Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

It’s just one example of how Page comes across as hopelessly self-aggrandizing throughout the testimony. He brags about his connections and credentials, dropping references to Harvard, Cambridge, and New York universities, and even noting his Delta frequent-flyer status.

Sounds like a perfect fit for the Trump Org.

All of a sudden everyone remembers things and carter page is a lowly volunteer too
He followed it up with "By my count, there appear to be seven sealed cases whose docket numbers suggest they post-date the charges against Papadoupolos."
The best bit is that Schiller said he and Trump laughed off the offer but he can't vouge for anything Trump did after they parted ways that evening.

The best bit is that he basically verified 95% of the worst part of that Dossier. You can bet your house that Schiller wasn’t the original source of that Intel so he’s essentially confirmed that the entire scenario happenend as alleged but for Trump saying no in his version.

Which leaves only one possible scenario where it isn’t true - they attempted to honey pot him, it didn’t work and they spread the rumour that it was successful anyway.

I think it’s true, their whole defence of “everyone knows Russian Hotels are rigged with spy cameras” reminds me far too much of his “nobody realises that...” line when he’s just been told a fact before he makes his speech.
The best bit is that he basically verified 95% of the worst part of that Dossier. You can bet your house that Schiller wasn’t the original source of that Intel so he’s essentially confirmed that the entire scenario happenend as alleged but for Trump saying no in his version.

Which leaves only one possible scenario where it isn’t true - they attempted to honey pot him, it didn’t work and they spread the rumour that it was successful anyway.

I think it’s true, their whole defence of “everyone knows Russian Hotels are rigged with spy cameras” reminds me far too much of his “nobody realises that...” line when he’s just been told a fact before he makes his speech.

Yep. The next shoe to fall will be that Trump did invite the girls up later on, at which point the best part of the dossier will more or less be proven correct.
This is why you shouldn't involve others in your pee play. I'm content to pee on myself. By on myself, I mean in my pants, and not on purpose. Still counts, though.
This is why you shouldn't involve others in your pee play. I'm content to pee on myself. By on myself, I mean in my pants, and not on purpose. Still counts, though.

I would assume that your gf has accused of bring cheap one too many times.
You can just imagine the scene can't you...trump gets back to hotel room....looks at minibar.....reads hotel guide......goes back to minbar and snaffles a toblerone and a walnut whip......opens briefcase...closes briefcase.....wanders over to phone......."Ivan do you still have those girls available?"
You can just imagine the scene can't you...trump gets back to hotel room....looks at minibar.....reads hotel guide......goes back to minbar and snaffles a toblerone and a walnut whip......opens briefcase...closes briefcase.....wanders over to phone......."Ivan do you still have those girls available?"

Fake news.
You can just imagine the scene can't you...trump gets back to hotel room....looks at minibar.....reads hotel guide......goes back to minbar and snaffles a toblerone and a walnut whip......opens briefcase...closes briefcase.....wanders over to phone......."Ivan do you still have those girls available?"
No its, "Ivan, you said six girls, right...?"