Rule, Shakesania, Shakesania rules the waves!
@Shakesy has claimed naval hegemony by having a fleet of over 500 ships and possessing the most heavy ships in the game. The naval hegemony several, but one crucial buff for colonial nations: -20% liberty desire in subjects. This is especially important for those with vast colonial empires, as it redudes the chance of them rebelling or being coerced into rebellion by foreign powers. We've seen several unsuccessful attempts at powers initiating rebellions in their rivals colonies so far.
Only the military hegemony remains unclaimed now, which requires a standing army of over 1m troops (not including colonial armies). Only altodevil currently has over 1m troops, but he cannot claim more than one hegemon and already has claimed the economic one. The next closest player to claiming it is PSV, who has a standing army of 500k, then nimic-Simbo with 444k.
In central Europe, the revolution is spreading like wildfire. It has now reached the lands of PSV, RedSky and Organic Potatoes. maniak still resists the revolutionaries, but his country is on fire and has frequent rebellions.
@Crackers is fighting the revolutionary states and has so far vassalised Ruppin.
@hobbers suppressed revolutionary Saxe-Lauenburg, vassalised and soon after annexed them.
In Italy, the revolution spread to
@Organic Potatoes, who overthrew the Serene Republic and replaced its Doge with Consul Organic Potatoes. Revolutionary Venice immediately cancelled its long standing alliance with France. Seeing an opportunity to gain territory,
@RedSky rushed out of his pizza emporium still donning his apron and begun attacking Organic Potatoes with a rolling pin. The Milanese also called in nimic-Simbo and Crackers for shits and giggles.
The war went about as well as you'd expect for the Venetians. RedSky a lot of territory from the war.
And finally, we must end the post on a sombre note. It is with profound sadness that I announce the passing of our Dutch-African player, SilentWitness.
Down the years we have had many fond memories of SilentWitness bravely running away from one danger to the next. But he was unable to escape Great Shakesy's clutches this time. Indeed, I wasn't even aware that Sneakesy Shakesy was annexing him until the pop up popped up. We must say farewell to Sir Robin.
Goodbye, sweet prince