Suarez bites | "sorry for falling into him and biting him and that"


Full Member
Apr 7, 2011
Wonderful. The Times are reporting that we're considering filing a lawsuit.
Not sure what the thinking is there.

Legal action against Suarez I can see, as he'll expect about £3.5 million in wages for not playing, representing the club commercially or training whilst he is banned, but Fifa? No case there at all. Suyarez is responsible for the ban, suarez is responsible for Liverpool not having their player. Suarez is the one to go after legally.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
I'd understand Liverpool's outrage if this was the first time he bit someone (although only barely). As it is his third proven offense they are free to hand him a ban as long as they want to in my opinion - he's had his chance to set himself straight and it's only his fault he hasn't.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Not sure what the thinking is there.

Legal action against Suarez I can see, as he'll expect about £3.5 million in wages for not playing, representing the club commercially or training whilst he is banned, but Fifa? No case there at all. Suyarez is responsible for the ban, suarez is responsible for Liverpool not having their player. Suarez is the one to go after legally.
Funny thing in all this is that Liverpool are yet to blame him for anything he's done. They have supported him in his misconduct all along.


Contributes to username and tagline changes
Jan 17, 2009
YESHHHHH, We'll GOOO for it.
Difference between United and Liverpool.

Cantona commits an abhorrent act, gets banned, United then add on a further ban to teach him a lesson.

Suarez commits several abhhorent acts, this the 3rd time he's bitten someone and biting isn't his only dirty acts, gets banned, Liverpool want to appeal the ban and get him playing again dragging their own name further through the mud.

Liverpool really need to learn when one of their own has actually done something wrong and it's not the world just trying to "bring them down".
To be fair, I'm sure we'd have punished Cantona, but it wasn't a he said/he didn't say thing. Also, we punished him for 4 months expecting FA not to add any more ban time, but they did and pissed off Fergie. Liverpool are right to feel aggrieved about paying Suarez for this 4 months time though, they are welcome to contest that.


Full Member
Oct 3, 2009
Bay Area
I almost feel sorry for Liverpool. Until i remember the T shirts.
Or remember that they signed him whilst he was banned for biting Otmann Bakkal. Then pretended he was the victim when he racially abused Evra. Then stood by him when he bit Ivanovic. No doubt they will stand by him yet again, given that he's not actually done it in a Liverpool shirt. Fact is, since 2010 or whenever the stat says, he's been banned 34 games. Incredible.


New Member
May 5, 2013
Seriously Liverpool should get rid of him. I'm not sure who will buy him now but Suarez is hurting their reputation aswell.


New Member
Mar 29, 2014
It's very hard to separate the two given Suarez and the media have been banging on about the English press for years. That's precisely why I dislike the viciousness of some of the small print here: not being allowed to train, enter stadiums, and told to leave the Uruguay camp immediately (and thus Brazil and the WC as he can't go into stadiums either). It does have a degree of bile I've never seen in bans, it does seem to get pretty fecking personal, and I wouldn't be surprised if people put two and two together and get five.
Those 'add ons' are there because FIFA wants to put him completely out of the picture for the duration of the ban.

He's committed a vile, illegal (lest we forget that little detail) act on the biggest stage in world football and FIFA quite rightly wants him, and his presence completely removed from football until he's eligible to play again.

What choice do they have given his and the Uruguayan F.A's behaviour since his latest disgrace? It's quite clear that they'll do absolutely anything to gain any kind of advantage on an opponent, and it's also clear that no-one within the Uruguay set up is willing to show even the beginnings of remorse and are quite happy to whip up bitterness and a siege mentality within the Uruguayan public, who, with all due respect, don't seem entirely 'balanced' on this issue.

Goodness knows what scenes would follow if they banned him but allowed him to loiter around for the rest of the tournament. He and the Uruguay F.A are capable of literally any kind one-up-manship and seem to possess absolutely nothing resembling sportsmanship. I'm sure we'd be looking at scenes that would end up over-shadowing this absolutely great tournament - as has almost happened already!

Kudos to FIFA for acting swiftly and soundly booting this awful behaviour - both from Suarez and the Uruguayan F.A - firmly out of this World Cup.

And for all the bizarre attacks on the English F.A and media, people should just remember the treatment that Beckham, Rooney, Graham Taylor etc got at their hands and actually realise that considering just how utterly disgusting Suarez' behaviour has been since he turned up in our league - he's actually been treated more lightly than we treat our own!


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
the shame is the way it has been reported and perceived (not just now but since 2010), the influence of the English media would be the source of that vendetta and not FIFA politics..
Surely there's some reporting in Uruguay pointing out that FIFA hate the English media?

Fwiw I agree that some of the small print is weird. He's not infected. I mean, if he had rabies the stadium ban might make some sense...

Borat Sagdiyev

Full Member
Jun 23, 2014
Cambridge, MA
Difference between United and Liverpool.

Cantona commits an abhorrent act, gets banned, United then add on a further ban to teach him a lesson.

Suarez commits several abhhorent acts, this the 3rd time he's bitten someone and biting isn't his only dirty acts, gets banned, Liverpool want to appeal the ban and get him playing again dragging their own name further through the mud.

Liverpool really need to learn when one of their own has actually done something wrong and it's not the world just trying to "bring them down".
Really all that needs to be said.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
Those 'add ons' are there because FIFA wants to put him completely out of the picture for the duration of the ban.

He's committed a vile, illegal (lest we forget that little detail) act on the biggest stage in world football and FIFA quite rightly wants him, and his presence completely removed from football until he's eligible to play again.

What choice do they have given his and the Uruguayan F.A's behaviour since his latest disgrace? It's quite clear that they'll do absolutely anything to gain any kind of advantage on an opponent, and it's also clear that no-one within the Uruguay set up is willing to show even the beginnings of remorse and are quite happy to whip up bitterness and a siege mentality within the Uruguayan public, who, with all due respect, don't seem entirely 'balanced' on this issue.

Goodness knows what scenes would follow if they banned him but allowed him to loiter around for the rest of the tournament. He and the Uruguay F.A are capable of literally any kind one-up-manship and seem to possess absolutely nothing resembling sportsmanship. I'm sure we'd be looking at scenes that would end up over-shadowing this absolutely great tournament - as has almost happened already!

Kudos to FIFA for acting swiftly and soundly booting this awful behaviour - both from Suarez and the Uruguayan F.A - firmly out of this World Cup.

And for all the bizarre attacks on the English F.A and media, people should just remember the treatment that Beckham, Rooney, Graham Taylor etc got at their hands and actually realise that considering just how utterly disgusting Suarez' behaviour has been since he turned up in our league - he's actually been treated more lightly than we treat our own!
Fair points as far as him not being in the stadiums during the World Cup is concerned. Still doens't explain why he can't stick around with the team in their training camp, nor why during the four months he is banned from playing for Liverpool he is also barred from training with them. That's a pretty fecking ridiculous concept and I frankly have no recollection of FIFA or any FA banning someone from training at his club. Clubs take that sort of action, not ruling bodies.

I don't give a shit about Liverpool, but can't you see how that sort of extraordinary exacting detail in his ban supports people thinking something is off here?


gently, down the stream
Feb 27, 2007
He obviously doesn't have an excuse and deserve to be punished. But the reaction of the English media and English people (at least on the internet) is far more ridiculous than the reaction of the uruguayans.

Trying to demonize the guy as the worst thing ever happened in football is just a huge exaggeration, even worst trying to act as if the uruguayans are a morally "bankrupt" nation for defending the guy, but it seems to me like it happens in every world cup, the english are going to find a scapegoat to hide their own frustrations after every tournament (Maradona, Beckham, Ronaldo, Rooney, now Suarez) trying to apply a twisted and surreal moral standar to the rest of the world.

This Suarez guy has issues and needs professional help, but to think the English are the ones in a possition to judge him and a whole nation for the recent events is just laughable.
You have some issues with "English" people. I'll leave the various generalizations aside as I dont want to get into specifics as it will distract from my main point: Your issues come from yourself. You're overly defensive for whatever personal reasons, and this is causing you to make some fairly aggressive and innaccurate accusations about an entire nationality. One of the ironies of when people attack Englishness is that English people don't really offence. Think about why that is, rather than taking it as a license to make snide and inflammatory comments. Like I said, your issues lie within yourself, dont take to the internet ranting and raving about how the bad guys from another country are to blame.


New Member
Nov 27, 2012
I understand all the outrage considering biting another play is just such a bizarre thing to do, let alone three times, but still... I think this ban is quite.. excessive. (I'm not a Liverpool supporter just to be clear). I'm sure this has been discussed at some point in this thread but I couldn't see it in the last pages so sorry if I'm being redundant but.. say, a player elbows another three times in a couple of years time, there is simply no way it would lead to this kind of outrage and punishment. Is it simply because the biting is so bizarre that it's like this? cause is it really that much worse than other obscene things that sometimes happen on the pitch?
There definitely needs to be serious punishment, but I can't help but feel this is over the top..


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
Surely there's some reporting in Uruguay pointing out that FIFA hate the English media?
Nope. The Embassy have their work cut out dealing with this. The Ambassador is a top guy though, I'm sure he will handle it well.

One thing that didn't help was some MP lashing out at him after the England game, that set all thhat pparanoia in motion even before the biting incident.

Fwiw I agree that some of the small print is weird. He's not infected. I mean, if he had rabies the stadium ban might make some sense...
I think Jupiter had a point re: eliminating the distraction during the tourno. Him not being able to be at the next 9 Uruguay games is a bit weird though, takes you well into 2015 that. Surely no one gives a shit if Suarez attends an NT game in Feb 2015?


New Member
Nov 27, 2012
Also, but that's I guess a whole other discussion, I do find it disturbing that this act, which had basically zero affect on the outcome of the game, is treated this way, whereas had he gained a penalty by diving, thereby directly influencing the outcome of the game, it would simply be ignored (as in no retroactive punishment). But I guess everybody agrees that's just stupid.


Asked for his wife's permission before signing up
Mar 5, 2013
He only has himself to blame. It's simple, if he didn't bite someone, he would be playing. It's his fault. Can't fault the punishment.

Phil Duck

New Member
Feb 4, 2014
You have some issues with "English" people. I'll leave the various generalizations aside as I dont want to get into specifics as it will distract from my main point: Your issues come from yourself. You're overly defensive for whatever personal reasons, and this is causing you to make some fairly aggressive and innaccurate accusations about an entire nationality. One of the ironies of when people attack Englishness is that English people don't really offence. Think about why that is, rather than taking it as a license to make snide and inflammatory comments. Like I said, your issues lie within yourself, dont take to the internet ranting and raving about how the bad guys from another country are to blame.
I did exactly what some people were doing towards uruguayans at the time of my posts, It was a response rather than an accusation.


Contributes to username and tagline changes
Jan 17, 2009
YESHHHHH, We'll GOOO for it.
RAWK Doc says
You see, and you might not agree, but Luis Suarez is the victim of this scenario. He's been let down and failed by the footballing authorities who should be doing their utmost to protect him. In every other democratic society the judicial process would look at why a person is repeat offending and try to counteract those reasons. Most judicial process are about rehabilitation and preventing reoffending. They don't always work, you get repeat reoffenders in every walk of life but we have seen that Suarez does have the potential for rehabilitation.

How do we know this? From last season. After he bit Ivanovic his conduct on the pitch was exemplary, he started to rebuild his reputation in the country where he had had so much controversy in his short stay here and people were starting to praise him for his footballing ability rather than his conduct. Liverpool Football Club and Brendan Rodgers should take a lot of the plaudits for that. Throughout the whole of his ban for biting Ivanovic and throughout the season I believe Suarez was a regular member of Dr Steve Peters, who we all know is one of the leading Sports Psychiatrists in the world. The club realised that he needed help, he needed rehabilitation, it worked and I find it no surprise it did with the help he quite clearly needs. I'm also not surprised that his conduct whilst away with Uruguay at this World Cup has deteriorated, first with him punching a player and then biting Chiellini again.

The issue here is that FIFA have just looked at his punishment, thinking that that is deterrent enough to stop him doing it in future. They took his past indiscretions into account as well so they definitely know that to Luis Suarez the punishment isn't a deterrent. 3 incidents, over 30 matches missed due to them. So what else are they doing to ensure it doesn't happen again in the future? Well...nothing. Pay your fine, miss your matches, that'll learn ya. No rehabilitation protocol, no orders that he must regularly seen a psychiatrist to help keep him on the straight and narrow, nothing. The FA were there same. The Uruguayan FA are equally complicit in that they see he has done nothing wrong. Nobody here is looking out to help Luis Suarez get over his problems and keep himself 'clean'. Apart from the people who have helped him, Liverpool FC, who have sought rehabilitation. They get punished as well for up to 13 matches.

So you see, Luis Suarez is a victim. He's a victim of a lack of care from those who should be looking after him the most.

FFS. Pissing myself here.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
I'm also not surprised that his conduct whilst away with Uruguay at this World Cup has deteriorated, first with him punching a player and then biting Chiellini again.
He is missing the not insignificant point of Suárez having spent a month injured and trying to regain fitness in what was effectively knockout games. What he lacked in fitness he tried to make up in some other way, it's what he has always done, that's how he has always ended up in hot water.

After his enforced rest last Summer he came into the season all guns blazing, the unfit/behind the pace situation never emerged. Watch him do the exact same thing when he comes back (so long as he gets to train properly, somehow, in his garden or somewhere FIFA allows him to). It will have nothing to do with him being at Liverpool or with the Uruguay NT and everything to do with his fitness levels being such that he doesn't feel the need to resort to this sort of stuff to "close the gap".


Full Member
Nov 12, 2008
Reichenbach Falls
RAWK Doc says
You see, and you might not agree, but Luis Suarez is the victim of this scenario. He's been let down and failed by the footballing authorities who should be doing their utmost to protect him. In every other democratic society the judicial process would look at why a person is repeat offending and try to counteract those reasons. Most judicial process are about rehabilitation and preventing reoffending. They don't always work, you get repeat reoffenders in every walk of life but we have seen that Suarez does have the potential for rehabilitation.

How do we know this? From last season. After he bit Ivanovic his conduct on the pitch was exemplary, he started to rebuild his reputation in the country where he had had so much controversy in his short stay here and people were starting to praise him for his footballing ability rather than his conduct. Liverpool Football Club and Brendan Rodgers should take a lot of the plaudits for that. Throughout the whole of his ban for biting Ivanovic and throughout the season I believe Suarez was a regular member of Dr Steve Peters, who we all know is one of the leading Sports Psychiatrists in the world. The club realised that he needed help, he needed rehabilitation, it worked and I find it no surprise it did with the help he quite clearly needs. I'm also not surprised that his conduct whilst away with Uruguay at this World Cup has deteriorated, first with him punching a player and then biting Chiellini again.

The issue here is that FIFA have just looked at his punishment, thinking that that is deterrent enough to stop him doing it in future. They took his past indiscretions into account as well so they definitely know that to Luis Suarez the punishment isn't a deterrent. 3 incidents, over 30 matches missed due to them. So what else are they doing to ensure it doesn't happen again in the future? Well...nothing. Pay your fine, miss your matches, that'll learn ya. No rehabilitation protocol, no orders that he must regularly seen a psychiatrist to help keep him on the straight and narrow, nothing. The FA were there same. The Uruguayan FA are equally complicit in that they see he has done nothing wrong. Nobody here is looking out to help Luis Suarez get over his problems and keep himself 'clean'. Apart from the people who have helped him, Liverpool FC, who have sought rehabilitation. They get punished as well for up to 13 matches.

So you see, Luis Suarez is a victim. He's a victim of a lack of care from those who should be looking after him the most.

FFS. Pissing myself here.
They're all fecking doolally on that site.

Borat Sagdiyev

Full Member
Jun 23, 2014
Cambridge, MA
RAWK Doc says
You see, and you might not agree, but Luis Suarez is the victim of this scenario. He's been let down and failed by the footballing authorities who should be doing their utmost to protect him. In every other democratic society the judicial process would look at why a person is repeat offending and try to counteract those reasons. Most judicial process are about rehabilitation and preventing reoffending. They don't always work, you get repeat reoffenders in every walk of life but we have seen that Suarez does have the potential for rehabilitation.

How do we know this? From last season. After he bit Ivanovic his conduct on the pitch was exemplary, he started to rebuild his reputation in the country where he had had so much controversy in his short stay here and people were starting to praise him for his footballing ability rather than his conduct. Liverpool Football Club and Brendan Rodgers should take a lot of the plaudits for that. Throughout the whole of his ban for biting Ivanovic and throughout the season I believe Suarez was a regular member of Dr Steve Peters, who we all know is one of the leading Sports Psychiatrists in the world. The club realised that he needed help, he needed rehabilitation, it worked and I find it no surprise it did with the help he quite clearly needs. I'm also not surprised that his conduct whilst away with Uruguay at this World Cup has deteriorated, first with him punching a player and then biting Chiellini again.

The issue here is that FIFA have just looked at his punishment, thinking that that is deterrent enough to stop him doing it in future. They took his past indiscretions into account as well so they definitely know that to Luis Suarez the punishment isn't a deterrent. 3 incidents, over 30 matches missed due to them. So what else are they doing to ensure it doesn't happen again in the future? Well...nothing. Pay your fine, miss your matches, that'll learn ya. No rehabilitation protocol, no orders that he must regularly seen a psychiatrist to help keep him on the straight and narrow, nothing. The FA were there same. The Uruguayan FA are equally complicit in that they see he has done nothing wrong. Nobody here is looking out to help Luis Suarez get over his problems and keep himself 'clean'. Apart from the people who have helped him, Liverpool FC, who have sought rehabilitation. They get punished as well for up to 13 matches.

So you see, Luis Suarez is a victim. He's a victim of a lack of care from those who should be looking after him the most.

FFS. Pissing myself here.
Holy sheet. I'm dying.


Contributes to username and tagline changes
Jan 17, 2009
YESHHHHH, We'll GOOO for it.
He is missing the not insignificant point of Suárez having spent a month injured and trying to regain fitness in what was effectively knockout games. What he lacked in fitness he tried to make up in some other way, it's what he has always done, that's how he has always ended up in hot water.

After his enforced rest last Summer he came into the season all guns blazing, the unfit/behind the pace situation never emerged. Watch him do the exact same thing when he comes back (so long as he gets to train properly, somehow, in his garden or somewhere FIFA allows him to). It will have nothing to do with him being at Liverpool or with the Uruguay NT and everything to do with his fitness levels being such that he doesn't feel the need to resort to this sort of stuff to "close the gap".
At the end of the day, when Suarez is frustrated and he loses his head, he does something silly. Outlandish tackle, dive or in serious frustration, takes a bite. I don't think he puts a whole of thinking in it, and tries to get anything out of it. Once he does it, he does the 'Oh I'm injured too', once he realises what he has done. Only Suarez can say for certain, but he's only got himself to blame. Other Uruguayans can drink the same drink he's drinking, but I'm sure there are a lot of level headed people in the good country of Uruguay who think Suarez is a proper nutter, like how many in England don't give a feck about him.

It's all this emotional bitching from a furious few, who whip up this unwanted passion and the press who fan the flames. I can't see how English Media is culpable here, or any media. Move on, there's nothing to discuss here.


New Member
Dec 21, 2013
I went to RAWK just to laugh at the what the posters said there. Plenty of them wonder why their club is getting punished too. They fail to realize that Suarez is the one being punished, and that he just so happens to play for them. FIFA wants him out of football for 4 months(?) and I think that's a fair punishment. I wouldn't have been surprised if he was banned longer, really.

Suarez is world class, but he's just too crazy.


Make America Great Again!
Jun 6, 2013
Home of the 2015 World Cup Champions
It's as if Uruguay as a nation are living in their own fantasy world.
Can you imagine a scenario where someone actually took full responsibility? Why does it never happen?

"Look, I am sorry, I bit Chiellini and then I pretended he hit me and I rolled around on the ground. I was wrong. It was intentional and it was 100% my fault and he didn't deserve to be bitten. I have a problem and I can't control myself. There is no excuse, I have a bad temper and I lash out at people. I am trying to get help and treatment. I am grateful to my friends at the Uruguayan FA but they don't have to cover for me any more. I did it and I'm the one who should be punished. YAWN."

It would have actually helped his case.


New Member
Dec 21, 2013
Can you imagine a scenario where someone actually took full responsibility? Why does it never happen?

"Look, I am sorry, I bit Chiellini and then I pretended he hit me and I rolled around on the ground. I was wrong. It was intentional and it was 100% my fault and he didn't deserve to be bitten. I have a problem and I can't control myself. There is no excuse, I have a bad temper and I lash out at people. I am trying to get help and treatment. I am grateful to my friends at the Uruguayan FA but they don't have to cover for me any more. I did it and I'm the one who should be punished. YAWN."

It would have actually helped his case.
That would actually be a good thing to see for once.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
I do find some of the stuff around the ban kind of bizarre and humorous (not allowed to train or enter a football stadium? :lol:) but the general length of ban is pretty lenient to me. I expected a year long total football ban. I don't think that would have been over the top at all.

I've heard/read Liverpool supporters on both sides of the argument. The ones defending Suarez really are clutching at straws to say the very least. I had to take a break from reading their shite when I came across about how Uruguay are responsible for not 'caring' for Suarez (like Liverpool apparently do) so that he wouldn't re-offend with them. Weird, weird folk.


Make America Great Again!
Jun 6, 2013
Home of the 2015 World Cup Champions
but the general length of ban is pretty lenient to me. I expected a year long total football ban. I don't think that would have been over the top at all
While I agree, I didn't have much expectation that FIFA would actually do anything substantial, or so quickly.

It's a reasonable punishment, except for the part about him getting paid while he is banned. Surely that can't be true? Suspended without pay for cause, I would think?


Full Member
Sep 11, 2004
Early '80s Stretty
I laughed at the Uruguayans because they are ridiculous and simultanouesly hilarious. You took that as an opportunity to call me a coward and express your disgust. And now you happen to find the same thing hilarious.

You are all over the place.
Okay, look, I'll spell it out one last time: the actions of Liverpool Football Club, in not only defending Suarez for his racist abuse of Evra but in their attempts to besmirch Evra's name in the process, along with all the other times I've listened to or read of Liverpool fans somehow denying or minimizing the seriousness of Suarez's transgressions, have sickened me to my stomach. You (collectively—not speaking individually here, which perhaps is the mistake you're making, thinking I'm addressing this only to you) have looked the other way, making weaksauce excuses like "Evra moved his hand slightly in the lineup" and "how bad is a bite compared to [fill in other transgression]?" or "Sir Alex has colluded with the FA," all because you wanted to keep this nutbar at your club, because you are bitterly consumed with hatred and envy of United's last twenty years and you saw him as possibly levelling that playing field. That, my friend, is moral cowardice. As for hilarious, I already said I am joyful the whole world got to see the measure of this "man" on the game's biggest stage. Can you follow that now? That the two things are not mutually exclusive, and that this is a feeling of vindication, having argued with his apologists in the past.

Oh, and I say this as someone who valued the rivalry between our clubs, as someone who was utterly dismayed by the t-shirt stunt, seeing Dalglish lose his dignity completely and your club tarnish its good name. I was never a hater. The actions of LFC and the deluded and spineless straw-clutching of many of its fans, both on and offline, have shifted something for me, and I wish nothing but continued failure on you now. Because it will be deserved.

Is that clear now? :)


Full Member
Jan 9, 2014
He should be given a psychiatric evaluation as well, clearly he is sick in the head if he has to bite people on the pitch for no apparent reason. One of the most talented players i have ever seen without a doubt but he is one crazy guy.

I wonder if he will get that dream move to Spain now? Cant really see Barca or Madrid forking out Bale money on him now seeing as he just shot himself in the foot with his behaviour on the pitch.