Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
Unbelievable. Just had a recession and now they don't care if we get pushed back into more economic mess. fecking arseholes.
Anything's worth it to get rid of them imgrants init.
To be honest the people I am talking about were not the brightest and really believed that we would undoubtedly be stronger economically after this five year period. I did avoid talking about the issue because everyone where was Leave where I am and I found it depressing. They seemed as much sold on the rich v poor angle as they were on the immigration issue. Someone I know even said to me 'you don't care, you're rich (I'm not, just middle class I guess).

TBH I don't think they fully comprehended the fallout. The irony is that I will probably be OK economically (I hope, nothing is certain) while a lot of these folk will be hardest hit. They have voted against their own interests I believe. It is like Will Self said in that rant 'they don't know who they have voted for'. The very thought that Boris Johnson is going to save the working class is quite amazing.

Edgar Allan Pillow

Dec 7, 2010
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
The comment is interesting. As much as I dislike David Cameron, if he successfully outmanouevers the Brexiters here then I will have gained immense respect for him - he has (I think) been genuine in his support of the Remain campaign, just like he was with Better Together during Scottish indyref. Cant fault the man for that (even if otherwise I think he is a total knob).
Tbh, the leavers have pushed themselves to a cliffs edge here. The best result they could have hoped for was a win plus Cameron invoking Art.50 and then resigning....which kinda was the expecation in general. Then Cameron threw a spanner in the works and left it for his 'successor' and nobody wants to pull the plug now.

- What terms to re-negotiate? How much can they leverage out of EU? Nobody knows.
- What happens to borders? Will refugees in Calais be let into UK?
- What happens to existing immigrants in UK? Even if they quit, they are sill part of EU till official exit? What then? Will they kick immigrants out while negotiating deals with their governments?
- Scotland - Does the new leaders even have an opinion? Will they break up the legacy and split? Impact of this?

and this is on top of the lies...
- No guarantee of money to NHS.
- No guarantee of immigration coming down.
- No guarantee that govt will replace EU investment or even match half to areas which voted to leave.

And Farage has cannot have outted himself more as a slimeball. He admitted to lying. He admits to recession now and suddenly it'll look better "in a couple of years". This is what you get if you ignore the experts in favor of these slimeballs.

You want to know what it will be like to stay in the EU? Fortunately rather than inventing anything fancy, we have the last forty odd years as an example. It is not perfect by a long shot, but it is better than nothing, and nothing is precisely what the current alternative presented by the leave campaign seems to be.
Pan's hot. Let's jump into the fire!


Dec 19, 2011
Free trade, and control of our borders. Anything other than that is unacceptable, otherwise Johnson and Farrage have utterly failed. If the EU says no, there has to be a standoff, or we cancel trying to leave.
Let's not beat arround the bush, the majority of voters for the leave campaign did so on the understanding that we would have more control over immigration, and so if this can't be achieved under any circumstances, we have to respond with tough counter negotiations, or the British public have voted for a lost cause.
Once you trigger article 50, you cannot say 'pals, we were wrong and we want to stay now'. 2 years after it is triggered, you are automatically off.

EU will probably not start negotiating before you will trigger article 50, saying that they cannot negotiate with a lame duck prime minister.

So, as I see it: the next prime minister either triggers the article and accepts a shitty deal from EU (worse than the one you got on March, that is for sure), or trigger the article and makes an economical suicide by not making any deal with EU, or doesn't trigger the article at all.

The first option might be the best one. Damage limitations and UK will be worse than it is, but that's the price you have to pay for half the people being idiots (2% there might have had some good reasons to leave). The second option sends UK in stone age (and EU near that), while the third option is a feck off to half of the UK citizens and a political suicide.

The new prime minister will have a very big problem. It is why the leave camp wanted Cameron to continue.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
To be honest the people I am talking about were not the brightest and really believed that we would undoubtedly be stronger economically after this five year period. I did avoid talking about the issue because everyone where was Leave where I am and I found it depressing. They seemed as much sold on the rich v poor angle as they were on the immigration issue. Someone I know even said to me 'you don't care, you're rich (I'm not, just middle class I guess).

TBH I don't think they fully comprehended the fallout. The irony is that I will probably be OK economically (I hope, nothing is certain) while a lot of these folk will be hardest hit. They have voted against their own interests I believe. It is like Will Self said in that rant 'they don't know who they have voted for'. The very thought that Boris Johnson is going to save the working class is quite amazing.
How old are you out of curiosity?

I had no interest in Politics at school but at the same time I had no knowledge of it. Given how important Politics actually is it's surprising that it isn't a key subject at schools through GCSE years (it might be now I dunno). But perhaps people should start getting educated in Politics at an early age.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
Hearing more & more reports of people from ethnic backgrounds being shouted at on the streets with comments like "you're next".
Yep quite a few reports of this kind of stuff coming out. All across the country actually.

I don't think anyone ever said all leave voters are racists or xenophobia but the leave voters who didn't see the rather savage streak of it running through their campaign were being wilfully ignorant.

Or the voter for Barnsley who voted leave to stop all the Muslims coming into the country.

I'm supposed to simply accept such things, not say that his vote is based on ignorance or xenophobia but instead a clear and true understanding of the issues. Or that we're supposed to 'educate' them.

Because such people were very receptive to facts and education of course.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
And I think it's completely fair for Cameron to resign.

Gove and Johnson want us out of the Eu so much? They can negotiate with them and deal with the political fallout.

How those two and farage have managed to convince anyone that they're a champion of the working class, they're not establishment figures and that they're just 'one of us' us isbeyond me.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
Brexiters won't relent on this. Even when the facts are right in front of them. It's pointless. The more we push, the more they'll push back. Bit like telling your daughter not to date some boy you don't like ...only to make her want him more.

We can only make our plans accordingly and hope this whole thing falls flat on its face.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Can someone help me find a quote.

It's something to do with how the people have let the politicians down by not voting as the politicians wanted and how it would be easier if politicians could just elect new people.

No idea who said it or what the context was but it's been bugging me all morning.
Leave campaigner who was worried Remain would win admitted he set up the petition for EURef2


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
A Leave campaigner who was worried Remain would win has admitted he set up the hugely popular petition to re-run the EU referendum - which has garnered more than three million signatures.

William Oliver Healey, an English Democrat activist, set up the petition in May. It asks for the EU referendum to be re-run if the remain or leave vote is less than 60%, based a turnout of less than 75%.

Since the results of the referendum were announced, with the Leave campaign winning by 52% to 48% from a turnout of 72%, the number of signatories demanding another referendum has soared.

Ooooooops, bloody Remainer's not respecting democracy, oh...

His doubling down on it on Facebook is equally as funny.


Leave Klopp alone!!!
Apr 27, 2014
East Germany
BVB 09
Can someone help me find a quote.

It's something to do with how the people have let the politicians down by not voting as the politicians wanted and how it would be easier if politicians could just elect new people.

No idea who said it or what the context was but it's been bugging me all morning.
Its a qoute from BERTHOLD BRECHT, made when he saw that our Eastgerman Goverment installing Stalinism instead of real (good) left-politics.


  • "Das Volk hat das Vertrauen der Regierung verscherzt. Wäre es da nicht doch einfacher, die Regierung löste das Volk auf und wählte ein anderes?" - nach dem Gedicht: Die Lösung. In: Buckower Elegien, 1953. In: Ausgewählte Werke in sechs Bänden. Dritter Band: Gedichte 1. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1997. S. 404
(Original: Nach dem Aufstand des 17. Juni // Ließ der Sekretär des Schriftstellerverbands // In der Stalinallee Flugblätter verteilen // Auf denen zu lesen war, daß das Volk // Das Vertrauen der Regierung verscherzt habe // Und es nur durch verdoppelte Arbeit // Zurückerobern könne. Wäre es da // Nicht doch einfacher, die Regierung // Löste das Volk auf und // Wählte ein anderes?)

He was a genius. Love all the stuff he has done. Reading something of him is worth everytime.
Last edited:


Predicted Portugal, Italy to win Euro 2016, 2020
Mar 30, 2016
I've been reading a lot about people voting out are devastated because they have been conned. I can't believe how foolish some people were to believe the dross they came up with.

I'm still devastated my country (Wales) voted out. We get so much EU funding. Unfortunately people were voting on false promises that were never going to materialise. Naive.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I wonder why the Leavers didn't asked for a binding referendum voted at the qualified majority.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Its a qoute from BERTHOLD BRECHT, made when he saw that our Eastgerman Goverment installing Stalinism instead of real (good) left-politics.
Thank you, that's exactly the one I was thinking of.

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
I've been reading a lot about people voting out are devastated because they have been conned. I can't believe how foolish some people were to believe the dross they came up with.

I'm still devastated my country (Wales) voted out. We get so much EU funding. Unfortunately people were voting on false promises that were never going to materialise. Naive.
Nobody was conned. They were told up front that it was all bullshit and they decided to ignore it. Nothing but back peddling from people trying to save face because they don't want to admit that they were stupid to dismiss the vast majority of expert opinion in favour of three idiots drumming up nationalism.


Leave Klopp alone!!!
Apr 27, 2014
East Germany
BVB 09
Thank you, that's exactly the one I was thinking of.

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
Youre welcome!

Whats important is the sentence before: Saying the people have dismissed the trust the goverment has in it. Dont know how to translate it good and correctly.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Thank you, that's exactly the one I was thinking of.

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
No, because you don't know who is going to be elected and you can't do it too many times.


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010
Well here is no surprise then


Why the hell would David Cameron have a plan for something he didn't want?

Surely the onus was on the leave campaign to have some idea of what it wanted out of all this? You'd think if you were keen to leave you would at least have a vague idea of what you wanted.

It's literally a leap in the dark...


You got pets me too mines are dead
Jan 4, 2011
I wonder how much of a difference it would have made in the eyes of leave voters if Cameron came out and explicitly said before the vote that he would resign in light of leave victory. The prospect of Government negotiations not being led by Cameron does not seem to sit very well with those who endorsed the leave campaign, which is a bit ridiculous really because I'm not really sure what else they expected Cameron to do in the result of a loss.
Brexiter Iain Duncan Smith: "Our promises were a series of possibilities"


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
There is absolutely zero chance of this referendum being overturned. Mechanisms and integrity of democracy would be destroyed. There would also probably be anarchy by brexiteers.
Agree. We seem to be in the bargaining phase of grief now.

Overturning the referendum result at this point would drive vast amounts of the northern working class firmly into the hands of UKIP, or worse. They already felt abandoned, ignored, this would be an actual confirmation of it. Leavers can be beaten long term, but it relies on convincing those that voted that way that they were lied to. And that's not going to happen on the basis of what the various Leavers have said so far in recent days, it'll need to be backed up by pointing to what they actually did in the coming months/years.

All that said, it does seem that the ghost of Douglas Adams is now writing things for IDS to say.



Lady Ole
Nov 24, 2006
That's the point you idiot. This wasn't about how utterly amazing the EU is. It's about how fecking dreadful it is to be outside it!

I mean of course there's benefits to the EU and they've been listed as length by the remain side but I know it's not appealing to every citizen. Although EU funding is clearly not as welcome as it bloody well should be.

As many said, including myself: the alternative (leave) being offered is based on nothing but conjecture, so I'll stick with what we have (we can always have another ref at some stage), let's stay in but without massive enthusiasm.

As it stands, freedom of movement isn't going away and there will be feck all 'benefit' to being outside the EU. Unless you're a retard who believes 'sovereignty' actually means something these days.

The burden of proof is very much on the other side and they can't even provide a single logical argument why this is a good thing.
Nice words, but sovereignty does mean something, control of your laws and borders seems to mean a lot to a lot of people.


Lady Ole
Nov 24, 2006
No, the lie that doing this will achieve that seems to mean a lot to a lot of people. There's a difference.
Really. So you know that we won't change our laws or border control once we leave the EU, your crystal ball is powerful indeed.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur

Why the hell would David Cameron have a plan for something he didn't want?

Surely the onus was on the leave campaign to have some idea of what it wanted out of all this? You'd think if you were keen to leave you would at least have a vague idea of what you wanted.

It's literally a leap in the dark...
When Osborne announced the exit budget, he was accused of being disgusting, scaremongering and tory mps said he should step down.

Now we find out the peopke running the campaign to leave had literally no plan on how to leave.

Ate people still scaremongering?


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
Really. So you know that we won't change our laws or border control once we leave the EU, your crystal ball is powerful indeed.
It's already been shown that being in the EU does not have any significance to our laws, and the Leave campaign have already conceded that immigration will not fall. So no, my crystal ball isn't powerful but my eyes and ears sure as hell are. If yours are not, I mean.. I'd refer you to a specialist but we all know how you feel about them.


Lady Ole
Nov 24, 2006
It's already been shown that being in the EU does not have any significance to our laws, and the Leave campaign have already conceded that immigration will not fall. So no, my crystal ball isn't powerful but my eyes and ears sure as hell are. If yours are not, I mean, I'd refer you to a specialist but we know how you feel about those.
You really think that UK won't change it's border control once it leaves the EU? Surely turning the tap off for free movement of people would change immigration numbers? There are people I work with who are from the EU who would not be here if the same rules were applied to them for those outside the EU.


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010
When Osborne announced the exit budget, he was accused of being disgusting, scaremongering and tory mps said he should step down.

Now we find out the peopke running the campaign to leave had literally no plan on how to leave.

Ate people still scaremongering?
The funny thing about that was Osborne simply outlining what we'd need to do to cover the economic hit of Brexit.

He wasn't seeking to do a 'punishment budget', he was saying if we lose £30 billion in tax receipts this is what I'll have to do to cover it.

How the hell did that get marketed as punishing people for voting out?


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
You really think that UK won't change it's border control once it leaves the EU? Surely turning the tap off for free movement of people would change immigration numbers? There are people I work with who are from the EU who would not be here if the same rules were applied to them for those outside the EU.
The numbers are insignificant, we've been over this a million times. Experts have told you that you're wrong. That nothing will change, that a 0.5% decrease in our population is nothing, will do nothing and that the problems you are attributing to immigration in the first place are not because of immigration. Basically wrong on all counts.

The very people you just voted for admitted that immigration will likely not change. Where exactly are you taking your informed opinion from if every expert disagrees with you and even the people you just voted for admitted that they were wrong about it. Are you just plucking it from nowhere?


Lady Ole
Nov 24, 2006
The funny thing about that was Osborne simply outlining what we'd need to do to cover the economic hit of Brexit.

He wasn't seeking to do a 'punishment budget', he was saying if we lose £30 billion in tax receipts this is what I'll have to do to cover it.

How the hell did that get marketed as punishing people for voting out?
How would we lose £30bn in tax receipts?


Leave Klopp alone!!!
Apr 27, 2014
East Germany
BVB 09
You really think that UK won't change it's border control once it leaves the EU? Surely turning the tap off for free movement of people would change immigration numbers? There are people I work with who are from the EU who would not be here if the same rules were applied to them for those outside the EU.
So you are one of those, who prefere locking themself in a prison? No free movement, no studying in Barcelona, no Erasmus in Berlin, no living in Paris? Visas for every little shit which would be the most normal thing if you are in the EU? Making new contracts for every little trade you want to make. Congratulations. You will have a life just as complicated you wanted it to be.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
You really think that UK won't change it's border control once it leaves the EU? Surely turning the tap off for free movement of people would change immigration numbers? There are people I work with who are from the EU who would not be here if the same rules were applied to them for those outside the EU.
Are you choosing to ignore the leave MPs who are clearly stating immigration won't change? That freedom of movement is a necessity of trade deals?


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
It's already been shown that being in the EU does not have any significance to our laws, and the Leave campaign have already conceded that immigration will not fall. So no, my crystal ball isn't powerful but my eyes and ears sure as hell are. If yours are not, I mean.. I'd refer you to a specialist but we all know how you feel about them.
No matter how many times the immigration argument has been completely debunked, people will still argue differently. I bet you that in 3 or 4 years time when the immigration figures have actually risen compared to this year (or hardly changed at all) that the people who voted leave will still be banging the same drum about controlling our borders. They also do not understand that it works both ways and we stand to lose far more because of it.

They simply cannot comprehend the argument or the political ramifications or the difficulties of the situation, nor will they want to admit they are wrong or have been lied to. It's far easier to throw make believe ideas like "when we control our own borders and laws" at you because quite simply they have absolutely no other answer because 1. They don't understand it and 2. Nobody does. The law argument is equally as ridiculous because we will still have to adhere to international laws, and what exactly did they want changed? If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious.

I saw an interesting article about everyone returning from Gibraltar and the Costa's and how much of a strain that would be economically due to many being over retirement age or registered unable to work, but I suppose they will all be ok because they are white.


Lady Ole
Nov 24, 2006
The numbers are insignificant, we've been over this a million times. Experts have told you that you're wrong. That nothing will change, that a 0.5% decrease in our population is nothing, will do nothing and that the problems you are attributing to immigration in the first place are not because of immigration. Basically wrong on all counts.

The very people you just voted for admitted that immigration will likely not change. Where exactly are you taking your informed opinion from if every expert disagrees with you and even the people you just voted for admitted that they were wrong about it. Are you just plucking it from nowhere?
Quite an assumption, I voted to remain.

You seem very emotional about this, you like others have been happy to hand out personal insults to folks who don't agree with your opinion. Immigration as it stands is not sustainable with our current infrastructure, whether it's from the EU or otherwise, >500,000 a year additional people puts strain on NHS, schools etc.