Hargreaves vs. Carrick, Feadingseagulls vs. Noodle, Chief (Bayern Fan!) vs. Logic

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Jul 13, 2002
Founder of IhateMakeleles.org and Gourcufffanboysa
Well if that isn't patronising I don't know what is.

For someone who claims to be such a football expert, you make an awful lot of mistakes (e.g. Zidane winning the UEFA at Bordeaux)
Thing is I've never claimed to be a footall expert. Ever. People like you however often do.

For someone who claims everyone who disagrees with you is a fool you manage to continually contradict yourself.
I don't do that either. They are many people who dont agree with me. I dont call them fool. I only call fools, fools.

About 10 pages up from here you are banging on about how Bayern weren't in Milan's league and no-one expected you to get through (hence enabling you to defend Hargreaves's performance). You can't have it both ways.
this is really a joke:lol: That's the dumbest things you've ever posted. No one expected Bayern to get through. Yet they gave Milan hell with a decimated squad and a fresh from long term injury Hargreaves. More hell than a far superior United side, not missing a many players, with a fully fit Carrick ever did. This is a matter of fact. Not opinion. Which emphasizes my highlighting Hargreaves role this all the more. Only a mad man can call that a contradiction.

Finally, for someone who claims to be mature, you appear to have an awful lot of usernames and spend a lot of time logging in and out to agree yourself on an internet messageboard with people you will probably never even meet.
You really are mad. I have only one user name. I've never had another in the past, neither will I have another in the future.

I have no idea how many times you have posted on this subject (as either the Chief or someone else) but when you admitted that you were a Bayern fan (whether United are your joint first team or your "second" team) things became clear. The fact is that you watched Hargreaves at Bayern and in the Bundesliga he was impressive by all accounts. You were giddy with excitement when you saw he was being transfered to your other favourite team and desperately wanted him to do well. But can't you see you're judging him not on his performances for United - which have been very mediocre - but on his performances for Bayern (in a much slower and weaker league)?
Only a person like you can behave with such stupidity. I have never ever favoured or been against a player due to personal feelings like my support for a club or what I think of the player as a person. Never have, never will.

Most people aren't Hargreaves 'haters'. Most people aren't claiming Hargreaves is 'shit'.
Good. The world is thankfull not filled with Hargreaves haters like you and your comrades.

But what appears to be the general consensus in both the stands and on the messageboards is that Hargreaves has been disappointing so far and on current form should not be starting ahead of Anderson, Carrick, Scholes and Fletcher. Now there may be good reasons for this - fitness, lack of a consistent midfield partner etc., or he may just be needing to get up to the pace of the PL (as happened with Vidic and Evra).
If that is what people were saying only. This thread wouldn't be this long.

...... But claiming that black is white - and so vociferously - is just watering down your other arguments about what you think he will bring to the team in the future. Because everyone (both those who watch him live - which you never have - and those who just watch on TV) can see with their own eyes that this season he has not been of Manchester United quality.
Which is bollocks. You can not have watched him against Arsenal away, Man City Away, Liverpool away and Blackburn at home and say he hasn't been United quality this season. A season in which he is still adjusting to English football, which unlike one Carrick, who just moved from London , he has never ever played in. Unless of course you hate him for no valid reason under the sun.

Instant Karma

Closet Gooner
May 7, 2006
Fletchcafe - Population: 5 (May 2006)
Nail on the Head.

If Hargreaves was in the dictionary, it would simply say...

Hargreaves (proper noun) : Reactive defending, rather than pro-active defending.

Hargreaves: 16 games, 1 goal, 1 assist, 4 shots on target, 56 tackles won, 28 interceptions, 17 crosses, 32 completed passes/game

Carrick: 23 games, 1 goal, 1 assist, 5 shots on target, 54 tackles won, 30 interceptions, 20 crosses, 38 completed passes/game

For someone who does pro-active defending, Carrick has less interceptions per game and has won less tackles overall though he has played 7 more games.
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of IhateMakeleles.org and Gourcufffanboysa
I like Hargreaves, I think he's a good player.

But what he did Bayern doesn't really matter does it?
It matters when people come out with pronouncements like he is shit and Carrick is better than him. Based on the entire season Carrick had last year, and Hargreaves' first season here so far. When unlike Carrick, he never just shifted towns, but came from an entirely different culture and footballing philosophy to arrive at United. On top his first season not even being over yet.

Bayern and Man Utd are two different teams, he has to play well for us, now.
He does. But that is always swept under the rug. When ever a performance goes wrong he is the first to blame. Even when it was never his fault and he was actually good.

Carrick provided stability for us last year and most people accept he was a contributing factor to the way we played and the progress we made in each of the competitions. Therefore, with Hargreaves lack of form at the moment and Carrick pretty much in form and his contribution last year most people would prefer Carrick to start ahead of him.
Which isn't the issue. Earlier this season when Carrick was in shit form, the same people were still insisting Carrick should always start ahead of Hargreaves, regardless of form, even after performance like the one at Anfield because "he is shit and Carrick is superior".:wenger:

Furthermore they same people are now telling us how "Carrick has been our best midfielder this season and Hargreaves the worst" which couldn't be any further from the truth!

Which is why alot of people prefer Carrick to Hargreaves and think he's the better player.
Which isn't a valid reason. Because form is temporary but class is permanent. Hargreaves has proven his class in the past Time and again.

Its up to Hargreaves to prove those people wrong and show his true value to the team - which I'm sure he will.
He most certainly will. I just don't want his haters to then go around pretending they wished him success all along.
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of IhateMakeleles.org and Gourcufffanboysa
How they play for us doesn't matter, because they played for a successful team before?

The Rubberman strikes again :lol:
You really need help:wenger:. What a player has done in his career prior to arriving at a club must always matter. Because unless he is a youngster, that is the reason he was bought! To judge him on anything else, in his first season, as a new signing, is beyond stupid.
Jul 13, 2002
Founder of IhateMakeleles.org and Gourcufffanboysa

Hargreaves: 16 games, 1 goal, 1 assist, 4 shots on target, 56 tackles won, 28 interceptions, 17 crosses, 32 completed passes/game

Carrick: 23 games, 1 goal, 1 assist, 5 shots on target, 54 tackles won, 30 interceptions, 20 crosses, 38 completed passes/game

For someone who does pro-active defending, Carrick has less interceptions per game and has won less tackles overall though he has played 7 more games.
Excellent. Watch him cook up a flimsy excuse to discredit that........


Full Member
Nov 4, 2001
The Hargreaves Thread in Sonnet Form

It's all getting a bit serious again, back to the original porpoise....

O’er eighty pages now and going strong
The Chief will not give up his wild crusade
Nay say him and you’re lying, not just wrong
The very soul of football you’ve betrayed
FS (who’s style reminds me of Gillespie)
Defends the Chief from those who would attack him
Nood’s jokes are intellectual dishonesty
Most posters want to meet FS - to smack him
It seems the thread will run and run and run
Just like it’s own eponymous hero
And whilst the effort is denied by none
The net effect is sadly close to zero
Some posters say the thread will drive them mad
Some posters say it rots their teeth enamel
Some posters say that Hargreaves’s not that bad
Some posters say he feeds on ocean mammal
I say this thread is just like Graham Poll
It’s due to disappear up it’s arsehole


Desperately wants a tagline under his name
Aug 5, 2006

Hargreaves: 16 games, 1 goal, 1 assist, 4 shots on target, 56 tackles won, 28 interceptions, 17 crosses, 32 completed passes/game

Carrick: 23 games, 1 goal, 1 assist, 5 shots on target, 54 tackles won, 30 interceptions, 20 crosses, 38 completed passes/game

For someone who does pro-active defending, Carrick has less interceptions per game and has won less tackles overall though he has played 7 more games.
how about incomplete passes per game?


Full Member
Sep 1, 2006
You can not have watched him against Arsenal away, Man City Away, Liverpool away and Blackburn at home and say he hasn't been United quality this season.
But this is the thing, you make these claims but everyone is watching the same games (in fact many of us are watching the same games live, i.e. when we can see the whole pitch rather than just what the TV cameras show us) and there's a clear consensus that Hargreaves has underperformed so far for United.

You think this is because everyone else in the world is "mad" or "stupid" or "young" or "dumb" or a "liar" or a "fool" or because for some irrational reason they "hate" Hargreaves or are on some sort of "campaign" to rubbish him.

Myself and others who have posted believe the discrepancy between your view of his current performances and the majority is actually accounted for by the fact that you are a Bayern fan and (a) really want him to do well because you loved him at Bayern and (b) are judging his current performances on how he played in a much weaker Bundesliga.

As for your alter ego on this board, why was it posted that you had more than one username if it wasn't true? You should have taken that allegation up with the mods really if it wasn't true.

Anyway I hope not of this has seen me removed from the top of your "hate list". Remind me, just how old are you again? ;)

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
It matters when people come out with pronouncements like he is shit and Carrick is better than him. Based on the entire season Carrick had last year, and Hargreaves' first season here so far. When unlike Carrick, he never just shifted towns, but came from an entirely different culture and footballing philosophy to arrive at United. On top his first season not even being over yet.
OH always banged on about how his grandparents were English from like Bolton or summat and he felt that he would be more at home in England than at Bayern...:p

plus any culture he is accustomed to is also influenced by that of English speaking Canadians, who, by and large are well influenced by British culture.

just typing, like.


New Member
Aug 1, 2007

Hargreaves: 16 games, 1 goal, 1 assist, 4 shots on target, 56 tackles won, 28 interceptions, 17 crosses, 32 completed passes/game

Carrick: 23 games, 1 goal, 1 assist, 5 shots on target, 54 tackles won, 30 interceptions, 20 crosses, 38 completed passes/game

For someone who does pro-active defending, Carrick has less interceptions per game and has won less tackles overall though he has played 7 more games.
Errrm, don't forget that Carrick's main job isn't to defend, it's to create. His defensive abilities are simply an added bonus.

Hargreaves main role is to defend, and therefore he should always have more tackles and interceptions than a player like Carrick, I'd be even more concerned about him if he didn't.


New Member
Aug 1, 2007
Hargreaves - 5 incomplete passes per game
Carrick - 8 incomplete passes per game
That shocks me, considering the distance and risk factor involved with a Hargreaves pass , compared to a Carrick pass, I am shocked that Carrick only has 3 more uncompleted passes.

It just goes to show how good a passer Carrick is.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
OH always banged on about how his grandparents were English from like Bolton or summat and he felt that he would be more at home in England than at Bayern...:p

plus any culture he is accustomed to is also influenced by that of English speaking Canadians, who, by and large are well influenced by British culture.

just typing, like.
Let's just accept he's basically had a bad season. The rest are excuses.

Anderson, Nani and Torres all came from other leagues and cultures, they have adapted very well, and quickly.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2006
Whatever happens, there are always things you coul
OH always banged on about how his grandparents were English from like Bolton or summat and he felt that he would be more at home in England than at Bayern...:p

plus any culture he is accustomed to is also influenced by that of English speaking Canadians, who, by and large are well influenced by British culture.

just typing, like.
the american culture is surely more influential on us than the british culture, no?


Cnut Rating: 9 (Conservative)
Apr 27, 2006
Trust me, I'm not clueless about football.

I'm not one of these kids that just supports the best team because they win, expects them to win 10-0 every match, and expects the players to play like they do on Fifa or PES. Believe me, I hate those kids, as they give the ones of us that do know what they are talking about, a bad name.

I know far more about football then most grown men, and have proved so on numerous occasions, and not just on the Cafe, but in real life also.

You may think that because I'm 15 you can patronise me and dismiss my views because I am young, but that's just foolish, as you know that I'm very wise when it comes to talking football. You may not openly admit this, but you know it to be true.

Rant Over.

Ah, the arrogance of youth.
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