What will it take to sack moyes?

What would it take?

There being a realistic alternative manager out there who could take over now. Sacking Moyes with nobody lined up to replace him would be madness. Trust me, I'm a Chelsea fan and I know a thing or two about dumping a manager too soon.

Moyes might not be the second coming of Fergie but you won't get someone better to replace him immediately.
I would love to have a chat with Fergie, off the record, no "I told you so" from the question and no ego/club/face saving bullshit in the answer. Just pure truth, how do you feel it has gone and how do you feel about the future under Moyes?
I'm sure he'll know he's made a huge mistake in appointing Moyes by now. Whether he's admitted it to himself yet, or has faced up to the inevitable is the question.
What would it take?

There being a realistic alternative manager out there who could take over now. Sacking Moyes with nobody lined up to replace him would be madness. Trust me, I'm a Chelsea fan and I know a thing or two about dumping a manager too soon.

Moyes might not be the second coming of Fergie but you won't get someone better to replace him immediately.
It takes a Chelsea fan to point out the obvious, Cantona wept.
What would it take?

There being a realistic alternative manager out there who could take over now. Sacking Moyes with nobody lined up to replace him would be madness. Trust me, I'm a Chelsea fan and I know a thing or two about dumping a manager too soon.

Moyes might not be the second coming of Fergie but you won't get someone better to replace him immediately.

:( when it takes a Chelsea fan to state the blindingly obvious.
What would it take?

There being a realistic alternative manager out there who could take over now. Sacking Moyes with nobody lined up to replace him would be madness. Trust me, I'm a Chelsea fan and I know a thing or two about dumping a manager too soon.

Moyes might not be the second coming of Fergie but you won't get someone better to replace him immediately.

Our season cant get any worse. Their is nothing to play for now.
I understand the need for stability but what happened to playing 'the United way', attacking football with flair? I was firmly in the camp for giving him time but this style of football, or lack of it, has me thinking we should get rid sooner rather than later.
In answer to the OP I have no idea. Would any other major team have appointed him? I think we all know the answer. Let's imagine he was a manager with any sort of credentials and he did get hired by another big club, would he still be in a job? Not a chance. Sack him and sack him now.
You really don't? If this persists he'll begin to rapidly lose home support.

Do you think the match going fans would boycott in numbers large enough to notice? What does it take for the situation to get as bad as that?
What would it take?

There being a realistic alternative manager out there who could take over now. Sacking Moyes with nobody lined up to replace him would be madness. Trust me, I'm a Chelsea fan and I know a thing or two about dumping a manager too soon.

Moyes might not be the second coming of Fergie but you won't get someone better to replace him immediately.

Depends on whether we can get our man now which I agree would be very tough. If we cant, who would even do the caretaker job? Phil Neville? Round? :lol:

One thing's for sure though, I'd rather the new man do our summer spending than him. See no point in letting him spend 100mil if this is how it will be.
Do you think the match going fans would boycott in numbers large enough to notice? What does it take for the situation to get as bad as that?
There'll never be large scale boycotting, Old Trafford will nearly always fill. But it's not too outlandish to suggest we might start seeing Moyes out banners and the likes.
Depends on whether we can get our man now which I agree would be very tough. If we cant, who would even do the caretaker job? Phil Neville? Round? :lol:

One thing's for sure though, I'd rather the new man do our summer spending than him. See no point in letting him spend 100mil if this is how it will be.

Moyes is a confusing chap, though. He might just buy xavi and iniesta in the summer and get them to hoof the ball to each other next season.
It will take significant sections of the home and away support to turn on him which I cannot see happening.

They've been admirable so far but surely there's a limit to their patience/blind faith. They could not have supported Moyes more, it hasn't worked.
According to Twitter lots of the South Stand turned against him at the final whistle, any truth?
If the fans want him gone they'll be the ones that can manage that. Raise the voice and he won't last long. Many match going are still in full support of him, which I totally respect of course.
What would it take?

There being a realistic alternative manager out there who could take over now. Sacking Moyes with nobody lined up to replace him would be madness. Trust me, I'm a Chelsea fan and I know a thing or two about dumping a manager too soon.

Moyes might not be the second coming of Fergie but you won't get someone better to replace him immediately.

On the other hand though, your club's greatest night came as a result of ditching a manager midway through a season and replacing him with somebody with less impressive credentials. In the short-term a fresh face and a change of approach can give everyone a lift, we've seen it plenty of times.

If the club should decide Moyes is no longer the right man for the long-term then we would be better making a change now in the hope it would produce a positive response for what is left of our season. The Champions League is all we have left to play for and although our chances would be slim whoever the manager, as things stand we have almost no chance. Morale in the camp has to be at rock bottom.
What would it take?

There being a realistic alternative manager out there who could take over now. Sacking Moyes with nobody lined up to replace him would be madness. Trust me, I'm a Chelsea fan and I know a thing or two about dumping a manager too soon.

Moyes might not be the second coming of Fergie but you won't get someone better to replace him immediately.

Hiddink is available and he has a big history of improving instantly teams who are in crisis caused by a shit manager. Maybe you remember 2008-2009 season.

And there are a lot of other managers (some only in the summer) right there. Replacing Fergie was difficult because there wasn't any manager better than him and only a few in his level. Replacing Moyes? Easy stuff. There are countless better managers than him and I think that United is still a big club that can atract the majority of them. Maybe not Mourinho, Pep, Klopp, Conte, Pellegrini, Rodgers and Ancelotti (as long as they aren't sacked) but pretty much every other manager would love to get offered this job.
One thing about sacking the manager mid season is that you can immediately and openly get on the case of finding a permanent replacement to take over in June. Waiting til the end of the season is a bit crazy if it means you can't line up a replacement (without completely undermining the current manager). If not now then Moyes would probably need to be given til next Christmas or so.
Moyes is just 2 losses away from breaking another record - the one for most Manchester United losses in a single PL campaign!
Well aren't you just full of Joy :(
That's actually quite concerning considering the games we have coming up:nervous: I can honestly see us losing another 5 or 6 now, that's how bad its got in my eyes.
What would it take?

There being a realistic alternative manager out there who could take over now. Sacking Moyes with nobody lined up to replace him would be madness. Trust me, I'm a Chelsea fan and I know a thing or two about dumping a manager too soon.

Moyes might not be the second coming of Fergie but you won't get someone better to replace him immediately.
Are you including the year you won the UCL in that? What about the year you won the Europa League? The only difference is we have very little to play for, getting a new manager in now would let him get to know his team.
Hiddink is available and he has a big history of improving instantly teams who are in crisis caused by a shit manager. Maybe you remember 2008-2009 season.

And there are a lot of other managers (some only in the summer) right there. Replacing Fergie was difficult because there wasn't any manager better than him and only a few in his level. Replacing Moyes? Easy stuff. There are countless better managers than him and I think that United is still a big club that can atract the majority of them. Maybe not Mourinho, Pep, Klopp, Conte, Pellegrini, Rodgers and Ancelotti (as long as they aren't sacked) but pretty much every other manager would love to get offered this job.

Sacking him now and getting Hiddink in until the end of the season sounds good to me. I would keep him on too as he'd clearly be a success.
Is David Gill still employed by the club in some capacity? He's the only one I would trust kicking the imposter out of here.
Are you including the year you won the UCL in that? What about the year you won the Europa League? The only difference is we have very little to play for, getting a new manager in now would let him get to know his team.

We have been as successful as we have despite our managerial merry-go-round, not because of it.
Puma to rewrite their kit contract bid so it includes the phrase, "but only 50% if the team aren't in the Champions League."
If we finish below his old club that might be enough.
According to Twitter lots of the South Stand turned against him at the final whistle, any truth?
I listened to the 5Live commentary and you could definitely hear booing at the final whistle. In fact the commentators mentioned it.
We have been as successful as we have despite our managerial merry-go-round, not because of it.

Point is there is no data to justify keeping a manager until the end of the season just for the sake of it. Whether you agree the mid-season sackings at Chelsea were warranted or not, the truth is that not even with Mourinho you seemed to have been hurt by it (in the short term of course). You even got a CL final with Grant, finished second, maintained the unbeaten home run.

You look at small clubs, the story is the same, few clubs in relegation battles get worse, and many get better and avoid it.

The issue is not being trigger happy with sackings, it's just an obviously wrong appointment that needs to be fixed. And there's nothing to suggest that "waiting" does any good. I have the same gripe at Porto, we all know our manager will be shown the door in the end of the season, and none of us understands why wait until then.
relegation but we've collected too many points for that happen. so until Sir Bobby admits they backed the wrong man.
Point is there is no data to justify keeping a manager until the end of the season just for the sake of it. Whether you agree the mid-season sackings at Chelsea were warranted or not, the truth is that not even with Mourinho you seemed to have been hurt by it (in the short term of course). You even got a CL final with Grant, finished second, maintained the unbeaten home run.

You look at small clubs, the story is the same, few clubs in relegation battles get worse, and many get better and avoid it.

The issue is not being trigger happy with sackings, it's just an obviously wrong appointment that needs to be fixed. And there's nothing to suggest that "waiting" does any good. I have the same gripe at Porto, we all know our manager will be shown the door in the end of the season, and none of us understands why wait until then.
This, I don't see the point at all in the "end of the season" brigade, does anyone seriously think we'd have a better chance of fluking the CL with him than without him?
We have been as successful as we have despite our managerial merry-go-round, not because of it.
Completely understand what you're saying and to a certain extent I agree. However, why keep faith in someone who has shown nothing and given even less.
We have been as successful as we have despite our managerial merry-go-round, not because of it.

A Chelsea fan desperately trying to convince us to hang onto Moyes, this is a stage further than it ever got during the KRAP campaign.
Say we sack him after 6 months in charge, how long do we give the next manager before he gets sacked? We'd be better off sacking half the squad instead of sacking Moyes.
Say we sack him after 6 months in charge, how long do we give the next manager before he gets sacked? We'd be better off sacking half the squad instead of sacking Moyes.
Sacking half a squad that have won leagues and cups, or sacking a manager with no experience at this level or winning things....hmmm
I listened to the 5Live commentary and you could definitely hear booing at the final whistle. In fact the commentators mentioned it.
There were boos at HT in the stretty.Not major but they were heard.THe lack of support throughout was less than the previous home game.I wonder what defeat at Arsenal and bad results at Palace and WBA will lead to!
Say we sack him after 6 months in charge, how long do we give the next manager before he gets sacked? We'd be better off sacking half the squad instead of sacking Moyes.

How do you propose we replace those players?

Anyway, do you really want to see United forever just playing lump it wide and into the box?