Gay footballers | Czech Republic international Jakub Jankto comes out as gay


Full Member
Jan 14, 2010
This thread..I just..:lol:
I don't know why people keep saying this thread is a car crash, disaster, etc. Yes there have been some very dodgy posts, but I also think there has been a lot of insight, and interesting takes. If more dialogue like this took place in real life, maybe we wouldn't be witnessing the social/political goat rodeo that is currently playing out all over the world.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I suspected as much - just that a friend recently got mad at me for it, so I was genuinely wondering if there was something to it.
To be fair, in a thread where there are so many outlandish posts, it isn't always easy to tell.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
I don't know why people keep saying this thread is a car crash, disaster, etc. Yes there have been some very dodgy posts, but I also think there has been a lot of insight, and interesting takes. If more dialogue like this took place in real life, maybe we wouldn't be witnessing the social/political goat rodeo that is currently playing out all over the world.
Ah, no that too of course, but some of the posts really are gems of ignorance.

I made my serious point clear in one of the first pages of the thread, now I'm just reading along for shites and giggles.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
There's always a lot of curious language employed in these threads:

'I don't mind the long as they're not ramming it down my throat!'

And so on.

Pierluigi Casiraghi

New Member
May 13, 2019
Footballers are already subject to nasty abuse from oppo fans, almost anything seems to be fair game. Hearing some of the stuff routinely shouted from the stands, I'm not sure coming out as gay would make things any worse for a player. Granted I'm not gay, but would being called a "bender" or something be any worse than being told your mum is a prossie?

Now, a player's OWN fans turning on them... that would be very different. I think it's very unlikely, in England at least. If he performs on the pitch, I can actually imagine some funny chants of support coming from fans.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
'If a bloke wants to stick it right up another bloke - right up there! - I'm fine with it.'


Wanted to be bran, ended up being littlefinger
Jul 29, 2013
Man City
I agree, but unfortunately there are gay people who do a lot of things for shock value alone, and that does no favors for the gay community. But this criticism coming from me is quickly dismissed as homophobia. Unless the criticism comes from the gay people, against using sexuality as a social weapon, we'll keep seeing this tug of war, and guess what, the gay side of the rope is weaker.
I'm all for equality but this SJW bullshit is not about equality, it's about war, and it's a war that the minorities being used as sheep for political and ideological reasons will find they can't win.
Unfortunately there's a lot of "in your face" stuff coming from the gay camp. It's hard to take two steps without seeing a rainbow forced down everyone's throats, often out of context. Frankly, it's annoying. I'm sure even a lot of gays find it annoying.
That's just my two pence. Don't call the British police, please, I know that they knock on your door if you express your opinion on the internet.
I've reported this post. This is absolutely disgraceful.


Full Member
Jan 25, 2019
Are there many openly gay people in sports in general? Cant think of any
Women? Plenty. Navratilova, Billy Jean King, Novotna, Rapinoe, Mauresmo, Semenya ...

Men? Not so much.

Not a lot of big names anyway. In certain sports more than others.


Full Member
May 13, 2013
Footballers are already subject to nasty abuse from oppo fans, almost anything seems to be fair game. Hearing some of the stuff routinely shouted from the stands, I'm not sure coming out as gay would make things any worse for a player. Granted I'm not gay, but would being called a "bender" or something be any worse than being told your mum is a prossie?

Now, a player's OWN fans turning on them... that would be very different. I think it's very unlikely, in England at least. If he performs on the pitch, I can actually imagine some funny chants of support coming from fans.
personal insults are surely more hurtful than random arbitrary one-liners like "yer mums a prossie"


Wanted to be bran, ended up being littlefinger
Jul 29, 2013
Man City
In big, bold letters for those who don't get it. "Coming out" isn't for us non-LGBT folk and the sooner we get that in our heads the easier it'll be for everyone to get along.

From The Good Men Project:

The reason is that it is very hard to love yourself fully when you hide. And it’s very hard to love others when you don’t love yourself. Therefore, the closet is lonely. No one loves you there.

Authenticity is the foundation of all closeness. If we want better relationships we must keep learning how to be more authentic.

And all of us want better relationships.

There's a reason why they call the marches and celebrations “Pride.” It is the opposite of shame. Shame contributes to what keeps us feeling separate from others and ourselves.

Coming out does take bravery. But without bravery we'd still be huddling in windowless bars, running from police, and marrying people we weren’t attracted to.
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Full Member
Jun 20, 2016
I'm a season ticket holder and wouldn't dream of giving a footballer abuse because of what he does with his frank & beans on a Saturday night, at best I could probably be accused of Lingardaphobia, but that's a whole different thread!


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Why do people feel the need to announce their sexuality in public anyway?
Defiance in the face of societal oppression is an admirable thing.


Full Member
Jan 25, 2019
Footballers are already subject to nasty abuse from oppo fans, almost anything seems to be fair game. Hearing some of the stuff routinely shouted from the stands, I'm not sure coming out as gay would make things any worse for a player. Granted I'm not gay, but would being called a "bender" or something be any worse than being told your mum is a prossie?

Now, a player's OWN fans turning on them... that would be very different. I think it's very unlikely, in England at least. If he performs on the pitch, I can actually imagine some funny chants of support coming from fans.
How about opponents though?

It's tennis, but i remember a dude like Kyrgios telling Wawrinka in the middle of a match another player banged his girlfriend. Obviously in an attempt to destabilize him. Now imagine what he would have said if he was gay. Imagine what Materazzi would have said to Zidane.

If i were a gay footballer, cyclist or tennisplayer there's no way in hell i would come out.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Who's ramming anything down your throat?
Guess it makes a change from:
I've got this mate who's gay and he doesn't make a song and dance about it, unlike those gays who do make a song and dance about it, what with their musicals and the poncey parades they hold outside my window 24/7. I can't open the fridge without a soddin' parade being in there! Even when it's raining there's a bloody rainbow afterwards!! I blame Wham! And Liberace.

PS I've no problem with them ohnosexuals.


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
Wrong about what? I doubt you have read the posts I made. I was talking about somebody changing their mind like the wind just because they got jumped on, on this forum. And if somebody can change their mind in the space on an hour, then maybe their parents need to restrict their 'interweb' access for their own well-being; as chances are in the hour that follows, they could very well be sending their year's wages to a Nigerian philanthropist who promised them a share of £1.2 Trillion by email.
I've read your posts. You're criticising a poster for changing their mind as though it is better to cling on to a misguided opinion than moderating it when you're confronted with evidence to the contrary or alternative viewpoints. That's a pretty strange position to take imo because updating your opinion when you get new information actually tends to be a sign of high intelligence (which tends to be a trait of highly successful people like you!). Hence me wondering what it would take to change your opinion on this topic. You've said:

My view is in the same camp as many others: "Why the need to announce it".
Plenty of people in this thread, including a few LGBT folks that have actually lived this, have explained that expressing sexuality can be an incredibly important part of someone's identity, that a professional (male) footballer coming out could be incredibly empowering for young LGBT people and that an "announcement" does not need to take the form of a press conference but can be as simple as a footballer appearing in public with their partner (just as plenty of straight footballers do). There is also an endless amount of information on the internet about the importance of coming out. Not having the intellectual humility or empathy to reconsider your opinions in light of that isn't something to be proud of.
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Poster of the Year 2015 & 2018
Mar 22, 2014
Piracy on the High Seas.
Why do people feel the need to announce their sexuality in public anyway?

Cant they just do their own thing without ramming it down everyone's throat?
Wait, what is this even, no one is ramming anything down your throat — we don't exist in a gay authoritarian regime...but a world where heterosexuality is the default position and social fabrics are woven around that standard. A lot of posters in this thread seem to be operating with the mindset that society at large has always been remarkably accepting of homosexuality, and they're being needlessly inconvenienced by extremely freaking gays who should get over themselves and go do their gay thing in the dark.

Most of them were “doing their own thing”, but normal-people and governments and repressive regimes felt the need to seek them out, brutalize or kill them, relentlessly shame and disown them and associate them with negative stereotypes, force-convert them with experimental non-scientific therapies, and systematically oppress/isolate their minority group over several centuries by treating them like rank criminals. Homosexuality is still not uniformly decriminalized everywhere, and even in progressive societies it can carry a day-to-day burden that many heterosexual people won't be able to empathize with — because they are the majority and part of the group that doesn't have to constantly make micro-adjustments and doesn't have to withstand the scrutiny a lot of homosexual people face on a regular basis.

There's still an incalculable amount of work to do in terms of fully normalizing homosexuality in a fairly homogeneous society (sexual orientation wise) and dismantling archetypes (especially in the public eye), let alone righting the atrocious wrongs that were committed to limit the historical maybe pipe down?


Full Member
Dec 24, 2015
FC Porto
Why do people feel the need to announce their sexuality in public anyway?

Cant they just do their own thing without ramming it down everyone's throat?
I understand where you're going, but imagine this:
Did you ever celebrated in the streets your club with scarfs or shirts or anything?
You're announcing to everyone you're a fan of (I assume) Man Utd, and forcing everyone to see you doing that instead of "doing your own thing".
Maybe you don't do this but a lot of people do celebrate like this.

On the other hand there is another view:
Why can't people say what they are or what they like?
As long as it's not hate speech or hurting someone everyone is free to parade for whatever they want.


Full Member
Aug 29, 2018
It always makes me laugh when I hear a certain player speak in interviews. He is so camp I'm always shocked how he hasn't already come out!


New Member
Jan 30, 2019
You've said
But I also stated:

"Just live your life, and let others live theirs how they see fit; as long as it's legal (not just referring to this subject, obviously, as I know there is a contention in some countries regarding this, which shouldn't be the case), and not harming anybody else."

If I am perfectly honest, I don't have much of an opinion on it, and the only reason I posted was due to people getting banned, and potentially banned for their personal views, and thus quickly changing their stance.

On the subject in question, I would say the following:

Live and let live I say. This journey is not a reheasal. That's certainly the way I live; so I expect others to be able to live in a similar unrestricted way.

If I was a gay man/woman, I wouldn't give a flying feck what another human being on this planet thought about me. I wouldn't need 'accepting', I would just do what I wanted. Now, I understand that not everyone is the same as me, and may have their own reasons for any actions they may take, but I am also entitled to my opinions, the same as the next man/woman - the same as other posters.


Full Member
Aug 31, 2006
If I was a gay man/woman, I wouldn't give a flying feck what another human being on this planet thought about me. I wouldn't need 'accepting', I would just do what I wanted. Now, I understand that not everyone is the same as me, and may have their own reasons for any actions they may take, but I am also entitled to my opinions, the same as the next man/woman - the same as other posters.
but you're not gay, so you can't pretend to know what it feels like to have grown up gay. and in particular, you're not a gay footballer and therefore not in the position to suddenly become the 'gay football posterboy'.
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Full Member
May 13, 2013
But I also stated:

"Just live your life, and let others live theirs how they see fit; as long as it's legal (not just referring to this subject, obviously, as I know there is a contention in some countries regarding this, which shouldn't be the case), and not harming anybody else."

If I am perfectly honest, I don't have much of an opinion on it, and the only reason I posted was due to people getting banned, and potentially banned for their personal views, and thus quickly changing their stance.

On the subject in question, I would say the following:

Live and let live I say. This journey is not a reheasal. That's certainly the way I live; so I expect others to be able to live in a similar unrestricted way.

If I was a gay man/woman, I wouldn't give a flying feck what another human being on this planet thought about me. I wouldn't need 'accepting', I would just do what I wanted. Now, I understand that not everyone is the same as me, and may have their own reasons for any actions they may take, but I am also entitled to my opinions, the same as the next man/woman - the same as other posters.
Did you ever consider that your perspective might be different if you were gay and grew up with the various challenges that society presented you because of it?

Btw asking why gay people “have to announce it” does not really fit with the ‘live and let live’ mantra does it?


New Member
Jan 30, 2019
Quality control
Did you ever consider that your perspective might be different if you were gay and grew up with the various challenges that society presented you because of it?

Btw asking why gay people “have to announce it” does not really fit with the ‘live and let live’ mantra does it?
On the first question, personally? I don't think I would have a different perspective; in fact I know I wouldn't, but that's just me. I generally know that I would never have those fears no matter what circumstances I found myself in, or anything regarding my sexual orientation. But, I do accept why many might. We are all different, and we are all alone with our thoughts when we switch the light out at night.

On the second question, you have kind of answered your own question there, because if we literally had a society of 'live and let live' attitudes down the ages, there would be no need to announce anything. The announcement 'mentality' comes by way of built up oppression, of sorts, and the fear of being rejected by society as a whole. That is just a sad fact of life, and the society we do live in.

But, what I am saying, is that if you have spent a large portion of your life in fear of something that you could simply remove, by changing your own attitude on any subject/people, then it would be highly unfortunate that such 'allowances' could result in reaching the end of your days with major regrets of affording other people to control your feelings, and thus your life.

No way on this earth would I personally allow that kind of control over my mental state to be handed over to other people. Again, that's just me. Other people's thoughts on the matter, and how they could/would control it, will be different.


Full Member
Feb 26, 2019
Who remembers Justin Fashanu?

A sad story.

If you Google him, there are a few sad stories for Justin.
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Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
On the first question, personally? I don't think I would have a different perspective; in fact I know I wouldn't, but that's just me. I generally know that I would never have those fears no matter what circumstances I found myself in, or anything regarding my sexual orientation. But, I do accept why many might. We are all different, and we are all alone with our thoughts when we switch the light out at night.

On the second question, you have kind of answered your own question there, because if we literally had a society of 'live and let live' attitudes down the ages, there would be no need to announce anything. The announcement 'mentality' comes by way of built up oppression, of sorts, and the fear of being rejected by society as a whole. That is just a sad fact of life, and the society we do live in.

But, what I am saying, is that if you have spent a large portion of your life in fear of something that you could simply remove, by changing your own attitude on any subject/people, then it would be highly unfortunate that such 'allowances' could result in reaching the end of your days with major regrets of affording other people to control your feelings, and thus your life.

No way on this earth would I personally allow that kind of control over my mental state to be handed over to other people. Again, that's just me. Other people's thoughts on the matter, and how they could/would control it, will be different.
Those stupid crying gays who've felt forced to live in silent shame most of their lives should pull their finger out, ooer.


New Member
Jun 30, 2019
in the opposite direction of crowds
I think it should be kept in mind that coming out is ultimately something that you do for yourself - not for bigots. For that reason, I don't really think someone's method of coming out should be evaluated based on how effective it would be at combating homophobia. If someone wants to formally come out very publicly and use their platform to push change a la Rapinoe, that's okay, and if someone wants to live their life quite privately like O'Hara, that's okay too.
Of course you are spot on, maybe I didn't articulate well enough or more likely went on a tangent but what I meant was that I think there is often a feeling that an announcement is necessary when I don't think they should be.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
A few said they dont see homophobia on the streets and nobody cares anymore.

Just gonna leave this here. Not relevant to football but certainly relevant to the discussion.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Those stupid crying gays who've felt forced to live in silent shame most of their lives should pull their finger out, ooer.
"How dare they let generations of abuse and discrimination bother them when it continues the utter snowflakes" - Mr H Eterosexual