The UK is "different" to Europe...but is it "better"?

? That's never a working class kids diet. No way you get that many slices of ham in a working class sandwich, and not enough Pot noodles and beans on toast.
Also the mustard in the sandwhich. Obviously that should be tomato ketchup (ergh)

I went to open some tesco tomato soup a few days ago but instead opened some tesco baked beans. So I had tomato soup/beans combo.

Really good. 10/10 would recommend.
I think Britain works better than most countries, in a sense. You go to Spain and see how much of a pain in the arse it is to get work done quickly and done right. Even getting a sandwich takes an age. Think of all the half built buildings you've seen too (this is because of a different reason). The post in Germany, or at least Berlin, is pretty awful. I found out quite quickly that if you're expecting something, you have to be happy with a 50/50 chance of receiving it, at least without a load of hassle. Although Germany seems better in most other regards, at least from my view.

A lot of little things just work pretty well here. Yet, the quality of life in my opinion is a fair bit lower than living to a similar standard in the big European countries. I’d much rather live in a lot of places. Hard to say why that is. Maybe it's just an outsiders view, where when you go and live in another country or visit you make sure you make the most of it.

Worth noting I have no idea how well things are done in Northern Europe. Probably much better than here.
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You look at the food the average working-class Brit eats. It can be so bad


Pasta looks nice.

Does any other european country eat this badly.
Wasn't the British diet rated the worst in the world? Only beaten by Tonga or something.
If any of that were true, Brits would have all worn masks and followed government social distancing guidelines during the pandemic.

Not really, because their authorities weren't following the guidelines themselves. Also, a "simpleton" would be more susceptible to not wanting to follow the guidelines imposed by the evil foreign WHO.

@oates Tried to find the article in question, where they specifically compared England and Germany, but can't find it. Found another one though, that might be akin.
The German Tradition of Self-Cultivation (Bildung) and its Historical Meaning
Every country within Europe seems to me to be 'different' and regions within countries different to their neighbours, some have different expertise in varying industries. I think some British see themselves as special, and thus, the country but it is no more special than anywhere else in the World to my mind.

I'd agree.

There is also certain fear of the new/close mindedness about people in the UK. E.g. in my area of work British companies tend to pay 20% more if dealing with our UK branch VS what they would get on the market outside of the UK.
I think 'better' is a ridiculous thing to say about a country. Most places have clear pro's and cons, Britain has loads on both sides but overall it's a pretty nice place to live. So are other European countries, it boils down to cultural differences in the end and you can very rarely compare those objectively.
This is a significant difference. Could you see the current group of British polticians get the free ride they've been given by the British media here in France. No chance.

No because in France the minute you are in power everything you do is suspect and the press will generally be on your back. Though TF1 and the Figaro would be on the conservative side, as always.
To be honest, the perception of the UK that I've picked up for the most part (largely due to the last few years) is that it's like the USA of Europe. Purely general reputation/perception, not necessarily my view. And to clarify, the USA has a garbage reputation and instinctively people dislike the country (which surprisingly is something many don't realize? That most people from other countries don't like them?). Wouldn't say UK is on the same scale, but the USA of Europe is the reputation it has, whether it is true in any way or not.
Far too much UK=England equivalence here. You can all jog in with that shite. The only part of the UK that is going the way of the US is England. You're the folk responsible for Westminster.
Not really, because their authorities weren't following the guidelines themselves. Also, a "simpleton" would be more susceptible to not wanting to follow the guidelines imposed by the evil foreign WHO.

@oates Tried to find the article in question, where they specifically compared England and Germany, but can't find it. Found another one though, that might be akin.
The German Tradition of Self-Cultivation (Bildung) and its Historical Meaning
That's not the reason why Brits are breaking the rules. The vast majority of us don't give a shit about politicians. People here just don't like being told what to do.

It's a point I made here on 13 March 2020 before the first lockdown had even been announced:
They've not accounted for the behaviour science specifically in play in the UK.

If you close schools and lockdown the country right now, masses of people will break curfew. If you don't, they're more likely to lockdown themselves to some degree. And when the official lockdown comes, they're more likely to follow it.

The UK is a uniquely recalcitrant nation. A nation, might I add, that voted for Brexit against its own best interests.

I don't see the coronavirus as a partisan issue. But the sheer number of people bringing up Johnson's name (rather than the Cheif Medical Officer's of the Chief Science Advisor's) suggests that that's what they're thinking about. Let's get it straight, we'd be following the same path even if the Labour party were in power right now.

You also have to remember that this is conservative country (I mean that with both a small 'c' and a big 'C'). The general population wants smaller government, lower taxes and less political interference in everyday lives. This forum is a bit of an echo chamber of leftism, but It's clearly not representative of the nation at large. To see that, simply look at the fact that we've only ever voted for one Labour leader as PM since the 1970s. And that was Tony fecking Blair.
Far too much UK=England equivalence here. You can all jog in with that shite. The only part of the UK that is going the way of the US is England. You're the folk responsible for Westminster.
Far too much England=Home Counties.

Manchester is equidistant to Dublin, Edinburgh and London (about 170 miles to each). We're a city that has 35% Irish heritage and whose popluation at large is one third non-White. The average Manc has almost nothing in common with the ruling class in Westminster. At worst, you could claim some of our ancestors were vicitimised by being told to fight wars in defence of the wealthy landed gentry based in the capital.
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I love the UK, Norway have had good relations with the UK for well over 100 years. There’s also football and the language. However, the UK is a bit shit. Rife with poverty and class differences. You still have the peerage for god’s sake! Luckily you now have the hero you need in our own Sir Marcus Rashford, he’ll save you after he has won us the title and CL.
You look at the food the average working-class Brit eats. It can be so bad


Pasta looks nice.

Does any other european country eat this badly.
I agree. The UK has a weight problem compared to the rest of Europe. You see far more overweight people in the UK than you do in France for example.
Far too much England=Home Counties.

Manchester is equidistant to Dublin, Edinburgh and London (about 170 miles to each). We're a city that has 35% Irish heritage and whose popluation at large is one third non-White. The average Manc has almost nothing in common with the ruling class in Westminster. At worst, you could claim some of their ancestor were vicitimised by being told to fight wars to defend the wealth of the landed gentry based in the capital.
Interesting facts about the denographic in Manchester. Didn’t know it was such a large Irish lineage.
I agree. The UK has a weight problem compared to the rest of Europe. You see far more overweight people in the UK than you do in France for example.

Malta is actually the fattest country in Europe with the UK second fattest. The rest of Europe is catching up. The Southern European countries now have fatter kids than the UK.
Far too much England=Home Counties.

Manchester is equidistant to Dublin, Edinburgh and London (about 170 miles to each). We're a city that has 35% Irish heritage and whose popluation at large is one third non-White. The average Manc has almost nothing in common with the ruling class in Westminster. At worst, you could claim some of our ancestors were vicitimised by being told to fight wars in defence of the wealthy landed gentry based in the capital.
To add some anecdotal oversimplification: the nr 1 and 2 worst places by far that I have ever lived in (and I moved around a lot between addresses in countries in northern and western Europe and provinces in Canada as a student and just after) were two flats in London where I rented a room. Horrible upkeep, cables dangerously in the open, no warm water through the showerhead because of a lack of pressure (in one place).
Comparing different countries in order to say which one is "better" sounds very American.
I always struggle to understand what there is about being born or brought up in a country there is to be proud of. Not ashamed either although in recent times a bit disappointed with some, but not the country. Can you explain what being a Proud Englishman is proud of just out of interest, not criticism?

I would say that I am proud to be British because its is the Nationality that I was born with but now having spent over 30 years living and working in Germany I can see things in the UK that I don´t like for example the constant harping on about the war especially from people who have never even been near one which in this day and age is the majority or this we are Britain we are great maybe once yes but no longer, the Political parties especially when these Eton educated people run the country, people who have never in the life had to try and spin a penny ten times to feed the family because they were born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouth. Added to that

All in all the UK is no different from any other country each has their pluses and minuses and if I am honest I doubt that I would ever move back to the UK because since I left in 1987 it has changed in so many ways that I don´t like.
Is it a way of asking the British in here if they are nationalist? The way the question is phrased, it is how I read it.
I can only compare with England, as I've never lived in Scotland, Wales or NI. I don't like the way England has changed in my lifetime. It seems harder, more selfish, less caring. Part of that is due to the policies of various governments over the years, part of it is probably replicated in other countries. I know it's all intangible stuff to an extent, but it's happened. I don't find that here in Italy, for whatever reason. Maybe it's because things move slowly here in general.

I used to feel happy about being English, now I have no interest in being English, British or anything to do with it, really. If I could become Italian I'd do it in a flash.
It's similar to the Netherlands on a superficial level. You're just smaller and less good at speaking English.
Being from a nation that used to/is perceived to rule to world seems to do a special something to a large proportion of the nation's psyche. It doesn't matter if that period of rule was generations before their existence.
I once read that one difference between England and Germany, is that English people/society, relies/trusts on the government/authorities to take care of them, to make the best decisions for their people, so that's why English people don't (or didn't) need (ed) to be smart chaps. They trust (blindly?) everything gonna be alright because authorities (royalty?) will take care of it (and historically speaking, that used to be the case).

While in Germany, people is raised to be much more inquisitive, independent and "smart", because governments might not always gonna be there for you.

So that's why, the person with the lowest paying jobs in England, for example, let's say, a shop clerk, won't be the brightest around, and would barely know to do the minimum. A simpleton (because that was enough to have a good life).

While the same shop clerk in Germany, will know at least 2 languages and be the smartest person all around.

Judging by current events (Brexit, buying into propaganda, going the US route) and personal experience that sounds spot on.


They’re more likely to have a 2:1 in English literature and remain thousands of pounds in debt.

The suggestion that people like shop clerks are “simpletons” is degrading nonsense, rather like the rest of your post.
I always struggle to understand what there is about being born or brought up in a country there is to be proud of. Not ashamed either although in recent times a bit disappointed with some, but not the country. Can you explain what being a Proud Englishman is proud of just out of interest, not criticism?

That is quite simple really. There are numerous things I am proud of, including but not exclusively:
Our music, particularly rock.
Our sportsmen and sports women who constantly perform at the very highest level.
Our fantastic countryside.
Our overachieving economy.
Our scientists and engineers who produce world leading products.
And our sense of fair play.

Having said that, there are many other things I am not particularly proud of.
But on balance, there are more positive than negative things.

They’re more likely to have a 2:1 in English literature and remain thousands of pounds in debt.

The suggestion that people like shop clerks are “simpletons” is degrading nonsense, rather like the rest of your post.

Nothing wrong with being a simpleton.

The thread is about differences between England and rest of Europe.

Germans are smarter in general (not only compared to the british, but with the rest of Europe as well), and it's interesting to know why. (it's got nothing to do with race.)
Nothing wrong with being a simpleton.

The thread is about differences between England and rest of Europe.

Germans are smarter in general (not only compared to the british, but with the rest of Europe as well), and it's interesting to know why. (it's got nothing to do with race.)

I very much doubt you’re in any sort of position to accurately discuss this. You could well be a simpleton, though, so I’d do well to give you a bit of leeway...
Nothing wrong with being a simpleton.

The thread is about differences between England and rest of Europe.

Germans are smarter in general, and it's interesting to know why. (it's got nothing to do with race.)

You do realise that Anglo Saxons are Germanic and that English is a Germanic language? Worth pointing out that the English are generally more Celtic and French than German though.

Even so the UK has a higher percentage of the population university educated than Germany, more Nobel Prize winners and a higher average IQ than Germany.
You do realise that Anglo Saxons are Germanic and that English is a Germanic language? Worth pointing out that the English are generally more Celtic and French than German though.

Even so the UK has a higher percentage of the population university educated than Germany, more Nobel Prize winners and a higher average IQ than Germany.

That's why I say it got nothing to do with race. Let's not confuse England pre 1970 and post 1970. Things are changing fast.

As for bolded part, according to google, that's not true.
I can only compare with England, as I've never lived in Scotland, Wales or NI. I don't like the way England has changed in my lifetime. It seems harder, more selfish, less caring. Part of that is due to the policies of various governments over the years, part of it is probably replicated in other countries. I know it's all intangible stuff to an extent, but it's happened. I don't find that here in Italy, for whatever reason. Maybe it's because things move slowly here in general.

I used to feel happy about being English, now I have no interest in being English, British or anything to do with it, really. If I could become Italian I'd do it in a flash.

That´s what I said it has changed so much since I came to Germany all those years ago, regarding becoming German I looked into it but due to differences depending on where you live or the person you have I decided against it for example a workmate only had to pay and that was that, I would have had to do a language test and idiot test which I find after living and working Germany for nigh on 30 years a bit of cheek and would have cost me a good 500€ or more at some point this year I will get the Permanent Residency card under the WA as I don´t see any advantage for me, traveling to and from the UK I come under the 90 from 180 days.

Just look at their current prime minister... that's a big support for the thesis.

Stole this answer from quora:

Why are Germans so incredibly intelligent? Not only are their IQ and test scores higher, but they just appear smarter than most other nationalities.

"First of all: I’m Swiss and know a bit more about the Swiss education system, but the German equivalent is similar, I could probably talk about the whole of Europe here.

I think the point is that Germany - along with most European states - of course hasn’t smarter people. It’s the education that forms them! It starts with the teachers, who need higher qualifications and schools which are controlled by the state. Remember that in Europe it’s simply not possibly to teach pseudo-scientific things like Intelligent Design in Biology. You could of course talk about it during Religion/Ethics-classes. But with such things the US are the exception. Things to expand your horizon are happening often, excursions to museums, theaters, concerts and so on. Music, Art, English, Sports, Biology, Physics, History and many more are a part of the curriculum, with the school often lasting until 5 PM (more Swiss, less German).

It continues with fewer students who are allowed to study at the universities, which means that the universities have usually higher scores. Since they are all run by the state and don’t cost anything/not much they are all on more or less on the same, high level.

On the other hand you’ve got apprenticeships for those that don’t qualify for universities, but even they have the chance to study with good grades in their specific field, e.q. a cook, who puts some effort into it, can later on study food technology. So you’ll very, very rarely meet unqualified people in jobs, there’s close to no one simply being a clerk or working at McDonald’s, who got into that job and stayed there.

Another thing is the general attitude towards science and education: You are somewhat expected to learn your whole life, advanced training is mandatory. You’re expected to be informed about what you’re talking, else you leave it to the professionals. The hostility towards clear facts in the US is really strange to us and rather connected with medieval times. Do you, Tyler, remember what I told you about the different types of feminism? That, to me, Americans seem to pick up random words and then oppose them, following some arguments they might have heard somewhere? If you’re talking about Evolution, Gender Equality or Feminism here you’re somewhat expected to be educated about it. Opposing Evolution without having heard of ecological niches or mutations or with a clearly refutable concepts like Intelligent Design is a no-go here.

Another example are languages: Of course there are people who are monolingual, but most aren’t. When I visited a summer school in Norway, most people (almost all from different countries in Europe) were learning Norwegian as a third language (and already pretty fluent), some had pretty good knowledge in a fourth one as well. You are expected to learn at least two, most people are open and care about other cultures, about understanding the world and want to learn more languages as a key to understand more, many won’t stop learning or wishing to learn more. Anglophones often seem to struggle with a second language."
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I can only compare with England, as I've never lived in Scotland, Wales or NI. I don't like the way England has changed in my lifetime. It seems harder, more selfish, less caring. Part of that is due to the policies of various governments over the years, part of it is probably replicated in other countries. I know it's all intangible stuff to an extent, but it's happened. I don't find that here in Italy, for whatever reason. Maybe it's because things move slowly here in general.

I used to feel happy about being English, now I have no interest in being English, British or anything to do with it, really. If I could become Italian I'd do it in a flash.
I completely agree with you. I’m a permanent resident of Canada now and have no desire to go back to the UK. I really don’t enjoy the culture and like you say, there’s a selfish individualism to the UK now. Very little community spirit. We saw this in March when everyone stripped supermarket shelves bare leaving the elderly and vulnerable (and some healthcare workers) with nothing.

Im not a big fan of the binge drinking culture either.
I would say that I am proud to be British because its is the Nationality that I was born with but now having spent over 30 years living and working in Germany I can see things in the UK that I don´t like for example the constant harping on about the war especially from people who have never even been near one which in this day and age is the majority or this we are Britain we are great maybe once yes but no longer, the Political parties especially when these Eton educated people run the country, people who have never in the life had to try and spin a penny ten times to feed the family because they were born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouth. Added to that

All in all the UK is no different from any other country each has their pluses and minuses and if I am honest I doubt that I would ever move back to the UK because since I left in 1987 it has changed in so many ways that I don´t like.
I feel similarly about the UK, if it came down to a choice that I could only live in Italy or the UK I'm afraid I'd choose the first although there are still a few things I like about the UK it has changed, but I think I probably feel that because I can see at a distance more so now. I read the papers online every day, and keep up to date as well as hear from relatives.

That is quite simple really. There are numerous things I am proud of, including but not exclusively:
Our music, particularly rock.
Our sportsmen and sports women who constantly perform at the very highest level.
Our fantastic countryside.
Our overachieving economy.
Our scientists and engineers who produce world leading products.
And our sense of fair play.

Having said that, there are many other things I am not particularly proud of.
But on balance, there are more positive than negative things.
Thanks, that's interesting and tbh I've never seen it like that myself but it has given me something to think about, why people can feel proud of their country. To be fair there are bad things about Britain's history that I think are awful. I don't feel a sense of shame because I didn't do any of them, at the same time they're not something to shout about, which I remember people doing more of and to a degree still today. Mostly although there are things about the UK to enjoy, some which you've mentioned, but I wouldn't have a sense of pride in because I'm responsible for none of it. An accident of birth in a way saw me British ultimately, not a choice, I had nothing to do with it. A sense of Fair Play is one to think about, if it still exists anymore and especially whether it is something our supposed leaders display at all, I'm not sure.

Overall though I think there are too many things that are unequal about the World we live in to be pleased with ourselves over where we are born but I suppose depending on how much we have reflected our own individual country's fair characteristics and also personal efforts to make something better then there is little to be ashamed of regarding where we were born.
I completely agree with you. I’m a permanent resident of Canada now and have no desire to go back to the UK. I really don’t enjoy the culture and like you say, there’s a selfish individualism to the UK now. Very little community spirit. We saw this in March when everyone stripped supermarket shelves bare leaving the elderly and vulnerable (and some healthcare workers) with nothing.

Im not a big fan of the binge drinking culture either.

Do you mind if I ask how you obtained permanent residency in Canada?

My grandmother has a dual canadian/Uk passport but I'm struggling to think of ways to obtain permanent residency in Canada...

On topic though, having spent the best part of my 20's in Shanghai this blind nationalism of UK being the greatest is just blind political agenda. I'd like to compare it to how we hype up the NHS when we all know it's bog standard, poor quality and barely functioning despite being free. The clap for carers thing again further stating my point...

I really want out of the UK, I guess my best shot is marrying someone abroad ...

The UK is a declining country, having lived in Shanghai for 4 years the difference is just vast. I can't even write it in words - and yes for the better despite the negativity surrounding China.