Hargreaves vs. Carrick, Feadingseagulls vs. Noodle, Chief (Bayern Fan!) vs. Logic

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What like the whole giant robotic Roy Keane thing you mean?

And the 'losing 2-0 proves how great OH is' and the 'what he said amounts to saying OH is better than Keane' (paraphrased) statements which were also purely sarcastic?

As opposed to mostly attempting to advance Noods position by misrepresenting that of an opponent.
You're a complete and utter twat aren't you? From the very thing you quoted..

No I'm not willing to give the poor sod a chance at all.

Did you bother to read what I posted?

I'm talking about 'not giving the poor sod a chance' when people will simultaneously complain about him running around too much - and yet also - about him not being mobile enough.

Go back and read the posts again - then comment. :angel:
Probably because the loads are commenting on his general MO and the other guy is commenting on a specific game. Basic comprehension lacking.

I was rather making two points:

1 people complain he runs too much - yet also that he isn't mobile enough (no names no packdrill)

2 it's likely (though not certain) that the same person who criticised OH for lack of movement here also criticised him for 'headless chicken syndrome' in another post somewhere.

Of course - it is still possible for someone to sensibly reply that 'he generally runs around too much' but today seemed like he didn't move around enough.

Then I'd ask upon what elements was his analysis based - because in my view he moved around as much as was needed - leading to debate.

It's also possible that someone might be employing double standards - we'll criticise him for being clueless if he covers loads of ground - and we'll criticise him for being static if he doesn't - I thought it useful to try to find out which was happening tbh. :angel:
Not that you'ld ever do that of course you pompous arrogant overbearing dickhead.

RIGHT... :lol:

... and when I show complete attention to context (eg. an 'explanation' is not normally meant to be as much of an exaggeration as the thing it explains) no-one pays a blind bit of attention.

When just a quick look at what people are posting makes it obvious how people are arguing past each other - this makes me incapable of detecting context? :angel:

When pointing out that direct false accusations of dishonesty against a poster are somewhat different to just 'calling people names' I'm being incapable of detecting context?

Alternatively - why don't you actually try to quote an instance where I have been guilty of what you claim?

(The 'robotic Keane' quote won't work btw - for 2 reasons: 1: my complaint was that it was inaccurate - it was inaccurate; 2: the 'explanation' given attempted to justify it by further misrepresenting the opponent's words - in all, it obviously WAS misrepresentation.)
Jeez, you don't even know when people are joking!

Often yes - even if not always. :D

I am, however, rather sensitive to how people understand (or not) 'intellectual dishonesty'.

Making fun of the notion that someone can be accused of this in an entirely valid manner allows such behaviour to continue unabated (with all the negative effects previously noted).

On a personal level, having the piss taken out of the notion that intellectual honesty is important is effectively 'taking the piss out of me' - since I'm one of the few here who care. So I reckon responding to a pisstake with a reasoned argument is 'reasonable' - but then I always have. :angel: (There is a small joke there for those in the know btw.)
4 pages of drivel to read but I'll answer this one

your logic in defending hargraeves
- adebayor is a striker
- main job of defenders is to mark up strikers (at least central defenders)

I agree wit this

by your logic
- central midfielders should be marking their opposition central midfielders

hence hargraeves should have been on fabregas.

now you are going to argue but hargraeves was covering adebayor. That's exactly our argument. He was covering adebayor and should have anticipated and tracked his run rather than react only when adebayor was past him.

having watched the video again

about 1:30 minutes in you see fabregas' goal

Hargraeves is guilty of following the ball. he for some reason is in the attacking half right on the sideline, allowing fabregas to befree
does well to catch him.
fabregas passes it on
hargraeves follows the ball and leaves fabregas to run

agree with yu chief that brown was very much at fault as well but to say it was only brown's fault is wrong. there were cock ups all around and hargraeves was most definitely involed with that

Really don't see how one can blame Hargreaves for that goal.

Our defense was a shambles period on that counter and the only person making a real effort was Hargreaves. Hargreaves tracked someone into the box I forget who. If he doesn't track him (Adebayor?) Then he has an easy tap in since nobody picked up him either.
That would be 'on the 4 hour trip back from the game' - where were you?

If you think being foolishly dismissed or insulted automatically equates to 'intellectual dishonesty' btw you haven't been paying attention.

Having just caught up on this section it's apparent that, amongst the supposedly hilarious attempts at comedy, the two sides have been 'talking past each other' at a rate of knots. You might find that phrase on Google but in this case it indicates where both proponents have been talking about something somewhat different from the other side - so we believe we are referring to this picture, and therefore assume that our opponent's comments related to that, whereas they actually relate to a somewhat different picture, which is that to which they have been referring, and about which they believe we have been talking.

In this thread the two sides have (broadly speaking) been talking about a) stopping the other side from scoring and b) helping others in the team such that they are better equipped to stop the other side from scoring.

Go back and read the early exchanges and then follow them through.

This is pretty typical of people not paying enough attention to the contexts of arguments advanced by each side - happens all the time - in many different types of places. Debates about religion are a real treasure trove for this type of behaviour.

There is a real debate about religion?

I'd say this is very similar to a religious debate however.

One side supports a belief that is not supported by reality.

The other side makes observations based on what is actually happening in the real world and then draws conclusions based on the best available evidence ;p
...and that he feels he could do witha 'DM' with more to offer than Carrick?

Which rather goes against the 'Carrick can do the defensive job so well we don't need OH' school of thought.

Not really it just means Capeelo wants different things in his squad or perhaps he just doesn't rate Carrick. Either way it'll probably be Gareth Barry who starts.
And the 'losing 2-0 proves how great OH is' and the 'what he said amounts to saying OH is better than Keane' (paraphrased) statements which were also purely sarcastic?

As opposed to mostly attempting to advance Noods position by misrepresenting that of an opponent.

I wasn't debating those points. Simply the robotic Roy Keane one. That is why I did not use those examples.

The same way neither I or anyone else said strikers get paid to stop goals.
RIGHT... :lol:

... and when I show complete attention to context (eg. an 'explanation' is not normally meant to be as much of an exaggeration as the thing it explains) no-one pays a blind bit of attention.

When just a quick look at what people are posting makes it obvious how people are arguing past each other - this makes me incapable of detecting context? :angel:

When pointing out that direct false accusations of dishonesty against a poster are somewhat different to just 'calling people names' I'm being incapable of detecting context?

Alternatively - why don't you actually try to quote an instance where I have been guilty of what you claim?

(The 'robotic Keane' quote won't work btw - for 2 reasons: 1: my complaint was that it was inaccurate - it was inaccurate; 2: the 'explanation' given attempted to justify it by further misrepresenting the opponent's words - in all, it obviously WAS misrepresentation.)

I just love the 'no we are not going to give the poor sod a chance' contradiction here.

Loads of people have complained OH 'runs around like a headless chicken' (inaccurate but wth.) and then along comes another guy who doesn't like his performance to slate him for not moving around enough!!

I was at the Pompey game as well - and then watched a download a few days later. OH was frequently available for passes from a colleague (often this CAN be seen on TV as well) - when the opposition were in possession he generally was in place to make passes from the man in possession to other opponents more difficult. He also made a number oif excellent passes himself.

So. You don't see the "dishonesty" - your choice of word - of using my quote to support a generic view of those who won't give OH a chance contradicting each other when in the quote you use to support your argument I make it very clear that I am prepared to give him a chance?

Well then. You're not just a pompous, overbearing, arrogant twat. You're a pompous, overbearing, arrogant, thick twat.

Oh and just to be clear, it's perfectly posible for someone to run about chasing the ball and not exhibit great mobility. You should see me play football. In referring to his mobility, I was talking about his abilty to turn and adjust his position. To me, he looks like he's carrying an injury and doesn't want to change direction quickly in case he makes it worse.
Really don't see how one can blame Hargreaves for that goal.

Our defense was a shambles period on that counter and the only person making a real effort was Hargreaves. Hargreaves tracked someone into the box I forget who. If he doesn't track him (Adebayor?) Then he has an easy tap in since nobody picked up him either.

except that he didn't track him until tool ate.

noone is blaming hargraeves alone.
we all agree that it was cock-ups all around
but in the build up to their goal he did not do his job

and i notice chief said he was watching out for eboue so wouldn't see vidic/adebayor positioning, when a) he had just tracked adebayor briefly and b) vidic is in his line of sight then I'd be worried that hargraeves has the memory of a fish and the eyesight of a mole...

(bold = exaggeration. but i don't think the holding out for a cross argument ties in well since he clearly does not have fabregas on his mind when he's watchin eboue and running the same lines as adebayor)
FS, you've managed to get in a protracted bickering session with noods, who's pretty much universally liked and before this thread has probably not had a tiff with anyone on here in four or five years... and kf, who in his entire life has only once crossed swords, and that was with an intransigent peacock.

I wonder what that tells us...
Ralphie 88, if you're reading this, I just want you to know that you, sir, are a legend.

'Chief Tormentor' :lol:


Why thanks you, I like to think so. :cool:

TBH it's not difficult looking like a debating legend when you've mostly been arguing against Condom Two-Teams.
100 Pages! Well Done Everyone

Especially the Chief, who must have posted at least 50% himself.

Hot off the press I have a photo of him (centre), IK and Nucks at last night's 100 Page celebration party. Looks like it's a scream! :D

It's important to have a great sense of humor but the picture was maybe a little misplaced :) It's not nice to tell that to the Chief, who is apparently from Germany...
Havent read this thread, but Hargreaves is class and the sort of player we've been crying out for for years.

The fact that Noodle doesnt realise this says more about him than old Hargo, along with Noods persistent impotent whinging in match day threads, having a dig at Ferguson whenever he can fit one in, calling the great man 'a fecking idiot' and then slinking off when Sir Alex makes him look a cnut.

Noodles a good bloke im sure, but seems to be constantly showing himself to be clueless about Football.
It's important to have a great sense of humor but the picture was maybe a little misplaced :) It's not nice to tell that to the Chief, who is apparently from Germany...

I assume the Chief is from Bavaria - hence the fact Bayern are his "first team".

Hitler was from Austria.

So no harm done. :)
It was a free kick. They were right to all go up in my opinion, also seemingly in the managers. That may have been a mistake with hindsight but as they are our main threats from set pieces, as you have already agreed, not sending them up for a set piece when we are desperate for a goal would be plain stupid..
I can't agree with that. The moment all your defenders go forward, along with the holding midfielder, leaving no one behind to defend but strikers and Anderson, you've entered the realms of kamikaze football. The stupidest form of football there is.

All that is no excuse for Rooney's rush of blood that cost us the penalty.
I wasn't a rush of blood. It was certain to happen. He isn't a defender or a defensive player in any shape or form. To have expected him and Anderson to by some miracle have pulled off staving of that counter attack is not being realistic. We paid for being too gung ho. It's that simple.

I didn't say it was their job 24/7 merely it was their job to help throughout the match. The same way they are there to help create goals. You are the one attributing that to me.
You said defending = stopping goals. Basically equating defending any where on the pitch to the direct stopping of goals. Meaning once a striker defend upfront, he is stopping goals. For to you it's nonsense that stopping goals is the exclusive preserve of a goal keeper and his back four. Thus I fail to see what you are denying.

So the marking of our two strikers would then be left to somebody other than your own centre backs then?
Yes. They are short and not much of a threat aerially. I'd put men like Mascherano on them. Or even Kuyt.

Watch the game on Sunday and see who marks who. I would hazard a guess Hyppia is more of a threat from corners than Kuyt. I may very well be wrong. it was a hypothetical scenario. It was you who mentioned Torres,not me. He will almost certainly be marked by one of our two centre backs.
Fair enough
Torres plays better as an off striker in my opinion yes. Unfortunately for Liverpool, they don't have anyone decent to play next to him. But if they signed one, he'd be even better than this season - scoring as many but setting up even more.
Bullshit. Torres is simply brilliant as player. Claiming having someone alongside him would make him better is just silly. Up top, alone has always been his role. Will always be. Just because he can play off a striker doesn't make him a second striker like Rooney. It is also beyond ridiculous to claim he needs help from oetrh strierk to perform. When he has playe a lone star role for years first at Atletico now at Liverpool.

You should sell Saha? That's a new one, I didn't realise you owned him. Besides, you said to let him walk for free, not sell him - and you said it the day before Bolton bid £7 million for him.
Back to showing what a feck wit you are again. I never said anything of the sort. I never ever said he could go for free in January. Or that very day Bolton wanted to pay 7 million for him. It's not even debatable.

Now go on, make your rubbish of that as per normal. Just like "in thii every thread?"
:lol: I haven't made a single thing up in this thread. That's an indisputable fact. As for you.. Who are you to talk about "making things up"?:smirk:

This coming from the utter buffoon who has been making things up constantly, like the rubbish you constantly write about Hargreaves, and now your claiming I said Saha should walk on a free, in January?:lol:

You just don't know when to stop making a fool of yourself.
To be fair - I don't think that actually makes him a 'racist' - just rather lacking in taste on this occasion.

You don't think? :confused: Seagulls, have you seen Downfall by the way (which is what the reference was to)? I'm guessing Chief hasn't, but you usually seem pretty rounded in terms of knowledge etc.
This coming from the utter buffoon who has been making things up constantly, like the rubbish you constantly write about Hargreaves, and now your claiming I said Saha should walk on a free, in January?:lol:

I know you love to deny things you said - like even in this thread denying that you said that it's only the goalkeeper and defenders who are responsible for stopping goals being conceded, when you clearly had said it.

This is another of those. In this thread, you clearly suggested we let Saha go for nothing, even paying out his contract for him:


Yes we can. We can pay out his contract and release him...

That was on the 17th January. I think you were suggesting we let him go for nothing in the summer, but the point still stands.

So please spout all you like but don't deny things you have clearly said.
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