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2020-21 Performances

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5.7 Season Average Rating
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As a right winger, there is no point playing him. He is so much better as LW. Ole should have changed much earlier, Pogba as a LW wasn't a threat at all to take on TAA.
I get he's a meek humble lad and does great things off the pitch but i fecking hate his attitude on the pitch. Arrogant with his own teammates but cowers in front of the opposition.
It's weird that he's been asked to shift positions to accommodate pogba. Looked very good as soon as he was shifted to left wing.
Rashford on the left and Greenwood on the right. Either move Pogba into MF or drop him.
People moan about him not playing on the left, he plays on the left then they moan when Pogba plays in the 2 in midfield then they moan that Pogba isn’t playing further forward, then where do they want Bruno to play? when Pogba plays on the left they moan about Fred and Mctominay, then they say they want a midfield 3 but they all say Fred and Mctominay both can’t play as a lone CDM :lol:
Very poor off the right, but was extremely good off the left. Stop shoehorning him into the team, he plays left or not at all!
Poor on the right, so much better when he moved to the left. Actually, I bet if we were to ask TAA who gave him more trouble, he'd say Rashford.

He must play on the left or up top. Greenwood and hopefully Sancho on the right.
There is nothing better on the bench, play good / play bad / play shit, hes not going to get dropped. Sign Sancho to at least give him a kick up the arse. The hardest part of his game is making good decisions and he is shocking at making good decisions.
Made a mess of it putting him on the right, should’ve put him on the left with Greenwood on the other side from the start.
Yes, he's often poor on the right, but he gets so much exemption from criticism than others do. When Rashford doesn't play well repeatedly he's either unfit, overplayed, playing on the right, etc. Almost no player in the squad gets as much apologetic treatment as Marcus.

Look, yes, he doesn't play great on the right, but if he's truly a great player the difference between playing on the right or the left shouldn't be the difference between abysmal and excellent. Great players find a way to still have decent games in unfamiliar positions. It shouldn't be that the drop-off is massive. Even Daniel James, for all his limitations doesn't play substantially worse on the right than the left, so why should Marcus?
He is so much better than Pogba on the left. I I’ve said it a thousand times just put Pogba on the right if he has to play.

Otherwise leave him on the bench !
Ole has to stop the Rashford on the right experiment. It's killing us because he's useless on it and it robs us of Greenwood who's been one of our few players who's actually playing well lately.
If we dont buy a quality RW in the summer we're fecked. Because we cant have Rashford play there.
Just me or his work rate especially for the defending/pressing is awful this year?

I remember it was not that bad last year. Even Greenwood seems to work harder.
Made a mess of it putting him on the right, should’ve put him on the left with Greenwood on the other side from the start.
We were never going to start Greenwood twice in two days though.
We were never going to start Greenwood twice in two days though.
Perhaps not no, maybe in hindsight we should’ve tried to get it so they’re both ready for tonight but in fairness this schedule has been impossible.
Just me or his work rate especially for the defending/pressing is awful this year?

I remember it was not that bad last year. Even Greenwood seems to work harder.
It's been steadily getting worse the past two years. Today was shocking though
Looks a different player on the left, scored and looked dangerous... on the right he is a waste of space. Ole needs to see what we can all see.
Brilliant run and finish for the goal, he is almost unplayable in this kind of situations. Very meeehh otherwise.

Either play him on the left or not in the final. But i can't understand why we should drop Rashford or Greenwood in the Final to play McTominay and Fed as a midfield two against an average spanish side. Just play Pogba there and start with Rashford on the left and Greenwood on ghe right. I'm confident tonight was the night where Ole was convinced of this.
Just watched Rios 'Between the Lines' with Rooney and Rashford. Not sure when this was recorded but something about Rashford just seems 'off', he doesn't come across as a young guy loving his job or enjoying life. A particular point at 17:30 he talks about how he gets angry at himself if he failed to make a pass so probably trying too hard after the smallest of mistakes. Hopefully just needs a break and is back to his best next season.

He must be tearing himself apart evert game then if he really gets angry.

He makes so many bad decisions in promising situations that get over looked.
He must be tearing himself apart evert game then if he really gets angry.

He makes so many bad decisions in promising situations that get over looked.
Frustrating to say the least. If this kind of form continued into the first half of next season then I'd be concerned. Still a kid though so time on his side.
There is nothing better on the bench, play good / play bad / play shit, hes not going to get dropped. Sign Sancho to at least give him a kick up the arse. The hardest part of his game is making good decisions and he is shocking at making good decisions.

He's made 36 good decisions this season.

He's out best LW by far. This Pogba fad lasted three games. Absymal tonight and not a threat at all. Also cost us a goal with two mistakes in 15 seconds.

Pogba should be playing in the middle and Rashford wide left. The end.
Rashford in numerous games has had TAA, yet, in this game we play him RF, where he's never the same player. Sometimes the decisions by Ole leaves me a bit, what?
Rashford in numerous games has had TAA, yet, in this game we play him RF, where he's never the same player. Sometimes the decisions by Ole leaves me a bit, what?

Can't disagree with this one bit. Baffling.

This forum is convinced Pogba is the answer though on the left. Couldn't be more wrong. Because it worked Vs a suspect Roma team it's now the answer. Pogba is a CM. France don't play him as an unorthodox winger.

Rashford left. Greenwood right. Pogba in middle. Drop either Fred or Mctomminay.
Look, yes, he doesn't play great on the right, but if he's truly a great player the difference between playing on the right or the left shouldn't be the difference between abysmal and excellent. Great players find a way to still have decent games in unfamiliar positions. It shouldn't be that the drop-off is massive. Even Daniel James, for all his limitations doesn't play substantially worse on the right than the left, so why should Marcus?

Shouldn't that same logic fall on Pogba too.
Can't disagree with this one bit. Baffling.

This forum is convinced Pogba is the answer though on the left. Couldn't be more wrong. Because it worked Vs a suspect Roma team it's now the answer. Pogba is a CM. France don't play him as an unorthodox winger.

Rashford left. Greenwood right. Pogba in middle. Drop either Fred or Mctomminay.
I agree mate. That would make most logical sense to me.

Pogba isn't a LF, his best position is left in a 4-3-3. We haven't got the CDM to cover for both Bruno and't Pogba playing that way. I don't trust Pogba in a two either.

Rashford is a LF, Greenwood is a RF - so many times for years, we've been plugging square pegs in round holes. Ugh!
He's made 36 good decisions this season.

He's out best LW by far. This Pogba fad lasted three games. Absymal tonight and not a threat at all. Also cost us a goal with two mistakes in 15 seconds.

Pogba should be playing in the middle and Rashford wide left. The end.
Agree with all you are saying. Despite the Hyperbole, I think Ole has found Pogba position and thats in a 4-3-3. Play that against Liverpool and it' suicide. Despite the other match day thread, 4-3-3 is not wingers and Pogba was bang average today.

That said, I am all for players improving, if MR made 36 'good decisions' but 144 bad decisions, then 1 in 5 isn't great and will not get us where we need to be. For example tonight. He does all the hard stuff, beats the man in the second half and goes for a shot. The (easier) alternative is to lay Cavani in for a more than 50/50 chance of scoring from just inside the Penalty Box.

If anything, it's poor decision making that is costing us games like this. LFC were there for the taking and we did not take advantage.
He needs a LOOOONG rest to recover from whatever injury is bothering him.

It'd do him a world of good if he skips the Euros
Terrible in the first half, took his goal well but he needs to improve his awareness when he gets in good positions around the box
Just watched Rios 'Between the Lines' with Rooney and Rashford. Not sure when this was recorded but something about Rashford just seems 'off', he doesn't come across as a young guy loving his job or enjoying life. A particular point at 17:30 he talks about how he gets angry at himself if he failed to make a pass so probably trying too hard after the smallest of mistakes. Hopefully just needs a break and is back to his best next season.

Yea I agree with this. Doesn't feel like the happiest lad. I know those feels as I'm similar, always beating myself up for mistakes. It's not too healthy. Wonder if he's missing Lingard too....

(6G5A in 22 since Lingard left, 17G6A in 34 before that) He's also just played a lot though, possibly carrying a long term injury.
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