Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Worst day of the Trump presidency so far. Its going to be much worse when Kushner & Don Jr are charged.
How are self respecting Fox journalists not handing in their resignations?

Popped on Fox News. Some presenter banging on about an illegal immigrant being held for some murder and how if you're out in America right now what is it you're really concerned about? Pretty disgraceful stuff. Turned off Fox News
Popped on Fox News. Some presenter banging on about an illegal immigrant being held for some murder and how if you're out in America right now what is it you're really concerned about? Pretty disgraceful stuff. Turned off Fox News

They're talking about it now, Bret Baier is on.
I said this in this thread. Stormy was going to take him down much quicker than russia probe
Of course it would take a pornstar to usher in the presidency of Mike 'Mother' Pence. It's too perfect.
Wont be getting my hopes up, but the cowards in the GOP need to speak up. Its no good if they are only raising their concerns in private.
Trump tonight: "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
Yes....all Bill needs to complete the picture would be to walk around in MAGA gear.
Drinking Covfefe from his nostalgic Trump ice water bottle
Watching Trump get off the plane.....has a funereal quality about it. Almost as if he knows he's in a death spiral he can't escape from.
What happens if/when he pardons all these guys?
Won't matter since they have already implicated him. He is now the target.
It would be worse for him if he did, surely. Opening him up to further obstruction of justice/abuse of executive power accusations and removing Cohen and Manafort's 5th amendment privileges when they are inevitably called to testify against him.
It would be worse for him if he did, surely. Opening him up to further obstruction of justice/abuse of executive power accusations and removing Cohen and Manafort's 5th amendment privileges when they are inevitably called to testify against him.

It would definitely be worse for him since the pardon isn't supposed to be used to obstruct justice for an investigation where the President is the subject or target. So he would ostensibly be viewed as attempting to obstruct his own investigation.
Are we not entertained :lol: . Good thing there is yet another trial coming for Manafort. Cohen went lightly that slimey prick.