Club Sale | It’s done!

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WW Head of Recruiting
Feb 23, 2016
Directly under the sun... NOW!
If you really loved United then you'd understand the turmoil this will cause for those who morally can't support a Qatar bid. Don't be a dickhead.
Really good post this. So strange to see the lack of empathy towards fellow fans from some posters. It's not as easy as 'going and supporting another club' when you've spent your life investing your time, energy and emotions into the team.

Unfortunately, regardless of who owns us, football has always been changing towards what we're facing now. Big money clubs have just sped up the process.

No matter who owns us, it's a sport where success is measured in how much you spend, where players put profit over passion, and integrity makes less appearances than than Phil Jones.

This process has just made a lot of us face reality.

Morality aside, it's a really tough time for some, so let's try and remember what being United is really all about.
You two made me see something I hadn't considered. Thank you :)


Full Member
Jun 18, 2011
Biggest news is that the UK press have said nothing

If they aren't denying the story there's something going on.


Enjoys watching fox porn
May 17, 2012
There’s something quite xenophobic about dismissing the news from Qatar, simply because the UK press hasn’t said anything :lol:

Mad how some on here would take the word of Alex Crook from talksport over a newspaper report that has genuine links to the proposed buyer.

genuine links + a big shift in the share price is huge news
I’m still fairly neutral on the outcome, though very interested in the news.

Personally not yet taking those Qatar stories as gospel because they’re all saying “according to reports” from what I gather. Would be different if they specify that it’s their own information or they’ve heard it from someone close to it etc

Member 101269

Really good post this. So strange to see the lack of empathy towards fellow fans from some posters. It's not as easy as 'going and supporting another club' when you've spent your life investing your time, energy and emotions into the team.

Unfortunately, regardless of who owns us, football has always been changing towards what we're facing now. Big money clubs have just sped up the process.

No matter who owns us, it's a sport where success is measured in how much you spend, where players put profit over passion, and integrity makes less appearances than than Phil Jones.

This process has just made a lot of us face reality.

Morality aside, it's a really tough time for some, so let's try and remember what being United is really all about.

If you really loved United then you'd understand the turmoil this will cause for those who morally can't support a Qatar bid. Don't be a dickhead.
Given there is no evidence of it being a state bid, would that be self-induced turmoil?


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
Just wondering can you see the volume of after hour trading? i.e is it institutions betting on the arbitrage or just individuals gambling?

Interested to hear your opinion, thanks
There was large volume the last two days, before the announcement. The biggest volume was the last hour of trading but there was still plenty of trading after hours that moved the stock 20%.

Will be watching to see if it halts today.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2009
There’s something quite xenophobic about dismissing the news from Qatar, simply because the UK press hasn’t said anything :lol:

Mad how some on here would take the word of Alex Crook from talksport over a newspaper report that has genuine links to the proposed buyer.

genuine links + a big shift in the share price is huge news
Xenophobic is quite harsh. It’s just familiarity. People want their reliable usual sources to have said something.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
It hasn't. It moved a hell of a lot before the sale even went public, then the gamblers have been trading the stock over the course of the takeover gossip. This has come from nowhere again.
I don't think it's come out of nowhere per say. It's definitely moving but there has been bigger moves since the takeover began both up and down, which is why I refuse to read too deep into anything just yet. I took a look again now, sorry I did it crudely but here is what I see:

So there was a 53% increase at the announcement which was huge, but we've seen further spikes happen - by as high as almost 28%, down 14ish%, up almost 12% etc.

We'll have to see how it moves today itself - the after hours trading looks promising as it went up 11% again but we've seen big moves during the takeover process as you can see.


Full Member
Apr 20, 2015
If its Qatar, the only hope would be that the PL doesn't sanction the deal through and other clubs protest regarding source of funds as it was rumored.

Licha M

New Member
May 5, 2023
I can see Jim hearing about this news and throwing his Werther's Originals across the room in disgust.


Full Member
Sep 28, 2017
Biggest news is that the UK press have said nothing

If they aren't denying the story there's something going on.
That’s what I am thinking. They would have quashed the Qatari rumours by now if there wasn’t any truth to them. Probably been told by the club to keep their mouths shut for now and will be given the green light to report it when they say.


Mar 17, 2010
Keep a clean shit tomorrow, United is my final bus
“Press reports”

What does this actually mean? To me it just sounds like they are quoting some other sources.
It's basically like Sky Sports when they put the catchy title and then "Press Gossip". They just seem to be reporting on the gossip from Twitter I think. All the Qatar tweets people are getting excited about seem to be the same. They're not actually claiming anything themselves. It's like an echo chamber started by some kid on twitter.


New Member
Apr 24, 2022
Bristol City
If its Qatar, the only hope would be that the PL doesn't sanction the deal through and other clubs protest regarding source of funds as it was rumored.
Never going to happen. That horse bolted long ago.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
I don't think it's come out of nowhere per say. It's definitely moving but there has been bigger moves since the takeover began both up and down, which is why I refuse to read too deep into anything just yet. I took a look again now, sorry I did it crudely but here is what I see:

So there was a 53% increase at the announcement which was huge, but we've seen further spikes happen - by as high as almost 28%, down 14ish%, up almost 12% etc.

We'll have to see how it moves today itself - the after hours trading looks promising as it went up 11% again but we've seen big moves during the takeover process as you can see.
I hear what you're saying but the initial move began before the announcement, even Elon Musk was joking about buying United before they went public with the sale so people knew and we're putting down large sums of money with that knowledge.

The rest of the moves have been reaction to news because the stock is full of momentum traders at that point. Tonight's move started yesterday, way before any announcement.

Sparky Rhiwabon

New Member
Jul 10, 2013
There’s something quite xenophobic about dismissing the news from Qatar, simply because the UK press hasn’t said anything :lol:

Mad how some on here would take the word of Alex Crook from talksport over a newspaper report that has genuine links to the proposed buyer.

genuine links + a big shift in the share price is huge news
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Last night someone on here was saying “I wonder who will be the first to break the news” and I thought, well if it’s true, the Qatari paper has already broken it!


Full Member
May 26, 2010
Biggest news is that the UK press have said nothing

If they aren't denying the story there's something going on.
They’re waiting for someone reliable in England to make a move then will all bluff behind him. Nobody wants to stick their head out now when they’ve been guessing all this time.
Delaney is the worst for this


New Member
Apr 28, 2023
If its Qatar, the only hope would be that the PL doesn't sanction the deal through and other clubs protest regarding source of funds as it was rumored.
Only hope for who? you? There's millions of other people thinking the exact opposite.

I wouldn't rest your hopes on that, the PL won't do shjt, just look at City with their 115 FFP irregularities. Likewise other clubs won't say shjt either because they haven't said anything about City and their own funds aren't 100% legit.

Give it up mate, no one cares. Its about time you realised that football is a money game and once money is involved its game over for any kind of morals where human beings are concerned.

Its easier to just accept it, don't let it wind you up and enjoy your life in its own little bubble.

K Stand Knut

Full Member
Dec 29, 2008
Stretford End
no. They don’t get that benefit. The rulers in that country have vile laws that I do not want to support,
Ok. I am not sure how anyone spending money on a ticket to go to a football match supports any vile laws in a country.

Out of interest, do you veto anything to do with the ME then? Would you only fly to Australia on a non-ME airline, for example?


Full Member
May 18, 2011
We won't get any actual confirmation until it's confirmed by the club to the market. We might get days of rumours but no outlet will get verified sources so they can't stick their neck out on anything. At best we'll get 'the process is still pending' but the club won't rush any such statements everytime someone tweets.


Full Member
Apr 22, 2014
I was resigned to Ratcliffe and the Glazers. Now il be gutted if this is all BS


Full Member
Sep 20, 2022
It's easy to see how some can so easily toss away any sense of morality for a bit of success when they see football clubs as little more than a plane ticket or a tank of fuel...

For others, clubs are a little bit more. Might be why it's difficult to understand for some of you.

K Stand Knut

Full Member
Dec 29, 2008
Stretford End
You could go to every game and make it clear you don’t believe in what they stand for and still support your team, if anything this highlights and brings the issues to an audience.

Hiding in the dark virtue signalling isn’t the only option.

IF the Qataris win, I will take the same stance that i do with the Glazers and spend the bare minimum in/at the club.

This season gone, I spent nothing on the club other than tickets and I doubt that will change in any way, shape or form because the money is obscene and disgusting BUT the club and going to the games is a massive part of my life, socially and mentally, that I don’t think I’m prepared to give up for something that isn’t going to change based on my actions.


The People's President
Oct 27, 2001
Leve Palestina.
The spike was caused by the the tweet. That said it's probably happening unless the Qataris are just being mischievous.
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