Adam Johnson found guilty of one count of sexual activity with a child | Sentenced to six years

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Forgive me if I don't take your word as fact that it isn't a contributing factor.

Men who lack the ability to develop mature, responsible relationships with women they see as their equals, almost invariably also lack the ability to respect women. Brazil would be a better country if it encouraged men to have healthier relationships with adult women and any 29 year old who needs to have sexual relations with a 15 year old is a nonce - nothing will convince me otherwise.

That's your take on my country. My take on yours is that if you worried more about rape gangs, human sex trafficking, acid attacks, knife assaults, terrorist bombing and stuff more than you do about being woke and making police go after mean tweets, you wouldn't be on the way of becoming an Orwellian dystopia.
That is not true.

And it happens very rarely that someone gets sentenced as it has become widely socially accepted now. The estimated number of relations between 14/15 and 21+ that result in a criminal complaint is below 1%.
There was a complaint made against Johnson. So yeah, what happened in the UK would still have happened.
On the posters talking about a fifty year old going off with a twenty year old, the rule of thumb is half your age plus seven.

So 25 plus seven, 32. In the this case.

Again its only a rule of thumb.

Best end my marriage then :lol:
15 year old is a child? In Brazil it's legal to have sex at that age (14 is the limit). If it's a crime in the UK then it should be treated as such, but to claim a 15 year old doesn't know what she was doing is laughable. One of the reasons why we have so many childlike adults nowadays is because they are treated as kids until their thirties and are never held accountable for anything. Anyway, if all he did was consented "digital" stuff the sentence is too severe.
I'm not in the rapist defense league but that doesn't stand as rape in my book, albeit a sexual offense.

Jesus fecking Christ, "all he did was finger her". The feck is wrong with you?
I see your point but I would have to disagree overall, I think that the footballing profession at the level he was at is a very different level of privilege and scale to other professions and need to be treated in a different way to many other cases. Johnson most likely has the means to rebuild his life without the need for football too.

What is the privilege? He's playing football at a skill large enough that people will come and watch. What is the element that is undeserved?
That's your take on my country. My take on yours is that if you worried more about rape gangs, human sex trafficking, acid attacks, knife assaults, terrorist bombing and stuff more than you do about being woke and making police go after mean tweets, you wouldn't be on the way of becoming an Orwellian dystopia.

You need to log off and take a break pal
Surely two separate things here?

Age of consent, etc. is clearly arbitrary and where there's room for disagreement. I sure did "worse" things with my 15 year old gf when I was 13 myself.

What's mistifying is why the feck is a 29yo footballer -who can just pick and choose at a nightclub- messing about with a schoolgirl. Dimwit.
Surely two separate things here?

Age of consent, etc. is clearly arbitrary and where there's room for disagreement. I sure did "worse" things with my 15 year old gf when I was 13 myself.

What's mistifying is why the feck is a 29yo footballer -who can just pick and choose at a nightclub- messing about with a schoolgirl. Dimwit.

it's not particularly arbitrary at 29 vs. 15
What is the privilege? He's playing football at a skill large enough that people will come and watch. What is the element that is undeserved?

sponsorship deals, free access to certain things (none of which relate to the profession) etc.
I disagree.

Firstly, I don't believe any country which decides a 15 year old is old enough to have sex with an adult is fully civilised.

Out of curiosity, what happened to you on your 16th birthday that made u think you were suddenly ready to have sex with an adult?
What gives you, or anyone else, the right to decide whose opinions are bad?

Surely by having an opinion you think that another opinion on the same subject is a bad one? Or should we all just say everyone has a good opinion no matter how contradictory they are?
Out of curiosity, what happened to you on your 16th birthday that made u think you were suddenly ready to have sex with an adult?

Any line you draw is ultimately arbitrary. What happens when you're 15 that makes you an adult? What happens when you're 18? 21? What about 24?

You have to call it somewhere.
Good behaviour I assume. Unless you're a really bad lad, remission of sentence is the norm. Used to be one-third but that has increased in modern times.

I thought it was pretty standard to serve half of any sentence inside and the other half on license?
I thought it was pretty standard to serve half of any sentence inside and the other half on license?

It is these days. Sentencing guidelines have changed drastically. Years ago, a convict could expect a one-third remission for good behaviour but clearly that isn't the case any more and I haven't kept up on it as I should have.
I find it funny that the discussion is bordering on the 14-16 age range for consent and potentially lowering it. After hitting my mid twenties, Frankly both now and looking back i haven't met any girls under the age of 21 who were capable enough to not be labelled children in terms of life experience and maturity and i certainly wouldn't date or feck them anymore. Girls at 15/16 have the same issues as girls at 20, so yes it is arbitrary, but its a safeguard.
I find it funny that the discussion is bordering on the 14-16 age range for consent and potentially lowering it. After hitting my mid twenties, Frankly both now and looking back i haven't met any girls under the age of 21 who were capable enough to not be labelled children in terms of life experience and maturity and i certainly wouldn't date or feck them anymore. Girls at 15/16 have the same issues as girls at 20, so yes it is arbitrary, but its a safeguard.

We live in a world where young girls and boys are saturated with sexual images virtually non-stop. They can access hard-core pornography by clicking a mouse. Look at the Jon-Benet Ramsey case for example and look at how that poor young lass ended her life. Her parents, who probably hadn't thought it through, had her parade in beauty pageants where six year olds dressed up in full-make up. I feel so sorry for the youngsters growing up today as they face pressures that my generation never had to.
it's not particularly arbitrary at 29 vs. 15
You missed my point, completely. It was precisely about 14/15/16 is arbitrary and therefore open to discussion (as proved by different countries arbitrarily setting one or the other). What leaves no room for discussion is a 29yo has no business being borderline legal or not depending on country.
I think the difference is Adam Johnson is a higher profile name than Luke McCormick ever was. I'm not saying its right of course. I can't see anyone giving Johnson a chance in football in this country.

What's that got to do with it ? If a PL player rapes someone then that's worse than a L1 player murdering someone ? Is that what you're suggesting ? You've lost me.

If McCormick has managed to reintegrate himself back into football after the severity of his crime then Johnson should have the pick of most clubs making up the EFL.
That's your take on my country. My take on yours is that if you worried more about rape gangs, human sex trafficking, acid attacks, knife assaults, terrorist bombing and stuff more than you do about being woke and making police go after mean tweets, you wouldn't be on the way of becoming an Orwellian dystopia.

You've never been to Ireland have you?
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