Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Full Member
Mar 25, 2016
City offered 60m in the summer. I get the feeling, that due to the form of Sane and more surprisingly Stirling, they have now re-evaluated their need for Sanchez and are not only having cold feet but maybe glad of having a rival for his services. This is now a deal we could easily win.
Sane was always going to remain. It's the form of Sterling which has made Pep rethink his strategy. I remember Arsenal demanding Sterling in exchange for Sanchez. Sterling has been sizzling form. Pep would still take Sanchez if he's offered for 20m or so. I mean Sanchez probably rotate with Aguero or even Sane. I can see Sanchez starting with Sane coming off the bench in most games. Either way, if United can pull this deal off, it would be as good as Bayern getting Lewandowski on the free. Not only do we get a world class player, we get him for 4 months to integrate within the squad and also to play in the Champions League. Ed has to do everything in his power to make this happen.

James Peril

New Member
Aug 10, 2016
How so? One of the few misgivings I'd have about signing him is that just about every lineup anybody has come up with has Pogba pushed very much back to being one of the two deepest midfielders. I wan't Pogba free to get forwards. (Not saying this couldn't happen with Sanchez, but I can't see how he particularly assists the idea).
What I meant was that Sanchez would take away the pressure from Pogba (only star in the team right now, price tag and so forth), and he would make those runs Pogba love to find with a pass. Sanchez is also excellent at combining with other (smart) players, which again Pogba in theory should thrive on. Imagine those curled passes over the back line from Alexis to Pogba running from behind.

Pat Evra

New Member
Aug 18, 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Well, the big question is does Alexis want to come to United? We still don't know that, do we? Or I am missing something. I know that we can offer him good things, but that still doesn't guarantee anything.

I mean, he still has everything in his hands, even if he doesn't move now, there will be much more options for him in the summer when he will be free to go.


Full Member
Apr 17, 2017
Man City
Di Marzio himself said that United only showed initial interest in Fabinho. He was adamant that we had moved onto Matic and Dier. In fact, he himself said that we were close to Matic a few days before we signed him.


Jun 23, 2013
Can't blame Sanchez tbh. Would be difficult to turn down the chance to play with Messe Lingad


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
Well, the big question is does Alexis want to come to United? We still don't know that, do we? Or I am missing something. I know that we can offer him good things, but that still doesn't guarantee anything.

I mean, he still has everything in his hands, even if he doesn't move now, there will be much more options for him in the summer when he will be free to go.
We would talk to the agent first before bidding. He's obviously given us the green light, so yes.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
When we are in a tussle with City or appear to be, If we were not confident of signing, we would have poured cold water.
Remember how Jose dismissed the Bernardo Silva speculation when it appeared he was coming to us.
Still keeping my fingers crossed. What a signing this would be.

Rhyme Animal

Thinks Di Zerbi is better than Pep.
Sep 3, 2015
Nonchalantly scoring the winner...
Ok, my take on the media's blatant city bias - and trying to brand Utd as 'the money team' (vs City!)...

One thing I'll say about José, is that if you were a marquee player looking at how he treats big signings in his Utd time, you'd defo know that if you sign, he will play you and show great loyalty.

Pogba didn't really have a great debut season but José just played him and played him and Pogba's game has gotten better - and Pogba has won trophies since coming here.

Rom this season is very similar (though I think Rom has had a better debut season thus far than Pog had last season), but José is really loyal to him and just plays him and plays him.

Same with Matic, same last season with Zlatan.

So if you're Sanchez, you would know that if you sign for José you will play A LOT of footy, and on top of that, and thanks for José's aforementioned loyalties at Utd, you would know that you're joining a project with a well bedded in Pogba, Matic, Rom and a solid defense in a team that's on the up and that wins trophies.

And what of Guardiola's biggest signings...?

Jesus - rotates
Sané - rotates
B. Silva - doesn't play
Gundogan - if fit, rotates

He has nothing of the loyalty to his 'big signings' like José does.

We mustn't forget that he inherited Aguero, Sterling, de Bruyne, D. Silva - they aren't his signings, and even then, he rotates.

Joining City, you're joining a team with a guarantee of a PL medal this season - but you're also aware that you're joining a team at it's apex... what if you don't hit the ground running? You've got Sane, Sterling, Aguero, Jesus, de Bruyne, Silva and more in the Summer...

And you've got a maverick, unpredictable manager, who while very good, is probably the biggest gamble of a manager to play for.

Joining United, you've got a team on the up with a manager who will basically guarantee you start every game.

You go through a dry spell as a José marquee signing - no worries, play through it, as Pog, Rom and Zlatan are proof of.

Another factor, while not as important but still worth mentioning, is that joining city you're moving to a notably smaller stadium (that's never full), whereas with Utd you're moving up into a bigger stadium and a bigger fanbase.

TLDR - it isn't 'City or Money', it's 'Start every match or Rotate', it's '40,000 or 75,000'.

Food for thought.


Saturday Night Spies
Jan 16, 2012
Under soil heating.
United won't be far away as it stands. Throw Sanchez into the mix and there's not many who'd bet against United (and Mourinho) in a two-legged European tie.
I apologise. The peak will be when someone says signing him would be better than winning the league, if someone hasn't already.

The Purley King

Full Member
Mar 26, 2014
This is actually going to happen isn’t it!
Another plus is that he won’t be going to the wc this year so can have a good summer off and be fresh for August.


Full Member
Mar 8, 2013
Ñāqa hen Amērika
Would it be wrong to masturbate over a signing? I'm not joking, just sitting there watching the MUTV interview and pleasuring yourself.
Get a nice slow session in, half dreaming the commentator scream "Sanchezzzzzzzzzzzz, what a piece of business for MUFC, the Champions League is coming back to Old Trafford"

No, just me?

Wayne's World

Full Member
Mar 19, 2010
The one thing I have learned from this whole sega is how much of a disgrace some journalists are as in being Pro-City. Seriously people saying it's only about the money If he joins us? Are these people that fecking stupid? How did Man City start as a club again in 2008?

And don't get me started on Balague, the man has such an agenda against us it's unreal


Full Member
Jun 18, 2016
Poor old hairy ballbag will be so angry if we get him. Its worth paying what arsenal want just for that reason alone.


boob novice
Jul 20, 2016
Real Madrid
I'm not convinced that suddenly City refuses to pay for Alexis or for his agent to make it happen specially after knowing we entered the race! Since when City refuses to pay for a player they want let alone someone like Sanchez? Someone give me a real good reason how we are favorite to sign him over City!
Most logical explanation: It all boils down to FFP. Can't give big raises to all the squad, evidently what they offered is as far as they think they can go without risking to blow up the dressing room

ti vu

Full Member
Jun 16, 2015
Pep or money? Someone answer me ffs
Money. I don't know what to do with Pep without money. It's not like he coaches Sunday league team to stardom. With money a competent coach can work wonder.


City >>> United. Moaning twat
Aug 2, 2005
City don’t need him. We do.

Doesn’t mean they don’t want him, of course. But our desire I sense is stronger.
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