caught biting (and I emphasize the word 'caught' because I have little doubt that he's done it more than 3 times, but that it's either gone unnoticed, or there's been no conclusive proof), it's clearly been done to get a reaction from the defender, after which Suarez throws himself to the ground, feigns injury, and claims he's been elbowed. There's nothing uncontrolled about that. Also, with his other nasty fouls (which is a compilation video on youtube), he always looks to see where the ref is/that he's looking the other way, before he stamps on a player's foot/ankle, or rakes his studs down a player's calf. Instantly, up go his hands and his face contorts into a 'shock/horror' expression, as he pleads innocence/accident. And it's the same thing every time. There's nothing uncontrolled about that, either. I hope that FIFA will throw him out of the World Cup immediately, because I seriously doubt that the Uruguay NT coach, or their FA will have the honesty, or courage to do it themselves (because with him gone, so goes any chance they have of winning the thing). I hope that the UK media now hounds him out of the country, and that the refs do their bit by consistently punishing him. He should be under total scrutiny. Now I'm just waiting for a statement from the Liverpool camp which
Agreed, I think it's one of his many "rile up/unsettle the rival defender" tactics. I think that's part of the game, but this particular one he should have dropped a long time ago.

Red Rebel

New Member
Jan 2, 2014
Then they should let Suarez wipe his arse on the Fair Play flag they parade before every game.
Fifa more interested in Fair Pay than Fair Play - their sponsors will call the shots - this is the organisation that gave Qatar the world cup.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
There seems to be a few of you underestimating the ramifications of this. My friend works at a school just outside of Manchester and told me three stories about Liverpool "fans" in his school today.


No. 1 was a little young lad in year 7. He'd been supporting Liverpool this year because they play "well good and stuff". He supported Chelsea last year, but comes from a spoiled background and always changes his team. Well guess what. He's changed again. He apparently come in today in a full Man United strip. He said he "couldn't support a team with such abhorrent morals" and that "Suarez exemplifies a child not accustomed to getting his own way" So thanks Suarez, you've just boosted Man United's coffers by 100.00. At a conservative estimate, if one lad per school changes allegiances to United he'll have gained hundreds of thousands of pounds.


No. 2 was a bit older. Just about to start his GCSE's. He doesn't seem that interested in football, but apparently his Dad pushes him into it. His Father has often come to parents evenings in full Liverpool kit an threatened to "Knock out" anyone who claims Lucas isn't the best Brazillian player in the world. Once a little lad went around his house and he had a photo of Suarez hanging in the dining room, this is right after he bit Ivanovic. Well today it was boiling hot apparently yet his boy was the only one with his blazer on. My mate told him to take it off as he was sweating and apparently he looked ridiculous. Eventually he had taken it off to reveal his Dad had written "Suarez - 7" on his back in permanent marker. All of the other kids started laughing. Someone called him a "biting bastard". This lad was popular before and now apparently he's a social outcast. He isn't allowed to stop supporting Liverpool because of his Dad but as a result he's lost all his friends.


No. 3 is the worst. Lovely lad apparently, just finished year 10. Fantastic footballer. School captain and has played for both United and City reserves. Playing football today on the all weather he tried to get around a defender, got tackled and bit him. The other players played on as if it was normal, but the teacher on duty was shocked.

"What do you think you're doing lad?!?!"

"Sir it's ok, we all bite now. If Suarez can do it, why can't we"
Apparently all the other kids agreed. They all thought it was acceptable because Suarez had done it before and not got properly punished. "We only aren't racist because you're here Sir"

Well at this point the teacher was shocked and got the child to go inside. He had to phone home and suspend him. The boy couldn't believe he'd done anything wrong. He watched Suarez on MOTD and assumed it was ok in football. Rumours are he'll be expelled and have to go to a school down the road which specialises in expelled students. A whole life ruined.


And this is from just ONE school. So yeah talk of a 4 match ban is ridiculous. He should be banned for the full 2 years.


New Member
Apr 2, 2008
South Wales
retaliation is looked upon badly usually
It's less retaliation and more of a reflex to lash out a little when someone bites you.

You only get a three match ban for breaking a player's leg.
You don't get banned for breaking someone's leg, you get banned for receiving a red card for serious foul play. People need to realise that the consequence of an action don't necessarily make an action wrong or immoral. A perfectly innocent tackle can sometimes result in a broken leg while an overly aggressive, violent assault with intent to harm might not injure anyone but would still warrant a red card (and sometimes even a harsher punishment). Biting someone certainly falls under overly aggressive with intent to harm.
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Last Newbie Standing
Jun 29, 2008
Anywhere but Liverpool
Repetition certainly makes it really bad, but I think all this situation would be worse if Suárez had attacked someone in the crowd yesterday.
Just to clarify "this situation would be worse if Suárez had attacked someone in the crowd yesterday in response to a racist running down from the stands to scream racist words toward him"

I'm by no means condoning what Cantona did. He deserved the ban.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
The Italians were always into pinching.
That's what I found absolutely hilarious about it all. The Italians complaining about underhand tactics... and the world rallying behind them. You couldn't make it up :lol:


New Member
Jun 25, 2014
I disagree that Suarez has a psychological disorder (although he should get help), me personally, I think all of his actions so far that have been deliberate and controlled. He knows exactly what he's doing
Absolutely. I also coudn't be arsed if he got help or not.

If this was a sign of some uncontrollable rage how has he managed to only do it three times in the past four or five seasons? All those matches in that time for Ajax, Liverpool and Uruguay. All with their own ups and downs and pressures. Yet for 99% of the time he managed to keep his teeth to himself. Sounds like he has pretty good self control. He just mixes up his offences based on the situation. He's not some feral young man who was raised by wolves who doesn't understand that it's wrong to bite someone when you're frustrated. 3 times in 4 years. Calculated. Also dumb desperate and despicable.

Gandalf Greyhame

If in doubt, follow your nose!
Dec 7, 2013
Red Card for Casemiro!
Disciplinary proceedings opened against Luis Suarez

FIFA can confirm that disciplinary proceedings have been opened against the player Luis Suarez of Uruguay following an apparent breach of art. 48 and/or art. 57 of the FIFA Disciplinary Code during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ match Italy-Uruguay played on 24 June 2014. The player and/or the Uruguayan FA are invited to provide with their position and any documentary evidence they deem relevant until 25 June 2014, 5pm, Brasilia time.

According to art. 77 lit. a of the FIFA Disciplinary Code (FDC), the FIFA Disciplinary Committee is responsible for sanctioning serious infringements which have escaped the match officials’ attention. Furthermore, according to art. 96 of the FDC, any type of proof may be produced (par. 1), in particular are admissible, reports from referees, declarations from the parties and witnesses, material evidence, audio or video recordings (par. 3).


New Member
Mar 29, 2014
One element of this that I've barely seen brought up is the issue of hygiene and the basic human right of others not to have their own health risked by being bitten by another human being. Serious diseases can be transmitted by biting, and Suarez has no right to potentially expose other professionals to that risk.

I know that the above may sound overly simplistic, but I feel that the sheer simplicity of how potentially dangerous being bitten is, is being lost in all of the surrounding chaos and different agendas being pushed.

Suarez has no right to put other players in a situation where they're attacked and potentially forced to swap bodily fluids with him during a match. This is a serious breach of professional conduct - to the point of it almost being surreal.

In fact, I think the 'out there' nature of Suarez' transgressions adds a humorous angle when looking at the incidents, but in reality, there's nothing funny about being bitten against your will by another adult human. It's a serious infringement. And odder still - it's an intimate infringement.

I think those defending Suarez (those who seem to be solely Liverpool, Barca or Uruguay fans) will be surprised by the length of the ban this time.

I think FIFA will quite rightly come down hard on this, and Suarez will be looking at no less than a year out of the game - club and country.


Full Member
Jun 17, 2011
Repetition certainly makes it really bad, but I think all this situation would be worse if Suárez had attacked someone in the crowd yesterday.
I think if a Suarez had been racially provoked, by a player or a fan, then there would have been more sympathy. However in this case it's a cnut being a cnut.


Last Newbie Standing
Jun 29, 2008
Anywhere but Liverpool
Approximately 10%-15% of human bite wounds become infected because of multiple factors. The bacterial inoculum of human bite wounds is rich in oral flora, containing as many as 100 million organisms per milliliter that represent as many as 190 different species. Many of these are anaerobes that flourish in the low redox environment of tartar that lies between human teeth or in areas of gingivitis. Moreover, most of these injuries occur on the hands, and hand wounds of any cause have a higher infection rate than do similar wounds in other anatomic locations. (See Pathophysiology and Etiology.)

These infections are often far advanced by the time they receive appropriate care. Patients often wait until infection is well established before seeking medical treatment. Wounds that are reevaluated are frequently more extensive than estimated on initial examination by the inexperienced observer and are frequently managed inadequately. (See Prognosis, Presentation, Treatment, and Medication.)

Human bites have been shown to transmit hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes simplex virus (HSV), syphilis, tuberculosis, actinomycosis, and tetanus.

Evidence suggests that it is biologically possible to transmit the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through human bites, although this is quite unlikely. (See Pathophysiology, Presentation, and Workup.)

The goals of therapy are to minimize possible soft tissue deformity and to prevent or appropriately treat infection. Recognition of the high risk of infectious complications and early aggressive treatment are mandatory to prevent serious wound infection and its associated complications. (See Prognosis, Treatment, and Medication.)

The Purley King

Full Member
Mar 26, 2014
I was someone who thought that the handball in the Ghana game was completely fine. He was sent off and a penalty was given. End of story. Anyone remember Solksjaer's tackle on I can't remember who from a while ago when they were through on goal? Same sort of thing imo - take one for the team........

Biting is completely different. The English media probably do go over the top on occasion, but who else goes around biting people on a regular basis? They should throw the book at him and I hope that we get a media frenzy over this as sadly, sponsors noticing the negative publicity and putting pressure on FIFA to make an example of him is the only thing they will take notice of.
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all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
All this talk of Cantona and others is a waste of time & a smokescreen; the only precedents that are relevant are the Ivanovic incident & the 'Ajax' one.


Last Newbie Standing
Jun 29, 2008
Anywhere but Liverpool
I was someone who thought that the handball in the Ghana game was completely fine. He was sent off and a penalty was given. End of story. Anyone remember Solksjaer's tackle on I can't remember who from a while ago when they were through on goal? Same sort of thing imo - take one for the team........

Biting is completely different. The English media probably do go over the top on occasion, but who else goes around biting people on a regular basis? They should throw the book at him and I hope that we get a media frenzy over this as sadly, sponsors noticing the negative publicity and putting pressure on FIFA to make an example of him is the only thing they will take notice of.
I've never understood the reaction to the handball. I hate the guy but not for that. I think most pros would have done it. The celebrations caught on tape were perhaps not in best taste.


New Member
May 5, 2013
I was someone who thought that the handball in the Ghana game was completely fine. He was sent off and a penalty was given. End of story. Anyone remember Solksjaer's tackle on I can't remember who from a while ago when they were through on goal? Same sort of thing imo - take one for the team........
Agree with that. The way he celebrated afterwards was a bit tasteless, though.


Last Newbie Standing
Jun 29, 2008
Anywhere but Liverpool
In all seriousness, the Italian FA should request that a test is done on Suarez for various viral infections. They'll never get to the bottom of any subsequent bacterial infections of the wound.


Full Member
May 19, 2006
I'm not affronted, he is a fecking idiot, I've spelt it out enough times. I'm more pissed off than any one of you because he quite clearly has let himself and the side down, putting our chances on the line on a stupid and unnecessary act.

I do however find biting is suddenly almost like beheading someone, people wanting bans until a psychologist guarantees he won't bite anyone... Maybe Roy Keane, Dennis Wise, Michael Brown, Ben Thatcher, etc should have had similar treatment since they did far far more dangerous things. It's blown out of proportion. I agree FIFA should ban him, and maybe take into account it's a repeat if they regard it as their remit, just like with any assault cases. I think missing 4 games will do more than enough damage in terms of him having to have a rethink about it all.

I only just saw the Tabarez press conference but, as I was saying earlier, fecking predictable. Three English reporters start asking him about Suarez, biting and suspensions. Last time he met a press conference in the same conditions was in South Africa after Ghana and he was well and truly pissed off that instead of celebrating victory after 120 minutes of twists and turns and penos it all was about that single incident and some sort of moral issue around it. I'm not surprised at his reaction, particularly since he said he hadn't seen it and, frankly, no one at the stadium noticed it and there was no talk about it outside the stadium until about half and hour or more after the game. I can see why he started pointing fingers and saying he would support him to the end.

Lugano is a different cup of tea. The way he plays he thinks that is part and parcel of the defender/striker contest. Football is for gladiators and all that. I like that competitive side of football but sometimes you have to draw the line somewhere. Yes, Chiellini is a twat and acting like a bad loser because that was not the defining moment of the game in any shape or form, but Suarez should know better and can blame no one but himself. He could do with hearing that from his captain, at least privately.

Ultimately, there's no room for them to do any public condemnation, so I'd rather they shut up, get on with it (and any suspension) and handle it internally/privately.
Agree the life ban talk is a bit silly. But the silliness stems from the sheer grotesqueness of the act. You're seriously underestimating the madness of biting someone -there's a reason why vampires are featured in horror films. Cannibalism is moral anathema in every culture in the world so this was never going to be swept under the carpet. Roy Keane et al did more dangerous things but they usually had some relationship to the game of football -late or mistimed tackles. Biting someone is just fecking weird and hence the fuss.


Jan 7, 2009
The British press have an agenda against Suarez.

The same British press that voted him their player of the year last year. :wenger:

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
In all seriousness, the Italian FA should request that a test is done on Suarez for various viral infections. They'll never get to the bottom of any subsequent bacterial infections of the wound.
All human bites will result in a bacterial infection if the skin is broken. Quite nasty ones, too.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
The problem is tracking it. Many are near impossible to grow and infection can take a long time to become evident. The tests for viruses are far easier and positives are usually far more worrying.
I'm sure if the skin was broken the Italian team's doctors would've put the fellow on a course of amoxi/clav right away. Standard procedure for any bite, really.